Obama Ignoring Family Wishes - Oregon Bound - What Should Family / UCC Community Do?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Upon hearing there had been a shooting at UCC, without waiting to hear any of the details, without voicing any concern for the victims or their families, Obama openly declared he was politicizing the shootings and deaths to push his anti-gun agenda and encouraged others to do so as well.

Obama reached out to the father of a murdered girl and asked to meet with him and his family. The man declined, declaring he and his grieving family would NOT be USED by Obama as PROPS to push his anti-gun agenda.

After completely and immorally disrespecting the victims and their families, Obama declared he was going to attend their funerals. Since then the families, the community, has made it perfectly clear that they do NOT want Obama at their loved ones' funerals.... In response, Obama gave them al a big :fu:and declared he was coming anyway!

So What should the UCC community and families do about it?

The Mayor and Sheriff should declare it 'Concealed Carry Weapons Permit / Weapons Carry Day' and let anyone and everyone with a permit show up packing a gun to the funeral. (The Secret Service would go ape-shi'te' and would never let Obama attend.)

Issue a 'Protest Permit' so that protestors / bikers could hold a rally / protest on the runway of the nearest airport so Obama's Plane could not land (if he's coming by plane).

Have the local police remove Obama from the grounds if he shows up. (If they have the ceremonies on Private Property they could easily enforce this.)

Put up Anti-Obama posters and signs everywhere so any media attention he gets out of this 'political agenda-pushing' trip is NEGATIVE?

What else?
Upon hearing there had been a shooting at UCC, without waiting to hear any of the details, without voicing any concern for the victims or their families, Obama openly declared he was politicizing the shootings and deaths to push his anti-gun agenda and encouraged others to do so as well.

Obama reached out to the father of a murdered girl and asked to meet with him and his family. The man declined, declaring he and his grieving family would NOT be USED by Obama as PROPS to push his anti-gun agenda.

After completely and immorally disrespecting the victims and their families, Obama declared he was going to attend their funerals. Since then the families, the community, has made it perfectly clear that they do NOT want Obama at their loved ones' funerals.... In response, Obama gave them al a big :fu:and declared he was coming anyway!

So What should the UCC community and families do about it?

Well, Obama has got to do something. He's being run out of Iraq by the Iraqi leadership and Putin is wiping out his Syrian rebels. He has to turn his attention to persecuting the gun owners here at home since his foreign policies are such a failure.
Criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths do not concern themselves with the wishes of other people.

If Obama didn't go, you guys would be bitching about that. You know it. We know it. Everyone knows it.

He's black.
He won.
Get over it.

I notice that the OP posts no link that proves that every single family of victims has said they don't want to meet with him or have him come there.

The OP is a lie.


Behave like an adult. The one jackass who is doing this could meet with the president and honestly state his feelings and opinions. And have the human decency to allow others to grieve without making it a partisan spectacle.

But I suspect the OP is correct that Westboro type idiots will show up.

The Mayor and Sheriff should declare it 'Concealed Carry Weapons Permit / Weapons Carry Day' and let anyone and everyone with a permit show up packing a gun to the funeral. (The Secret Service would go ape-shi'te' and would never let Obama attend.)

Yup, that would take care of it.
If Obama didn't go, you guys would be bitching about that. You know it. We know it. Everyone knows it.

He's black.
He won.
Get over it.

He's black. - Irrelevant.

He won. - And has been a blind bull in a China shop ever since.

Get over it. - Why?

The Mayor and Sheriff should declare it 'Concealed Carry Weapons Permit / Weapons Carry Day' and let anyone and everyone with a permit show up packing a gun to the funeral. (The Secret Service would go ape-shi'te' and would never let Obama attend.)

Yup, that would take care of it.
Hope it happens. A bunch of white hicks in a gunfight with a bunch of white professionals defending the President. Basically it's the wet dream of every gun crazy out there.
If Obama didn't go, you guys would be bitching about that. You know it. We know it. Everyone knows it.

He's black.
He won.
Get over it.

You should really STOP trying to talk for others because you suck at it!

If the man respected human life and had not decided to politicize the shooting, I would have been proud of him, Instead what he did was disrespectful and disgusting. If he had not done so no one would have had a problem with him attending - don't try to blame others for his actions. If he had respected their wishes and decided not to go I would have respected him for it. The selfish political-agenda narcissist, however, has to disrespect the families, go anyway, and get attention.

He's black - so what? Why is it that Liberals accuse others of being racists for disagreeing with his actions but when they say something racist like 'he's black' people are supposed to act like it's ok? He's black - ok - does that give him the right to USE murder victims and their families, disrespect their attempt to honor, bury, and grieve over their loved ones just so he can push a political agenda? Whatever, you partisan Liberal racist!
Hope it happens. A bunch of white hicks in a gunfight with a bunch of white professionals defending the President. Basically it's the wet dream of every gun crazy out there.

Maybe YOURS...as I pointed out, it would never happen. Secret Service would not let him within 10 miles of that place until (if they could) all the guns had been removed.

The Mayor and Sheriff should declare it 'Concealed Carry Weapons Permit / Weapons Carry Day' and let anyone and everyone with a permit show up packing a gun to the funeral. (The Secret Service would go ape-shi'te' and would never let Obama attend.)

Yup, that would take care of it.
Hope it happens. A bunch of white hicks in a gunfight with a bunch of white professionals defending the President.

Of course you do. You're a Democrat.

That said, no one else but you has expressed a desire for violence, and if carry is legal there, tough titty.
Upon hearing there had been a shooting at UCC, without waiting to hear any of the details, without voicing any concern for the victims or their families, Obama openly declared he was politicizing the shootings and deaths to push his anti-gun agenda and encouraged others to do so as well.

Obama reached out to the father of a murdered girl and asked to meet with him and his family. The man declined, declaring he and his grieving family would NOT be USED by Obama as PROPS to push his anti-gun agenda.

After completely and immorally disrespecting the victims and their families, Obama declared he was going to attend their funerals. Since then the families, the community, has made it perfectly clear that they do NOT want Obama at their loved ones' funerals.... In response, Obama gave them al a big :fu:and declared he was coming anyway!

So What should the UCC community and families do about it?

When the town of Brattleboro, Vermont voted to arrest Bush and Cheney on site if they ever visited the town were you cool with that?

Vermont towns vote to arrest Bush and Cheney

I notice that the OP posts no link that proves that every single family of victims has said they don't want to meet with him or have him come there.

There are stories out there about the community not wanting him there. Several families have said they don't want him there. The mayor and sheriff have publicly declared they don't want him there. If he was moral, ethical, or cared one bit / had any respect for them he would not show.

I put out the question for discussion - what should the community do.
You want links, do your own research. Don't like the thread / question - then ignore it and stay the hell out.

Have a nice day.
Upon hearing there had been a shooting at UCC, without waiting to hear any of the details, without voicing any concern for the victims or their families, Obama openly declared he was politicizing the shootings and deaths to push his anti-gun agenda and encouraged others to do so as well.

Obama reached out to the father of a murdered girl and asked to meet with him and his family. The man declined, declaring he and his grieving family would NOT be USED by Obama as PROPS to push his anti-gun agenda.

After completely and immorally disrespecting the victims and their families, Obama declared he was going to attend their funerals. Since then the families, the community, has made it perfectly clear that they do NOT want Obama at their loved ones' funerals.... In response, Obama gave them al a big :fu:and declared he was coming anyway!

So What should the UCC community and families do about it?

When the town of Brattleboro, Vermont voted to arrest Bush and Cheney on site if they ever visited the town were you cool with that?

Vermont towns vote to arrest Bush and Cheney

No one is threatening to arrest Obama.
Upon hearing there had been a shooting at UCC, without waiting to hear any of the details, without voicing any concern for the victims or their families, Obama openly declared he was politicizing the shootings and deaths to push his anti-gun agenda and encouraged others to do so as well.

Obama reached out to the father of a murdered girl and asked to meet with him and his family. The man declined, declaring he and his grieving family would NOT be USED by Obama as PROPS to push his anti-gun agenda.

After completely and immorally disrespecting the victims and their families, Obama declared he was going to attend their funerals. Since then the families, the community, has made it perfectly clear that they do NOT want Obama at their loved ones' funerals.... In response, Obama gave them al a big :fu:and declared he was coming anyway!

So What should the UCC community and families do about it?

When the town of Brattleboro, Vermont voted to arrest Bush and Cheney on site if they ever visited the town were you cool with that?

Vermont towns vote to arrest Bush and Cheney

No one is threatening to arrest Obama.

That's not the point, but you already knew that.
When the town of Brattleboro, Vermont voted to arrest Bush and Cheney on site if they ever visited the town were you cool with that?

Vermont towns vote to arrest Bush and Cheney

If they had a legitimate legal / criminal case, sure...which they did not. But no one is talking about arresting Obama, are they? They are talking about WANTING a resident who USED their dead as a political prop to NOT show up. You DON'T have a problem with THAT?
When the town of Brattleboro, Vermont voted to arrest Bush and Cheney on site if they ever visited the town were you cool with that?

Vermont towns vote to arrest Bush and Cheney

If they had a legitimate legal / criminal case, sure...which they did not. But no one is talking about arresting Obama, are they?

As already stated, that is not the point. Try to keep up.

They are talking about WANTING a president who USED their dead as a political prop to NOT show up. You DON'T have a problem with THAT?

Some feel that way. I'm sure others are fine with him being there and want him there. If it's going to cause a big issue then he probably shouldn't, but as the president he certainly has the right if not the duty to be present during a national tragedy.

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