Obama: 'I'm not interested in Leadership, Winning, or Talking to Anyone Who Questions Me'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hours before the attack on Paris Obama declared ISIS was 'contained'. After Paris was attacked it was discovered at least 2 of the attackers had been Syrian 'Refugees'`. Not long after that Obama announced that instead of 10,000 Syrian 'Refugees' he now wants to bring 100,000 to the US...in a shorter amount of time. In reaction to the Paris attack and his announcement, as of now approximately HALF of the states have rebelled and declared they will NOT accept any 'Refugees'. OBAMA has since responded by declaring he will NOT reject / turn away those 100,000 'Refugees'. States are remaining defiant...

In the meantime, as he is trying to impose his will on and force these states to take in refugees and while Congress demands Obama meet and talk to them about the 'Refugee' program, Obama has sent the message out - HE'S TOO BUSY TO MEET / TALK WITH CONGRESS...


Obama says he’s ‘too busy’ to debate GOP over terrorism
LINK: Obama says he's 'too busy' to debate GOP over terrorism - Washington Times

"President Obama showed a flash of anger Monday with Republican critics of his anti-terrorism strategy, saying he is “too busy” to engage in a rhetorical debate with them.

Obama: “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”


1. His military advisors have told him his strategy is not working, and there needs to be a change. He declared after the Paris attack that he planned to stay the course, no changes to his strategy...which is WHAT exactly? Pin-prick Drone Strikes? The French have come out and said that attempting to plan and conduct attacks on ISIS targets is almost 'impossible', making it much harder to run the war than it should be, because they keep telling the other allies what they can and can not strike. Obama and his military advisors are 'at odds' with each other to say the least. Despite his strategy that resulted in his belief that ISIS was 'contained' being proven extremely wrong, Obama will NOT change...because if it's one thing a Community Organizer knows more about than the Military and other experts, it is military strategy against terrorists. :rolleyes:

2. "I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership":

From the horse's (or jackass') mouth, Obama is NOT INTERESTED in 'posing' or 'pursuing' any LEADERSHIP Role against ISIS...He needed a coalition to take on ISI (ASSAD), he has a loose coalition, and he is trying to tell them what they can and can't do, what they can and can't strike, BUT he has no desire for America to be a World Power and / or a World Influence ... which is, coincidentally, his dear ol' daddy's goal.
- Hey Barry, as the saying goes, "Lead, Follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY!

3. "What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning"

- again, FROM THE JACKASS' MOUTH, Barry exposes why his 'foreign policy' regarding ISIS and other terrorist groups has been such a failure... He puts it clearly: I'm NOT interested in America Winning! Pointed out by just about everyone / every nation in the world, Barry's strategy has NEVER been about defeating, destroying, or eliminating ISIS it has been about 'CONTAINING' ISIS....and hours after he touted his victory of having contained them, ISIS, ISIS unleashed hell in Paris. The attack on Paris drove home the point that Obama's ISIS foreign policy is a FAILURE.

...and in light of his FAILED foreign policy, pointed out by our own as well as our allies' military and experts, Obama REFUSES to listen to the experts, REFUSES talk to anyone who has / is criticizing his failed strategies.

Barry REFUSES to consider American Leadership or to LEAD, he is not interested in WINNING, and refuses to speak with anyone that questions his edicts / policy.

What an ass!
Christian Syrian refugees are a large group, yet Obama won't even acknowledge their need. His Peace Prize was a joke. Got us out of Iraq? Afghanistan? Apparently his strategy was/is containment, no end game there either. Here's to hope and change...
Our beloved Pres. Obama has once again proven that he is a wise and effective leader.

American citizens are lucky to have him rule over us. ... :cool:
Christian Syrian refugees are a large group, yet Obama won't even acknowledge their need. His Peace Prize was a joke. Got us out of Iraq? Afghanistan? Apparently his strategy was/is containment, no end game there either. Here's to hope and change...
He's successfully contained isis to this planet.
Notice that the thread title is a lie, as is much of the op.

Repubs have refused to meet with him for 6 years. While they've been busy with their vacations and lying about the president, he's been doing his job.
Here's what he really said -

“I can’t afford to play some of the political games that others may,” Mr. Obama said. “We’ll do what’s required to keep the American people safe. It’s entirely appropriate for us in a democracy to have a debate about these issues. If they think that somehow their advisers are better than the chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them.”
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Notice that the thread title is a lie, as is much of the op.

'I'm not interested in Leadership, Winning, or Talking to Anyone Who Questions Me'

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”

Hours before the attack on Paris Obama declared ISIS was 'contained'. After Paris was attacked it was discovered at least 2 of the attackers had been Syrian 'Refugees'`. Not long after that Obama announced that instead of 10,000 Syrian 'Refugees' he now wants to bring 100,000 to the US...in a shorter amount of time. In reaction to the Paris attack and his announcement, as of now approximately HALF of the states have rebelled and declared they will NOT accept any 'Refugees'. OBAMA has since responded by declaring he will NOT reject / turn away those 100,000 'Refugees'. States are remaining defiant...

In the meantime, as he is trying to impose his will on and force these states to take in refugees and while Congress demands Obama meet and talk to them about the 'Refugee' program, Obama has sent the message out - HE'S TOO BUSY TO MEET / TALK WITH CONGRESS...


Obama says he’s ‘too busy’ to debate GOP over terrorism
LINK: Obama says he's 'too busy' to debate GOP over terrorism - Washington Times

"President Obama showed a flash of anger Monday with Republican critics of his anti-terrorism strategy, saying he is “too busy” to engage in a rhetorical debate with them.

Obama: “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”


1. His military advisors have told him his strategy is not working, and there needs to be a change. He declared after the Paris attack that he planned to stay the course, no changes to his strategy...which is WHAT exactly? Pin-prick Drone Strikes? The French have come out and said that attempting to plan and conduct attacks on ISIS targets is almost 'impossible', making it much harder to run the war than it should be, because they keep telling the other allies what they can and can not strike. Obama and his military advisors are 'at odds' with each other to say the least. Despite his strategy that resulted in his belief that ISIS was 'contained' being proven extremely wrong, Obama will NOT change...because if it's one thing a Community Organizer knows more about than the Military and other experts, it is military strategy against terrorists. :rolleyes:

2. "I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership":

From the horse's (or jackass') mouth, Obama is NOT INTERESTED in 'posing' or 'pursuing' any LEADERSHIP Role against ISIS...He needed a coalition to take on ISI (ASSAD), he has a loose coalition, and he is trying to tell them what they can and can't do, what they can and can't strike, BUT he has no desire for America to be a World Power and / or a World Influence ... which is, coincidentally, his dear ol' daddy's goal.
- Hey Barry, as the saying goes, "Lead, Follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY!

3. "What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning"

- again, FROM THE JACKASS' MOUTH, Barry exposes why his 'foreign policy' regarding ISIS and other terrorist groups has been such a failure... He puts it clearly: I'm NOT interested in America Winning! Pointed out by just about everyone / every nation in the world, Barry's strategy has NEVER been about defeating, destroying, or eliminating ISIS it has been about 'CONTAINING' ISIS....and hours after he touted his victory of having contained them, ISIS, ISIS unleashed hell in Paris. The attack on Paris drove home the point that Obama's ISIS foreign policy is a FAILURE.

...and in light of his FAILED foreign policy, pointed out by our own as well as our allies' military and experts, Obama REFUSES to listen to the experts, REFUSES talk to anyone who has / is criticizing his failed strategies.

Barry REFUSES to consider American Leadership or to LEAD, he is not interested in WINNING, and refuses to speak with anyone that questions his edicts / policy.

What an ass!

Easy, Easy, Easy...............

Your link from Washington Time's has nothing about what you are accusing the president of saying.

News Fake, or half truths only make you fail in the threads and loose your credibility except for those who believe anything bad about Obama.
Notice that the thread title is a lie, as is much of the op.

'I'm not interested in Leadership, Winning, or Talking to Anyone Who Questions Me'

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”


Easy Easy Easy.
Maybe in the book of Bullshit you can connect the title of the thread to your Quote..
Here's what he really said -

“I can’t afford to play some of the political games that others may,” Mr. Obama said. “We’ll do what’s required to keep the American people safe. It’s entirely appropriate for us in a democracy to have a debate about these issues. If they think that somehow their advisers are better than the chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them.”

- He is trying to FORCE states to take in UN-Vetted / Poorly-vetted Syrian 'Refugees' - after Paris - whether they want them or not.

- After Paris, and the fulfillment of ISIS promise to infiltrate refugees and to attack Europe, ignoring citizen concern for national security and ignoring the continuing threat is NOT what is required to keep us safe.

"I want to meet with them' directly conflicts with his other comment of how he is too busy. Obama has never wanted to or liked working with Congress / Republicans. He is really good at TALKING....let's see if he will ACTUALLY MEET and debate those who are questioning / criticizing his FAILED policies!
At least he didn't order the reporters to be taken outside and shot. So there's that.
Here's what he really said -

“I can’t afford to play some of the political games that others may,” Mr. Obama said. “We’ll do what’s required to keep the American people safe. It’s entirely appropriate for us in a democracy to have a debate about these issues. If they think that somehow their advisers are better than the chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them.”

I knew once I saw the butchered quotes the OP was a lie. As with most Conservative threads the truth is usually below and the opposite of the OP
Easy Easy Easy.
Maybe in the book of Bullshit you can connect the title of the thread to your Quote..

You ought to know - you wrote it.

Only a Liberal can read Obama's own words - "What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning" - and declare that is NOT what he said or meant.... p

As the EXPERTS have pointed out - even FEINSTEIN, a Democrat - the policy / strategy of 'CONTAINMENT', which Obama declared has always been his strategy/plan, is WRONG and has FAILED, as Paris demonstrated. ISIS has to be DEFEATED...DESTROYED...yet Obama vows to stay the course.
Easy Easy Easy.
Maybe in the book of Bullshit you can connect the title of the thread to your Quote..

You ought to know - you wrote it.

Only a Liberal can read Obama's own words - "What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning" - and declare that is NOT what he said or meant.... p

Obama didn't make the Law of 1980 ....

Refugee Act of 1980

Ted Cruz and the others are trying to get their fucking face in the news...Ted is a lawyer and knows the law of 1980
I hate him, he is such a weasel

"As president, my first priority is the safety of the American people, and that's why even as we accept more refugees, including Syrians, we do so only after subjecting them to rigorous screening and security checks," he said during a press conference in Turkey after the G-20 summit. “

-- LIE. The CIA, FBI, and even Homeland Security have all stated there is no way to conduct a ‘rigorous screening and security checks!
"As president, my first priority is the safety of the American people, and that's why even as we accept more refugees, including Syrians, we do so only after subjecting them to rigorous screening and security checks," he said during a press conference in Turkey after the G-20 summit. “

-- LIE. The CIA, FBI, and even Homeland Security have all stated there is no way to conduct a ‘rigorous screening and security checks!

I do agree , the Syrian's can be put into the database until the cows come home and unless they have been arrested nothing will show up and their history can not be verified.
“Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values.”

-- Obama has no clue what our values are, based on his many scandals and defending / helping terrorists throughout his administration.

"What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey.I’m too busy for that.”

How the hell does HE know what will protect the American people?
- He did not protect Americans at Fort Hood and initially called the terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence'.
- He FAILED to protect Americans when he ALLOED the Boston Bombings to happen, even though he was warned before hand.
- He failed to protect Americans at the Naval Recruiting Station
- He not only FAILED to protect Ambassador Stevens, he and Hillary set him up for slaughter / sacrifice.
Obama Rejects Criticism of Shifting Syria Policy: 'I'm Less Concerned About Style Points'
- Or what the American people say/want.

LINK: Obama Rejects Criticism of Shifting Syria Policy

"My entire goal throughout this exercise is to make sure what happened on Aug. 21 does not happen again," the president told Stephanopoulos of the large-scale chemical weapons attack outside Damascus that he said killed more than 1,400 civilians."

- Assad is now guarded by Putin/Russia and Iran. The time to ensure something like that never happens again was when he issued his infamous 'Red Line' challenge...then cowardly backed down. FAIL!

- This is not an ‘EXERCISE’, it is a war for survival.

- What about his responsibility to provide for OUR national security and safety of the American people?! ‘Doing it his way’ has already resulted in the terrorist attack at Ft Hood, in Boston, at the Naval Recruiting Station, and in Benghazi. Based on his track record he most certainly DOES need more counsel and to change his failing strategy / policy!
LINK: http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/14/politics/paris-terror-attacks-obama-isis-contained/index.html


"On Thursday, President Barack Obama declared in an interview that ISIS had been "contained," asserting that the terror cell had been stalled in Iraq and Syria.

The next day, ISIS claimed responsibility for one of the worst terror attacks in European history, shattering what had been a growing sense of momentum in the global fight against extremists and driving home the frightening ability of ISIS to inspire and possibly coordinate attacks outside their power base in Iraq and in Syria."


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