Obama: I debated an Imposter!

Aug 7, 2012
I debated an Imposter Last Night

Says Romney can dance around positions all he wants.

At a Denver rally Thursday morning President Obama reflected on his opponent's performance in last night's debate. "When I got on to the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. The man on stage last night does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions...for the last year," Obama said. "So Governor Romney may dance around his positions, but if you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth...So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan" without inflating the deficit or harming the middle class. He also mocked Romney for his Sesame Street reference. "Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama joked.

President Obama mocked Mitt Romney for mentioning that he would cut funding to PBS as part of his deficit-reduction plan in Wednesday night's debate during a rally in Denver, Colorado Thursday morning.

"Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama said. "It's about time. We didn't know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit."

And Romney debated an empty chair.

Boy...Obama sure is tough when there is no across the stage from him and his bullet proof teleprompter is in front of him.

He's just lucky Romney didn't use the "You didn't build that...." line on him. last night.

You are simply unhinged at how badly your affirmative action moron performed.
I debated an Imposter Last Night

Says Romney can dance around positions all he wants.

At a Denver rally Thursday morning President Obama reflected on his opponent's performance in last night's debate. "When I got on to the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. The man on stage last night does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions...for the last year," Obama said. "So Governor Romney may dance around his positions, but if you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth...So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan" without inflating the deficit or harming the middle class. He also mocked Romney for his Sesame Street reference. "Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama joked.

President Obama mocked Mitt Romney for mentioning that he would cut funding to PBS as part of his deficit-reduction plan in Wednesday night's debate during a rally in Denver, Colorado Thursday morning.

"Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama said. "It's about time. We didn't know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit."


Obama didn't "reflect" on anything...his TELEPROMPTER Did! :razz:
Now the day after Obama is chirping...
Acting all sorts of tough.
Where the fuck was he last night?
Someone should tell Obama he was in a real debate.

Joe Biden was nowhere around last night.

Ryan will expose that imposter next week.
Notice how there right wingers never talk about a single Mitt Romney policy?
I debated an Imposter Last Night

Says Romney can dance around positions all he wants.

At a Denver rally Thursday morning President Obama reflected on his opponent's performance in last night's debate. "When I got on to the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. The man on stage last night does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions...for the last year," Obama said. "So Governor Romney may dance around his positions, but if you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth...So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan" without inflating the deficit or harming the middle class. He also mocked Romney for his Sesame Street reference. "Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama joked.

President Obama mocked Mitt Romney for mentioning that he would cut funding to PBS as part of his deficit-reduction plan in Wednesday night's debate during a rally in Denver, Colorado Thursday morning.

"Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama said. "It's about time. We didn't know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FopyRHHlt3M]Laugh harder - YouTube[/ame]
Notice how there right wingers never talk about a single Mitt Romney policy?

They don't have to. They just have to point out how poor a job Obama has done and they win. He could have been one of the very best POTUS's we've ever had. Sadly he decided to cowtow to the Chicago machine and has been one of the very worst POTUS's we've ever had as a consequence.
Notice how there right wingers never talk about a single Mitt Romney policy?

They don't have to. They just have to point out how poor a job Obama has done and they win. He could have been one of the very best POTUS's we've ever had. Sadly he decided to cowtow to the Chicago machine and has been one of the very worst POTUS's we've ever had as a consequence.

I can't remember a president who had to fight a party that has become as radical as the "let him die" and "brutal rapists have the right to be a dad" Republican Party. Perhaps a little diversity would have kept a party that's at least 90% white from going radical.
Notice how there right wingers never talk about a single Mitt Romney policy?

They don't have to. They just have to point out how poor a job Obama has done and they win. He could have been one of the very best POTUS's we've ever had. Sadly he decided to cowtow to the Chicago machine and has been one of the very worst POTUS's we've ever had as a consequence.

I can't remember a president who had to fight a party that has become as radical as the "let him die" and "brutal rapists have the right to be a dad" Republican Party. Perhaps a little diversity would have kept a party that's at least 90% white from going radical.

Thank heavens for that party too !!!!

You elected an affirmative action Lenin in 2008 and after two years, THE PEOPLE elected a congress to correct their original mistake.

Of course, it is congress who runs the show. Obama is the obstructionist. If he was a man of honesty, he'd realize American does not want ACA and offer to repeal it.

He has no honesty, we know this (as you like to say). So we'll do it the hard way.

So long Mr. Moron.
I debated an Imposter Last Night

Says Romney can dance around positions all he wants.

At a Denver rally Thursday morning President Obama reflected on his opponent's performance in last night's debate. "When I got on to the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. The man on stage last night does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions...for the last year," Obama said. "So Governor Romney may dance around his positions, but if you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth...So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan" without inflating the deficit or harming the middle class. He also mocked Romney for his Sesame Street reference. "Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama joked.

President Obama mocked Mitt Romney for mentioning that he would cut funding to PBS as part of his deficit-reduction plan in Wednesday night's debate during a rally in Denver, Colorado Thursday morning.

"Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama said. "It's about time. We didn't know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit."


I'm thinking Obama actually believed his lies and distortions about Romney.
Notice how there right wingers never talk about a single Mitt Romney policy?

We talk about policy all the time. This thread is about Obama's comments, not policy. why would we start talking about cutting the debt in this thread?
I debated an Imposter Last Night

Says Romney can dance around positions all he wants.

At a Denver rally Thursday morning President Obama reflected on his opponent's performance in last night's debate. "When I got on to the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. The man on stage last night does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions...for the last year," Obama said. "So Governor Romney may dance around his positions, but if you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth...So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan" without inflating the deficit or harming the middle class. He also mocked Romney for his Sesame Street reference. "Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama joked.

President Obama mocked Mitt Romney for mentioning that he would cut funding to PBS as part of his deficit-reduction plan in Wednesday night's debate during a rally in Denver, Colorado Thursday morning.

"Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama said. "It's about time. We didn't know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit."

Obama is a whiny coward that was handed the presidency on a silver platter by the media. It was show time last night and he had NO ANSWERS for Romney, because the nanny press wasn't there to bail this class warfare asshole out. That's why he's back on the stump today acting tough, fighting an invisible opponent, repeating his shameless fearmongering and divide and conquer tactics.
Obama could not successfully argue his points against Romney during the debate so his next best thing is to deflect and mock after his dismal debate last night. Just as expected from our fearless leader. He just cannot say he failed to compete.
I debated an Imposter Last Night

Says Romney can dance around positions all he wants.

At a Denver rally Thursday morning President Obama reflected on his opponent's performance in last night's debate. "When I got on to the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. The man on stage last night does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions...for the last year," Obama said. "So Governor Romney may dance around his positions, but if you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth...So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan" without inflating the deficit or harming the middle class. He also mocked Romney for his Sesame Street reference. "Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama joked.

President Obama mocked Mitt Romney for mentioning that he would cut funding to PBS as part of his deficit-reduction plan in Wednesday night's debate during a rally in Denver, Colorado Thursday morning.

"Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama said. "It's about time. We didn't know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit."


I'm thinking Obama actually believed his lies and distortions about Romney.

He does. His hubris... he cant be wrong. He thinks this was a fluke.
I debated an Imposter Last Night

Says Romney can dance around positions all he wants.

At a Denver rally Thursday morning President Obama reflected on his opponent's performance in last night's debate. "When I got on to the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. The man on stage last night does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney's decisions...for the last year," Obama said. "So Governor Romney may dance around his positions, but if you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth...So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan" without inflating the deficit or harming the middle class. He also mocked Romney for his Sesame Street reference. "Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama joked.

President Obama mocked Mitt Romney for mentioning that he would cut funding to PBS as part of his deficit-reduction plan in Wednesday night's debate during a rally in Denver, Colorado Thursday morning.

"Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird," Obama said. "It's about time. We didn't know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit."


The fact that Obama didn't know that money to Big Bird is part of the deficit is a good reason for taxpayers to fire him. He's supposed to be spending OUR money wisely and just admitted he doesn't know what's contributing to our shortfall.
Now the day after Obama is chirping...
Acting all sorts of tough.
Where the fuck was he last night?

He did mention that Romney was changing his postion at the debate on the $5T 5 weeks before the election but it went right over most people's heads. And it's hard to pin down a slithering liar who changes positions with the wind.

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