Obama: ‘For The Most Part, Race Relations Have Gotten Better’ Under My Presidency

I don't waste my time debating obvious facts with douche bags. I simply point out that they are douche bags who lie every time they touch a keyboard. You simply aren't credible. You're an sleazy ignominious poltroon. The mere fact that you are the source of some claim is enough to discredit it.

And you're a short, fat, bald guy spouting hatred on a messageboard. And?
I'm spouting facts.
Hardcore racists came out of the woodwork and made racism front and center during the Obama Administration. As a result, racism was widely discussed. Hardcore racists remain unchanged - but their despicable acts and comments likely prompted many borderline racists to realize how evil and immoral racism is. So, in that respect, race relations have gotten better under the Obama Administration.

^^ says the same thing on the liberals asinine propaganda that the party's switched in 64

It was Obama's socialist policys hence one of the reason Hillary lost
No that would be star and the national enquire of the 1970s

Not talking about publications, although with the NE that is certainly true.

I really don't want to argue about that, Not really in the late 1990s it started to get breaking news ...I know this because that was my first subscription from my grandma around 1972 she paid for it every year for me as a Christmas present till she died..
No that would be star and the national enquire of the 1970s

Not talking about publications, although with the NE that is certainly true.

I really don't want to argue about that, Not really in the late 1990s it started to get breaking news ...I know this because that was my first subscription from my grandma around 1972 she paid for it every year for me as a Christmas present till she died..

This reminds me anyone see how high priced weekly tabloids and monthly magazines became? Jesus was looking the other day and popular Science is selling for $5 bucks now

No that would be star and the national enquire of the 1970s

Not talking about publications, although with the NE that is certainly true.

I really don't want to argue about that, Not really in the late 1990s it started to get breaking news ...I know this because that was my first subscription from my grandma around 1972 she paid for it every year for me as a Christmas present till she died..

This reminds me anyone see how high priced weekly tabloids and monthly magazines became? Jesus was looking the other day and popular Science is selling for $5 bucks now


All print lost readers to the internet just like the Post Office going broke because of email. So they have to really charge a lot for people that still buy things like magazines.

I wish I kept a Sears catalog to pass down to my nephew or niece. Those old catalogs weighed five pounds, and people 50 or 60 years from now won't believe how we used to shop.
Facts, not fake news like you are always spewing.

Trump is the instigator of Fake News. The term was invented FOR him because of crap he tweets and spouts. You're a Fake News acolyte. Dumb as a post and believes anything the loon says.

The term was invented to discredit anything not liberal. Years ago you could just say Fox and Limbaugh. Now that the tent is expanding, they needed one handy phrase to insult everybody at once.

However we are starting to use the term more often as it should be, so I suspect the liberals will strike that as another failure on their part and drop it quickly.

That link is an opinion piece. Nothing more. I don't think Trump is racist...any more. He certainly was in the 70s when he had to make a deal with NY authorities about how he wouldn't let his units to black people. But we are talking about his supporters. You're link talks about his links to racist groups and how there isn't much evidence of that. That is correct. I'm not talking about white supremacist groups. I'm talking about the likes of YOU....fuckwit...

Talk about fake news. Trump and his father challenged the false allegations and settled out of court. Trump's father had a policy of not renting to people on welfare of any race. Of course in NY there were a lot of blacks on welfare at the time, and when the state learned of the Trump policies, they sent over black agents posing as welfare recipients to rent an apartment from him.
Hardcore racists came out of the woodwork and made racism front and center during the Obama Administration. As a result, racism was widely discussed. Hardcore racists remain unchanged - but their despicable acts and comments likely prompted many borderline racists to realize how evil and immoral racism is. So, in that respect, race relations have gotten better under the Obama Administration.

Race relations have gotten better? Ever hear of the Ferguson effect plaguing our cities? You had two major riots under DumBama not to mention multiple nationwide protesting. Blacks are at war with white police officers which I haven't seen under any other administration.

Talk about fake news. Trump and his father challenged the false allegations and settled out of court. Trump's father had a policy of not renting to people on welfare of any race. Of course in NY there were a lot of blacks on welfare at the time, and when the state learned of the Trump policies, they sent over black agents posing as welfare recipients to rent an apartment from him.

This suggests otherwise...


The term was invented to discredit anything not liberal.
I disagree. It is a recent term brought about by Trump and his accolytes spreading fake news like Obama wasn't born in the US

That was what....... five years ago or so?

No, they did invent it because of Trump, but leftists don't like the other side of the story to ever get out. Fake News means conservative news. It includes all like Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity, Breibart, Heritage Foundation, all of them.

Talk about fake news. Trump and his father challenged the false allegations and settled out of court. Trump's father had a policy of not renting to people on welfare of any race. Of course in NY there were a lot of blacks on welfare at the time, and when the state learned of the Trump policies, they sent over black agents posing as welfare recipients to rent an apartment from him.

This suggests otherwise...


And the settlement was that the Trump's had to advertise their apartments in some black magazine or newspaper or something like that. They admitted no wrongdoing and no charges were pressed. The government couldn't prove their case as THERE WERE black tenants already in the said complex.

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