Obama: Illegal Leak 'Architect'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
How Are All These Intel Leaks Happening? Look At One Of The Last Things Obama Did Before Leaving Office

"Former President Barack Obama made a last-minute change to the way wiretapped intelligence is shared Jan. 12, which may have contributed to the proliferation of leaks plaguing the Trump administration.

Obama changed the way National Security Agency intelligence is shared 8 days before leaving office, which allows globally intercepted communications to be disseminated across the entire intelligence community.

The change was part of a post-9/11 push by the executive branch to increase intelligence sharing, to ensure that NSA analysts do not miss critically important information. The change is “simply widening the aperture for a larger number of analysts, who will be bound by the existing rules,” the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said at the time.

Obama administration officials also scrambled to spread classified intelligence related to Russian meddling in the 2016 election to as many people within the U.S. government as possible. These officials said they spread the intelligence around to ensure Trump administration officials would not be able to quash the investigation. The officials also fought to keep the related intelligence at a low-classified level, giving more officers access to the raw information."

1. I am all for what Obama did in regards to Intel Agencies being able to share information to fight our nation's enemies together. Unfortunately Obama immediately exposed the dangers of this as he and his hold-overs in the intel agencies abused this power - using it for partisan political attacks by illegally leaking the information.

2. "...to ensure Trump administration officials would not be able to quash the investigation."

No investigation was quashed. They showed the ONLY illegal acts perpetrated were by the very agencies who illegally leaked the data in a failed political attack on Trump. The investigation results were as follows:
- Russians did NOT 'hack the election'
--- Obama diduse this lie to conduct his own Watergate, though, during the election
- The FBI found NO COLLUSION between Trump and Russia
- Flynn did nothing illegal
--- Dems were able to successfully Politically Assassinate Flynn just the same
- Sessions did nothing illegal

Obama fulfilled a recommendation made after 9/11/01 to help make the country more safe; however, he immediately abused his power by using it POLITICALLY against the GOP Presidential candidate and his eventual successor!
No one has seen Obama or heard from him.
He is in hiding.
Do you think he is having lunch with Chelsea Manning, Snowden and Valerie Jarret?

Obabble always likes other people to do his dirty work...it frees him up to play golf.
And as an aside...I'm really looking forward to not seeing anything about Obabble's brackets during March Madness this year.
Seriously, I am concerned that a complete investigation of the Obama administration's corrupt activities will undermine confidence in all public institutions. This may be warranted, but it does not portend well for our system of government.
Trumps tweets were nothing but a distraction for Sessions and Trumps Russian involvment ..it is all baloney .

(CNSNews.com) – Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday denied knowledge of any wire-tapping of then-nominee or president-elect Donald Trump – but in an assertion receiving considerably less press attention also stated he had no knowledge of evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial
Trumps tweets were nothing but a distraction for Sessions and Trumps Russian involvement ..it is all baloney. (CNSNews.com) – Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday denied knowledge of any wire-tapping of then-nominee or president-elect Donald Trump – but in an assertion receiving considerably less press attention also stated he had no knowledge of evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial
Typical Trump administration "news".

No one has seen Obama or heard from him.
He is in hiding.
Do you think he is having lunch with Chelsea Manning, Snowden and Valerie Jarret?


Hopefully to give them whistleblower medals, but he rather seemed to have a stick up his ass on that matter; just like you.
Trumps tweets were nothing but a distraction for Sessions and Trumps Russian involvement ..it is all baloney. (CNSNews.com) – Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday denied knowledge of any wire-tapping of then-nominee or president-elect Donald Trump – but in an assertion receiving considerably less press attention also stated he had no knowledge of evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial
Typical Trump administration "news".

More like Obama. How many times did we hear him say "I just found out about it myself."?

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