Obama: I Won't Say Christian Terrorism, So I Won't Say Islamic Terrorism

Let me help the loons out. The Crusades: Muslims invaded Europe, the Christians got tired of ...wait for it, Islamic shennianigans and kicked the goat fuggers back to where they came from. The End
You Ignorant FUCK! Can we say FIRST CRUSADES, JERUSALEM, HOLY LAND, POPE URBAN II & 1095? You said what about public schools? :fu::laugh2: :smartass: :night:
Let me help the loons out. The Crusades: Muslims invaded Europe, the Christians got tired of ...wait for it, Islamic shennianigans and kicked the goat fuggers back to where they came from. The End
You Ignorant FUCK! Can we say FIRST CRUSADES, JERUSALEM, HOLY LAND, POPE URBAN II & 1095? You said what about public schools? :fu::laugh2: :smartass: :night:

You're close to being reported. Simmer down child, I gave you the basics. Now be nice
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

A terrorist group regardless of the name you call them can still be kicked out of Iraq.
Name and knowing who you are facing is important.
Like when you play football...are you playing alabama or kent state...its important to know.

The US commanders know who it is they are fighting. We all know it is the radical islamics who we are fighting. That the President doesn't want to legitimatize them by using Islam or defame the moderates make him a better man than I. It bothers me not a bit.

Calling them terrorists "legitimize(s)" them?


So Omar, did the American President acknowledge we're terrorists this time? No, Ahmad, he said our attack was "workplace violence."

Damn, we're legitimate, it's not workplace violence, it's terrorism, Obama got us again!

Playing word games again Kaz? Or still hearing voices?

Obama continued:

"So, someone seriously thinks that we don't know who we're fighting? If there's anyone out there who thinks we're confused about who our enemies are, that would come as a surprise to the thousands of terrorists who ... we've taken off the battlefield. If the implication is that those of us up here and the thousands of people around the country and around the world who are working to defeat ISIL aren't taking the fight seriously, that'd come as a surprise to those who've spent these last 7 1/2 years dismantling al-Qaida in the FATA, for example — including the men and women in uniform who put their lives at risk, and the special forces that I ordered to get [Osama] bin Laden and are now on the ground in Iraq and in Syria. They know full well who the enemy is."

Obama also cited the intelligence and law enforcement personnel who work to foil terrorist plots and to protect "all Americans — including politicians who tweet and appear on cable news shows."

President Obama Slams 'Yapping' Over 'Radical Islam' And Terrorism

See I told you the GOP were PC whores........
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

A terrorist group regardless of the name you call them can still be kicked out of Iraq.
Name and knowing who you are facing is important.
Like when you play football...are you playing alabama or kent state...its important to know.

The US commanders know who it is they are fighting. We all know it is the radical islamics who we are fighting. That the President doesn't want to legitimatize them by using Islam or defame the moderates make him a better man than I. It bothers me not a bit.

Calling them terrorists "legitimize(s)" them?


So Omar, did the American President acknowledge we're terrorists this time? No, Ahmad, he said our attack was "workplace violence."

Damn, we're legitimate, it's not workplace violence, it's terrorism, Obama got us again!

Playing word games again Kaz? Or still hearing voices?

Obama continued:

"So, someone seriously thinks that we don't know who we're fighting? If there's anyone out there who thinks we're confused about who our enemies are, that would come as a surprise to the thousands of terrorists who ... we've taken off the battlefield. If the implication is that those of us up here and the thousands of people around the country and around the world who are working to defeat ISIL aren't taking the fight seriously, that'd come as a surprise to those who've spent these last 7 1/2 years dismantling al-Qaida in the FATA, for example — including the men and women in uniform who put their lives at risk, and the special forces that I ordered to get [Osama] bin Laden and are now on the ground in Iraq and in Syria. They know full well who the enemy is."

Obama also cited the intelligence and law enforcement personnel who work to foil terrorist plots and to protect "all Americans — including politicians who tweet and appear on cable news shows."

President Obama Slams 'Yapping' Over 'Radical Islam' And Terrorism

See I told you the GOP were PC whores........

The GOP are the "PC whores" for wanting to call terrorists, terrorists ...

The Crusades,The Crusades!!!!! Fer fucks sake,do ya have anything a little more current?
How about the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, or the anti-Semites, or the KKK or the slavers of the deep South. Are you too fucking stupid or just too ignorant for those examples to come to mind? Christian Terrorists exist, shit for brains!
Do you have a time machine? Hint, it's 2016.
How about the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, or the anti-Semites, or the KKK or the slavers of the deep South. Are you too fucking stupid or just too ignorant for those examples to come to mind? Christian Terrorists exist, shit for brains!

Let me repeat it for you a little slowler so you can understand. I t ' s 2 0 1 6.
There is no such thing as Christian terrorism. Obama is not a Christian. There is no such thing as a Communist Christian. If you are a Communist, you are a child of the devil. If you are born again Christian, you are a child of God.
No Christians in Russia? really?
Over half of the Russian population is Roman Catholic. (although I do argue the Christian part when it comes to Catholics) I think you are mistaken.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

A terrorist group regardless of the name you call them can still be kicked out of Iraq.
Name and knowing who you are facing is important.
Like when you play football...are you playing alabama or kent state...its important to know.

The US commanders know who it is they are fighting. We all know it is the radical islamics who we are fighting. That the President doesn't want to legitimatize them by using Islam or defame the moderates make him a better man than I. It bothers me not a bit.

Uh-huh.....remember when FDR wouldn't use the term Nazi because he didn't want to legitimize them? Me either. It's just sad when your president thinks more of the nation's enemy than his own constituents.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

A terrorist group regardless of the name you call them can still be kicked out of Iraq.
Name and knowing who you are facing is important.
Like when you play football...are you playing alabama or kent state...its important to know.

The US commanders know who it is they are fighting. We all know it is the radical islamics who we are fighting. That the President doesn't want to legitimatize them by using Islam or defame the moderates make him a better man than I. It bothers me not a bit.

Calling them terrorists "legitimize(s)" them?


So Omar, did the American President acknowledge we're terrorists this time? No, Ahmad, he said our attack was "workplace violence."

Damn, we're legitimate, it's not workplace violence, it's terrorism, Obama got us again!

Playing word games again Kaz? Or still hearing voices?

Obama continued:

"So, someone seriously thinks that we don't know who we're fighting? If there's anyone out there who thinks we're confused about who our enemies are, that would come as a surprise to the thousands of terrorists who ... we've taken off the battlefield. If the implication is that those of us up here and the thousands of people around the country and around the world who are working to defeat ISIL aren't taking the fight seriously, that'd come as a surprise to those who've spent these last 7 1/2 years dismantling al-Qaida in the FATA, for example — including the men and women in uniform who put their lives at risk, and the special forces that I ordered to get [Osama] bin Laden and are now on the ground in Iraq and in Syria. They know full well who the enemy is."

Obama also cited the intelligence and law enforcement personnel who work to foil terrorist plots and to protect "all Americans — including politicians who tweet and appear on cable news shows."

President Obama Slams 'Yapping' Over 'Radical Islam' And Terrorism

See I told you the GOP were PC whores........

The GOP are the "PC whores" for wanting to call terrorists, terrorists ...


Hey Zippy, what is the title of the thread?

The GOP have demanded the President call the Murdering Terrorist Extremest ...... "Muslims"

But if you want to continue with your ridiculous "wanting to call terrorists, terrorists" bullshit, be my guest.
Let me help the loons out. The Crusades: Muslims invaded Europe, the Christians got tired of ...wait for it, Islamic shennianigans and kicked the goat fuggers back to where they came from. The End
You Ignorant FUCK! Can we say FIRST CRUSADES, JERUSALEM, HOLY LAND, POPE URBAN II & 1095? You said what about public schools? :fu::laugh2: :smartass: :night:

You're close to being reported. Simmer down child, I gave you the basics. Now be nice
The basics of what you IDIOT! You were aiming 180 deg from the target, fool! The object was retaking Jerusalem and the Holy Lands, dummy, not Europe as you asserted and THAT is the shorthand! You don't know WTF you're talking about!

Context is everything:
TWAT - a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.
twat - definition of twat in English | Oxford Dictionaries
You are an expert practitioner of those traits!

It's your bloody ignorance of our common language you wish to trade on in your attempt to silence, while you continue to maintain your STUPID AND OBNOXIOUS hidden persona! That is certainly the object upon which your faux affront hinges you bloody fool? I am not taken in by your phony damn "injuries" so stuff them and piss off!
Let me help the loons out. The Crusades: Muslims invaded Europe, the Christians got tired of ...wait for it, Islamic shennianigans and kicked the goat fuggers back to where they came from. The End
You Ignorant FUCK! Can we say FIRST CRUSADES, JERUSALEM, HOLY LAND, POPE URBAN II & 1095? You said what about public schools? :fu::laugh2: :smartass: :night:

You're close to being reported. Simmer down child, I gave you the basics. Now be nice
The basics of what you IDIOT! You were aiming 180 deg from the target, fool! The object was retaking Jerusalem and the Holy Lands, dummy, not Europe as you asserted and THAT is the shorthand! You don't know WTF you're talking about!

Context is everything:
TWAT - a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.
twat - definition of twat in English | Oxford Dictionaries
You are an expert practitioner of those traits!

It's your bloody ignorance of our common language you wish to trade on in your attempt to silence, while you continue to maintain your STUPID AND OBNOXIOUS hidden persona! That is certainly the object upon which your faux affront hinges you bloody fool? I am not taken in by your phony damn "injuries" so stuff them and piss off!

I thought I told you to simmer down, you're going to stroke old timer...and get past trying to educate me on the Crusades, history was my minor and I had excellent professors...not those left loon whack a doodles who you've obviously been exposed to
Let me help the loons out. The Crusades: Muslims invaded Europe, the Christians got tired of ...wait for it, Islamic shennianigans and kicked the goat fuggers back to where they came from. The End
You Ignorant FUCK! Can we say FIRST CRUSADES, JERUSALEM, HOLY LAND, POPE URBAN II & 1095? You said what about public schools? :fu::laugh2: :smartass: :night:

Yes you retard?

The 1st Crusade was in response to the repeated attacks by the Muslim Turks.

Good Allah but you're a stupid one, Adolf.
Obama is saying that you would not be happy if people characterized the KKK as a "radical Christian terrorists"

But why not the Planned Parenthood Shooter, the Charleston shooter, the Olympic bomber...why would it hurt anyone's tender sensibilities if we labeled them the way the right wants to label all Muslims?

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