Obama Gonna Need an Intervention!!!

From Teddy:

"Let us say to the immigrant not that we hope he will learn English, but that he has got to learn it. Let the immigrant who does not learn it go back. He has got to consider the interest of the United States or he should not stay here.

He must be made to see that his opportunities in this country depend upon his knowing English and observing American standards. The employer cannot be permitted to regard him only as an industrial asset.

Sole Loyalty
Quick....get the smelling salts ready for the Prez!

"A Cargill beef processing plant in Fort Morgan, Colo. has fired nearly 200 Somali Muslims who walked off the job last week in a dispute over the company’s accommodations of their prayer rituals.

The workers’ complaints were vague, but seemed to center on the amount of space and time that Cargill had made available for them to pray at the meat plant, which is located in northeast Colorado. Devout Muslims pray five times a day.

More than 200 workers, mostly Muslims from Somalia, either walked off the job before the second shift was set to begin at the plant on Dec. 21 or failed to show up to work the next day in protest of what they claimed were Cargill’s new, restrictive policies.

Jaylani Hussein, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim civil rights group that is representing more than 100 of the workers in the dispute, claims that the workers were told on Dec. 18: “If you want to pray, go home.”
Colorado Meat Plant Fires 200 Muslims Who Walked Out Of Work Over Prayer Dispute

"....Cargill spokesman Mike Martin ..... disputed that any of the workers were told that if they wanted to pray that they should go home.

This is unrelatted to an earlier story on a meat-packing Muslim worker who cut off the head of his fellow-worker.....
"A fired Oklahoma factory worker inflicted a brutal, ISIS-style punishment on colleagues he tried to convert to Islam — cutting one woman’s head off with a 10-inch fillet knife, law-enforcement sources said Friday."

One can only surmise that meat-packing companies encourage terrorism.
Good. We don't stop out work day here to pray 5 times per day. If the West Africans want to live here, they must adjust to OUR customs. Not the other way around.
Sick of this bullshit

I agree with Teddy Roosevelt:

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

That's an excellent quote.

Should be on the desk of every Democrat.

As Liberals desire to end sovereignty, and labor under a one-world governance [communism= international socialism], they desire to end borders. So...illegal aliens are just peachy-keen with them.

“Just last month, the Senate Judiciary Committee received a report that in just four years,121 illegal aliens who had been released by ICE went on to murder Americans.”--Mark Krikorian

Whose policies are responsible for those deaths?
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"A Cargill beef processing plant in Fort Morgan, Colo. has fired nearly 200 Somali Muslims who walked off the job last week in a dispute over the company’s accommodations of their prayer rituals."

As the song goes:
"Hit the Road, Jack,
And Don'tcha Come Back no More No More
Hit the Road, Jack,
And Don'tcha Come Back no More"

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Real men and woman don't take anything for granted. Like safety.

That of course leave you out cornholio.

I enjoyed my New Years eve and early morning party. That you were again all alone is probably why you're such a bitter little person. Good thing you had your guns to pleasure yourself with though...

LMAO Glad to see you enjoyed yourself though I doubt anyone would pleasure you.

And I have more than guns for pleasure.

Right up until the batteries run out then you are once again all alone.
It would bother me if I bought into the propaganda and idiocy that Muslims are our enemy. I don't buy the lies so I don't live in fear. But your mileage may vary.

The stats dont reflect your beliefs.....

Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!


The conservatives have admitted that they are scared little pussies. IT was a target rich environment.
Quick....get the smelling salts ready for the Prez!

"A Cargill beef processing plant in Fort Morgan, Colo. has fired nearly 200 Somali Muslims who walked off the job last week in a dispute over the company’s accommodations of their prayer rituals.

The workers’ complaints were vague, but seemed to center on the amount of space and time that Cargill had made available for them to pray at the meat plant, which is located in northeast Colorado. Devout Muslims pray five times a day.

More than 200 workers, mostly Muslims from Somalia, either walked off the job before the second shift was set to begin at the plant on Dec. 21 or failed to show up to work the next day in protest of what they claimed were Cargill’s new, restrictive policies.

Jaylani Hussein, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim civil rights group that is representing more than 100 of the workers in the dispute, claims that the workers were told on Dec. 18: “If you want to pray, go home.”
Colorado Meat Plant Fires 200 Muslims Who Walked Out Of Work Over Prayer Dispute

"....Cargill spokesman Mike Martin ..... disputed that any of the workers were told that if they wanted to pray that they should go home.

This is unrelatted to an earlier story on a meat-packing Muslim worker who cut off the head of his fellow-worker.....
"A fired Oklahoma factory worker inflicted a brutal, ISIS-style punishment on colleagues he tried to convert to Islam — cutting one woman’s head off with a 10-inch fillet knife, law-enforcement sources said Friday."

One can only surmise that meat-packing companies encourage terrorism.
Good. We don't stop out work day here to pray 5 times per day. If the West Africans want to live here, they must adjust to OUR customs. Not the other way around.
Sick of this bullshit

I agree with Teddy Roosevelt:

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

That's an excellent quote.

Should be on the desk of every Democrat.

As Liberals desire to end sovereignty, and labor under a one-world governance [communism= international socialism], they desire to end borders. So...illegal aliens are just peachy-keen with them.

“Just last month, the Senate Judiciary Committee received a report that in just four years,121 illegal aliens who had been released by ICE went on to murder Americans.”--Mark Krikorian

Whose policies are responsible for those deaths?

Whose policies are responsible for those deaths?

Obama working his plan.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Real men and woman don't take anything for granted. Like safety.

That of course leave you out cornholio.

I enjoyed my New Years eve and early morning party. That you were again all alone is probably why you're such a bitter little person. Good thing you had your guns to pleasure yourself with though...

LMAO Glad to see you enjoyed yourself though I doubt anyone would pleasure you.

And I have more than guns for pleasure.

Right up until the batteries run out then you are once again all alone.

Oh you know all about batteries running out??

Guess your speaking from a world of experience.

I'm sure you use Duracell.

Ta Ta Cornholio.
Most of anything new he does this last year can be overturned by the new GOP president beginning January 20th, 2017.
The Washington Establishment GOP - aka 'liberals By Another Name' - have proven that unless it is a 'show vote' they have neither the 'cahonies' nor the desire to overturn anything Generalissimo Obama imposes.
Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Real men and woman don't take anything for granted. Like safety.

That of course leave you out cornholio.

I enjoyed my New Years eve and early morning party. That you were again all alone is probably why you're such a bitter little person. Good thing you had your guns to pleasure yourself with though...

LMAO Glad to see you enjoyed yourself though I doubt anyone would pleasure you.

And I have more than guns for pleasure.

Right up until the batteries run out then you are once again all alone.

Oh you know all about batteries running out??

Guess your speaking from a world of experience.

I'm sure you use Duracell.

Ta Ta Cornholio.

The experience is all yours....they are your only friends as you said already....you spent New Year's with your guns. I couldn't dream of a sadder yet more justified exile from life than that for a useless shitstain like yourself.
Real men and woman don't take anything for granted. Like safety.

That of course leave you out cornholio.

I enjoyed my New Years eve and early morning party. That you were again all alone is probably why you're such a bitter little person. Good thing you had your guns to pleasure yourself with though...

LMAO Glad to see you enjoyed yourself though I doubt anyone would pleasure you.

And I have more than guns for pleasure.

Right up until the batteries run out then you are once again all alone.

Oh you know all about batteries running out??

Guess your speaking from a world of experience.

I'm sure you use Duracell.

Ta Ta Cornholio.

The experience is all yours....they are your only friends as you said already....you spent New Year's with your guns. I couldn't dream of a sadder yet more justified exile from life than that for a useless shitstain like yourself.

Nope. Spent New Years with some good friends and had a helluva good time.

As for shitstains?? You fit the bill Cornholio.

Ta Ta
Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

Tsk tsk...you were all alone with nobody to keep you company on New Year's eve. You know, homeless people at least had other people in the shelter they could talk to.

You had.....


Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

Tsk tsk...you were all alone with nobody to keep you company on New Year's eve. You know, homeless people at least had other people in the shelter they could talk to.

You had.....



Since you talk about the good time you had I would venture to say that you and your dildoe got on famously.

Ah well. To each his own.

Ta Ta Cornholio
Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

Tsk tsk...you were all alone with nobody to keep you company on New Year's eve. You know, homeless people at least had other people in the shelter they could talk to.

You had.....



Since you talk about the good time you had I would venture to say that you and your dildoe got on famously.

Ah well. To each his own.

Ta Ta Cornholio

Of course you didn't read the reports....nice moscato, Mexican train, dancing, laughing....a great time with family and friends. You have heard of those things right....friends and family.

TO each her own...you and your guns all alone in that cold dwelling; nobody knowing or caring if you're alive or dead. And now you're lashing out at others for simply not choosing to become a bitter nobody like you...

Your plight as a bitter lonely dingbat is So very sad.....but so well deserved.
Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

Tsk tsk...you were all alone with nobody to keep you company on New Year's eve. You know, homeless people at least had other people in the shelter they could talk to.

You had.....



Since you talk about the good time you had I would venture to say that you and your dildoe got on famously.

Ah well. To each his own.

Ta Ta Cornholio

Of course you didn't read the reports....nice moscato, Mexican train, dancing, laughing....a great time with family and friends. You have heard of those things right....friends and family.

TO each her own...you and your guns all alone in that cold dwelling; nobody knowing or caring if you're alive or dead. And now you're lashing out at others for simply not choosing to become a bitter nobody like you...

Your plight as a bitter lonely dingbat is So very sad.....but so well deserved.

LMAO Your a hoot Cornholio.

Trying to make yourself look like a regular person when in reality your anything but. Oh and I don't mean that in a nice way either.

Ta Ta Cornholio
The stats dont reflect your beliefs.....

Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!


The conservatives have admitted that they are scared little pussies. IT was a target rich environment.

What is wrong with you drones, individuals who ignore realty in order to bow to your lords and masters in big government?

Reality bites.

Here, the results of imbeciles like you in our sister nation:

  • Hospitals across Britain are dealing with at least 15 new cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) every day. Although FGM has been illegal in Britain since 1984, there has not been a single conviction.
  • At least 1,400 children were sexually exploited between 1997 and 2013 in the town of Rotherham, mostly by Muslim gangs, but police and municipal officials failed to tackle the problem because they feared being branded “racist” or “Islamophobic.”
  • There has been a 60% increase in child sexual abuse reported to the police over the past four years, according to official figures.
  • British intelligence are monitoring more than 3,000 homegrown Islamist extremists willing to carry out attacks in Britain.
  • A Muslim worker at a nuclear power plant in West Kilbride, Scotland, was removed from the premises after he was caught studying bomb-making materials while on the job.
  • “We try to avoid describing anyone as a terrorist or an act as being terrorist.” – Tarik Kafala, the head of BBC Arabic. The Islamization of Britain in 2015: Sex Crimes, Jihadimania and "Protection Tax"

"Islam, therefore, is inherently at odds with freedom, democracy and the United States Constitution. While devout followers of Muhammad readily admit this reality, the suicidal left yet remains hell-bent, head in the sand, on “tolerating” itself, and the rest of us, to death."
Matt Barber - Myth of the ‘Moderate Muslim’

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