Obama Gonna Need an Intervention!!!

The stats dont reflect your beliefs.....

Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.

Knock yourself out...I dont have any children that will be growing up in the world you created so I really dont have an agenda other than what I want for my countries future.

You mean your country's future? Perhaps wanting more literacy would be a good start. :)
Perhaps not being a smart ass narrow focused on mindless minutiae would be more productive.

Makes us wonder when you plan to change your focus....you've been a narrow nothing for the entire length of your miserable life.
"I know you are , but what am I" retort? Have you reached your 13th birthday yet?
BTW, who is "us"?......
Narrow nothing? Define that.
Hey cupcake, as opposed to you, I have a sense of humor. You as a flaming lib, go through your day looking for things with which to bother yourself. If you libs are not complaining about something, you are lost.
It would bother me if I bought into the propaganda and idiocy that Muslims are our enemy. I don't buy the lies so I don't live in fear. But your mileage may vary.

The stats dont reflect your beliefs.....

Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....
The stats dont reflect your beliefs.....

Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!


The conservatives have admitted that they are scared little pussies. IT was a target rich environment.
Yeah, right. Got any other amazing bits of information with which other can use as comedy material to make fun of your fat dumper?
The stats dont reflect your beliefs.....

Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

I agree. Cornholio and her ilk see anyone taking precautions as living in fear.

I'd venture to say she and those like her will be the first casualties because they don't practice situational awareness and they don't sound like they have any weapons. God forbid their kumbaya attitude gets them killed.

I'd take bets on who will be the last standing and it won't be idiots like them.

But hey, we are living in fear doncha know. LOL
The stats dont reflect your beliefs.....

Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)
Ahh...well, you keep living in fear of those who are different and looking over your shoulder. The guy at Taco Bell, the clerk at Von's....the mechanic at Jiffy Lube, the bank clerk who has access to your savings account. They could all be out to poison you or rig your car with explosives or steal your identity.

I'll take a different track.
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???
"living in fear"...The new lib mantra...

Tell ya what. Quit locking your doors, leave your valuables in plain sight. Let us know how that works out for you...
Meanwhile until Muslims get their house in order, they will be subject to additional scrutiny.
How you as a feminist can support a religion that is so blatantly anti female is a mystery..Or is it?
You libs will throw caution to the wind to protect your ideology.

Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

I live in Las Vegas, and on New Year's Eve they block vehicles from a part of the Strip to make a pedestrian only zone. Tomorrow night there will be thousands or tens of thousands tourists in that area, and even more up and down the Strip. It will make a great target for an ISIS attack.

I think i will stay at home

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

What's keeping them. Those muslims should be doing it by now. After all it's not like it would bother anyone.

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
Actually, it's the liberals who have been quite pussified:

Its okay to be afraid, I suppose. Real women and men choose to live their lives without quivering in fear like you losers.

Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I live my life normally as well. I'm just cautions and don't take things for granted. You should do the same.

Since terrorists will kill us I'd say your IslmaPHOBIA is a crock of shit.

But hey. Here's hoping your friends and co workers, if Muslim, don't decide you aren't a friend after all.

Remember San Bernardino and be safe. Clueless.
Now that's what I call a kapow!

The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I won't and neither will you. Nobody you know will ever encounter an Islamic Terrorist. You're much more likely to have encountered one of our home grown terrorists than an islamic one, but that won't stop you from being an Islamaphobic bigot.

I live my life normally as well. I'm just cautions and don't take things for granted. You should do the same.

Staying home on New Years because you're afraid of "radical Islamic terrorists" isn't being cautious, it's being unreasonably fearful, the definition of a phobia.

Since terrorists will kill us I'd say your IslmaPHOBIA is a crock of shit.

Lightning is a more reasonable fear since you're much more likely to be struck by lightning than be the victim of a terror attack and yet someone as "cautious" about lighting as you pants shitters are about moooooooslims would be labeled with a phobia.

But hey. Here's hoping your friends and co workers, if Muslim, don't decide you aren't a friend after all.

Remember San Bernardino and be safe. Clueless.

I do have friends and co workers that are Muslim. I'm not afraid of a single one. I'm not afraid of my conservative friends either...and one of them is much more likely to commit a terrorist act on American soil...statistically speaking.
The stupid agreeing with the moronic.....
Hey dunderhead. No one is talking about living in fear.
It called doing ones due diligence.
There is nothing wrong with taking proper precautions.
Only a loser would make a blanket assumption about those who exercise their freedom to choose to NOT participate.
BTW, Ms room temperature IQ, I used to live in the NY Metro area and though I used to work in and visit Manhattan, I never had any interest in going to Times Square for New Year's eve....
Hows that for a fucking KAPOW.....But you and that other far left wing knucklehead can go on palm pressing each other thinking you have accomplished something.....

Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I won't and neither will you. Nobody you know will ever encounter an Islamic Terrorist. You're much more likely to have encountered one of our home grown terrorists than an islamic one, but that won't stop you from being an Islamaphobic bigot.

I live my life normally as well. I'm just cautions and don't take things for granted. You should do the same.

Staying home on New Years because you're afraid of "radical Islamic terrorists" isn't being cautious, it's being unreasonably fearful, the definition of a phobia.

Since terrorists will kill us I'd say your IslmaPHOBIA is a crock of shit.

Lightning is a more reasonable fear since you're much more likely to be struck by lightning than be the victim of a terror attack and yet someone as "cautious" about lighting as you pants shitters are about moooooooslims would be labeled with a phobia.

But hey. Here's hoping your friends and co workers, if Muslim, don't decide you aren't a friend after all.

Remember San Bernardino and be safe. Clueless.

I do have friends and co workers that are Muslim. I'm not afraid of a single one. I'm not afraid of my conservative friends either...and one of them is much more likely to commit a terrorist act on American soil...statistically speaking.

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino had no doubt their Muslim friend was a friend as well.

I'm sure they didn't worry one bit about him getting a gun and killing them. Wonder what their thoughts were as he and his scag mowed them all down.

They lived in a gun free zone and I'm sure a few of them wished that they had a gun to defend themselves with.

Never take anything for granted. Its a rule I live by.

As for being scared and a Islmaphobe?? Gotta laugh at that one. Cautious and aware is far from being scared.

European Goverments have disarmed their citizens and I'm sure the dead in Paris would have loved to have had a gun to defend themselves with as well. Being unarmed and unaware got them killed.

You can call anyone who's aware and cautious an Islmaphobe all you want but there are loads of cautious and aware people who will disagree with you. Common Sense 101.
Staying home on New Years day because you fear ISIS...that's not due diligence, that's pants shitting, unreasonable fear. (and the irony is that the pants shitters were in more danger from your refrigerator falling on you than from an ISIL terrorist)

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I won't and neither will you. Nobody you know will ever encounter an Islamic Terrorist. You're much more likely to have encountered one of our home grown terrorists than an islamic one, but that won't stop you from being an Islamaphobic bigot.

I live my life normally as well. I'm just cautions and don't take things for granted. You should do the same.

Staying home on New Years because you're afraid of "radical Islamic terrorists" isn't being cautious, it's being unreasonably fearful, the definition of a phobia.

Since terrorists will kill us I'd say your IslmaPHOBIA is a crock of shit.

Lightning is a more reasonable fear since you're much more likely to be struck by lightning than be the victim of a terror attack and yet someone as "cautious" about lighting as you pants shitters are about moooooooslims would be labeled with a phobia.

But hey. Here's hoping your friends and co workers, if Muslim, don't decide you aren't a friend after all.

Remember San Bernardino and be safe. Clueless.

I do have friends and co workers that are Muslim. I'm not afraid of a single one. I'm not afraid of my conservative friends either...and one of them is much more likely to commit a terrorist act on American soil...statistically speaking.

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino had no doubt their Muslim friend was a friend as well.

I'm sure they didn't worry one bit about him getting a gun and killing them. Wonder what their thoughts were as he and his scag mowed them all down.

Dead people at all workplace shootings thought the shooter was their friend. Nothing new about that. Same thing for school shootings when a student kills fellow students.

They lived in a gun free zone and I'm sure a few of them wished that they had a gun to defend themselves with.

Ah, the "gun free" myth mixed in with the "good guy with a gun" myth. Actual statistics don't support these myths by any stretch of the imagination.

Never take anything for granted. Its a rule I live by.

Wow, that's profound...and still doesn't explain away your islamaphobia and pant shitting fear.

As for being scared and a Islmaphobe?? Gotta laugh at that one. Cautious and aware is far from being scared.

Staying home clinging to your gun isn't cautious, that's silly phobia. Cower away, I'm going out and having fun in public places.

European Goverments have disarmed their citizens and I'm sure the dead in Paris would have loved to have had a gun to defend themselves with as well. Being unarmed and unaware got them killed.

You can call anyone who's aware and cautious an Islmaphobe all you want but there are loads of cautious and aware people who will disagree with you. Common Sense 101.

You can be cautious and still and islamaphobe. You're fearful, not cautious and an anti Muslim bigot. Cower away...but watch out for dogs...(also more of a danger than "radical islamic terrorists")
I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino never thought their friend and co worker would murder them either.

Funny how that works.

Oh and my fridge is completely safe and I sure don't fear ISIS. I have a gun and am not afraid to use it. How bout you clueless???

Find me a workplace shooting where the people thought that the individual would shoot up the place.

I too have a gun and know how to use it...but it is for much more real dangers like coyotes and mountain lions.

Keep digging your bomb shelter, pants shitter. I'll keep living my life like a normal human being, not one crippled by unreasonable fears. There is a reason it's called IslamaPHOBIA.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Well just hope you never have to use it to defend yourself from those pesky terrorists.

I won't and neither will you. Nobody you know will ever encounter an Islamic Terrorist. You're much more likely to have encountered one of our home grown terrorists than an islamic one, but that won't stop you from being an Islamaphobic bigot.

I live my life normally as well. I'm just cautions and don't take things for granted. You should do the same.

Staying home on New Years because you're afraid of "radical Islamic terrorists" isn't being cautious, it's being unreasonably fearful, the definition of a phobia.

Since terrorists will kill us I'd say your IslmaPHOBIA is a crock of shit.

Lightning is a more reasonable fear since you're much more likely to be struck by lightning than be the victim of a terror attack and yet someone as "cautious" about lighting as you pants shitters are about moooooooslims would be labeled with a phobia.

But hey. Here's hoping your friends and co workers, if Muslim, don't decide you aren't a friend after all.

Remember San Bernardino and be safe. Clueless.

I do have friends and co workers that are Muslim. I'm not afraid of a single one. I'm not afraid of my conservative friends either...and one of them is much more likely to commit a terrorist act on American soil...statistically speaking.

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino had no doubt their Muslim friend was a friend as well.

I'm sure they didn't worry one bit about him getting a gun and killing them. Wonder what their thoughts were as he and his scag mowed them all down.

Dead people at all workplace shootings thought the shooter was their friend. Nothing new about that. Same thing for school shootings when a student kills fellow students.

They lived in a gun free zone and I'm sure a few of them wished that they had a gun to defend themselves with.

Ah, the "gun free" myth mixed in with the "good guy with a gun" myth. Actual statistics don't support these myths by any stretch of the imagination.

Never take anything for granted. Its a rule I live by.

Wow, that's profound...and still doesn't explain away your islamaphobia and pant shitting fear.

As for being scared and a Islmaphobe?? Gotta laugh at that one. Cautious and aware is far from being scared.

Staying home clinging to your gun isn't cautious, that's silly phobia. Cower away, I'm going out and having fun in public places.

European Goverments have disarmed their citizens and I'm sure the dead in Paris would have loved to have had a gun to defend themselves with as well. Being unarmed and unaware got them killed.

You can call anyone who's aware and cautious an Islmaphobe all you want but there are loads of cautious and aware people who will disagree with you. Common Sense 101.

You can be cautious and still and islamaphobe. You're fearful, not cautious and an anti Muslim bigot. Cower away...but watch out for dogs...(also more of a danger than "radical islamic terrorists")

Common sense seems to evade your feeble brain.

Muslims have already hit in Europe and if you think they can't here then you are a fool.

If you want to hide with your head up your ass, feel free. Others are cautious and aware.
Continue to believe Muslims can't hurt us in America. Keep your head up your ass.

It is, after all, a free country.
Continue to believe Muslims can't hurt us in America. Keep your head up your ass.

It is, after all, a free country.

I will. I didn't need your permission to know I don't need to fear all Muslims. You can keep shitting your pants, cowering in fear and clinging to your guns. Enjoy!

LMAO I don't cower asshole. I'm cautious and aware and yeah my guns are here and I haven't shit my pants since I was in diapers.

You keep thinking everyone who's cautious and aware is scared and shitting their pants in fear. Just goes to show you haven't got one iota of common sense.

As for fearing Muslims?? Not fucking hardly bucko. Big difference between being cautious and aware and fear. Muslims let their religion rule their lives and would gladly kill your stupid ass in a heartbeat.

Keep your head up your ass. You might learn something. LOL
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Continue to believe Muslims can't hurt us in America. Keep your head up your ass.

It is, after all, a free country.

I will. I didn't need your permission to know I don't need to fear all Muslims. You can keep shitting your pants, cowering in fear and clinging to your guns. Enjoy!

LMAO I don't cower asshole. I'm cautious and aware and yeah my guns are here and I haven't shit my pants since I was in diapers.

You keep thinking everyone who's cautious and aware is scared and shitting their pants in fear. Just goes to show you haven't got one iota of common sense.

As for fearing Muslims?? Not fucking hardly bucko. Big difference between being cautious and aware and fear. Muslims let their religion rule their lives and would gladly kill your stupid ass in a heartbeat.

Keep your head up your ass. You might learn something. LOL

This sure sounds like cowering to me:

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

That was you, cowering at home with your guns instead of being out celebrating like the rest of the world.
Continue to believe Muslims can't hurt us in America. Keep your head up your ass.

It is, after all, a free country.

I will. I didn't need your permission to know I don't need to fear all Muslims. You can keep shitting your pants, cowering in fear and clinging to your guns. Enjoy!

LMAO I don't cower asshole. I'm cautious and aware and yeah my guns are here and I haven't shit my pants since I was in diapers.

You keep thinking everyone who's cautious and aware is scared and shitting their pants in fear. Just goes to show you haven't got one iota of common sense.

As for fearing Muslims?? Not fucking hardly bucko. Big difference between being cautious and aware and fear. Muslims let their religion rule their lives and would gladly kill your stupid ass in a heartbeat.

Keep your head up your ass. You might learn something. LOL

This sure sounds like cowering to me:

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

That was you, cowering at home with your guns instead of being out celebrating like the rest of the world.

Nope. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It was a good scenario for a terrorist attack. Care to dispute that??

No? I didn't think so.

Oh I had my guns. I also had a good time with family and friends.

Just like minded people knowing they can defend themselves if needed.

If that sounds like fear to you then I suggest you seek help. You really need it.

If you think folks who are cautions and aware are afraid and that makes you feel good. Then feel free. No skin off my ass.

I have better things to worry about than what a clueless moron like you thinks. LOL
Continue to believe Muslims can't hurt us in America. Keep your head up your ass.

It is, after all, a free country.

I will. I didn't need your permission to know I don't need to fear all Muslims. You can keep shitting your pants, cowering in fear and clinging to your guns. Enjoy!

LMAO I don't cower asshole. I'm cautious and aware and yeah my guns are here and I haven't shit my pants since I was in diapers.

You keep thinking everyone who's cautious and aware is scared and shitting their pants in fear. Just goes to show you haven't got one iota of common sense.

As for fearing Muslims?? Not fucking hardly bucko. Big difference between being cautious and aware and fear. Muslims let their religion rule their lives and would gladly kill your stupid ass in a heartbeat.

Keep your head up your ass. You might learn something. LOL

This sure sounds like cowering to me:

Well its a good scenario for ISIS to strike.
NYC will be wall to wall people on New Years Eve. Another good scenario.
Think I'll stay home and make sure my guns are good to go.

That was you, cowering at home with your guns instead of being out celebrating like the rest of the world.

Nope. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It was a good scenario for a terrorist attack. Care to dispute that??

No? I didn't think so.

Oh I had my guns. I also had a good time with family and friends.

Just like minded people knowing they can defend themselves if needed.

If that sounds like fear to you then I suggest you seek help. You really need it.

If you think folks who are cautions and aware are afraid and that makes you feel good. Then feel free. No skin off my ass.

I have better things to worry about than what a clueless moron like you thinks. LOL
I'm not cowering at home with my guns.
I take one everywhere I go.
Every muslim on the planet is a Islamofascist terrorist. It's not possible not to be one if they follow the teachings of the koran.
When ole 'Stinky Finger' demanded that every "non-believer" on the planet must be killed he wasn't kidding around.
Islam is a cult full of insane people. If you leave the cult you get the death penalty. How fucking sick is that?

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