Obama: I Won't Say Christian Terrorism, So I Won't Say Islamic Terrorism

The point is, no one should object to Islam beheading and burning people alive because that is exactly the same as Westboro holding a sign and hurting no one.

Glad you cleared that up.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

A terrorist group regardless of the name you call them can still be kicked out of Iraq.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

A terrorist group regardless of the name you call them can still be kicked out of Iraq.
Name and knowing who you are facing is important.
Like when you play football...are you playing alabama or kent state...its important to know.
There is no such thing as Christian terrorism.
Tell that to the untold thousands who died at the hands of the Crusaders and then the inquisitors during their hundreds of years of torture and death! Any sane and logical person would be forced to agree that the Protestants of the American Colonies weren't above torture and the threat of death dealing with "witchcraft". It is logical to call those examples above "Christian Terrorism" even if looking into the historical record is disturbing given those heinous acts were carried out in the name of the Holy Trinity of the Christian God!

It's obvious you don't have the first inkling what the Crusades were all about. Educated in public schools I take it?
There is no such thing as Christian terrorism.
Tell that to the untold thousands who died at the hands of the Crusaders and then the inquisitors during their hundreds of years of torture and death! Any sane and logical person would be forced to agree that the Protestants of the American Colonies weren't above torture and the threat of death dealing with "witchcraft". It is logical to call those examples above "Christian Terrorism" even if looking into the historical record is disturbing given those heinous acts were carried out in the name of the Holy Trinity of the Christian God!

It's obvious you don't have the first inkling what the Crusades were all about. Educated in public schools I take it?

That was that thing on Monty Python wasn't it?
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

A terrorist group regardless of the name you call them can still be kicked out of Iraq.
Name and knowing who you are facing is important.
Like when you play football...are you playing alabama or kent state...its important to know.

The US commanders know who it is they are fighting. We all know it is the radical islamics who we are fighting. That the President doesn't want to legitimatize them by using Islam or defame the moderates make him a better man than I. It bothers me not a bit.
Just let me know when Christians start wearing suicide vests.

Chop heads off.

Murder their friends and co workers and shout Glory to God as they do it.

Then they can be compared to Muslim terrorists.

Maybe someone should tell douchebag in the WH the difference??
The point is, no one should object to Islam beheading and burning people alive because that is exactly the same as Westboro holding a sign and hurting no one.

Glad you cleared that up.

So you think someone is not objecting to the beheading, or other atrocities because of the name he uses to describe said group?

You cleared something up alright.
One is barely noticeable, and one is committed in mass every day all over the world.

Can Obama figure out which is which with all the statistics in the world available to him? Of course not...
It's obvious you don't have the first inkling what the Crusades were all about. Educated in public schools I take it?
What is truly obvious, is that I found where your goat was tied at some point for you to post this blatant gratuitous and sophomoric ad hominem, silly twat!
It's obvious you don't have the first inkling what the Crusades were all about. Educated in public schools I take it?
What is truly obvious, is that I found where your goat was tied at some point for you to post this blatant gratuitous and sophomoric ad hominem, silly twat!

Meh...if you were anything but a know nothing I might be hurt, but you're not. You have no idea what the Crusades were about but you do look stupid trying to comment on them. You may go now and may I suggest you learn real history and not what your masters have indoctrinated and muddled your mind with
There is no such thing as Christian terrorism.
Tell that to the untold thousands who died at the hands of the Crusaders and then the inquisitors during their hundreds of years of torture and death! Any sane and logical person would be forced to agree that the Protestants of the American Colonies weren't above torture and the threat of death dealing with "witchcraft". It is logical to call those examples above "Christian Terrorism" even if looking into the historical record is disturbing given those heinous acts were carried out in the name of the Holy Trinity of the Christian God!

The ... wait for it ... Crusades? OMG, that's a serious argument? Here's the 411, the Crusades ended 800 years ago. Wow, you're behind on reading the papers, aren't you? Spoiler alert, they're going to discover a new world in a few hundred years from where you are now ...
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

A terrorist group regardless of the name you call them can still be kicked out of Iraq.
Name and knowing who you are facing is important.
Like when you play football...are you playing alabama or kent state...its important to know.

The US commanders know who it is they are fighting. We all know it is the radical islamics who we are fighting. That the President doesn't want to legitimatize them by using Islam or defame the moderates make him a better man than I. It bothers me not a bit.

Calling them terrorists "legitimize(s)" them?


So Omar, did the American President acknowledge we're terrorists this time? No, Ahmad, he said our attack was "workplace violence."

Damn, we're legitimate, it's not workplace violence, it's terrorism, Obama got us again!
Let me help the loons out. The Crusades: Muslims invaded Europe, the Christians got tired of ...wait for it, Islamic shennianigans and kicked the goat fuggers back to where they came from. The End
What GOOD comes out of the Prez saying "Muslim terror "? It will only be used as propaganda by the terrorists .

Everything a prez says has a lot a weight . That's why big mouth Trump would be trouble for us .
What GOOD comes out of the Prez saying "Muslim terror "? It will only be used as propaganda by the terrorists .

Everything a prez says has a lot a weight . That's why big mouth Trump would be trouble for us .

Walk me through how terrorists use calling them terrorists as propaganda.

I committed terrorism today.

No you didn't, it was workplace violence, Obama said so! You're no terrorist! I wouldn't give you a dime.

I am, I am a terrorist, I swear, I am!

Oh go kill a secretary, you piker. Obama gave you up, you're just a disgruntled employee. Time for a coffee break. Come back when you're serious about killing infidels

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