Obama in over his head lashes out at Tea Party and Fox News

I tried to comment on CNN's online headline about this, but it seems they've closed the comments? If so, Hmmm..I wonder why? I dont know, but perhaps they got a little more feedback than they could handle?

"Fox News is destroying America" ???? Unbelievable! If Fox wrote something wrong or a lie then it would be libel, right? I haven't seen a suit filed against them from his admin? He just doesnt like their voice - or rather, the voice of some people who are also his countrymen and woman of our United States of America who do not agree with his agenda. This is still America isn't it? We have the right to voice our opionins. freedom of speech?

To say that a news channel, who reports just news, is destroying America is just a way to try to shift focus
from his admin and/or play the blame game. Its ridiculous.

Obama is just digging himself deeper with comments such as these. He just needs to face that not everyone agrees with his views - and THAT is our RIGHT and FREEDOM OF SPEECH and what WE THE PEOPLE of the USA are all about.

Lmao. Another dumbass right-winger. First you say "we have the right to voice our opinions", then jump on Obama for doing the same thing. And in case you didn't read the article, he was asked about FOX.. He didn't just jump up and start yelling about how bad they are. What was he supposed to do.. Kiss their ass, and tell everyone what a great, upstanding, trustful, news company they are? :cuckoo:.. What he said is absolutely true. FOX is dividing our nation, and out right lying to people. If they prevail in their message, and the Tea Potty somehow gets in charge, it will destroy out country.

Please list the lies and provide links and proof. I'd always heard they lied but no one has proven it.

Oh christ. Are you serious?
Let him keep talking.
Let them all keep talking.


The Dimocrats and their allies in the lefty media are simply pouring fuel on a fire. Just glad they're too stupid to realize it.

It's what's worked for them in the past...not this time. The people are more awake than I have ever seen them before, and that includes the campaign between Carter and Reagan. I'm damn glad to see it.

Let the implosion of the political class elites continue. It's fun to watch the meltdown.
I tried to comment on CNN's online headline about this, but it seems they've closed the comments? If so, Hmmm..I wonder why? I dont know, but perhaps they got a little more feedback than they could handle?

"Fox News is destroying America" ???? Unbelievable! If Fox wrote something wrong or a lie then it would be libel, right? I haven't seen a suit filed against them from his admin? He just doesnt like their voice - or rather, the voice of some people who are also his countrymen and woman of our United States of America who do not agree with his agenda. This is still America isn't it? We have the right to voice our opionins. freedom of speech?

To say that a news channel, who reports just news, is destroying America is just a way to try to shift focus
from his admin and/or play the blame game. Its ridiculous.

Obama is just digging himself deeper with comments such as these. He just needs to face that not everyone agrees with his views - and THAT is our RIGHT and FREEDOM OF SPEECH and what WE THE PEOPLE of the USA are all about.

He expected everyone to do as he wanted. Now that he can't get the other dems to do as he wants, he's lost.

Yes, and I cannot wait until 2012!!
Lmao. Another dumbass right-winger. First you say "we have the right to voice our opinions", then jump on Obama for doing the same thing. And in case you didn't read the article, he was asked about FOX.. He didn't just jump up and start yelling about how bad they are. What was he supposed to do.. Kiss their ass, and tell everyone what a great, upstanding, trustful, news company they are? :cuckoo:.. What he said is absolutely true. FOX is dividing our nation, and out right lying to people. If they prevail in their message, and the Tea Potty somehow gets in charge, it will destroy out country.

Please list the lies and provide links and proof. I'd always heard they lied but no one has proven it.

Oh christ. Are you serious?

can't do it huh? and NO media matters is not a credible source. Kerry On.
I tried to comment on CNN's online headline about this, but it seems they've closed the comments? If so, Hmmm..I wonder why? I dont know, but perhaps they got a little more feedback than they could handle?

"Fox News is destroying America" ???? Unbelievable! If Fox wrote something wrong or a lie then it would be libel, right? I haven't seen a suit filed against them from his admin? He just doesnt like their voice - or rather, the voice of some people who are also his countrymen and woman of our United States of America who do not agree with his agenda. This is still America isn't it? We have the right to voice our opionins. freedom of speech?

To say that a news channel, who reports just news, is destroying America is just a way to try to shift focus
from his admin and/or play the blame game. Its ridiculous.

Obama is just digging himself deeper with comments such as these. He just needs to face that not everyone agrees with his views - and THAT is our RIGHT and FREEDOM OF SPEECH and what WE THE PEOPLE of the USA are all about.

Lmao. Another dumbass right-winger. First you say "we have the right to voice our opinions", then jump on Obama for doing the same thing. And in case you didn't read the article, he was asked about FOX.. He didn't just jump up and start yelling about how bad they are. What was he supposed to do.. Kiss their ass, and tell everyone what a great, upstanding, trustful, news company they are? :cuckoo:.. What he said is absolutely true. FOX is dividing our nation, and out right lying to people. If they prevail in their message, and the Tea Potty somehow gets in charge, it will destroy out country.

Yes, and by calling me names and looking down on me and calling me a "dumbass" ..that just shows alot about how you are on some sort of high horse looking down your nose at others. Not sure if by your calling me that you would want me to respect you more in some way, but I will try nonetheless.

But you know, you are totally right - I admit that. BHO totally has the right to veiw his opinion as our fellow countryman.

However, he is also the President of the United States of America. To say such a thing (when its not a fact) is merely his opinion. He is in a leadership role, what he says hugely impacts people.

Him saying it again shows his ignorance in leadership of this country. He will get no where by saying such things (unless it was a documented truth!). If he wants to be the President again next term... he'll work on serving the "right" and the "left". Serving US, taxpayers who pay him. But he is so "far left" so that is why America is hearing now from the "far right", but for some reason, its not ok for the "right" to voice their opin

No. It is fact. And it's about damn time he stood up and fought back!

But if the it's-not-good-for-a-president-to-attack-a-news-organization is the logic you're using..
George H.W. Bush: Olbermann And Maddow Are "Sick Puppies" (VIDEO)
Socialists/Progressives do not support Free Speech. Man,haven't most Americans figured that out yet? This current crop of Democrats are not real Liberals in the classic sense. True Liberals would fully support Free Speech rights. I just don't see this with current Democrats. They have now become Socialists/Progressives which is completly different than being a real Liberal. Hopefully their fifteen minutes of fame are just about up. Time to show them the door in November. Make 2010 count America.
Lmao. Another dumbass right-winger. First you say "we have the right to voice our opinions", then jump on Obama for doing the same thing. And in case you didn't read the article, he was asked about FOX.. He didn't just jump up and start yelling about how bad they are. What was he supposed to do.. Kiss their ass, and tell everyone what a great, upstanding, trustful, news company they are? :cuckoo:.. What he said is absolutely true. FOX is dividing our nation, and out right lying to people. If they prevail in their message, and the Tea Potty somehow gets in charge, it will destroy out country.

Yes, and by calling me names and looking down on me and calling me a "dumbass" ..that just shows alot about how you are on some sort of high horse looking down your nose at others. Not sure if by your calling me that you would want me to respect you more in some way, but I will try nonetheless.

But you know, you are totally right - I admit that. BHO totally has the right to veiw his opinion as our fellow countryman.

However, he is also the President of the United States of America. To say such a thing (when its not a fact) is merely his opinion. He is in a leadership role, what he says hugely impacts people.

Him saying it again shows his ignorance in leadership of this country. He will get no where by saying such things (unless it was a documented truth!). If he wants to be the President again next term... he'll work on serving the "right" and the "left". Serving US, taxpayers who pay him. But he is so "far left" so that is why America is hearing now from the "far right", but for some reason, its not ok for the "right" to voice their opin

No. It is fact. And it's about damn time he stood up and fought back!

But if the it's-not-good-for-a-president-to-attack-a-news-organization is the logic you're using..
George H.W. Bush: Olbermann And Maddow Are "Sick Puppies" (VIDEO)

You need to learn to differentiate between 'fact' and 'opinion', Young Left One.
I agree with the Libs.

Obama and the Dems have been too nice and not Progressive enough for the American people! Don't they know how stupid Americans are? Even John Kerry can see that!

The Dems needs to make full blown Socialism the core of their campaign for November and then again is 2012.

Stop beings such fucking pussies! Admit who you are! Step out of the Jake Starkey closet! You're not fooling anyone
In the Rolling Stone article coming out just in time to confirm that Obama is a clueless, angry anti-Colonialist rube, he claims there is a "Darker side" to the Tea Party and Fox news is "Destructive"

'Destructive' Fox News And The 'Darker' Parts Of The Tea Party: Obama's Rolling Stone Interview | TPMDC

"Do you think it's a good institution for America and for democracy?" -- Jan Wenner

The golden age of an objective press was a pretty narrow span of time in our history. Before that, you had folks like Hearst who used their newspapers very intentionally to promote their viewpoints. I think Fox is part of that tradition -- it is part of the tradition that has a very clear, undeniable point of view. It's a point of view that I disagree with. It's a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world." -- Barack Hussein Obama

"What do you think of the Tea Party and the people behind it?," Wenner

"Their anger is misdirected," Obama says. Beyond that, Obama says the movement is a little bit, well, you know...And then there are probably some aspects of the Tea Party that are a little darker, that have to do with anti-immigrant sentiment or are troubled by what I represent as the president. So I think it's hard to characterize the Tea Party as a whole, and I think it's still defining itself." Buckwheat Hussein Obama

Dems will lose 75+ seats in November

Let him keep talking.
Let them all keep talking.


The Dimocrats and their allies in the lefty media are simply pouring fuel on a fire. Just glad they're too stupid to realize it.
Indeed they are pouring fuel on the fire. It's counter-productive at this point in the game, to demonize Fox News and the average American voter who's views are right in line with that of the Tea Party. It's just not working anymore ... for them.

Obama is not ever going to get the average ged racist that views fox entertainment for the klansman on the go.
Yes, and by calling me names and looking down on me and calling me a "dumbass" ..that just shows alot about how you are on some sort of high horse looking down your nose at others. Not sure if by your calling me that you would want me to respect you more in some way, but I will try nonetheless.

But you know, you are totally right - I admit that. BHO totally has the right to veiw his opinion as our fellow countryman.

However, he is also the President of the United States of America. To say such a thing (when its not a fact) is merely his opinion. He is in a leadership role, what he says hugely impacts people.

Him saying it again shows his ignorance in leadership of this country. He will get no where by saying such things (unless it was a documented truth!). If he wants to be the President again next term... he'll work on serving the "right" and the "left". Serving US, taxpayers who pay him. But he is so "far left" so that is why America is hearing now from the "far right", but for some reason, its not ok for the "right" to voice their opin

No. It is fact. And it's about damn time he stood up and fought back!

But if the it's-not-good-for-a-president-to-attack-a-news-organization is the logic you're using..
George H.W. Bush: Olbermann And Maddow Are "Sick Puppies" (VIDEO)

You need to learn to differentiate between 'fact' and 'opinion', Young Left One.

Can we all agree that this should apply to everyone? And let's be honest, Hannity and other talking heads on Fox like him, rarely delve into facts.
Please list the lies and provide links and proof. I'd always heard they lied but no one has proven it.

Oh christ. Are you serious?

can't do it huh? and NO media matters is not a credible source. Kerry On.

I could.. But I'd be posting all day. Just go to youtube and type in "FOX Lies". Or just watch FOX for one full day with an open mind.. If you could manage that. Their "news" is full of lies.
I have to wonder, is he calling or hinting that the Tea Party is racist?

"And then there are probably some aspects of the Tea Party that are a little darker, that have to do with anti-immigrant sentiment or are troubled by what I represent as the president. So I think it's hard to characterize the Tea Party as a whole, and I think it's still defining itself."

Or what does he think the Tea party thinks he represents?
Yes, and by calling me names and looking down on me and calling me a "dumbass" ..that just shows alot about how you are on some sort of high horse looking down your nose at others. Not sure if by your calling me that you would want me to respect you more in some way, but I will try nonetheless.

But you know, you are totally right - I admit that. BHO totally has the right to veiw his opinion as our fellow countryman.

However, he is also the President of the United States of America. To say such a thing (when its not a fact) is merely his opinion. He is in a leadership role, what he says hugely impacts people.

Him saying it again shows his ignorance in leadership of this country. He will get no where by saying such things (unless it was a documented truth!). If he wants to be the President again next term... he'll work on serving the "right" and the "left". Serving US, taxpayers who pay him. But he is so "far left" so that is why America is hearing now from the "far right", but for some reason, its not ok for the "right" to voice their opin

No. It is fact. And it's about damn time he stood up and fought back!

But if the it's-not-good-for-a-president-to-attack-a-news-organization is the logic you're using..
George H.W. Bush: Olbermann And Maddow Are "Sick Puppies" (VIDEO)

You need to learn to differentiate between 'fact' and 'opinion', Young Left One.

FOX distorts and lies. < - Fact.
I agree with the Libs.

Obama and the Dems have been too nice and not Progressive enough for the American people! Don't they know how stupid Americans are? Even John Kerry can see that!

The Dems needs to make full blown Socialism the core of their campaign for November and then again is 2012.

Stop beings such fucking pussies! Admit who you are! Step out of the Jake Starkey closet! You're not fooling anyone

And do so without changing the meaning of words.
Lets face it,more of the same and raising taxes is not a winning platform for the Democrats. Their out of gas. Time for them to go. We need real change in this country,not more of that stupid bogus "Hope & Change" stuff. I guess we'll see in November.
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Lmao. Another dumbass right-winger. First you say "we have the right to voice our opinions", then jump on Obama for doing the same thing. And in case you didn't read the article, he was asked about FOX.. He didn't just jump up and start yelling about how bad they are. What was he supposed to do.. Kiss their ass, and tell everyone what a great, upstanding, trustful, news company they are? :cuckoo:.. What he said is absolutely true. FOX is dividing our nation, and out right lying to people. If they prevail in their message, and the Tea Potty somehow gets in charge, it will destroy out country.

Yes, and by calling me names and looking down on me and calling me a "dumbass" ..that just shows alot about how you are on some sort of high horse looking down your nose at others. Not sure if by your calling me that you would want me to respect you more in some way, but I will try nonetheless.

But you know, you are totally right - I admit that. BHO totally has the right to veiw his opinion as our fellow countryman.

However, he is also the President of the United States of America. To say such a thing (when its not a fact) is merely his opinion. He is in a leadership role, what he says hugely impacts people.

Him saying it again shows his ignorance in leadership of this country. He will get no where by saying such things (unless it was a documented truth!). If he wants to be the President again next term... he'll work on serving the "right" and the "left". Serving US, taxpayers who pay him. But he is so "far left" so that is why America is hearing now from the "far right", but for some reason, its not ok for the "right" to voice their opin

No. It is fact. And it's about damn time he stood up and fought back!

But if the it's-not-good-for-a-president-to-attack-a-news-organization is the logic you're using..

Fought back against WHAT or WHOM? His own countryman? That begs the question, who is "he" at war with? People in his own country who stand for freedom of speech and do not agree with his polices and voice it? I do not understand where you are coming from at all. Sure call me names, ignorant, everything bad in the book, but that doesn't help me understand your point of view and especially why you cannot see what this President himself is doing to this country.
I have to wonder, is he calling or hinting that the Tea Party is racist?

"And then there are probably some aspects of the Tea Party that are a little darker, that have to do with anti-immigrant sentiment or are troubled by what I represent as the president. So I think it's hard to characterize the Tea Party as a whole, and I think it's still defining itself."

Or what does he think the Tea party thinks he represents?

It's hard to say, Ollie. Obama asked the "Tea Party" point blank what they SPECIFICALLY wanted and SPECIFICALLY what they would change and/or do. In response, John Boehner presented a beautifully packaged concept with zero specifics. Does ANYONE know what the Tea Party thinks? As we have been told on these boards many times, the "movement" is decentralized on purpose, so there can be no specificity. Now why is that, do you think?
Lets face it,more of the same and raising taxes is not a winning platform for the Democrats. Their out of gas. Time for them to go. We need real change in this country,not more of that stupid bogus "Hope & Change" stuff. I guess we'll see in November.

unless conservatards pick up the house and senate it's all hot air from conservatards. Out of power parties normally pick up seats in mid terms.

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