Zone1 Obama hasn't damaged race relations enough, now he's attacking Tim Scott.

Obama’s father was a 1 percenter elite as was Obama’s white mother. Obama himself grew up with white privilege in Hawaii. Tim Scott grew up the son of a Black mother in The South.
As long as Tim has that 'R' behind his name, IM2 will consider him a traitor, and a 3rd class citizen.

Tim Scott often talks about his grandfather and cotton. There’s more to that tale.​

Our research reveals a more complex story than what Scott tells audiences. Scott’s grandfather’s father was also a substantial landowner — and Scott’s grandfather, Artis Ware, worked on that farm. Scott’s family history in South Carolina offers a fascinating window into a little-known aspect of history in the racist South following the Civil War and in the immediate aftermath of slavery — that some enterprising Black families purchased property as a way to avoid sharecropping and achieve a measure of independence from White-dominated society.

The Facts​

Notwithstanding inconsistencies in the ages listed, we believe we located Lawrence Ware, who was born in 1861, in the 1870 census and the 1880 census. His father, who is listed as not being able to read or write, was a farmer and Lawrence is listed as a field hand in the 1880 census. When we fast forward to the 1910 census, Lawrence Ware is recorded as owning his own farm and a home without a mortgage. He is able to read and write. He and his wife have nine children, including Willie Ware, Scott’s great-grandfather.

Willie, at the time 16, also is recorded as a farmer. The census indicates that Lawrence is the employer and Willie is a wage earner on his father’s farm.

According to property records, Lawrence Ware purchased at least 147 acres in 1905 and 23 acres in 1918. In this period before World War I, some enterprising Black people began to buy their own farmland, resulting in a peak of Black farm ownership before the worldwide conflict and the boll weevil devastated cotton markets, according to a 2008 history of Black farmers.
Lawrence Ware’s property was described as “quite impeccable” by a distant relative, Walter B. Curry, who has researched the genealogy of a branch of the family. He said Ware was among those Black people “who purchased land during the era of racial segregation to escape the perilous uncertainty of sharecropping that resulted in self-independence for themselves and their descendants.”

Scott tells a tidy story packaged for political consumption, but a close look shows how some of his family’s early and improbable success gets flattened and written out of his biography. Against heavy odds, Scott’s ancestors amassed relatively large areas of farmland, a mark of distinction in the Black community at the time. Scott, moreover, does not mention that his grandfather worked on his father’s farm — a farm that was expanded through land acquisitions even during the Great Depression, when many other Black farmers were forced out of business.

Obama just can't stop beating the victim hood dead horse. As if he didn't do enough damage to America, he has to keep running his mouth. Tim Scott brings is a positive role model for Black people and brings a positive message. Obama plays the same old saw of "400 years of oppression". Enough already, just shut up and enjoy your mansion in Whitey's Ville.

The 'Great Uniter'

He did SOOOOO much for blacks. :rolleyes:
As long as Tim has that 'R' behind his name, IM2 will consider him a traitor, and a 3rd class citizen.
Wrong. I consider Scott a sellout because that's what he is. You white racists don't get to pick who I like. I'd vote for Michael Steele if he ran for President and he is a republican. You like Scott because he gives your racism plausible deniability.
The 'Great Uniter'

He did SOOOOO much for blacks. :rolleyes:
Actually he did. Now if he had decided to make a special policy for blacks, you disingenuous ......Would have hollered about him being a racist against whites.
What a traitor…. A successful Black entrepreneur who goes out and builds something as opposed to a community organizer running around telling entrepreneurs, “you didn’t build that.”
That's not what community organizers do, and when you look ar their achievements, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law is a little more impressive than slingng insurance. I can compare the 2 since I held a insurance license for 20 years.

Tim Scott often talks about his grandfather and cotton. There’s more to that tale.​

Our research reveals a more complex story than what Scott tells audiences. Scott’s grandfather’s father was also a substantial landowner — and Scott’s grandfather, Artis Ware, worked on that farm. Scott’s family history in South Carolina offers a fascinating window into a little-known aspect of history in the racist South following the Civil War and in the immediate aftermath of slavery — that some enterprising Black families purchased property as a way to avoid sharecropping and achieve a measure of independence from White-dominated society.

The Facts​

Notwithstanding inconsistencies in the ages listed, we believe we located Lawrence Ware, who was born in 1861, in the 1870 census and the 1880 census. His father, who is listed as not being able to read or write, was a farmer and Lawrence is listed as a field hand in the 1880 census. When we fast forward to the 1910 census, Lawrence Ware is recorded as owning his own farm and a home without a mortgage. He is able to read and write. He and his wife have nine children, including Willie Ware, Scott’s great-grandfather.

Willie, at the time 16, also is recorded as a farmer. The census indicates that Lawrence is the employer and Willie is a wage earner on his father’s farm.

According to property records, Lawrence Ware purchased at least 147 acres in 1905 and 23 acres in 1918. In this period before World War I, some enterprising Black people began to buy their own farmland, resulting in a peak of Black farm ownership before the worldwide conflict and the boll weevil devastated cotton markets, according to a 2008 history of Black farmers.
Lawrence Ware’s property was described as “quite impeccable” by a distant relative, Walter B. Curry, who has researched the genealogy of a branch of the family. He said Ware was among those Black people “who purchased land during the era of racial segregation to escape the perilous uncertainty of sharecropping that resulted in self-independence for themselves and their descendants.”

Scott tells a tidy story packaged for political consumption, but a close look shows how some of his family’s early and improbable success gets flattened and written out of his biography. Against heavy odds, Scott’s ancestors amassed relatively large areas of farmland, a mark of distinction in the Black community at the time. Scott, moreover, does not mention that his grandfather worked on his father’s farm — a farm that was expanded through land acquisitions even during the Great Depression, when many other Black farmers were forced out of business.

The Washington Post exposed itself by “digging deeper” on a Black Republican politician’s story for political consumption. How come they didn’t do political consumption stories on Clinton’s, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Obama, Biden, and Harris?
Obama is right and when a bunch of racists support a black man, they're doing so because he says what they want to hear about race and is willing to throw blacks under the bus to please them.
The Washington Post exposed itself by “digging deeper” on a Black Republican politician’s story for political consumption. How come they didn’t do political consumption stories on Clinton’s, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Obama, Biden, and Harris?
They did those stories. Stop whining.
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Obama is right

homO is still too CHICKEN to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET!!!!

What a COWARD!!!

Truth and homO live in different galaxies. The truth about homO would put homO in front of a firing squad 200 times over...
That's not what community organizers do, and when you look ar their achievements, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law is a little more impressive than slingng insurance. I can compare the 2 since I held a insurance license for 20 years.
Impressive is building a business….. whether you sell insurance, technology, or paper clips. Going to Ivy League, getting a degree, and then living a life of entitlement off other people’s money is depressing.

“Impressive” don’t pay the bills. Americans love successful entrepreneurs more than they do entitled 1 percent Ivy League.
Impressive is building a business….. whether you sell insurance, technology, or paper clips. Going to Ivy League, getting a degree, and then living a life of entitlement off other people’s money is depressing.

“Impressive” don’t pay the bills. Americans love successful entrepreneurs more than they do entitled 1 percent Ivy League.
And the elitists tend to downplay the talent and effort it takes to build a business. Remember how Obama scolded “you didn’t build that!”

That was the start of downplaying achievement.
Obama is right and when a bunch of racists support a black man, they're doing so because he says what they want to hear about race and is willing to throw blacks under the bus to please them.
Yes because so many Blacks are clamoring to make sure they vote for the man that tells them that if they don’t vote for him, then they are not Black….nothing racist about that; especially since this is the same guy who said he don’t want his kids going to school with Blacks.
Yes because so many Blacks are clamoring to make sure they vote for the man that tells them that if they don’t vote for him, then they are not Black….nothing racist about that; especially since this is the same guy who said he don’t want his kids going to school with Blacks.
Actually….what he said was worse: he said he doesn’t want them going to school in a racial jungle.
And the elitists tend to downplay the talent and effort it takes to build a business. Remember how Obama scolded “you didn’t build that!”

That was the start of downplaying achievement.
When Obama made that statement it solidified a couple of things I already knew:

1) Obama is out of touch with economics
2) Obama and the modern day Democrats have disdain for small businesses entrepreneurs.

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