Obama: If You See Something Suspicious Report It


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
I see something suspicious - a guy living in the White House who downplays Islamofascism at every opportunity, gives us distorted history lessons on what Islam and Christianity is, arms terrorists, then gives us this most telling quote:
“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of ‘American leadership’ or ‘America winning”’
Barry wants to mail it in for the rest of his second term and then hit the golf course while someone else has to come in and clean up the mess he's made with his total lack of leadership in the Middle East.
Yeah, pretty bizarre comments on his part. He's just a burned out lame duck at this point. His handlers are probably advising him to just shut up now.
Yeah, pretty bizarre comments on his part. He's just a burned out lame duck at this point. His handlers are probably advising him to just shut up now.

I doubt that last part.

The meat muppet fag would not allow anyone near him that says something he doesn't want to hear.

It quite obvious that no one has told him to shut up after any of the asinine shit he's said, because everything he says is asinine shit.

7 years of it so far, and no indication the media won't be following him around for the distant future to record more asinine shit.

We liberals laugh hard when we see conservatives making weepy threads like this one.

We get it. Everyone does. The "lame duck" Obama keeps spanking conservatives and sending them running home to mama in tears, so the crybabies are seeking comfort.

Here, let me help.

"There, there." <with hairpats>

Better now?
We liberals laugh hard when we see conservatives making weepy threads like this one.

We get it. Everyone does. The "lame duck" Obama keeps spanking conservatives and sending them running home to mama in tears, so the crybabies are seeking comfort.

Here, let me help.

"There, there." <with hairpats>

Better now?
That really the best you have to defend a President that has allowed terrorism to quadruple in 7 years?

File it with your Leftard university Pansy's who are traumatized by having to read about white people.
"There, there" <more hairpats>

(This may take a while. They're too hysterical to respond to rationality, so all we can do is hug them and let them know we care.)
I see something suspicious - a guy living in the White House who downplays Islamofascism at every opportunity, gives us distorted history lessons on what Islam and Christianity is, arms terrorists, then gives us this most telling quote:
“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of ‘American leadership’ or ‘America winning”’

"There, there" <more hairpats>

(This may take a while. They're too hysterical to respond to rationality, so all we can do is hug them and let them know we care.)
Dude, if Hillary gets elected there will be mass suicides...
And when you report something suspicious or ask too many questions, this is pretty much what happens.

I see something suspicious - a guy living in the White House who downplays Islamofascism at every opportunity, gives us distorted history lessons on what Islam and Christianity is, arms terrorists, then gives us this most telling quote:
“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of ‘American leadership’ or ‘America winning”’

Up to second grade level now.
And when you report something suspicious or ask too many questions, this is pretty much what happens.


Yup. If you are wary, concerned and prudent your a racist and a bigot.

Just goes to show loads of people have no common sense whatsoever.
He's being lazy. These particular terrorism lies are like 10 years old.

not being afraid... didn't work, and why on earth would we be afraid of terrorism anyway ? Ffs

and reporting "suspicious" behavior. Yeah, like that's not gonna waste LOT of police time and give opportunity to personal disputes and bigotries.
And when you report something suspicious or ask too many questions, this is pretty much what happens.


This illustration is accurate in more ways than one.

Leave it to an incompetent meat muppet faggot to bring a "trojan horse" bigger than a doorway can accept in the first place.

Hours after Obama declared ISIS contained we got Paris.
Now we'll see what happens now that he said there is no current threat in America.
We liberals laugh hard when we see conservatives making weepy threads like this one.

We get it. Everyone does. The "lame duck" Obama keeps spanking conservatives and sending them running home to mama in tears, so the crybabies are seeking comfort.

Here, let me help.

"There, there." <with hairpats>

Better now?

Spanking conservatives? Really? The truth, Mamooth is that Barry is running out the string on a two term Presidency that will be known more for failures than successes. His handling of the economy has led to the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. His inept foreign policy has given us ISIS as a world wide threat and the Iranians with a green light to build a nuclear bomb. On the home front after seven years of Barry there are sharper divides between blacks and whites than at any time since the Civil Rights struggle of the 1960's and a wider gap between the haves and the have nots. He's the President who sat behind a desk in the Oval Office while the US suffered it's first credit downgrade in history and he's the President who lost a US Ambassador on an attack on a US consulate for the first time in our history. His Administration promised to be the most transparent ever and instead has become the most secretive ever...awash in scandals while it stonewalls investigations like the second coming of the Nixon Administration.
I see something suspicious - a guy living in the White House who downplays Islamofascism at every opportunity, gives us distorted history lessons on what Islam and Christianity is, arms terrorists, then gives us this most telling quote:
“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of ‘American leadership’ or ‘America winning”’

Up to second grade level now.
That would definitely be at least two levels above you.
Hours after Obama declared ISIS contained we got Paris.
Now we'll see what happens now that he said there is no current threat in America.

I must admit that it made me cringe when I heard that statement. Barry still hasn't learned his lesson...has he? To say that there is no current threat in America is either incredibly naive on his part or he's totally clueless about what's going on in the world around him.

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