obama grasping anything for reelection.


Apr 3, 2011
obama investigating gas prices ,hello why now ,anything for reelection ,calling republicans radicals ,no facts, but again anything for reelection, targeting the naive youth going back to the well for the second time ,i hope that the youth has woken up to see the snake oil salesman ,do we really want to continue with inflation unemployment loss of businesses loss of american respect more wasteful spending big gov. more control of everyones freedom, gov. healthcare where you will recieve what they dictate ,because they cannot afford it, lets not be burned twice by the snake oil salesman.
He has as much chance of being reelected as Hoover in 1932. Words won't matter in a depression. This recovery is nothing but a dead cat bounce. The ponzi scheme, that the Fed and the banks have been running on us, is about to end, as Bernie Madoff said "it worked until we ran of suckers".
He has as much chance of being reelected as Hoover in 1932. Words won't matter in a depression. This recovery is nothing but a dead cat bounce. The ponzi scheme, that the Fed and the banks have been running on us, is about to end, as Bernie Madoff said "it worked until we ran of suckers".

You guys come up with an FDR yet?
He has as much chance of being reelected as Hoover in 1932. Words won't matter in a depression. This recovery is nothing but a dead cat bounce. The ponzi scheme, that the Fed and the banks have been running on us, is about to end, as Bernie Madoff said "it worked until we ran of suckers".

You guys come up with an FDR yet?

Gawd I hope not... he was a disaster!
He has as much chance of being reelected as Hoover in 1932. Words won't matter in a depression. This recovery is nothing but a dead cat bounce. The ponzi scheme, that the Fed and the banks have been running on us, is about to end, as Bernie Madoff said "it worked until we ran of suckers".

A BILLION dollars can buy alot of votes :eusa_whistle:
Does the guy ever stay in Washington? He has either been on the campaign or apology tour since he moved into the white house. Do the enviro-radicals even realize that each one of his fleet of 747's uses 3,200 gallons of fuel per hour? We are paying around $4.00 per gal to get to work and this arrogant bas*turd tells us to get a smaller car if we don't like it while he tools around the the Country and the world in luxury.
It's all lip service. Just like his first run.

However, if he's REALLY serious, I can point him to an entire town that is 10-15 cents higher in it's gas prices and the city limits border another city that has much lower prices. It's obviously over-priced. I personally think that the mayor of this city is trying to keep the middle and lower class out of the area more so than simple price gouging. EVERYTHING costs more in this little "haven". I"m sure that happens all over the country. So if Mr. Obama is genuine in his "promise", he'll even it out. If not, then we'll be watching the prices continue to climb throughout the summer.

The solution is simple...DOMESTIC DRILLING. No special task force needed. Just sign the order.

But we all know that won't happen. So much for genuine concern for Americans struggling to keep the jobs they have and now facing the possibility that they won't be able to afford to commute to work. Thanks Mr. President...you've made a real difference.
Does the guy ever stay in Washington? He has either been on the campaign or apology tour since he moved into the white house. Do the enviro-radicals even realize that each one of his fleet of 747's uses 3,200 gallons of fuel per hour? We are paying around $4.00 per gal to get to work and this arrogant bas*turd tells us to get a smaller car if we don't like it while he tools around the the Country and the world in luxury.

Now, now...everybody knows that world travel is a perk of the office. And while some may scoff at the notion, the perks are part of the reason why he ran for the office.
Republicans...man up.. Say it..Obama will not win in 2012. Just say it.

You know why you cant.
Republicans...man up.. Say it..Obama will not win in 2012. Just say it.

You know why you cant.

Hell, I said it in 08'. It's amazing what money will buy these days.......

I didn't think he could beat Hillary, much less war veteran with a LONG political record. But it appears that if you lie to enough of the right people and promise them shit that will NEVER happen, you can shock the world.

And even after his display of total ineptness for the office, the lies are the same and there's a new group of sheep to take the place of those who have come to their senses.

Thank goodness there is still enough time for these new voter virgins to get a whiff of the shit he continues to shovel down the throats of us all.
He has as much chance of being reelected as Hoover in 1932. Words won't matter in a depression. This recovery is nothing but a dead cat bounce. The ponzi scheme, that the Fed and the banks have been running on us, is about to end, as Bernie Madoff said "it worked until we ran of suckers".

Let's hope so but please refrain from making any predictions.
obama investigating gas prices ,hello why now ,anything for reelection ,calling republicans radicals ,no facts, but again anything for reelection, targeting the naive youth going back to the well for the second time ,i hope that the youth has woken up to see the snake oil salesman ,do we really want to continue with inflation unemployment loss of businesses loss of american respect more wasteful spending big gov. more control of everyones freedom, gov. healthcare where you will recieve what they dictate ,because they cannot afford it, lets not be burned twice by the snake oil salesman.
obama investigating gas prices ,hello why now ,anything for reelection ,calling republicans radicals ,no facts, but again anything for reelection, targeting the naive youth going back to the well for the second time ,i hope that the youth has woken up to see the snake oil salesman ,do we really want to continue with inflation unemployment loss of businesses loss of american respect more wasteful spending big gov. more control of everyones freedom, gov. healthcare where you will recieve what they dictate ,because they cannot afford it, lets not be burned twice by the snake oil salesman.
With gas prices rising, Obama announces new gas task force

With gas prices rising, Obama announces new gas task force - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
obama investigating gas prices ,hello why now ,anything for reelection ,calling republicans radicals ,no facts, but again anything for reelection, targeting the naive youth going back to the well for the second time ,i hope that the youth has woken up to see the snake oil salesman ,do we really want to continue with inflation unemployment loss of businesses loss of american respect more wasteful spending big gov. more control of everyones freedom, gov. healthcare where you will recieve what they dictate ,because they cannot afford it, lets not be burned twice by the snake oil salesman.

Seriously? I don't particularly care for Obama, but the fact is that Obama doesn't have to grasp at anything when it comes to re-election, because he is a shoe in. If you believe otherwise, you are just kidding yourself.
Republicans...man up.. Say it..Obama will not win in 2012. Just say it.

You know why you cant.

Because the MSM will promote him again???

More Hope & Change???

He will close Gitmo???

We will leave Iraq???

We will actually fight in Afghanistan???

We are on standby in Libya???

We need $5 gas????

Unemployment will never drop below 8% as long as he is POTUS???

We need the Federal Government to ruin the worlds best medical technology???

obama investigating gas prices ,hello why now ,anything for reelection ,calling republicans radicals ,no facts, but again anything for reelection, targeting the naive youth going back to the well for the second time ,i hope that the youth has woken up to see the snake oil salesman ,do we really want to continue with inflation unemployment loss of businesses loss of american respect more wasteful spending big gov. more control of everyones freedom, gov. healthcare where you will recieve what they dictate ,because they cannot afford it, lets not be burned twice by the snake oil salesman.
With gas prices rising, Obama announces new gas task force

With gas prices rising, Obama announces new gas task force - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

I wasn't doubting how late BO is to react. He's nothing if not consistent.
I'm just tired and too lazy to look it up myself.
Look folks? WE see what Obama has done. He Constantly BLAMES Bush for the predicament...but the predicament gets worse. He's been in office for 2.5 years.

Obama is asking YOU People for another 4 to complete his destruction of this Nation as YOU have known it.

*GET it*?
Look who's grasping.






and so on.

You really think this is a good indiction of a serious GOP challenge to President Obama?

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