Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

Then why not provide the facts instead of allowing this open ended drama to continue?

for the same reason he won't authorize Hawaii to show you the original of his birth certificate. Because when Republicans expend all their energies looking like weirdos whose only purpose is to "get" Obama, instead of actually attempting to partner with the other side of the aisle and work to forge consensus solutions, the electorate notices.
Then why not provide the facts instead of allowing this open ended drama to continue?

Right again - because the facts are likely very damaging to the administration.

NO WAY an experienced and saavy politico like Sestak takes on the White House without knowing he has the information to prove his case. Especially not a White House already well known for its Draconian counter measures against its enemies...
If Sestak had been, say, a guy whose only experience was running horse shows, and Obama told him he was considering him for SECNAV, that might be cause for alarm. (Oh wait...that happened already and not one republican said BOO about it!) As it turns out, as an Annapolis grad and a retired three star admiral, Joe Sestak might very well have been a better SECNAV than he will be a Senator.

The question is not whether or not Sestak would make a good SecNav. The question is, did someone in the White House offer Sestak the position of SecNav if he withdrew from the race for Specter's seat. If they did, and Sestak has given every indication this is the case, that would be bribery and that would be a felony.

I don't think it would be bribery at all. If the white house was seriously considering Sestak for SECNAV - and I see no reason why they WOULDN'T - why in the world would they want him to knock the incumbent senator out of the running only to NOT take the senate job himself?
I believe Sestak. I don't believe this administration. They are clearly in full blown cover-up mode at this point. They really may have broken the Law. Don't expect the Democrats to investigate themselves though. The Republicans will have to regain some power in Congress for any real investigations to take place. Another incentive for voters to get out there and vote the Democrats out. I guess we'll see. Make 2010 count people.
If Sestak had been, say, a guy whose only experience was running horse shows, and Obama told him he was considering him for SECNAV, that might be cause for alarm. (Oh wait...that happened already and not one republican said BOO about it!) As it turns out, as an Annapolis grad and a retired three star admiral, Joe Sestak might very well have been a better SECNAV than he will be a Senator.

Wow....funny how you all of a sudden dismiss federal law in favor of politics. If a job was offered to Sestak, like he says, as a carrot for him to withdraw from the Senate race, like he said it was, that is a felony under federal statutes. What part of THAT do you not understand? What were you? A commander in the Supply Corps, an intel weenie, what? There's no way an unrestricted line Commander coud be this aloof. I spent 20 years in and NEVER met a SWO, SEAL , Doc or JAG like you.
If Sestak had been, say, a guy whose only experience was running horse shows, and Obama told him he was considering him for SECNAV, that might be cause for alarm. (Oh wait...that happened already and not one republican said BOO about it!) As it turns out, as an Annapolis grad and a retired three star admiral, Joe Sestak might very well have been a better SECNAV than he will be a Senator.

The question is not whether or not Sestak would make a good SecNav. The question is, did someone in the White House offer Sestak the position of SecNav if he withdrew from the race for Specter's seat. If they did, and Sestak has given every indication this is the case, that would be bribery and that would be a felony.

I don't think it would be bribery at all. If the white house was seriously considering Sestak for SECNAV - and I see no reason why they WOULDN'T - why in the world would they want him to knock the incumbent senator out of the running only to NOT take the senate job himself?

That's just it, isn't it? They didn't want Specter knocked out of the race. What better way to insure Specter's seniority and continued support than to remove the competition? It's a bonus that Sestak is more than qualified for the SecNav spot. The question, based on your post, now changes: Were they seriously considering Sestak for SecNav prior to his run for Specter's seat? If not, why the offer after his decision to run? If he was not in consideration prior to the race, the offer, in my mind, is tantamount to bribery.

Of course, unless or until Sestak opens up and spills all, none of us will ever know for sure, and all this discussion is speculation.
I believe Sestak. I don't believe this administration. They are clearly in full blown cover-up mode at this point. They really may have broken the Law. Don't expect the Democrats to investigate themselves though. The Republicans will have to regain some power in Congress for any real investigations to take place. Another incentive for voters to get out there and vote the Democrats out. I guess we'll see. Make 2010 count people.

Correct....a head will roll over this....someone will be obligated to fall on their sword to save the President and his so-called legacy.
I believe Sestak. I don't believe this administration. They are clearly in full blown cover-up mode at this point. They really may have broken the Law. Don't expect the Democrats to investigate themselves though. The Republicans will have to regain some power in Congress for any real investigations to take place. Another incentive for voters to get out there and vote the Democrats out. I guess we'll see. Make 2010 count people.

Correct....a head will roll over this....someone will be obligated to fall on their sword to save the President and his so-caled legacy.

Someone, quick, find out if Rod Blagojevich has an alibi!!!!
The question is not whether or not Sestak would make a good SecNav. The question is, did someone in the White House offer Sestak the position of SecNav if he withdrew from the race for Specter's seat. If they did, and Sestak has given every indication this is the case, that would be bribery and that would be a felony.

I don't think it would be bribery at all. If the white house was seriously considering Sestak for SECNAV - and I see no reason why they WOULDN'T - why in the world would they want him to knock the incumbent senator out of the running only to NOT take the senate job himself?

That's just it, isn't it? They didn't want Specter knocked out of the race. What better way to insure Specter's seniority and continued support than to remove the competition? It's a bonus that Sestak is more than qualified for the SecNav spot. The question, based on your post, now changes: Were they seriously considering Sestak for SecNav prior to his run for Specter's seat? If not, why the offer after his decision to run? If he was not in consideration prior to the race, the offer, in my mind, is tantamount to bribery.

Of course, unless or until Sestak opens up and spills all, none of us will ever know for sure, and all this discussion is speculation.

True....right now he's mum for a good reason...someone in the Presidents inner circle offered the job and the President approved the decision. They have to examine their legal options before commenting on it...but the longer they wait the more damage is done. Sestak is not culpable in any way...he did the right thing and turned the bribe down...as a man of his caliber and character would. I respect Sestak and met him once while on active duty. Good guy. He would make an effective SecNav but his talents are better lent to his current endeavors.
Interesting how Dems ran Obama on the whole "Hopey Changey" thing, but then their first defense is ... "it happens all the time".

So much for the change lie huh?

If Sestak had been, say, a guy whose only experience was running horse shows, and Obama told him he was considering him for SECNAV, that might be cause for alarm. (Oh wait...that happened already and not one republican said BOO about it!) As it turns out, as an Annapolis grad and a retired three star admiral, Joe Sestak might very well have been a better SECNAV than he will be a Senator.

Wow....funny how you all of a sudden dismiss federal law in favor of politics. If a job was offered to Sestak, like he says, as a carrot for him to withdraw from the Senate race, like he said it was, that is a felony under federal statutes. What part of THAT do you not understand? What were you? A commander in the Supply Corps, an intel weenie, what? There's no way an unrestricted line Commander coud be this aloof. I spent 20 years in and NEVER met a SWO, SEAL , Doc or JAG like you.

why would it have to be a "carrot"? Why wouldn't the white house want to make sure that they were not going to nominate a guy who would beat the incumbent in the primary and then not run for the seat. "Hey Joe... if you wanna be SECNAV, you'd be great, but there's no sense thinking about nominating you if you would rather be a senator. You pick." He did.

Oh, and fyi, I'm an 1110.
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This is commonplace, and has been for hundreds of years.

Welcome to politics.

And, just for shits and giggles, exactly what "impeachable offense" has occurred?

none, of course.

but the ODS crowd can't wait to look for an opportunty to undo the results of a lawful election... just like the sorelosers tried to do last time a democrat was president.

at some point, people really should look at the fact that they don't care about election results.

From the LA Times article...

Obviously, nothing to see over here, folks. Move along now

...SCHIEFFER: Improper or not, did you offer him a job in the administration?

GIBBS: I'm not going to get further into what the conversations were. People that have looked into them assure me that they weren't inappropriate in any way.

...The way modern American politics operates, it is now no longer in Sestak's interests to fight with Obama. And Obama's call was an implicit peace offering designed to keep him quiet, if not happy.

Because it sure isn't in the interests of a president who promised to change the way Washington works to have a smoldering quid pro quo Navy-gate scandal traced back to a smoke-filled Oval Office.

Hence, Gibbs' artful dodge, in the hopes that this week the rest of the media will drop this line of questioning as quickly as Schieffer did.


WOW - that is as strong a challenge to the Obama White House from a liberal newspaper since Obama has been elected. Yikes!!!

Obama White House probe of Obama White House finds no Obama White House impropriety on Sestak | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
The question is not whether or not Sestak would make a good SecNav. The question is, did someone in the White House offer Sestak the position of SecNav if he withdrew from the race for Specter's seat. If they did, and Sestak has given every indication this is the case, that would be bribery and that would be a felony.

I don't think it would be bribery at all. If the white house was seriously considering Sestak for SECNAV - and I see no reason why they WOULDN'T - why in the world would they want him to knock the incumbent senator out of the running only to NOT take the senate job himself?

That's just it, isn't it? They didn't want Specter knocked out of the race. What better way to insure Specter's seniority and continued support than to remove the competition? It's a bonus that Sestak is more than qualified for the SecNav spot. The question, based on your post, now changes: Were they seriously considering Sestak for SecNav prior to his run for Specter's seat? If not, why the offer after his decision to run? If he was not in consideration prior to the race, the offer, in my mind, is tantamount to bribery.

Of course, unless or until Sestak opens up and spills all, none of us will ever know for sure, and all this discussion is speculation.

as long as Sestak IS qualified to be SECNAV, the question is irrelevant. If you have two good guys who are presently looking to occupy ONE seat in the senate, one would be out of government after the primary. If one of them were also qualified for ANOTHER great job in government, and took that instead of the senate seat, then both of them could remain in government... that sounds like a smart idea to me.
As stated earlier - the Sestak story has the White House in full on RED ALERT mode...


Axelrod acknowledged that if White House officials dangled a job in front of Rep. Joe Sestak’s face to keep him away from challenging incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter, that would “constitute a serious breach of the law.”[/I]

Axelrod also acknowledged that there were “conversations” involving White House officials and Sestak, but said that those had been “looked at” by White House lawyers and “their conclusion was that it was perfect — the conversations were perfectly appropriate

Witness testimony does qualify as evidence, however, and Sestak has insisted on multiple occasions that the bribe attempt happened. Either Sestak is lying, or Sestak is telling the truth. If it’s the latter, then someone in the Obama administration committed a felony, and perhaps more than one, by Axelrod’s own admission. If it didn’t happen, then Joe Sestak is lying. In order to defend itself, the White House has been put in the position of having to call its party’s nominee for the US Senate a liar.

Hot Air Axelrod: No evidence that Sestak is telling the truth
This is commonplace, and has been for hundreds of years.

Welcome to politics.

And, just for shits and giggles, exactly what "impeachable offense" has occurred?

none, of course.

but the ODS crowd can't wait to look for an opportunty to undo the results of a lawful election... just like the sorelosers tried to do last time a democrat was president.

at some point, people really should look at the fact that they don't care about election results.

How can you be sure? The White House won't say what took place. Gibbs just keeps saying, "Trust us."

This story gives those of us who didn't want to get involved with the Birthers something to do. I'm enjoying it, anyway.
Again, as Robert Gibbs has said that the Obama White House has already investigated the Obama White House and found that the Obama White House did nothing wrong, why not provide the details and be done with it?

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