Obama In Panic Mode, Unsealed Flynn Documents Blow Entire Coup Sky High & Prove Trump Was Right to Fire Sally Yates

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Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
According to recent releases of documents, we have found out that Sally Yates had pushed the idea that Gen Michael Flynn had violated the Logan Act because he had a conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

This conversation took place after President Trump won the election but before he actually took office.

That’s like trying to sort out the fly crap and pepper. Of course a new administration will start to become familiar with their counterparts.

Why would you wait until inauguration day? Every new administration does the same thing. But the Deep State in the FBI went full steam ahead with the Logan Act which passed in 1799.

Only two people have been charged with violating the act resulting in no convictions.

Nancy Pelosi likely violated the act when she met with Bashir Aswsad in Syria and came back to the United States singing his praises. John Kerry seemingly violated the act several times by meeting with top Iranian officials during the Trump administration.

Sadly Obama will never be held accountable
More and more likely that he was the Soros Pawn that could do damage to The Constitution that no white President could ever do.
God the democrats are so filthy dirty...they have no respect for anything or anyone....anti American anti freedom and anti constitution.....shame on the duped people that still vote democrat....
I heard Rush say yesterday that Obama wouldn't be prosecuted because he is an former president and Limbaugh's phones blew up.....this is different this time...the people are pissed...Obama will pay one way or another...either prison time impeachment or financial devastation....I'm sure Flynn is planning a lawsuit against Obama as we speak....say goodbye to your 15 million dollar home Barry...how did he get the money for that home?.....15 million?.....where did it come from?...maybe Obama pinched off the top of Iran's bribe money.....
I heard Rush say yesterday that Obama wouldn't be prosecuted because he is an former president and Limbaugh's phones blew up.....this is different this time...the people are pissed...Obama will pay one way or another...either prison time impeachment or financial devastation....I'm sure Flynn is planning a lawsuit against Obama as we speak....say goodbye to your 15 million dollar home Barry...how did he get the money for that home?.....15 million?.....where did it come from?...maybe Obama pinched off the top of Iran's bribe money.....

I am with you in spirit -
But reality says no-

The Globalists will blow up the world first -
Wouldn't be surprised if the CIA manufactures a virus or something to cause a pandemic.

The little bitch should be panicked. He's got American death on his hands including two americaan kids this mother fkr killed.

and you LEFTIST SCUM never uttered a word.
(1) disassemble our media
(2) make Obama not Half Black.

(1) the masses can choose to IGNORE our media.

If someone who is privy to the nation's most secret information is lying to his bosses about what he's discussing with the Russian government, wouldn't that prompt a security review?

the leftist losers alwaays try to JUSTIFY why it was ok then try and spin Trumps actions as if it was intentional u know the same ole Trump made up bs lies these freaks spread.
People are now calling for Attorney General Barr to prosecute members of the Obama administration and its judicial allies for their roles in the case.....this will cast a huge dark shadow on the Obama presidency....Hey Durham where the hell are you?....lets get it in gear pal....
Then we need to investigate the FISA court....if any judge signed off on this he or she must be forced to explain their reasoning...
(1) disassemble our media
(2) make Obama not Half Black.

(1) the masses can choose to IGNORE our media.

(2) View attachment 335950

That ignore thingy will be hard -
The left has been conditioned to never think contrary to whatever position the NYT gives to it's surrogates.
It not really rational to believe that they can simply start thinking for themselves now.
I hope BRIAN TERRY's brother gets to go after this ------- pos c word!!!!!! He had his brother killed gun running. I hope they get justice for this the bastard needs to rot in hell!!

and then there is this :
Perhaps most tragic of all is that — just as was true in Iraq — al Qaeda had very little presence in Yemen before the Obama administration began bombing and droning it and killing civilians, thus driving people into the arms of the militant group. As the late, young Yemeni writer Ibrahim Mothana told Congress in 2013:

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If someone who is privy to the nation's most secret information is lying to his bosses about what he's discussing with the Russian government, wouldn't that prompt a security review?
Of course he did.
We all know he did.
He's on tape with Kislyak talking about sanctions. That's not disputed.
He told the FBI agents that he did not talk about sanctions. The notes from the interview are 100% clear.
Which statement above is incorrect?
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