Obama Has Jane Fonda Moment Wanting To Sell U.S. Arms To Hanoi In A Slap To Angry Vietnam Veterans

This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
For all of those with room temperature IQ's like MarcGarret, times change. Now Vietnam is a potential alley against China, if the wingnuts in China succeed in controlling the government there. If you were aware of the history of Vietnam and China, you would understand the reasons behind what President Obama is doing.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
For all of those with room temperature IQ's like MarcGarret, times change. Now Vietnam is a potential alley against China, if the wingnuts in China succeed in controlling the government there. If you were aware of the history of Vietnam and China, you would understand the reasons behind what President Obama is doing.
Ally, not alley.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
What do you care about US Vietnam veterans?
I have several members of my family who served in the Vietnam war at one point. One cousin was killed serving in the infantry in 1971.
Really? That's odd, because so do most Americans. And I was on base in uniform, when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba, and things damn near ended for all of us. But now I work for a Russian company making very good money, and we supply a lot of armor plate to Israel. Times change, and so does national interests. Those who cannot accept this do not live in the real world.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans
The war is long over. We lost.

Deal with it.

WE did not "lose the war!"

American gutless politicians lost the war after our troops had won battle after battle.

The fact that Vietnam has thrown off the shackles of communism is a sign that we won the hearts - and minds - of the Vietnamese people. In their own Asian way, they've become a beacon of free market capitalism in the area.
Goddamn. And you are a vet, and that ignorant of what happened in 'Nam?

The Vietnamese have been fighting people occupying their nation for hundreds of years. And when the French left, we took over. And effectively dictated to them who their leaders would be. They saw us as just another occupying nation. We just as well have tried to occupy Ireland. We got off on the wrong foot and never found the right one. The Brits won battle after battle in Ireland, except the last one. Yes, we lost the war. The war was for the minds of the Vietnamese people, and we lost that overwhelmingly.
What do you care about US Vietnam veterans?
I have several members of my family who served in the Vietnam war at one point. One cousin was killed serving in the infantry in 1971.
You weren't there so how the fuck can you KNOW how Nam vets would take this? You don't speak for us as a group you shit on a stick asswipe! If the Vietnamese people need weapons to fend off Chinese aggression that they have fought off for centuries, I have no damn problem selling them some!
The Vietnam vets at the local Amvets where I live are not pleased at all with Obama doing this.
Christ on a mountain top! AMVETS is a politically motivated piece of shit and rather diminutive as far a chartered veteran organizations go. I doubt you even know a member of AMVETS let alone have been to any of their very few Posts across the nation to gather their collective opinion on this subject!
Many of my fishing and hunting buddies are members of the local Amvets. My neighbor, a retired Marine who was deployed to Nam in 65, is the treasurer. Their opinion is unanimous, Obama is doing a disrespect to this country with this foolish move.
MarcGarret, you reputation for veracity is as great as Trump's.

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