Obama Gonna Need an Intervention!!!

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?
Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!


The conservatives have admitted that they are scared little pussies. IT was a target rich environment.
Yeah, right. Got any other amazing bits of information with which other can use as comedy material to make fun of your fat dumper?

Hey, you offer anger; I offer proof.

Its clear to see that you've guys have been turned into a bunch of pussies. Not that it took much convincing.
The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?

LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta
Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?

LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta

Fearful? No.
Pathetic? Yes.
I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?

LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta

Fearful? No.
Pathetic? Yes.


Fearful? Hell no.

Cautious" Hell Yes.

Common Sense? Yes.

You having your head stuck up your ass and no common sense? Hell yes.

Ta Ta Cornholio
Last edited:
Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?

LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta

You spent NYE all by your self. That is pathetic and sad. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person...and of course wouldn't have.
I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?

LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta

You spent NYE all by your self. That is pathetic and sad. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person...and of course wouldn't have.

You wish. My NYE was great. As always.

You have no common sense and your head is so far up your ass you can kiss your tonsils.

You are the pathetic one. Another clueless idiot.

Ta Ta Cornholio
Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?

LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta

You spent NYE all by your self. That is pathetic and sad. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person...and of course wouldn't have.

You wish. My NYE was great. As always.

You have no common sense and your head is so far up your ass you can kiss your tonsils.

You are the pathetic one. Another clueless idiot.

Ta Ta Cornholio

You said you spent it at home "with your guns". Perhaps you should find a mirror and debate yourself.
Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?

LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta

You spent NYE all by your self. That is pathetic and sad. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person...and of course wouldn't have.

You wish. My NYE was great. As always.

You have no common sense and your head is so far up your ass you can kiss your tonsils.

You are the pathetic one. Another clueless idiot.

Ta Ta Cornholio

You said you spent it at home "with your guns". Perhaps you should find a mirror and debate yourself.

I did spend it with my guns, my family, friends and my four dogs. Oh and the family and friends brought their guns too.

Had a great new years eve.

Ta Ta Cornholio.
Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

I agree. Cornholio and her ilk see anyone taking precautions as living in fear.

I'd venture to say she and those like her will be the first casualties because they don't practice situational awareness and they don't sound like they have any weapons. God forbid their kumbaya attitude gets them killed.

I'd take bets on who will be the last standing and it won't be idiots like them.

But hey, we are living in fear doncha know. LOL
She is one of these too dumb to look out for their own well being liberals that think it is wise to take a stroll through the far north transverse rd in NYC's Central Park. And when they are attacked by the hoodlums that frequent that area looking for victims, they shriek that they should have the right to go wherever they wish.....
There is a fine line between valor and stupidity.
Here is where one does not go at night. Not if they value their personal safety
Google Maps
Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)
Hey asshole. I just got through telling your stupid cranium that NYE in Times Square was never an interest of mine.
You are the stupid fuck that is making up this shit about ISIS.....
But you go ahead. Keep posting the same drivel over and over in order to convince yourself that you are correct.
Look, you empty headed emitter of all things vapid, nobody gives a shit what you have to spew.
BTW, was your fat ass in Times Square last Thursday night?
The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well.

Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?
Who saidf anything about hiding?......Keep it up....You are digging that hole deeper and deeper.
Here's a rag. Wipe that egg off your puss.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!


The conservatives have admitted that they are scared little pussies. IT was a target rich environment.
Yeah, right. Got any other amazing bits of information with which other can use as comedy material to make fun of your fat dumper?

Hey, you offer anger; I offer proof.

Its clear to see that you've guys have been turned into a bunch of pussies. Not that it took much convincing.
Ya like throwing that word around( Pussy) don't you?....
Is there a message you are trying to get out?
Are you having a hard time with your self identity?
Hiding in fear all alone with your guns is "normal"?

LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta

You spent NYE all by your self. That is pathetic and sad. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person...and of course wouldn't have.

You wish. My NYE was great. As always.

You have no common sense and your head is so far up your ass you can kiss your tonsils.

You are the pathetic one. Another clueless idiot.

Ta Ta Cornholio

You said you spent it at home "with your guns". Perhaps you should find a mirror and debate yourself.

I did spend it with my guns, my family, friends and my four dogs. Oh and the family and friends brought their guns too.

Had a great new years eve.

Ta Ta Cornholio.
Changing your sad story again...even more pathetic
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!


The conservatives have admitted that they are scared little pussies. IT was a target rich environment.
Yeah, right. Got any other amazing bits of information with which other can use as comedy material to make fun of your fat dumper?

Hey, you offer anger; I offer proof.

Its clear to see that you've guys have been turned into a bunch of pussies. Not that it took much convincing.
Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!


The conservatives have admitted that they are scared little pussies. IT was a target rich environment.
Yeah, right. Got any other amazing bits of information with which other can use as comedy material to make fun of your fat dumper?

Hey, you offer anger; I offer proof.

Its clear to see that you've guys have been turned into a bunch of pussies. Not that it took much convincing.
Ya like throwing that word around( Pussy) don't you?....
Is there a message you are trying to get out?
Are you having a hard time with your self identity?

Hey, you offer anger; I offer proof.

Its clear to see that you've guys have been turned into a bunch of pussies. Not that it took much convincing.[/QUOTE]
I did spend it with my guns, my family, friends and my four dogs. Oh and the family and friends brought their guns too.

Which is also, statistically, more dangerous than Islamic Terrorists in the U.S.

Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA

Had a great New Year's Eve

It's January 5th.

Tell that to the dead in San Bernardino and Paris. I'm sure they will appreciate your thoughts.
LMAO Nothing fearful about being cautions and aware.

Of course your head is stuck so far up your ass you couldn't do either.

Ta Ta

You spent NYE all by your self. That is pathetic and sad. It couldn't have happened to a nicer person...and of course wouldn't have.

You wish. My NYE was great. As always.

You have no common sense and your head is so far up your ass you can kiss your tonsils.

You are the pathetic one. Another clueless idiot.

Ta Ta Cornholio

You said you spent it at home "with your guns". Perhaps you should find a mirror and debate yourself.

I did spend it with my guns, my family, friends and my four dogs. Oh and the family and friends brought their guns too.

Had a great new years eve.

Ta Ta Cornholio.
Changing your sad story again...even more pathetic

I changed nothing. Your the one who decided I spent it alone.

Keep your head up your ass. The look is a good one for a clueless idiot like you.

Ta Ta Cornholio
I did spend it with my guns, my family, friends and my four dogs. Oh and the family and friends brought their guns too.

Which is also, statistically, more dangerous than Islamic Terrorists in the U.S.

Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA

Had a great New Year's Eve

It's January 5th.

Tell that to the dead in San Bernardino and Paris. I'm sure they will appreciate your thoughts.

Why should I "tell that to the dead" in San Bernadino before the dead in Aurora, Charleston, the planned parenthood clinic, Sandy Hook or the other 30,000 victims of gun violence every year?
I did spend it with my guns, my family, friends and my four dogs. Oh and the family and friends brought their guns too.

Which is also, statistically, more dangerous than Islamic Terrorists in the U.S.

Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA

Had a great New Year's Eve

It's January 5th.

Tell that to the dead in San Bernardino and Paris. I'm sure they will appreciate your thoughts.

Why should I "tell that to the dead" in San Bernadino before the dead in Aurora, Charleston, the planned parenthood clinic, Sandy Hook or the other 30,000 victims of gun violence every year?

Well since we were discussing Muslims I thought you'd catch a clue.

Apparently not.

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