Obama Has Jane Fonda Moment Wanting To Sell U.S. Arms To Hanoi In A Slap To Angry Vietnam Veterans

[/QUOTE]What freedoms were Americans fighting for in the Vietnam War? Certainly not ours[/QUOTE]
The freedom for 'Air America' to transport drugs was significant.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
What do you care about US Vietnam veterans?
I have several members of my family who served in the Vietnam war at one point. One cousin was killed serving in the infantry in 1971.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
What do you care about US Vietnam veterans?
I have several members of my family who served in the Vietnam war at one point. One cousin was killed serving in the infantry in 1971.
But not you. Did you know that for the most part we've normalized relations with Vietnam quite a while ago? Or are you only caring because you've been told to be outraged?
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
What do you care about US Vietnam veterans?
I have several members of my family who served in the Vietnam war at one point. One cousin was killed serving in the infantry in 1971.
But not you. Did you know that for the most part we've normalized relations with Vietnam quite a while ago? Or are you only caring because you've been told to be outraged?
But maybe Obama is just trying to give McCain a stroke? (-:
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
The war is long over. We lost.

Deal with it.

No we didn't. Actually, we were winning. But, we quit.... we can argue all day the merits of being there. Personally, we should have never sent troops there if we weren't going to win.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans

Okay, I'm a 'Nam vet and can't stand Obozo. But, I have no problem with him allowing American defense company to sell military equipment to Vietnam.

They are one of many Asian countries whose sovereignty is being threatened by China's expansionism in the area. They are buying equipment from Russia so why shouldn't we sell some goodies to them too?
We supply weapons to Iraq . That war was five minutes ago!

And is there anyone left who DOESNT thibk nam was a major clusterfuck?
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
The war is long over. We lost.

Deal with it.

No we didn't. Actually, we were winning. But, we quit.... we can argue all day the merits of being there. Personally, we should have never sent troops there if we weren't going to win.
Winning? No.

And the Pentagon Papers showed that. It wasn't possible.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
The war is long over. We lost.

Deal with it.

WE did not "lose the war!"

American gutless politicians lost the war after our troops had won battle after battle.

The fact that Vietnam has thrown off the shackles of communism is a sign that we won the hearts - and minds - of the Vietnamese people. In their own Asian way, they've become a beacon of free market capitalism in the area.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
The war is long over. We lost.

Deal with it.

WE did not "lose the war!"

American gutless politicians lost the war after our troops had won battle after battle.

The fact that Vietnam has thrown off the shackles of communism is a sign that we won the hearts - and minds - of the Vietnamese people. In their own Asian way, they've become a beacon of free market capitalism in the area.
If we "won" the Vietnam war, you are the only one who knows it.

The rest of us know the truth, we lost.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
What do you care about US Vietnam veterans?
I have several members of my family who served in the Vietnam war at one point. One cousin was killed serving in the infantry in 1971.
You weren't there so how the fuck can you KNOW how Nam vets would take this? You don't speak for us as a group you shit on a stick asswipe! If the Vietnamese people need weapons to fend off Chinese aggression that they have fought off for centuries, I have no damn problem selling them some!
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
What do you care about US Vietnam veterans?
I have several members of my family who served in the Vietnam war at one point. One cousin was killed serving in the infantry in 1971.
You weren't there so how the fuck can you KNOW how Nam vets would take this? You don't speak for us as a group you shit on a stick asswipe! If the Vietnamese people need weapons to fend off Chinese aggression that they have fought off for centuries, I have no damn problem selling them some!
The Vietnam vets at the local Amvets where I live are not pleased at all with Obama doing this.
Hate to break it to vets.......we sell arms to Germany and Japan too

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