Obama, Hagel, and M.J. Rosenberg


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
One need not be Sherlock Holmes to piece together Obama’s hostility toward Israel. Nor, in fact, to guess why he selected Islamic Radical apologist Hagel for Secretary of Defense.

Still having trouble reading those tea leaves?

Welll….here’s M.J. Rosenberg supporting the nomination, as well. Who is Rosenberg?
Here ya’ go:

1. “M.J. Rosenberg is Senior Foreign Policy Fellow at Media Matters Action Network. Previously, he worked on Capitol Hill for various Democratic members of the House and Senate for 15 years. He was also a Clinton political appointee at USAID.” MJ Rosenberg

2. “Call me a self hating Jew. Oh, you already do. Okay. But all this Israel ass kissing is fucking embarrassing. Israelis are laughing!” https://twitter.com/MJayRosenberg/status/260562548896694272

3. MJ Rosenberg @MJayRosenberg
I spent a couple of hours with Hagel a few years ago. Talked about Israel. Happily, he is lying today & knows it. He'll be a good SeDef.
5:30 PM - 31 Jan 13
Anti-Semite MJ Rosenberg tweets ?talked about Israel with Hagel, happily he?s lying today? | Twitchy

4.“Not only is MJ Rosenberg a “forgien policy fellow” at Media Matters, he’s also a blogger for far left blogs like Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, etc. So it doesn’t surprise me in the least to see this self hating Jew making absolutely idiotic statements. He wouldn’t be a far left progressive, or a qualifed member of Soros funded Media Matters if he wasn’t a loon. When these Soros paid leftists aren’t busy busing people to astroturf rallies, or crying on blogs about Bush, they spend their time tweeting stupid things like calling Netanyahu a terrorist.”
Media Matters Foreign Policy Fellow and self hating jew MJ Rosenberg calls Netanyahu a terrorist : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

If the Republicans don't block this incompetent....Hagel, too late to block the other incompetent....what the heck good are they.
Sure doesn't appear that that little nation has many friends.

Lost a great one, Ed Koch, yesterday.
What a travesty.......

Hagel want's to champion America's interests over Israel's.

No doubt he is an anti-semitic nazi and a holocaust denier.......... :cool:

I'm always surprises...and not in a good way....when you turn a blind eye to the savagery that the people of Israel have to endure...

"Samir Kuntar (Arabic: سمير القنطار*, also transcribed Sameer, Kantar, Quntar, Qantar) (born July 20, 1962 in Abey, Lebanon) is a Lebanese Druze former member of the Palestine Liberation Front. On April 22, 1979, at the age of 16, he participated in the attempted kidnapping of an Israeli family in Nahariya that resulted in the deaths of four Israelis and two of his fellow kidnappers.[1] Kuntar was convicted in an Israeli court for murder of an Israeli policeman, Eliyahu Shahar, 31 year-old Danny Haran, and Haran's 4-year-old daughter, Einat Haran, whom he killed with blunt force against a rock."
Samir Kuntar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"...4-year-old daughter, Einat Haran, whom he killed with blunt force against a rock."
The United States has no vital interest in aiding and abetting the nation of Israel in its oppression of the Palestinian people,

in fact, our vital interests might be better served if we were to cease to be an accomplice to that crime.
All I want is a Sec of Defense that puts U.S. interests FIRST

Israel is not our 51st state, nor is it mentioned in the Constitution as a foreign nation we must defend.

You would have thought the hearing was being held in the Knesset the way Israel this and Israel that was being thrown around......... :doubt:
One need not be Sherlock Holmes to piece together...

Hatred, anger, and misrepresentation suits you well

But no matter how much you take things out of context and build an attack based on the politics of personal destruction...you will fail

Liberals who support Israel and many Israelis support Hagel's nomination


and you are a pawn in a larger war....makes you look pathetic where political realities are concerned or worse...makes you look like you choose to engage in this type of gutter politics...

Billionaires - Super PACs - Policy - Cabinet Fights

Dante followed the Super PACs closely during the 2012 Presidential election, and like many of the political junkies wondered what permanent role the PACs would play in American politics.

A few major issues have Super PAC money behind them, but this Hagel fight is one the right wing billionaires have staked their model on.

There will be more of this to come, if the next President is a Republican you can be sure the right will be told to scream bloody murder about Democratic backed Super PACs using this right wing billionaire tactic. If the next President is a Democrat, the right will be told to scream bloody murder when Democrats cry bloody murder about right wing Super PACs doing Hagels on every appointee, proposed or considered and on every potential and real nomination.

Brave new world we have entered. This is the true legacy of Citizens United, which in some ways Dante has come to support for some pretty basic reasons not listed here.

Big money gets in on Cabinet nomination fights - latimes.com
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All I want is a president that puts U.S. interests first.

Handing over billions to hostile countries, not to mention, tanks, fighter jets and weapons to terrorist-loving countries is hardly in our best interest.

Israel has always been an ally and one never knows when they need to rely on their friends. The Muslim Brotherhood and other hostile countries would like to wipe Israel off the map, with American likely being second on that list.

We don't have to defend any country, but we have done so in the past because it is in our best interest to do so. Keeping our allies is all part of that.

Obama needs to support our allies and stop arming enemies.

There are many radicals in the Obama administration and it's not difficult to figure out where all this is going. When you surround youself with anti-Semites and terrorist friendly people, there is only one logical conclusion. Hagel is another cog in the radical machine.
All I want is a Sec of Defense that puts U.S. interests FIRST

Israel is not our 51st state, nor is it mentioned in the Constitution as a foreign nation we must defend.

You would have thought the hearing was being held in the Knesset the way Israel this and Israel that was being thrown around......... :doubt:

I'm not an isolationist, and firmly believe that without the authority of the United States, the world descends into chaos.

That said, the United States has a responsibility to support those with values closer to ours, and not savages who proclaim as their hero,

"....took her husband Danny and four-year-old daughter Einat down to the beach, where they shot Danny in front of his daughter and smashed in her skull with a rifle butt."
Death Cult Hero Samir Kuntar - Little Green Footballs

"BEIRUT, Lebanon — Tens of thousands of people waving flags, lighting fireworks, smiling, laughing, and jostling for a view of Hezbollah’s leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, packed into an open square in this city’s southern suburb on Wednesday night to celebrate the release of five prisoners from Israel. A banner strung over the crowd read: “God’s Achievement Through Our Hands.”

Obama and his pick for Sec' of Defense support a weakening of our support for this democracy, and tacit support for savagery.
By all means let's unreservedly give aid and comfort to THIS nation!!!

An inconceivable crime

Israel's patronizing and inhumane treatment of Ethiopian women is nothing new.

"It's hard to believe, but in Israel, in 2012, Ethiopian women are forced to receive injections of the Depo-Provera contraceptive. This injection is not a commonly prescribed means of contraception. It is considered a last resort and is usually given to women who are institutionalized or developmentally disabled. According to an investigation for journalist Gal Gabay's “Vacuum” documentary series shown on Israeli Educational Television, it is also given to many new immigrants from Ethiopia.

This is not the first or only case where the state has interfered in the lives of people who have limited means of resistance. And as in other cases, the system that carried out this policy is extremely sophisticated, so it is hard to find a specific person who is responsible for it or a signed and written order. But the televised investigation, conducted by researcher Sava Reuven, found that more than 40 women have received the shot...."

Read on...

An inconveivable crime - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Put on your historical thinking cap and see how much irony you encounter...
One need not be Sherlock Holmes to piece together...

Hatred, anger, and misrepresentation suits you well

But no matter how much you take things out of context and build an attack based on the politics of personal destruction...you will fail

Liberals who support Israel and many Israelis support Hagel's nomination


and you are a pawn in a larger war....makes you look pathetic where political realities are concerned or worse...makes you look like you choose to engage in this type of gutter politics...

Billionaires - Super PACs - Policy - Cabinet Fights

Dante followed the Super PACs closely during the 2012 Presidential election, and like many of the political junkies wondered what permanent role the PACs would play in American politics.

A few major issues have Super PAC money behind them, but this Hagel fight is one the right wing billionaires have staked their model on.

There will be more of this to come, if the next President is a Republican you can be sure the right will be told to scream bloody murder about Democratic backed Super PACs using this right wing billionaire tactic. If the next President is a Democrat, the right will be told to scream bloody murder when Democrats cry bloody murder about right wing Super PACs doing Hagels on every appointee, proposed or considered and on every potential and real nomination.

Brave new world we have entered. This is the true legacy of Citizens United, which in some ways Dante has come to support for some pretty basic reasons not listed here.

Big money gets in on Cabinet nomination fights - latimes.com

A pretty vapid post, little fella'...."Hatred, anger, and misrepresentation suits you well."
C'mon....when have you ever seen me angry or hateful. Get real.

And, speaking of 'misrepresentation,' gotcha with this:

"right wing billionaire tactic."
Takes it from misinformed into the category of unintentional humor.
You really show yourself to be clueless.

Here's why:

1. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater!
"The New Leviathan," Horowitz and Laksin, p. 8

a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).

i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.
ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.

b. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.

i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.
ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.
iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

2. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!

a. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.”
Washingtonpost.com: Scaife: Funding Father of the Right

And you are exactly the target of their propaganda, the 'reliable Democrat voter.'

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I'm not an isolationist, and firmly believe that without the authority of the United States, the world descends into chaos.

That said, the United States has a responsibility to support those with values closer to ours, and not savages who proclaim as their hero,
And yet, there is nothing in the Constitution about defending other nations that just because they have similar values.
All I want is a Sec of Defense that puts U.S. interests FIRST

Israel is not our 51st state, nor is it mentioned in the Constitution as a foreign nation we must defend.

You would have thought the hearing was being held in the Knesset the way Israel this and Israel that was being thrown around......... :doubt:

I'm not an isolationist, and firmly believe that without the authority of the United States, the world descends into chaos.


The world if anything has gotten more chaotic since we came out of isolation and stuck our noses into it.
You do realize that there is a large population of Israelis, living in Israel, that are not as hawkish as the conservative party here in America.

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