Obama Holdovers Engage In Open 'Treason' In Dept of Labor

Maybe, if the Trump Administration was more competent and filled the upper management positions, there probably would not be these issues.
But of course, Hot Air misses that point and blames the cooks instead of the chef. Typical hyper-partisan bullshit.
The Dims are obstructing his appointments to the extent that it will take 5 years to get all his nominations approved. I love the way Dims blame Republicans for shit they are responsible for.


Of course you deny that Trump is lying about Democrats blocking his appointments. You parrot every one of his lies endlessly, like a good little Trumpanzee. Every word of every tweet is the gospel truth to you.

Others are not as stupid or as gullible. You have to make appointments and fill out the paperwork to hire people. Trump does neither. He just covers his laziness and incompetence by blaming Democrats and you echo his every lie.
No. False.
Of course you deny that Trump is lying about Democrats blocking his appointments.
It must be uncomfortable being you, with that hand stuck up your butt, but at least all you have to do is move your lips - no thinking, no speaking....

Democrats block confirmation votes for Sessions, Price and Mnuchin

Senate Democrats Block Committee Votes On 2 Trump Nominees
- NPR: you can't get much more liberal than that...

Despite Recent Additions, Trump Cabinet Still Emptier Than Predecessors'
- Again, NPR: "It would help if the Democrats weren't working overtime to unnecessarily block our very qualified nominees so that we could put leadership in place at each of the agencies"

Democrats block Pompeo CIA confirmation vote amid Trump’s feud with intel

Senate Democrats’ vow delays on votes for Trump’s Cabinet

Senate Democrats block vote on Trump Treasury pick

Democratic Obstructionism on Cabinet Nominees

Democrats Skip Votes, Delaying Confirmation of Trump Nominees
- NY Times, another Liberal Propaganda-Pusher

Life must be so easy (no pun intended) for snowflakes when they can just make up their own reality and push liberal bullshit propaganda as if it were real...while attacking others, calling THEM 'liars'

Hey, LL / DL...


You Lose!
August 3, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


You know that a leak is bad when David Frum is warning about the consequences.

The leaks aren't new, but they are escalating and there is a deliberately pattern of sabotage here. While McMaster purges Trump supporters from the NSC, the Obama holdovers remain deeply entrenched. The removal of Derek Harvey, who had assembled a list of Obama holdovers to be fired, while the holdovers stayed, sums up the problem.

The McMaster letter protecting Susan Rice's classified access is obscene considering how McMaster has forced out NSC people using the security clearance pretext.

If President Trump wants the leaks to stop, the Obama holdovers must go. And if McMaster, Tillerson, Mattis and other figures in the establishment won't cooperate, they must go.


The Obama Holdovers Must Go if The Leaks Are to Stop
It's looking like Trump will be in prison before any of that happens.
Obama holdovers are openly refusing to comply with President Trump directives, which is also reportedly happening in the EPA.

The Obama 'shadow govt' is trying to operate as if Obama is still President...

Perhaps it's time for a new 'Executive Order':

'If you were appointed and / or hired by / during the Obama administration, YOU'RE FIRED!'

Mutiny? Obama holdovers at Labor in “open rebellion” against Trump - Hot Air

"One of the problems inherent in the process of a new broom sweeping clean is that the federal bureaucracy is so massive that there’s simply too much sweeping to do. In previous times this has seemed like something less of an issue.

Now, however, there’s pretty much open warfare over any issue which can be successfully politicized. The folks at labor have had most of a decade to stagnate, with Obama supporters running the show over there. They’ve seemingly forgotten that their job is to carry out the mission of the department.

But it’s an executive branch office and the details of the mission are defined by the President. We’re running into the same thing at the EPA and will no doubt see more of this as we go."
You are perpetually whining.......but OTHERS are "snowflakes"?
OH....did he inadvertently trigger you, Snowflake???
It's looking like Trump will be in prison before any of that happens.


Based on WHAT?



- It was proven last week the whole Russia Collusion crusade was started based on the Fake News Dossier filled with Russian-provided propaganda through a firm working for the Russians to a foreign agent.


EVERY snowflake conspiracy scam has blown up in the faces of the Democrats, only succeeding in exposing their own crimes...which they refuse to ac=knowledge and constantly try to distract from

The very core of this thread, the title's claim, has already been proven.
- According to the Directors of the NSA and FBI under oath, the Obama administration illegally mis-used incidentally collected information, deemed to have NO Intel Value and thus being PROTECTED CLASSIFIED Personal Information, by illegally sharing that information, by using it to illegally unmask Americans, and by committing Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally leaking that CLASSIFIED information for POLITICAL gain - all CRIMES.

Snowflakes like yourself continue to make these claims over and over without any evidence to support your wild-ass accusations while calling others liars when they refute those claims, unable to present anything that backs up what you say.

If Trump is dirty, if he is colluding with the Russians, for the good of the country I hope to God Democrats expose him for doing so, allowing us to get rid of him...but after a YEAR of multiple investigations, scams, schemes, and lies that have blown up in their faces Americans like me are getting tired of the continuous BS without evidence...not even a hint of it.

So far the only thing the Liberals have proven, other than their own crimes, is how they have still not gotten over how butt-hurt they still are over Hillary's loss.
Maybe, if the Trump Administration was more competent and filled the upper management positions, there probably would not be these issues.
But of course, Hot Air misses that point and blames the cooks instead of the chef. Typical hyper-partisan bullshit.
The Dims are obstructing his appointments to the extent that it will take 5 years to get all his nominations approved. I love the way Dims blame Republicans for shit they are responsible for.

Blocking Trump recess appointments required unanimous consent by the Senate aka the GOP establishment hacks.
Blocking Trump recess appointments required unanimous consent by the Senate aka the GOP establishment hacks.
Considering all the proven stalling and obstruction from the Left on confirming Trump's appointees, it is understandable that the Democrats want to cover all the bases and make sure Trump is unable to expedite the confirmation of his Cabinet/appointees. The GOP's 'collusion' is a little shocking...but only a 'LITTLE' shocking.

They, after all, never liked Trump, never approved of Trump, have been aiding the Democrats in killing his agenda, have taken steps to ensure the Trump investigation - even though already exposed as a scam - does not go away, and now joining the Democrats in continuing to ensure his nominees are not confirmed in a timely manner.

It is a shame that these 2 friggin' subversive, seditious, Washington Establishment, status-quo, self/party-serving, power-protecting douche bag parties are the only 2 REAL choices the American people have.
It's looking like Trump will be in prison before any of that happens.


Based on WHAT?



- It was proven last week the whole Russia Collusion crusade was started based on the Fake News Dossier filled with Russian-provided propaganda through a firm working for the Russians to a foreign agent.


EVERY snowflake conspiracy scam has blown up in the faces of the Democrats, only succeeding in exposing their own crimes...which they refuse to ac=knowledge and constantly try to distract from

The very core of this thread, the title's claim, has already been proven.
- According to the Directors of the NSA and FBI under oath, the Obama administration illegally mis-used incidentally collected information, deemed to have NO Intel Value and thus being PROTECTED CLASSIFIED Personal Information, by illegally sharing that information, by using it to illegally unmask Americans, and by committing Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally leaking that CLASSIFIED information for POLITICAL gain - all CRIMES.

Snowflakes like yourself continue to make these claims over and over without any evidence to support your wild-ass accusations while calling others liars when they refute those claims, unable to present anything that backs up what you say.

If Trump is dirty, if he is colluding with the Russians, for the good of the country I hope to God Democrats expose him for doing so, allowing us to get rid of him...but after a YEAR of multiple investigations, scams, schemes, and lies that have blown up in their faces Americans like me are getting tired of the continuous BS without evidence...not even a hint of it.

So far the only thing the Liberals have proven, other than their own crimes, is how they have still not gotten over how butt-hurt they still are over Hillary's loss.
It's looking like Trump will be in prison before any of that happens.


Based on WHAT?



- It was proven last week the whole Russia Collusion crusade was started based on the Fake News Dossier filled with Russian-provided propaganda through a firm working for the Russians to a foreign agent.


EVERY snowflake conspiracy scam has blown up in the faces of the Democrats, only succeeding in exposing their own crimes...which they refuse to ac=knowledge and constantly try to distract from

The very core of this thread, the title's claim, has already been proven.
- According to the Directors of the NSA and FBI under oath, the Obama administration illegally mis-used incidentally collected information, deemed to have NO Intel Value and thus being PROTECTED CLASSIFIED Personal Information, by illegally sharing that information, by using it to illegally unmask Americans, and by committing Felony ESPIONAGE by illegally leaking that CLASSIFIED information for POLITICAL gain - all CRIMES.

Snowflakes like yourself continue to make these claims over and over without any evidence to support your wild-ass accusations while calling others liars when they refute those claims, unable to present anything that backs up what you say.

If Trump is dirty, if he is colluding with the Russians, for the good of the country I hope to God Democrats expose him for doing so, allowing us to get rid of him...but after a YEAR of multiple investigations, scams, schemes, and lies that have blown up in their faces Americans like me are getting tired of the continuous BS without evidence...not even a hint of it.

So far the only thing the Liberals have proven, other than their own crimes, is how they have still not gotten over how butt-hurt they still are over Hillary's loss.

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