Obama: 'I'm not interested in Leadership, Winning, or Talking to Anyone Who Questions Me'

- Link to Video: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/11/13/obama_on_isis_we_have_contained_them.html

OBAMA: "I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama said of ISIS. "What is 'true', from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them."


OBAMA: "I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama said of ISIS. "What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave. But you don't see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain."

LIE....MASSIVE FAIL! NO, Barry, what is TRUE is THIS:

Map that shows how terror group's tentacles now reach from Algeria to Afghanistan

ISIS began as Al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2004 and militants had just 1,000 soldiers, but it has grown to more than 30,000
  • Reach of ISIS now spans Middle East and northern Africa, with only the Mediterranean sea separating from Europe
  • Terrorist groups around the world now pledging allegiance to Islamic State as groups seize destabilised countries
  • Experts say ISIS' control in Libya could create potential 'disaster scenario' and coalition airstrikes are fueling the militants' manipulative propaganda
  • ISIS has 31,500 loyal fighters according to CIA but estimates place this far higher at around 200,000 militants
LINK: Map shows the terrifying march of ISIS from Algeria to Afghanistan

What is TRUE is that Obama's policy of 'Containment' and Drone Strikes have FAILED, IS failing!
- ISIS HAS grown, IS growing, and is NOT 'contained'! - He rejects advice from his military leadership, attacks anyone who criticizes his policy or acts.
- He is now fighting his own governors / people who do NOT want poorly-vetted Syrian 'refugees', specifically after Paris, from being forced into their states!

Our allies have begun to openly criticize him and his strategy - posted in another thread was the statement by the French regarding how much more difficult Obama is making the war on ISIS by dictating what targets the US will allow to be struck and which ones he will not allow to be struck.
LINK: Obama’s Problem with ISIS Isn’t an Incomplete Strategy — It’s a Failing One

Obama’s Problem with ISIS Isn’t an Incomplete Strategy — It’s a Failing One

"President Obama is under fire for explaining the lack of progress in the fight against the Islamic State on the fact that he does not “yet have a complete strategy.”

This apparently candid concession echoes the one he made 10 months ago when he acknowledged that “we don’t have a strategy yet” to confront the Islamic State."


It was revealed several months ago that Obama has been LYING to the American people about progress we have made against ISIS since 2012!

10 Months ago Obama admitted HE DOES NOT HAVE A STRATEGY YET against ISIS.

The other day, after the Paris attack he once again, as stated above, declared he does not have a full strategy against ISIS... and at the same time he angrily declared to critics that 'we' will CONTINUE to do what he feels is the best way to address ISIS. He answers critics by saying he STILL doesn't have a complete strategy ...but that he will not deviate from THAT policy / strategy?



"Critics are understandably lambasting the president for the apparent dilatoriness, and I have some sympathy for the critique. If you begin the clock with President Obama’s remarkable January 2014 dismissal of the Islamic State as a “jayvee threat — something the White House still pretends the president did not say, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary — and trace the president’s response to the growing Islamic State threat, the charge of delinquency is almost impossible to deny."


...but part of that half-assed strategy is o bring 100,000 poorly-vetted (at best) Syrians into the US, after the Paris attacks by 'refugees', and distribute them across the country, whether the states / citizens want them or now. Like his ISIS strategy, his 'Re-Settlement Program' has not been fully thought through and is incomplete as well. FAIL!
OBAMA: “we don’t have a strategy yet” to confront the Islamic State."

HOW can Obama get pissed and attack others for criticizing his ISIS 'policy' / 'strategy' when even HE himself declares, after YEARS, 'we don't have a strategy', 'it is incomplete'?!
Our beloved Pres. Obama has once again proven that he is a wise and effective leader.

American citizens are lucky to have him rule over us. ... :cool:
Shuddup you asshole! And yet thank you for illustrating the muslim perspective of Americans.
Hours before the attack on Paris Obama declared ISIS was 'contained'. After Paris was attacked it was discovered at least 2 of the attackers had been Syrian 'Refugees'`. Not long after that Obama announced that instead of 10,000 Syrian 'Refugees' he now wants to bring 100,000 to the US...in a shorter amount of time. In reaction to the Paris attack and his announcement, as of now approximately HALF of the states have rebelled and declared they will NOT accept any 'Refugees'. OBAMA has since responded by declaring he will NOT reject / turn away those 100,000 'Refugees'. States are remaining defiant...

In the meantime, as he is trying to impose his will on and force these states to take in refugees and while Congress demands Obama meet and talk to them about the 'Refugee' program, Obama has sent the message out - HE'S TOO BUSY TO MEET / TALK WITH CONGRESS...


Obama says he’s ‘too busy’ to debate GOP over terrorism
LINK: Obama says he's 'too busy' to debate GOP over terrorism - Washington Times

"President Obama showed a flash of anger Monday with Republican critics of his anti-terrorism strategy, saying he is “too busy” to engage in a rhetorical debate with them.

Obama: “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”


1. His military advisors have told him his strategy is not working, and there needs to be a change. He declared after the Paris attack that he planned to stay the course, no changes to his strategy...which is WHAT exactly? Pin-prick Drone Strikes? The French have come out and said that attempting to plan and conduct attacks on ISIS targets is almost 'impossible', making it much harder to run the war than it should be, because they keep telling the other allies what they can and can not strike. Obama and his military advisors are 'at odds' with each other to say the least. Despite his strategy that resulted in his belief that ISIS was 'contained' being proven extremely wrong, Obama will NOT change...because if it's one thing a Community Organizer knows more about than the Military and other experts, it is military strategy against terrorists. :rolleyes:

2. "I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership":

From the horse's (or jackass') mouth, Obama is NOT INTERESTED in 'posing' or 'pursuing' any LEADERSHIP Role against ISIS...He needed a coalition to take on ISI (ASSAD), he has a loose coalition, and he is trying to tell them what they can and can't do, what they can and can't strike, BUT he has no desire for America to be a World Power and / or a World Influence ... which is, coincidentally, his dear ol' daddy's goal.
- Hey Barry, as the saying goes, "Lead, Follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY!

3. "What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning"

- again, FROM THE JACKASS' MOUTH, Barry exposes why his 'foreign policy' regarding ISIS and other terrorist groups has been such a failure... He puts it clearly: I'm NOT interested in America Winning! Pointed out by just about everyone / every nation in the world, Barry's strategy has NEVER been about defeating, destroying, or eliminating ISIS it has been about 'CONTAINING' ISIS....and hours after he touted his victory of having contained them, ISIS, ISIS unleashed hell in Paris. The attack on Paris drove home the point that Obama's ISIS foreign policy is a FAILURE.

...and in light of his FAILED foreign policy, pointed out by our own as well as our allies' military and experts, Obama REFUSES to listen to the experts, REFUSES talk to anyone who has / is criticizing his failed strategies.

Barry REFUSES to consider American Leadership or to LEAD, he is not interested in WINNING, and refuses to speak with anyone that questions his edicts / policy.

What an ass!

Another liar who plays loose and fast with quotation marks. Only proves that rightwingers didn't graduate from high school and certainly failed English class.
To post shit like yours only shows your bias is far more preferable to you and your echo chamber than the truth, and you rely on hearsay, altered information that you or someone else distorts to serve you purposes.

Here is the direct quote:

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning or whatever other slogans they come up with, that has no relationship to what actually is going to work to protect the American people” and America’s allies, Mr. Obama said at a news conference in Turkey. “I’m too busy for that.”

“I can’t afford to play some of the political games that others may,” Mr. Obama said. “We’ll do what’s required to keep the American people safe. It’s entirely appropriate for us in a democracy to have a debate about these issues. If they think that somehow their advisers are better than the chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them.”

Another liar who plays loose and fast with quotation marks. Only proves that rightwingers didn't graduate from high school and certainly failed English class.

I posted facts and Obama's own words...you called me a liar and posted opinion. I posted links, you post...OPINION.

OBAMA said: “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership".

Hmmm, according to ENGLISH, that means Obama is not interested in pursuing 'American Leadership'....

OBAMA said: 'What I’m not interested in doing is or American winning' ... Couple that with OBAMA saying 'from the very start his goal has been to CONTAIN ISIS, and WE HAVE DONE THAT'

...in ENGLISH means Obama has NEVER had the goal of DEFEATING or DESTROYING ISIS, only to CONTAIN them...and his DECLARATION that 'We HAVE contained them' was / has been PROVEN FALSE!

It is PATHETIC how Liberals try to defend Obama when even HE has claimed over and over again that 'We do not have a complete strategy against ISIS'!

You guys aren't attacking ME - your arguing and fighting against OBAMA!
Obama: 'We don't yet have a complete strategy' against ISIS"
LINK: Obama: 'We don't yet have a complete strategy' against ISIS

- “We don’t yet have a complete strategy,” Obama told reporters (ON 06/08/2015) during a news conference at the G-7 summit of leading industrial nations in Germany.

"We have the right strategy and we're going to see it through,” Obama said.
-- Ummm, the last thing he told anyone was that we do NOT have a complete strategy YET.... So how can something you don't even have yet work?

In front of the G-20 Summit:
“We have the right strategy and we’re going to see it through,” Obama said. “There will be an intensification of the strategy we have put forward, but the strategy we have put forward is the strategy that will ultimately work” though it will take time."
-- AGAIN, what the hell is the strategy? The last thing you told anyone about the 'strategy' is that we don't have a 'complete' one yet! He DID say the day before the attack in Paris that from the start 'our goal has been to 'contain' ISIS, and we have done that.' NO, NO YOU HAVEN'T! So what the hell is the strategy? If it is to still contain ISIS then it has been proven to be a FAILED strategy. To continue with THAT strategy would be, proven, STUPID!
Meanwhile Obama is being criticized at the G20 Summit, is being forced to defend his 'incomplete policy' regarding ISIS, and is being asked to do more against ISIS by members of the G-20 Summit WHO ARE SUPPORTING ISIS!

"Putin Claims ISIS Receives Financing From 40 Countries At G-20 Summit Following Paris Attacks"
LINK: Putin Claims ISIS Receives Financing From 40 Countries At G-20 Summit Following Paris Attacks

Putin told reporters that he shared evidence with other G-20 member states at the meeting, Russia Today reported.

“I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State ... units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are some of the G-20 members among them,” Putin told journalists.
The thread premise is a ridiculous lie no one believes, where conservatives trying to propagate this lie look equally ridiculous.

Proving Liberals really DO believe 'Denial' is only a river....

"The thread premise is a ridiculous lie" - Tell that to Obama, CCJ!

"I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership, or American winning..."

"I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama said of ISIS. "What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them."

"ISIS is a JV Team"

We don’t have a strategy yet” to confront the Islamic State."

Throw in the FACT that it was proved not long ago that OBAMA HAS BEEN LYING ABOUT HIS PROGRESS AGAINST ISIS SINCE 2012...


(...maybe LYING has been part of his strategy all along!)

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