Obama hails Jay Z as ‘the embodiment of the American dream’

Apparently YOU haven't accepted his election loss. You're still trying to oust a person who has already been ousted. Why can't you accept the election results?
This is not about tump's lost election. This comment was made by his Communications Director about what will happen if Trump is elected in 2024, yes? Do you understand?
So, the American dream is that anyone, including a black person, can rise up to become a billionaire and it is referred to as ‘the embodiment of the American dream’. So then why do the left hate billionaires so much and don't want them to exist and want to do everything in their power to take the American dream away so that no one, not even a black man, can ever become a billionaire? What am I missing?
We just want Billionaires to pay their taxes. What is wrong with that?
His tax cuts didnt just effect them. Idk why people rely on dishonest tactics such as what you did.
And why should someone elses taxes do anything for you anyway? Are you a moocher?

Is it because being honest doesn't support his agenda?
You are missing the fact that democrats do not hate billionaires. Tump gave billionaires a huge tax reduction so that he and his donors would derive a huge benefit. Totally unnecessary and did nothing for us, as they simply invested it in the stock market. It is time to take some of that windfall back and use it to reduce the deficit, unless you volunteer for an income tax increase.
Cut Spending on Unnecessary line items.For example, the American taxpayer should not be on the hook for a $10M study on transgenders in Pakistan. Don’t you think that money can be better spent in the US?
This is not about tump's lost election. This comment was made by his Communications Director about what will happen if Trump is elected in 2024, yes? Do you understand?
I understand that you guys are obsessed with Trump. Honestly, do you have any beliefs that people who didn't vote for Trump in 2020 are going to change their mind and vote for Trump in 2024? Do you honestly believe that anyone who did vote for Trump in 2020 could be talked out of it for 2024?
We just want Billionaires to pay their taxes. What is wrong with that?
Billionaires DO pay their taxes. In fact, that group pays the most taxes of everyone, both directly and indirectly. It is a lefty myth that they don't. Who doesn't pay any taxes is about 50% of Americans.
I understand that you guys are obsessed with Trump. Honestly, do you have any beliefs that people who didn't vote for Trump in 2020 are going to change their mind and vote for Trump in 2024? Do you honestly believe that anyone who did vote for Trump in 2020 could be talked out of it for 2024?
Talked out of it? They won't need to be talked out of anything. Trump's rhetoric, divisive and strange behavior will make the case. Again, if tump would fade away, nobody would notice him, but read this gibberish:
Icon for US Politics
US Politics
Posted by
Harvey Becker

Oct 27
Donald Trump went on a tirade full of lies about the “rigged” 2020 election Wednesday. Such a screed might not have been notable, as the former president often issues such statements, but The Wall Street Journal printed it without fact checks. Responding to an essay by the Journal’s editorial board titled, “The Election for Pennsylvania’s High Court,” Trump wrote, “Well actually, the election was rigged, which you, unfortunately, still haven’t figured out. Here are just a few examples of how determinative the voter fraud in Pennsylvania was.” He included a bulleted list of points meant to support his FALSE claim, relying heavily on statistics from an election audit group that EVEN HIS FELLOW REPUBLICANS have DISavowed. To date, reviews of the 2020 election have found NO EVIDENCE of the kind of voter fraud Trump and other Republicans have touted in their effort to overturn the democratic selection of Joe Biden as president.

Catch my drift?
Last edited:
Talked out of it? They won't need to be talked out of anything. Trump's rhetoric, divisive and strange behavior will make the case. Again, if tump would fade away, nobody would notice him, but read this gibberish:
Icon for US Politics
US Politics
Posted by
Harvey Becker

Oct 27
Donald Trump went on a tirade full of lies about the “rigged” 2020 election Wednesday. Such a screed might not have been notable, as the former president often issues such statements, but The Wall Street Journal printed it without fact checks. Responding to an essay by the Journal’s editorial board titled, “The Election for Pennsylvania’s High Court,” Trump wrote, “Well actually, the election was rigged, which you, unfortunately, still haven’t figured out. Here are just a few examples of how determinative the voter fraud in Pennsylvania was.” He included a bulleted list of points meant to support his FALSE claim, relying heavily on statistics from an election audit group that EVEN HIS FELLOW REPUBLICANS have DISavowed. To date, reviews of the 2020 election have found NO EVIDENCE of the kind of voter fraud Trump and other Republicans have touted in their effort to overturn the democratic selection of Joe Biden as president.

Catch my drift?
People like YOU keep him in the news so that he doesn't fade away.
Talked out of it? They won't need to be talked out of anything. Trump's rhetoric, divisive and strange behavior will make the case. Again, if tump would fade away, nobody would notice him, but read this gibberish:
Icon for US Politics
US Politics
Posted by
Harvey Becker

Oct 27
Donald Trump went on a tirade full of lies about the “rigged” 2020 election Wednesday. Such a screed might not have been notable, as the former president often issues such statements, but The Wall Street Journal printed it without fact checks. Responding to an essay by the Journal’s editorial board titled, “The Election for Pennsylvania’s High Court,” Trump wrote, “Well actually, the election was rigged, which you, unfortunately, still haven’t figured out. Here are just a few examples of how determinative the voter fraud in Pennsylvania was.” He included a bulleted list of points meant to support his FALSE claim, relying heavily on statistics from an election audit group that EVEN HIS FELLOW REPUBLICANS have DISavowed. To date, reviews of the 2020 election have found NO EVIDENCE of the kind of voter fraud Trump and other Republicans have touted in their effort to overturn the democratic selection of Joe Biden as president.

Catch my drift?

The current administration has an approval rating in the high 20's

Most people are not satisfied that the Coup improved the country ( Coups rarely, if ever improve a country)
The current administration has an approval rating in the high 20's

Most people are not satisfied that the Coup improved the country ( Coups rarely, if ever improve a country)
You mean "The big steal" that has been debunked over and over again and is really the Big Lie?
He would fade away if YOU quit bringing him up.
He will not fade away because YOU keep bringing him up in glowing terms: Insurrection day photo op, big steal, post office slow down, pandemic foul-up, etc., and much more on this site and others.
Describe him for what he is, and it isn't pretty. The description of his intent if he is reelected is sure as hell a reason to understand that he will not fade away.

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