Obama in Germany: We Can't Hide Behind a Wall

We Can't Hide Behind a Wall

Trump's candy ass and his fragile little snowflakes CAN !

in fact, they can hide behind anything under the sun !
I listened to a lot of teen age girls last weekend wishing they had a wall to hide behind. It's easy for an out of touch ass like Obama to make fun of national security. He has the privileged of the secret service paid for by all of us for his security. I wonder if the SS will go to jail with him to protect him there when he is convicted of treason.
The guy building a wall around his house.......What's good for the ruling class is not good enough for you plebes! Obama tells adoring crowd in Berlin: ‘We can’t hide behind a wall’
Who are you trying to fool? Anyone with any sense knows the wall is the Secret Service's idea.
And Obama has no say so what occurs in his home?
The S.S. has its requirements and you know it. You're only fooling your fellow fools.
So walls make you safer. Thank you.
All walls are not equal. Some are practical and some are a costly boondoggle.
Obama was a costly boondoggle. Now my party is in power and I want a wall.
I just can't believe how many cannot see through their bullshit.

Have you noticed that the media has pretty much moved away from Manchester and they go right in to the open border bullshit.

He just said it. No borders. Nationalists are flat earhters. Globalism is the answer.

Forget about the terror attacks. We need to simply live with it. It is the price we need to pay.

It is a global movement and they use the compassion of the masses to seduce the gullible and naive.

I just can't believe how many cannot see through their bullshit.

Have you noticed that the media has pretty much moved away from Manchester and they go right in to the open border bullshit.

He just said it. No borders. Nationalists are flat earhter. Globalism is the answer.

Forget about the terror attacks. We need to simply live with it. It is the price we need to pay.

It is a global movement and they use the compassion of the masses to seduce the gullible and naive.

The left and Islam have a common goal - the destruction of Western Civilization.
I just can't believe how many cannot see through their bullshit.

Have you noticed that the media has pretty much moved away from Manchester and they go right in to the open border bullshit.

He just said it. No borders. Nationalists are flat earhter. Globalism is the answer.

Forget about the terror attacks. We need to simply live with it. It is the price we need to pay.

It is a global movement and they use the compassion of the masses to seduce the gullible and naive.

Yeah their Muslim mayor said learn to live with it! Fuck that! I say terrorists learn to die because of it.
Who cares what Ozilcho says. He was the biggest zero we had as a President; his footnote in history will read "First black President".
Sounds like you didn't start a $150 mm business? 23 yr olds not starting at $90k?
And what are you doing mr ozilcho (that the limit of your intelligence).
We are dying to know
We Can't Hide Behind a Wall

Trump's candy ass and his fragile little snowflakes CAN !

in fact, they can hide behind anything under the sun !
I listened to a lot of teen age girls last weekend wishing they had a wall to hide behind. It's easy for an out of touch ass like Obama to make fun of national security. He has the privileged of the secret service paid for by all of us for his security. I wonder if the SS will go to jail with him to protect him there when he is convicted of treason.
Exactly. Obama can give up his SS security, bullet proof limo and private jets, then he can talk.
I just can't believe how many cannot see through their bullshit.

Have you noticed that the media has pretty much moved away from Manchester and they go right in to the open border bullshit.

He just said it. No borders. Nationalists are flat earhter. Globalism is the answer.

Forget about the terror attacks. We need to simply live with it. It is the price we need to pay.

It is a global movement and they use the compassion of the masses to seduce the gullible and naive.

Yeah their Muslim mayor said learn to live with it! Fuck that! I say terrorists learn to die because of it.
Ah our so brave john Wayne pic guy SO intimidating.
Deep psychological inferiority complex problem sir?
You do know that Muslims are better educated and make more than our average, so brave Americans?
Nice mouth btw, which college?
I just can't believe how many cannot see through their bullshit.

Have you noticed that the media has pretty much moved away from Manchester and they go right in to the open border bullshit.

He just said it. No borders. Nationalists are flat earhter. Globalism is the answer.

Forget about the terror attacks. We need to simply live with it. It is the price we need to pay.

It is a global movement and they use the compassion of the masses to seduce the gullible and naive.

Yeah their Muslim mayor said learn to live with it! Fuck that! I say terrorists learn to die because of it.
I love the rube state America pics.
So do we blame Obama when the economy tanks?
It's at 0.9% now
Who cares what Ozilcho says. He was the biggest zero we had as a President; his footnote in history will read "First black President".
Obama was a great president. This crazed circus peanut is the laughing stock of the entire world.
I just can't believe how many cannot see through their bullshit.

Have you noticed that the media has pretty much moved away from Manchester and they go right in to the open border bullshit.

He just said it. No borders. Nationalists are flat earhter. Globalism is the answer.

Forget about the terror attacks. We need to simply live with it. It is the price we need to pay.

It is a global movement and they use the compassion of the masses to seduce the gullible and naive.

Yeah their Muslim mayor said learn to live with it! Fuck that! I say terrorists learn to die because of it.
I love the rube state America pics.
So do we blame Obama when the economy tanks?
It's at 0.9% now
We blame BUSH!
The guy building a wall around his house.......What's good for the ruling class is not good enough for you plebes! Obama tells adoring crowd in Berlin: ‘We can’t hide behind a wall’
Who are you trying to fool? Anyone with any sense knows the wall is the Secret Service's idea.
From anti Obama rubes?
You expect too much
Just have a laugh at their posts
Poor baby. Crying because Chicago Jesus is still displaying what a hypocritical moron he is.
I just can't believe how many cannot see through their bullshit.

Have you noticed that the media has pretty much moved away from Manchester and they go right in to the open border bullshit.

He just said it. No borders. Nationalists are flat earhter. Globalism is the answer.

Forget about the terror attacks. We need to simply live with it. It is the price we need to pay.

It is a global movement and they use the compassion of the masses to seduce the gullible and naive.

Yeah their Muslim mayor said learn to live with it! Fuck that! I say terrorists learn to die because of it.
Ah our so brave john Wayne pic guy SO intimidating.
Deep psychological inferiority complex problem sir?
You do know that Muslims are better educated and make more than our average, so brave Americans?
Nice mouth btw, which college?
My avie is not John Wayne you moron.
Inferior? No pissed off idiot.
Mouth? Welcome to free speech mother fucker!

Your account is from 2010 with less then 1000 posts. That makes you an Islamic mole!
The guy building a wall around his house.......What's good for the ruling class is not good enough for you plebes! Obama tells adoring crowd in Berlin: ‘We can’t hide behind a wall’
Who are you trying to fool? Anyone with any sense knows the wall is the Secret Service's idea.
And Obama has no say so what occurs in his home? :cuckoo:
Of course not. He's a successful uppity nixxer
You know you use the word niqqer all the time. Be proud you're racist white trash.
I just can't believe how many cannot see through their bullshit.

Have you noticed that the media has pretty much moved away from Manchester and they go right in to the open border bullshit.

He just said it. No borders. Nationalists are flat earhter. Globalism is the answer.

Forget about the terror attacks. We need to simply live with it. It is the price we need to pay.

It is a global movement and they use the compassion of the masses to seduce the gullible and naive.

Yeah their Muslim mayor said learn to live with it! Fuck that! I say terrorists learn to die because of it.
Ah our so brave john Wayne pic guy SO intimidating.
Deep psychological inferiority complex problem sir?
You do know that Muslims are better educated and make more than our average, so brave Americans?
Nice mouth btw, which college?
My avie is not John Wayne you moron.
Inferior? No pissed off idiot.
Mouth? Welcome to free speech mother fucker!

Your account is from 2010 with less then 1000 posts. That makes you an Islamic mole!
Shows he's a millennial dufus too.
I suggest anybody who thinks walls don't work, should sleep on a park bench for a couple nights and see how that works for ya. If you haven't been raped, stabbed, and still have your shoes, I'll consider your opinion.....but until then....no.

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