Obama gets 3 Pinocchios because minimum wage would strengthen middle class?

So assuming the OHSA inspector checking water closets takes 5 minutes to count the 10 water closets and travel time is say 10 minutes to every one of the 100 sites it would take this OHSA inspector a total of 1500 minutes or 3 full days to inspect water closets for the 100 facilities...assuming the travel time is 10 minutes...BUT knowing the penchant for government rules and regulations to follow the maximum of
300 employees per company as stated by OnePercenter a separate company would have to be separated by a minimum of 10 miles.
Meaning the OHSA inspector might take 30 minutes to travel to get out of car and then inspect the 100 sites... or 9 days just to do water closet inspections!

Just another day in OnePercenter's limited knowledge of how business' cope with the 169,301 pages of JUST Federal rules and regulations.
Forget about state and local rules!

You are soooooo full of shit. A company with different divisions has to be separated by 10 miles? Not at all true.

I made that 10 mile thing up! Just as you made up the 300+ employee no subsidy crap!
WHAT made 300 the magic number any more then my 10 mile separation?

The point I was making was how ludicrous to make up some arbitrary 300+ statement when there was NO basis in fact for that number any more then my 10 mile limit. But again the point went WAY over your head!
OHSA and 100s of other rules and regulations that cost $1.5 trillion in compliance labor would EAT the lunch of your arbitrary
300 no subsidy idiocy.
AGAIN do you really understand what "subsidies" are versus tax deductions?
And? Are you seriously suggesting they would split into 100 separate companies to have your arbitrary 300 employees?

If that is what you are suggesting, do you have any idea how unworkable it would be to have 4 or more separate companies under the single roof at our location? Does I.T. become it's own company that then has to be hired by each other company separately or does each company hire their own I.T. department, build their own server room, buy their own servers and network infrastructure... on and on. Do the new department-companies sell parts to each other so they can make their products?

And that doesn't even begin to address the massive cost increases from increasing wages to $23.50 on top of the added administrative cost of running separate businesses.

In other words, your plan sounds ludicrous.

He just thinking outside of the box! ;)

He just thinking outside of the box! ;)
Waaaaaay outside the box. Like blow-the-box-up-with-c4-and-piss-on-the-ashes outside the box.

Read and learn

WalMart is actually five different companies that have budget divisions within each.

Procurement, logistics, transportation, stores, and Sam's Club.

Within each super store you have at least five different divisions, as well as the neighborhood markets, each having their own budget for expenses and payroll.


The two companies I Angel Invest are actually six different companies with different budgets. Engineering, construction, high construction, private, municipal, and leasing. Each has a separate budget with payroll.


A residential management company that I'm currently advising has separated their IT department to develop IT leasing for other management companies. Now has a separate budget and payroll.

Anything else?
YOU angel invest in??? THAT's total bullcrap because YOUR extreme lack of common sense indicates that!

What do you know about Walmart? And YOU are advising a residential management company? Laughable!
I use to work for a Fortune 50 company and we did funny money budgets for all our 1,000 "profit centers".
"Funny money" because it was used to manage personnel and assets ... NOT to pay taxes and certainly not to limit our growth!
Your ignorance is truly showing... but keep up your vivid imagination as to how to run a company into the ground!

By the way a simple fact from this web page:The Top 20 Tax Expenditures - Business Insider
$14 billion Deduction for domestic Production activities (AH... this is the tax deduction ALL companies not just oil companies take for depletion of their raw assets!
$11 billion Various energy and natural resources credits/deductions.. AGAIN those evil companies that get credits for CO2,etc.. global warming credits!!!)
You have know idea do you what these are that you so erroneously call "subsidies"!
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So assuming the OHSA inspector checking water closets takes 5 minutes to count the 10 water closets and travel time is say 10 minutes to every one of the 100 sites it would take this OHSA inspector a total of 1500 minutes or 3 full days to inspect water closets for the 100 facilities...assuming the travel time is 10 minutes...BUT knowing the penchant for government rules and regulations to follow the maximum of
300 employees per company as stated by OnePercenter a separate company would have to be separated by a minimum of 10 miles.
Meaning the OHSA inspector might take 30 minutes to travel to get out of car and then inspect the 100 sites... or 9 days just to do water closet inspections!

Just another day in OnePercenter's limited knowledge of how business' cope with the 169,301 pages of JUST Federal rules and regulations.
Forget about state and local rules!

You are soooooo full of shit. A company with different divisions has to be separated by 10 miles? Not at all true.

I made that 10 mile thing up! Just as you made up the 300+ employee no subsidy crap!
WHAT made 300 the magic number any more then my 10 mile separation?

The point I was making was how ludicrous to make up some arbitrary 300+ statement when there was NO basis in fact for that number any more then my 10 mile limit. But again the point went WAY over your head!
OHSA and 100s of other rules and regulations that cost $1.5 trillion in compliance labor would EAT the lunch of your arbitrary
300 no subsidy idiocy.
AGAIN do you really understand what "subsidies" are versus tax deductions?

You made it up? Sweet!
He just thinking outside of the box! ;)

Waaaaaay outside the box. Like blow-the-box-up-with-c4-and-piss-on-the-ashes outside the box.

Read and learn

WalMart is actually five different companies that have budget divisions within each.

Procurement, logistics, transportation, stores, and Sam's Club.

Within each super store you have at least five different divisions, as well as the neighborhood markets, each having their own budget for expenses and payroll.


The two companies I Angel Invest are actually six different companies with different budgets. Engineering, construction, high construction, private, municipal, and leasing. Each has a separate budget with payroll.


A residential management company that I'm currently advising has separated their IT department to develop IT leasing for other management companies. Now has a separate budget and payroll.

Anything else?
YOU angel invest in??? THAT's total bullcrap because YOUR extreme lack of common sense indicates that!

What do you know about Walmart? And YOU are advising a residential management company? Laughable!
I use to also work for a Fortune 50 company and we did funny money budgets for all our 1,000 different divisions.
"Funny money" because it was used to manage personnel and assets ... NOT to pay taxes and certainly not to limit our growth!
Your ignorance is truly showing... but keep up your vivid imagination as to how to run a company into the ground!

By the way a simple fact from this web page:The Top 20 Tax Expenditures - Business Insider
$14 billion Deduction for domestic Production activities (AH... this is the tax deduction ALL companies not just oil companies take for depletion of their raw assets!
$11 billion Various energy and natural resources credits/deductions.. AGAIN those evil companies that get credits for CO2,etc.. global warming credits!!!)
You have know idea do you what these are that you so erroneously call "subsidies"!

The bloviating buffoon can't show me how I'm wrong, but offers his opinion.
Read and learn

WalMart is actually five different companies that have budget divisions within each.

Procurement, logistics, transportation, stores, and Sam's Club.

Within each super store you have at least five different divisions, as well as the neighborhood markets, each having their own budget for expenses and payroll.


The two companies I Angel Invest are actually six different companies with different budgets. Engineering, construction, high construction, private, municipal, and leasing. Each has a separate budget with payroll.


A residential management company that I'm currently advising has separated their IT department to develop IT leasing for other management companies. Now has a separate budget and payroll.

Anything else?
YOU angel invest in??? THAT's total bullcrap because YOUR extreme lack of common sense indicates that!

What do you know about Walmart? And YOU are advising a residential management company? Laughable!
I use to also work for a Fortune 50 company and we did funny money budgets for all our 1,000 different divisions.
"Funny money" because it was used to manage personnel and assets ... NOT to pay taxes and certainly not to limit our growth!
Your ignorance is truly showing... but keep up your vivid imagination as to how to run a company into the ground!

By the way a simple fact from this web page:The Top 20 Tax Expenditures - Business Insider
$14 billion Deduction for domestic Production activities (AH... this is the tax deduction ALL companies not just oil companies take for depletion of their raw assets!
$11 billion Various energy and natural resources credits/deductions.. AGAIN those evil companies that get credits for CO2,etc.. global warming credits!!!)
You have know idea do you what these are that you so erroneously call "subsidies"!

The bloviating buffoon can't show me how I'm wrong, but offers his opinion.

What is your magic number "300" other then YOUR opinion? Where is YOUR substantiation that any company with 300+ employees should NOT get subsidies?
Where is your substantiation there are "subsidies" paid by Federal tax revenues to oil companies for example? WHAT companies get "subsidies?
And? Are you seriously suggesting they would split into 100 separate companies to have your arbitrary 300 employees?

If that is what you are suggesting, do you have any idea how unworkable it would be to have 4 or more separate companies under the single roof at our location? Does I.T. become it's own company that then has to be hired by each other company separately or does each company hire their own I.T. department, build their own server room, buy their own servers and network infrastructure... on and on. Do the new department-companies sell parts to each other so they can make their products?

And that doesn't even begin to address the massive cost increases from increasing wages to $23.50 on top of the added administrative cost of running separate businesses.

In other words, your plan sounds ludicrous.

He just thinking outside of the box! ;)
Waaaaaay outside the box. Like blow-the-box-up-with-c4-and-piss-on-the-ashes outside the box.

That would make for a good episode of myth-busters.
You are soooooo full of shit. A company with different divisions has to be separated by 10 miles? Not at all true.

I made that 10 mile thing up! Just as you made up the 300+ employee no subsidy crap!
WHAT made 300 the magic number any more then my 10 mile separation?

The point I was making was how ludicrous to make up some arbitrary 300+ statement when there was NO basis in fact for that number any more then my 10 mile limit. But again the point went WAY over your head!
OHSA and 100s of other rules and regulations that cost $1.5 trillion in compliance labor would EAT the lunch of your arbitrary
300 no subsidy idiocy.
AGAIN do you really understand what "subsidies" are versus tax deductions?

You made it up? Sweet!
Yup! Just as you made up the 300+ employees "no subsidies for you"..courtesy of Soup Nazi!
Obama said:
“So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class.”
Obama specifically mentioned “lifting the minimum wage, fair pay, student loan reform.”
Obama?s claim that the GOP has ?blocked every serious idea? - The Washington Post

So by blocking a minimum wage that would at MOST raise these people's wages:
According to: http://www.bls.gov/cps/minwage2013.pdf :
1) 797,000 people (25.7%) between 16 to 19 years old work at minimum wage of the total of
2) 3.3 million people that work at minimum wage or 1.1% of Americans

How many households are in the middle class:
Depending on the class model used, the middle class constitutes anywhere from 25% to 66% of households.
In terms of personal income distribution in 2005, that would mean gross annual personal incomes from about $32,500 to $60,000.
American middle class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Obama!!!
How can the Middle Class be helped by raising the minimum wage when less then 3.3 million people ALL categorized as basically
living at poverty level or "LOWER" class ???

Lol how do you people not understand that the min wage is the basis of all wages? If you raise the minimum wage, any wage that was lower must be risen.

According the CBO, raising the wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.
Obama said:
“So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class.”
Obama specifically mentioned “lifting the minimum wage, fair pay, student loan reform.”
Obama?s claim that the GOP has ?blocked every serious idea? - The Washington Post

So by blocking a minimum wage that would at MOST raise these people's wages:
According to: http://www.bls.gov/cps/minwage2013.pdf :
1) 797,000 people (25.7%) between 16 to 19 years old work at minimum wage of the total of
2) 3.3 million people that work at minimum wage or 1.1% of Americans

How many households are in the middle class:
Depending on the class model used, the middle class constitutes anywhere from 25% to 66% of households.
In terms of personal income distribution in 2005, that would mean gross annual personal incomes from about $32,500 to $60,000.
American middle class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Obama!!!
How can the Middle Class be helped by raising the minimum wage when less then 3.3 million people ALL categorized as basically
living at poverty level or "LOWER" class ???

Lol how do you people not understand that the min wage is the basis of all wages? If you raise the minimum wage, any wage that was lower must be risen.

According the CBO, raising the wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

Why such a low goal? Why not follow onepercenter's plan of a $23.50 minimum wage and lift everyone our of poverty well into the middle class?
Obama said:
“So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class.”
Obama specifically mentioned “lifting the minimum wage, fair pay, student loan reform.”
Obama?s claim that the GOP has ?blocked every serious idea? - The Washington Post

So by blocking a minimum wage that would at MOST raise these people's wages:
According to: http://www.bls.gov/cps/minwage2013.pdf :
1) 797,000 people (25.7%) between 16 to 19 years old work at minimum wage of the total of
2) 3.3 million people that work at minimum wage or 1.1% of Americans

How many households are in the middle class:
Depending on the class model used, the middle class constitutes anywhere from 25% to 66% of households.
In terms of personal income distribution in 2005, that would mean gross annual personal incomes from about $32,500 to $60,000.
American middle class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Obama!!!
How can the Middle Class be helped by raising the minimum wage when less then 3.3 million people ALL categorized as basically
living at poverty level or "LOWER" class ???

Lol how do you people not understand that the min wage is the basis of all wages? If you raise the minimum wage, any wage that was lower must be risen.

According the CBO, raising the wage to 10.10 an hour would lift 16 million people out of poverty.

Here we go again. Why not just raise the minimum to $25 or $50 or $100. Why stop at lifting people out of poverty? Why not raise everyone to upper middle class? It's just more money to drive the economy right? There could never be any negative impact to raising the minimum wage right?
And? Are you seriously suggesting they would split into 100 separate companies to have your arbitrary 300 employees?

If that is what you are suggesting, do you have any idea how unworkable it would be to have 4 or more separate companies under the single roof at our location? Does I.T. become it's own company that then has to be hired by each other company separately or does each company hire their own I.T. department, build their own server room, buy their own servers and network infrastructure... on and on. Do the new department-companies sell parts to each other so they can make their products?

And that doesn't even begin to address the massive cost increases from increasing wages to $23.50 on top of the added administrative cost of running separate businesses.

In other words, your plan sounds ludicrous.

He just thinking outside of the box! ;)

He just thinking outside of the box! ;)
Waaaaaay outside the box. Like blow-the-box-up-with-c4-and-piss-on-the-ashes outside the box.

Read and learn

WalMart is actually five different companies that have budget divisions within each.

Procurement, logistics, transportation, stores, and Sam's Club.

Within each super store you have at least five different divisions, as well as the neighborhood markets, each having their own budget for expenses and payroll.


The two companies I Angel Invest are actually six different companies with different budgets. Engineering, construction, high construction, private, municipal, and leasing. Each has a separate budget with payroll.


A residential management company that I'm currently advising has separated their IT department to develop IT leasing for other management companies. Now has a separate budget and payroll.

Anything else?

Read what and learn what?

You haven't remotely addressed even one of my concerns.

Wal-mart is a completely different business model than the company I work for. The "company" I work for is already actually 6 different companies, but you aren't suggesting 6. You are suggesting 100+. There is added administrative cost at every split. If they choose instead to ignore your arbitrary 300 employee subsidy cap, the massive increases in wage costs sink them.

The crazy thing is you actually seem to think your idea would work, and that the massive shock the sweeping changes you are suggesting wouldn't completely collapse the economy.
He just thinking outside of the box! ;)

Waaaaaay outside the box. Like blow-the-box-up-with-c4-and-piss-on-the-ashes outside the box.

Read and learn

WalMart is actually five different companies that have budget divisions within each.

Procurement, logistics, transportation, stores, and Sam's Club.

Within each super store you have at least five different divisions, as well as the neighborhood markets, each having their own budget for expenses and payroll.


The two companies I Angel Invest are actually six different companies with different budgets. Engineering, construction, high construction, private, municipal, and leasing. Each has a separate budget with payroll.


A residential management company that I'm currently advising has separated their IT department to develop IT leasing for other management companies. Now has a separate budget and payroll.

Anything else?

Read what and learn what?

You haven't remotely addressed even one of my concerns.

Wal-mart is a completely different business model than the company I work for. The "company" I work for is already actually 6 different companies, but you aren't suggesting 6. You are suggesting 100+. There is added administrative cost at every split. If they choose instead to ignore your arbitrary 300 employee subsidy cap, the massive increases in wage costs sink them.

The crazy thing is you actually seem to think your idea would work, and that the massive shock the sweeping changes you are suggesting wouldn't completely collapse the economy.

Every large company has a business model similar to WalMart. Each department has their own budget including payroll, making them for income purposes, separate companies.
Read and learn

WalMart is actually five different companies that have budget divisions within each.

Procurement, logistics, transportation, stores, and Sam's Club.

Within each super store you have at least five different divisions, as well as the neighborhood markets, each having their own budget for expenses and payroll.


The two companies I Angel Invest are actually six different companies with different budgets. Engineering, construction, high construction, private, municipal, and leasing. Each has a separate budget with payroll.


A residential management company that I'm currently advising has separated their IT department to develop IT leasing for other management companies. Now has a separate budget and payroll.

Anything else?

Read what and learn what?

You haven't remotely addressed even one of my concerns.

Wal-mart is a completely different business model than the company I work for. The "company" I work for is already actually 6 different companies, but you aren't suggesting 6. You are suggesting 100+. There is added administrative cost at every split. If they choose instead to ignore your arbitrary 300 employee subsidy cap, the massive increases in wage costs sink them.

The crazy thing is you actually seem to think your idea would work, and that the massive shock the sweeping changes you are suggesting wouldn't completely collapse the economy.

Every large company has a business model similar to WalMart. Each department has their own budget including payroll, making them for income purposes, separate companies.
Without the paperwork and extra administrative costs it would take to actually run them as separate companies.
Last edited:
Read and learn

WalMart is actually five different companies that have budget divisions within each.

Procurement, logistics, transportation, stores, and Sam's Club.

Within each super store you have at least five different divisions, as well as the neighborhood markets, each having their own budget for expenses and payroll.


The two companies I Angel Invest are actually six different companies with different budgets. Engineering, construction, high construction, private, municipal, and leasing. Each has a separate budget with payroll.


A residential management company that I'm currently advising has separated their IT department to develop IT leasing for other management companies. Now has a separate budget and payroll.

Anything else?

Read what and learn what?

You haven't remotely addressed even one of my concerns.

Wal-mart is a completely different business model than the company I work for. The "company" I work for is already actually 6 different companies, but you aren't suggesting 6. You are suggesting 100+. There is added administrative cost at every split. If they choose instead to ignore your arbitrary 300 employee subsidy cap, the massive increases in wage costs sink them.

The crazy thing is you actually seem to think your idea would work, and that the massive shock the sweeping changes you are suggesting wouldn't completely collapse the economy.

Every large company has a business model similar to WalMart. Each department has their own budget including payroll, making them for income purposes, separate companies.
Let's approach this from a different perspective shall we?

If there would be no significant changes in larger companies (just split them, easy as pie right) what is the reasoning behind offering the subsidies to smaller companies only?
Read what and learn what?

You haven't remotely addressed even one of my concerns.

Wal-mart is a completely different business model than the company I work for. The "company" I work for is already actually 6 different companies, but you aren't suggesting 6. You are suggesting 100+. There is added administrative cost at every split. If they choose instead to ignore your arbitrary 300 employee subsidy cap, the massive increases in wage costs sink them.

The crazy thing is you actually seem to think your idea would work, and that the massive shock the sweeping changes you are suggesting wouldn't completely collapse the economy.

Every large company has a business model similar to WalMart. Each department has their own budget including payroll, making them for income purposes, separate companies.
Without the paperwork and extra administrative costs it would take to actually run them as separate companies.

It already exists. Department heads, budgets, and end of quarter reports.
Read what and learn what?

You haven't remotely addressed even one of my concerns.

Wal-mart is a completely different business model than the company I work for. The "company" I work for is already actually 6 different companies, but you aren't suggesting 6. You are suggesting 100+. There is added administrative cost at every split. If they choose instead to ignore your arbitrary 300 employee subsidy cap, the massive increases in wage costs sink them.

The crazy thing is you actually seem to think your idea would work, and that the massive shock the sweeping changes you are suggesting wouldn't completely collapse the economy.

Every large company has a business model similar to WalMart. Each department has their own budget including payroll, making them for income purposes, separate companies.
Let's approach this from a different perspective shall we?

If there would be no significant changes in larger companies (just split them, easy as pie right) what is the reasoning behind offering the subsidies to smaller companies only?

Offering added help for small business? Really? Small business is the backbone of this country. Small business hires more American people than large multinationals. Why shouldn't the people that do the most hiring receive the most benefits? My plan reduces payroll costs by 80%.
Every large company has a business model similar to WalMart. Each department has their own budget including payroll, making them for income purposes, separate companies.
Let's approach this from a different perspective shall we?

If there would be no significant changes in larger companies (just split them, easy as pie right) what is the reasoning behind offering the subsidies to smaller companies only?

Offering added help for small business? Really? Small business is the backbone of this country. Small business hires more American people than large multinationals. Why shouldn't the people that do the most hiring receive the most benefits? My plan reduces payroll costs by 80%.
You missed the point of my question. If splitting a larger company into smaller companies will have no repercussions and no real affect, why make them jump through the hoop? If it will be as easy as you suggest to split without making any changes, what benefit will be available to the already small companies that won't be available to the bigger companies through the superficial splitting you are advocating?
Every large company has a business model similar to WalMart. Each department has their own budget including payroll, making them for income purposes, separate companies.
Let's approach this from a different perspective shall we?

If there would be no significant changes in larger companies (just split them, easy as pie right) what is the reasoning behind offering the subsidies to smaller companies only?

Offering added help for small business? Really? Small business is the backbone of this country. Small business hires more American people than large multinationals. Why shouldn't the people that do the most hiring receive the most benefits? My plan reduces payroll costs by 80%.

Explain how your plan will reduce payroll costs by 80% while increasing wages by up to 200%.
And? Are you seriously suggesting they would split into 100 separate companies to have your arbitrary 300 employees?

If that is what you are suggesting, do you have any idea how unworkable it would be to have 4 or more separate companies under the single roof at our location? Does I.T. become it's own company that then has to be hired by each other company separately or does each company hire their own I.T. department, build their own server room, buy their own servers and network infrastructure... on and on. Do the new department-companies sell parts to each other so they can make their products?

And that doesn't even begin to address the massive cost increases from increasing wages to $23.50 on top of the added administrative cost of running separate businesses.

In other words, your plan sounds ludicrous.

He just thinking outside of the box! ;)

He just thinking outside of the box! ;)
Waaaaaay outside the box. Like blow-the-box-up-with-c4-and-piss-on-the-ashes outside the box.

Read and learn

WalMart is actually five different companies that have budget divisions within each.

Procurement, logistics, transportation, stores, and Sam's Club.

Within each super store you have at least five different divisions, as well as the neighborhood markets, each having their own budget for expenses and payroll.


The two companies I Angel Invest are actually six different companies with different budgets. Engineering, construction, high construction, private, municipal, and leasing. Each has a separate budget with payroll.


A residential management company that I'm currently advising has separated their IT department to develop IT leasing for other management companies. Now has a separate budget and payroll.

Anything else?

He has a point. Hostess had one set of union drivers that could only supply the bread, under contract, to those stores that need their product. Supermarkets had to wait for another delivery truck to supply all the Hostess cakes and desserts. We can see how efficient that process worked for them as Hostess is a fitting example of how successful, more efficient, and strong a company can become in splitting up their business roles and responsibilities
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