Zone1 Obama hasn't damaged race relations enough, now he's attacking Tim Scott.

Obama just can't stop beating the victim hood dead horse. As if he didn't do enough damage to America, he has to keep running his mouth. Tim Scott brings is a positive role model for Black people and brings a positive message. Obama plays the same old saw of "400 years of oppression". Enough already, just shut up and enjoy your mansion in Whitey's Ville.

That's not about skin color or racism. It's about Tim Scott's beliefs.
Yes because so many Blacks are clamoring to make sure they vote for the man that tells them that if they don’t vote for him, then they are not Black….nothing racist about that; especially since this is the same guy who said he don’t want his kids going to school with Blacks.

Biden's quip was a joke.
Actually….what he said was worse: he said he doesn’t want them going to school in a racial jungle.
That’s exactly what he said. You are correct. Watching Black Democrats defend blatant racist statements by Biden is pathetic. Take his Racial Jungle speech, his “Clean, articulate”comments about Obama, and his conditional challenge to Black voters that “they won’t be Black” and you have one hell of a racist.
Obama is right and when a bunch of racists support a black man, they're doing so because he says what they want to hear about race and is willing to throw blacks under the bus to please them.
Feek the same way about Condi RIce, Colin Powell, Herman Cain?
When Obama made that statement it solidified a couple of things I already knew:

1) Obama is out of touch with economics
2) Obama and the modern day Democrats have disdain for small businesses entrepreneurs.
And we saw that when they allowed Target and Walmart to operate during COVID, but were only to happy to shut down the Mom and Pop stores and drive them into bankruptcy.
That’s exactly what he said. You are correct. Watching Black Democrats defend blatant racist statements by Biden is pathetic. Take his Racial Jungle speech, his “Clean, articulate”comments about Obama, and his conditional challenge to Black voters that “they won’t be Black” and you have one hell of a racist.
And then they have the nerve to call people who voted for Trump happy to support a racist. The hypocrisy is beyond belief.
And then they have the nerve to call people who voted for Trump happy to support a racist. The hypocrisy is beyond belief.
They too supported Trump when he was writing checks to Democrats and bashing Bush and Cheney. In a few short years later, Democrats not only bash Trump but embrace a Cheney (Liz) and reject RFK. What or who is next?
They too supported Trump when he was writing checks to Democrats and bashing Bush and Cheney. In a few short years later, Democrats not only bash Trump but embrace a Cheney (Liz) and reject RFK. What or who is next?
They’re fickle, for sure.
That's not about skin color or racism. It's about Tim Scott's beliefs.
Yes, Tim Scott's radical beliefs that there is more opportunity for American Black people today than at any point in history. Nothing scares a Democratic Race Baiter more than that message.
Yes, Tim Scott's radical beliefs that there is more opportunity for American Black people today than at any point in history. Nothing scares a Democratic Race Baiter more than that message.

Yes, there's a growing black middle class. So what? You're projecting again.

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