Obama: I’m more worried about climate change than the Islamic State

Although the level of concern may not be high, which worries you more?


    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Climate Change

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
You people are so dumb it's painful...
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does

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Monthly temperature records aren't necessarily important, climate researchers say, but the month-to-month, year-to-year trend is deeply troubling.

By Molly Jackson, Staff MARCH 16, 2016
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February 2016 has now entered the climate hall of fame, or shame.

Not only was it the hottest February on record, but it showed the biggest spike in temperature since scientists starting keeping track more than a century ago, according to NASA data.

On Saturday, the Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies released a report showing February 2016 to be not just the hottest February on record, but the hottest seasonally-adjusted month since 1880.

I always try to say "brainwashed functional" morons, but seriously ...
Who let the 9-11 terrorists into America to learn how to fly jets into buildings?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Who ignored all kinds of warning about them?
Who let the 9-11 terrorists into America to learn how to fly jets into buildings?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Who ignored all kinds of warning about them?
Who? Link to the 9-11 commision quote that says obvious warnings should have caused 19 men to be arrested.

Not my fault Hillary insisted al Queda was working with Sadamn and pushed for war and her husband says Iraq had WMDs when Bush was President.
What planet are you on? Hillary? Never. Bill never said nukes. Let alone war.

Richard Clark says Bush wouldn't even see him about warnings duh.-
Still waiting for the link to the 9-11 commision quote that says obvious warnings should have caused 19 men to be arrested.

Why can't you find it?

Because you're a delusional liar.
Still can't support your crazy accusations. Typical leftist. Throw crap at the wall and hope some sticks.
Feq you, stupid. Straw horse much?
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
You people are so dumb it's painful...
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does

Latest News


Monthly temperature records aren't necessarily important, climate researchers say, but the month-to-month, year-to-year trend is deeply troubling.

By Molly Jackson, Staff MARCH 16, 2016
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February 2016 has now entered the climate hall of fame, or shame.

Not only was it the hottest February on record, but it showed the biggest spike in temperature since scientists starting keeping track more than a century ago, according to NASA data.

On Saturday, the Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies released a report showing February 2016 to be not just the hottest February on record, but the hottest seasonally-adjusted month since 1880.

I always try to say "brainwashed functional" morons, but seriously ...

Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
You people are so dumb it's painful...
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does

Latest News


Monthly temperature records aren't necessarily important, climate researchers say, but the month-to-month, year-to-year trend is deeply troubling.

By Molly Jackson, Staff MARCH 16, 2016
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February 2016 has now entered the climate hall of fame, or shame.

Not only was it the hottest February on record, but it showed the biggest spike in temperature since scientists starting keeping track more than a century ago, according to NASA data.

On Saturday, the Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies released a report showing February 2016 to be not just the hottest February on record, but the hottest seasonally-adjusted month since 1880.

I always try to say "brainwashed functional" morons, but seriously ...

Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
You people are so dumb it's painful...
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does

Latest News


Monthly temperature records aren't necessarily important, climate researchers say, but the month-to-month, year-to-year trend is deeply troubling.

By Molly Jackson, Staff MARCH 16, 2016
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February 2016 has now entered the climate hall of fame, or shame.

Not only was it the hottest February on record, but it showed the biggest spike in temperature since scientists starting keeping track more than a century ago, according to NASA data.

On Saturday, the Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies released a report showing February 2016 to be not just the hottest February on record, but the hottest seasonally-adjusted month since 1880.

I always try to say "brainwashed functional" morons, but seriously ...

Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
You people are so dumb it's painful...
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does

Latest News


Monthly temperature records aren't necessarily important, climate researchers say, but the month-to-month, year-to-year trend is deeply troubling.

By Molly Jackson, Staff MARCH 16, 2016
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February 2016 has now entered the climate hall of fame, or shame.

Not only was it the hottest February on record, but it showed the biggest spike in temperature since scientists starting keeping track more than a century ago, according to NASA data.

On Saturday, the Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies released a report showing February 2016 to be not just the hottest February on record, but the hottest seasonally-adjusted month since 1880.

I always try to say "brainwashed functional" morons, but seriously ...

Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...
The University of California student who went on a stabbing spree on the school’s Merced campus was inspired by the Islamic State, the FBI on Thursday said its investigation had concluded.

Faisal Mohammad, 18, who was shot and killed after stabbing four individuals last November had self-radicalized, the FBI said in a statement.

The federal law enforcement agency said Mohammad had pro-Islamic State propaganda on his computer and had visited other extremist websites prior to the attack.

“Investigators developed information that he may have self-radicalized and drawn inspiration from terrorist propaganda,” the FBI’s statement said.

How many more jobs have to be destroyed by the left? What is wrong with the left wing do they want everyone on the government dole? That can only be the answer.

Mrs. Tulza Clinton should be ashamed of herself telling coal miners that she will put them out of work and then give them jobs in an industry where there are no jobs, for coal miners. But to liberals, the only shame they know is the shame their parents must feel.
Last edited:
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
I am now seeing an effect of "climate change." Apparently if it isn't cold as hell in March it causes some people's shorts to get in a knot. I can't blame them for being cranky.
You people are so dumb it's painful...
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does

Latest News


Monthly temperature records aren't necessarily important, climate researchers say, but the month-to-month, year-to-year trend is deeply troubling.

By Molly Jackson, Staff MARCH 16, 2016
Save for later
February 2016 has now entered the climate hall of fame, or shame.

Not only was it the hottest February on record, but it showed the biggest spike in temperature since scientists starting keeping track more than a century ago, according to NASA data.

On Saturday, the Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies released a report showing February 2016 to be not just the hottest February on record, but the hottest seasonally-adjusted month since 1880.

I always try to say "brainwashed functional" morons, but seriously ...

Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?
You people are so dumb it's painful...
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does

Latest News


Monthly temperature records aren't necessarily important, climate researchers say, but the month-to-month, year-to-year trend is deeply troubling.

By Molly Jackson, Staff MARCH 16, 2016
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February 2016 has now entered the climate hall of fame, or shame.

Not only was it the hottest February on record, but it showed the biggest spike in temperature since scientists starting keeping track more than a century ago, according to NASA data.

On Saturday, the Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies released a report showing February 2016 to be not just the hottest February on record, but the hottest seasonally-adjusted month since 1880.

I always try to say "brainwashed functional" morons, but seriously ...

Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?

Windmills have killed more endangered species than Nukes ever will. Where is the environmental outrage?
Yes they have. You don't know it because (a) you have on blinders (b) the media won't report it and (c) there are leftwing politicians threatening to use RICO laws to shut up those who differ in their scientific findings. Pull you head out of your ass and get a dose of reality.

None of that is happening. Link to any international independent study that shows that man made climate change isn't real.

If you're going to keep your head up your ass all the time, you might want to check for polyps. Even though you'll find some excuse to deny this, here is the evidence you say doesn't exist.

Home - Climate Change Reconsidered

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds and created that site? Do you even care?

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds the global warming alarmist cults and their sites? Do you even care? Your scientists are awarded grants to produce preconceived results and have to modify the data to make the models match the predictions. Moron. You said no scientists are refuting the "settled" science. They are. It just doesn't match your bias. Go fish.
No clue about science at all, eh? Academics have no reason to lie, stupid, but your Big Oil scientists and Fox experts lol sure do. IDIOT.

No clue about science at all, eh? Academics have no reason to lie, stupid, but your Big Government scientists and left leaning media experts lol sure do. IDIOT.
None of that is happening. Link to any international independent study that shows that man made climate change isn't real.

If you're going to keep your head up your ass all the time, you might want to check for polyps. Even though you'll find some excuse to deny this, here is the evidence you say doesn't exist.

Home - Climate Change Reconsidered

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds and created that site? Do you even care?

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds the global warming alarmist cults and their sites? Do you even care? Your scientists are awarded grants to produce preconceived results and have to modify the data to make the models match the predictions. Moron. You said no scientists are refuting the "settled" science. They are. It just doesn't match your bias. Go fish.
No clue about science at all, eh? Academics have no reason to lie, stupid, but your Big Oil scientists and Fox experts lol sure do. IDIOT.

No clue about science at all, eh? Academics have no reason to lie, stupid, but your Big Government scientists and left leaning media experts lol sure do. IDIOT.

So every other country and scientific body in the world that also supports man made global warming studies....those are left leaning as well?
You people are so dumb it's painful...
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does
'Hottest month' records don't always matter – but February 2016 does

Latest News


Monthly temperature records aren't necessarily important, climate researchers say, but the month-to-month, year-to-year trend is deeply troubling.

By Molly Jackson, Staff MARCH 16, 2016
Save for later
February 2016 has now entered the climate hall of fame, or shame.

Not only was it the hottest February on record, but it showed the biggest spike in temperature since scientists starting keeping track more than a century ago, according to NASA data.

On Saturday, the Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies released a report showing February 2016 to be not just the hottest February on record, but the hottest seasonally-adjusted month since 1880.

I always try to say "brainwashed functional" morons, but seriously ...

Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?
We do, dupe. Duh.
None of that is happening. Link to any international independent study that shows that man made climate change isn't real.

If you're going to keep your head up your ass all the time, you might want to check for polyps. Even though you'll find some excuse to deny this, here is the evidence you say doesn't exist.

Home - Climate Change Reconsidered

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds and created that site? Do you even care?

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds the global warming alarmist cults and their sites? Do you even care? Your scientists are awarded grants to produce preconceived results and have to modify the data to make the models match the predictions. Moron. You said no scientists are refuting the "settled" science. They are. It just doesn't match your bias. Go fish.
No clue about science at all, eh? Academics have no reason to lie, stupid, but your Big Oil scientists and Fox experts lol sure do. IDIOT.

No clue about science at all, eh? Academics have no reason to lie, stupid, but your Big Government scientists and left leaning media experts lol sure do. IDIOT.
Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?
We do, dupe. Duh.

How many new nukes have we built in the last 10 years? In the next 10?
Imagine what we could build with the money wasted on windmills.
Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?

Windmills have killed more endangered species than Nukes ever will. Where is the environmental outrage?
I'm surrounded by windmills here, and that's total bs, dupe.
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?
We do, dupe. Duh.

How many new nukes have we built in the last 10 years? In the next 10?
Imagine what we could build with the money wasted on windmills.
Look it up and stop asking stupid questions, ignoramus. One under Obama is the first in years...I've got 200 giant windmills within 25 miles of me and they work fine. Solar and insulation programs working fine too, despite mindless Pub/dupe opposition. You're an idiotic disaster.
You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?
We do, dupe. Duh.

How many new nukes have we built in the last 10 years? In the next 10?
Imagine what we could build with the money wasted on windmills.
Look it up and stop asking stupid questions, ignoramus. One under Obama is the first in years...I've got 200 giant windmills within 25 miles of me and they work fine. Solar and insulation programs working fine too, despite mindless Pub/dupe opposition. You're an idiotic disaster.

Yeah, lots of windmills have been built.
What if we'd spent the money on something useful, like nuclear power instead?
Sounds scary! How many windmills should we build, to make the temperature go back down?
Your computer is the greatest research device ever, and you dupes never stop asking for information, since you get none...

You're the idiots who want to waste trillions on windmills.....you can't tell me how many will fix things? LOL!
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?

Windmills have killed more endangered species than Nukes ever will. Where is the environmental outrage?

For franco who thinks killing animals is funny.

America’s wind farms are actually slaughtering millions of birds and bats annually
What a pile of crap lol...Anyway, see also hydro, nukes, gas, clean coal someday...

We already have hydro, nukes and gas.
Why don't you guys push for more of that, instead of stupid, unreliable windmills?
We do, dupe. Duh.

How many new nukes have we built in the last 10 years? In the next 10?
Imagine what we could build with the money wasted on windmills.
Look it up and stop asking stupid questions, ignoramus. One under Obama is the first in years...I've got 200 giant windmills within 25 miles of me and they work fine. Solar and insulation programs working fine too, despite mindless Pub/dupe opposition. You're an idiotic disaster.

Yeah, lots of windmills have been built.
What if we'd spent the money on something useful, like nuclear power instead?

Nuclear power is expensive for sure but it can be safe and reliable.

that said, in my order of preference would be.

Geo-thermal, free energy but not available everywhere

Hydro. More damns, more available water for farm use and recreation.

Nuclear, with very obvious need for regulation

Coal, clean coal technology

Solar, can't be base load is dependent on the weather.

Wind, big ugly and killing wildlife by the droves.

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