Obama Gave 20,739 Diversity Visas To Iranians

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
In fact Obama gave 30,000 "Diversity Visas" to people from countries deemed state sponsors of terrorism.

Democrats are dangerous to our country. What in the hell could these people do to benefit our country?

Why in the hell have we been letting people come here who rail in the street "death to America"?

We can not let Democrats continue to undermine our safety. These "diversity" visa holders need to be rounded up and kicked out of America immediately.

"Statistics released by the White House Monday show that since 2007 the program has given permanent residence visas — green cards — to 20,739 Iranians, 7,232 Sudanese and 812 Syrians."

Nearly 30k Diversity Visas Have Been Given To Immigrants From Terror States
What the hell is a diversity visa??? This sounds retarded, but then okay Obama era so makes sense.
What the hell is a diversity visa??? This sounds retarded, but then okay Obama era so makes sense.
Diversity Visa came from Bush SR.
The US has been murdering Iranians for over 60 years. We owe them reparations and an apology. If the good guys win, then in this case, the Iranian people will get those reparations.


Last time I checked we weren't at war with Iran or invading their country and they're the ones who declared war on us while never rescinding that declaration of war.

So if there's any dead Iranians then it's all on them and not on us.


One of many programs that were in place, that led to Obama following protocol, is slammed. Like..........Russia, and the yellowcake Bush II agreed to sell. (Obama has been on jury duty, he could not walk out of the Courthouse without people reaching across the metal detector outlet to touch him.)
This is the one issue I can say unequivocally that Canada is superior than America: our immigration system. We are a vastly inferior country, we don't have Rule of Law, or accountability of power. We back stab our allies and are nation of nepotism and little police fiefdoms, but, in regards to immigration we don't have nearly the problems the U.S does, though we are far from perfect. We have an investment class and a skills based system for accepting most (certainly not all) immigrants.

America is still the nation of choice for the world, your libertarianism and ability to often appeal to the ambitious and freedom loving citizens has made the difference. This diversity class visa in all honesty doesn't make sense to me, but hey, what the hell do I know?
In fact Obama gave 30,000 "Diversity Visas" to people from countries deemed state sponsors of terrorism.

Democrats are dangerous to our country. What in the hell could these people do to benefit our country?

Why in the hell have we been letting people come here who rail in the street "death to America"?

We can not let Democrats continue to undermine our safety. These "diversity" visa holders need to be rounded up and kicked out of America immediately.

"Statistics released by the White House Monday show that since 2007 the program has given permanent residence visas — green cards — to 20,739 Iranians, 7,232 Sudanese and 812 Syrians."

Nearly 30k Diversity Visas Have Been Given To Immigrants From Terror States

Well thank god they are helping people find the correct bathroom. What would we do without that!
The fact that Obamaggot easily got away with so much glaring, Islam-fellatrix treason without any impeachment or criminal charges just proves one thing: the Republicans in the government are the most wimpy, sissy, spineless, jellyfish, Tinkerbell-the-fairy, cowardly, yellow-bellied castrati in America. Please don't mistake my genocidal hatred of liberalfilth as a sign I have ANY use for the Republican party at all; they're merely the lesser of two evils. I held my nose when I voted a straight R. ticket in 2016.

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