Obama "inherited" his problems? He should thank Bush

Obama and his liberal supporters are so quick to remind us that he inherited this economy and two wars. First of all, quit whining about that...he knew what he was getting into. Second, the fact that he had all these issues to inherit is really the only reason he won the election. Had things been going smoothly, I doubt the country would've fell in love with his hope and change bullshit in the first place.

Obama has made both Bush and Jimmy look good. Sad ....
Once again the Monday morning QB's chime in.....You all haven't a clue about the reasons why we went into Iraq in the first place....I was there from day one. OIL, KILLING TERRORISTS in a less inhospitable area. Bottom line. If you don't like the reasons or want to continue to bitch about Bush fine...it's your right...but you will still look like a bunch of whiny ass crybabies....time to move on and put measures in place so we don't have to rely on pre-emptive warfare as a national security policy.

which terrorists were in iraq before we got there? which had any credible plans to attack the usa or its assessts around the world?

Your failure to comprehend my post is quite telling. Read it again....then try again. I shouldn't have to break it down into the simplest of concepts for you....look up pre-emptive warfare.

"pre-emptive" warfare? You mean attack because of an "imagined threat"? And what if it turns out that "imagined" threat was only "imagined"?
Obama and his liberal supporters are so quick to remind us that he inherited this economy and two wars. First of all, quit whining about that...he knew what he was getting into. Second, the fact that he had all these issues to inherit is really the only reason he won the election. Had things been going smoothly, I doubt the country would've fell in love with his hope and change bullshit in the first place.

Obama has made both Bush and Jimmy look good. Sad ....

Only to the brain dead led by their corporate masters. Pity ....
which terrorists were in iraq before we got there? which had any credible plans to attack the usa or its assessts around the world?

Your failure to comprehend my post is quite telling. Read it again....then try again. I shouldn't have to break it down into the simplest of concepts for you....look up pre-emptive warfare.

"pre-emptive" warfare? You mean attack because of an "imagined threat"? And what if it turns out that "imagined" threat was only "imagined"?

yeah...and so what if the sun exploded 7 minutes and 59 seconds ago.....
We can play what if all fucken day if you want.......
Obama and his liberal supporters are so quick to remind us that he inherited this economy and two wars. First of all, quit whining about that...he knew what he was getting into. Second, the fact that he had all these issues to inherit is really the only reason he won the election. Had things been going smoothly, I doubt the country would've fell in love with his hope and change bullshit in the first place.

Going smoothly? 4,000 Young Americans dead, 47 thousand maimed and crippled, trillions of dollars spent to create a hard right Islamic theocracy that is siding more and more with Iran is more than a "bump in the road".

This is an extreme and horrible disaster. Bush and the Republicans were like Midas, only everything they touched turned to "shit".

And the guy who brought down the WTC is probably living in a Villa somewhere in Pakistan. Talk about "massive failure". "massive"

Negged for using our war dead for your cheap, partisan hackery. Fuck you.

No, fuck you stupid bitch. 4,000 Young Americans dead, 47 thousand maimed and crippled, trillions of dollars spent to create a hard right Islamic theocracy is a terrible and tragic disaster that Republicans should be angry about and ashamed of. Instead, morons like you say, "It's wrong to talk about it". Fuck you, turd. It's wrong NOT to talk about it.
What's wrong is supporting it. What did somebody call you?
Your failure to comprehend my post is quite telling. Read it again....then try again. I shouldn't have to break it down into the simplest of concepts for you....look up pre-emptive warfare.

"pre-emptive" warfare? You mean attack because of an "imagined threat"? And what if it turns out that "imagined" threat was only "imagined"?

yeah...and so what if the sun exploded 7 minutes and 59 seconds ago.....
We can play what if all fucken day if you want.......

I hate to break the news to you sparky, but you can't go around killing people based on a "feeling". What is wrong with you?
Going smoothly? 4,000 Young Americans dead, 47 thousand maimed and crippled, trillions of dollars spent to create a hard right Islamic theocracy that is siding more and more with Iran is more than a "bump in the road".

This is an extreme and horrible disaster. Bush and the Republicans were like Midas, only everything they touched turned to "shit".

And the guy who brought down the WTC is probably living in a Villa somewhere in Pakistan. Talk about "massive failure". "massive"

Negged for using our war dead for your cheap, partisan hackery. Fuck you.

No, fuck you stupid bitch. 4,000 Young Americans dead, 47 thousand maimed and crippled, trillions of dollars spent to create a hard right Islamic theocracy is a terrible and tragic disaster that Republicans should be angry about and ashamed of. Instead, morons like you say, "It's wrong to talk about it". Fuck you, turd. It's wrong NOT to talk about it.
What's wrong is supporting it. What did somebody call you?

rdeanieweenie get's his orders from Huffington.....then sets off on the march.
Get Cali Girl :lol: :lol: :lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku7t1iSpViw&feature=related]YouTube - N. Korea Celebrates 60th[/ame]
"pre-emptive" warfare? You mean attack because of an "imagined threat"? And what if it turns out that "imagined" threat was only "imagined"?

yeah...and so what if the sun exploded 7 minutes and 59 seconds ago.....
We can play what if all fucken day if you want.......

I hate to break the news to you sparky, but you can't go around killing people based on a "feeling". What is wrong with you?

Well.....WHAT IF you could?
Negged for using our war dead for your cheap, partisan hackery. Fuck you.

No, fuck you stupid bitch. 4,000 Young Americans dead, 47 thousand maimed and crippled, trillions of dollars spent to create a hard right Islamic theocracy is a terrible and tragic disaster that Republicans should be angry about and ashamed of. Instead, morons like you say, "It's wrong to talk about it". Fuck you, turd. It's wrong NOT to talk about it.
What's wrong is supporting it. What did somebody call you?

rdeanieweenie get's his orders from Huffington.....then sets off on the march.
Get Cali Girl :lol: :lol: :lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku7t1iSpViw&feature=related]YouTube - N. Korea Celebrates 60th[/ame]

The funny thing about these totalitarian regimes is they kill all the educated first thing.

That means if there ever were a "takeover", all the liberals would be murdered and the only people left would be uneducated conservatives living the life of someone from Afghanistan.

We already know the right wing is easy to control if you tell the right lies. Bush did it. Palin is even better.
No, fuck you stupid bitch. 4,000 Young Americans dead, 47 thousand maimed and crippled, trillions of dollars spent to create a hard right Islamic theocracy is a terrible and tragic disaster that Republicans should be angry about and ashamed of. Instead, morons like you say, "It's wrong to talk about it". Fuck you, turd. It's wrong NOT to talk about it.
What's wrong is supporting it. What did somebody call you?

rdeanieweenie get's his orders from Huffington.....then sets off on the march.
Get Cali Girl :lol: :lol: :lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku7t1iSpViw&feature=related]YouTube - N. Korea Celebrates 60th[/ame]

The funny thing about these totalitarian regimes is they kill all the educated first thing.

That means if there ever were a "takeover", all the liberals would be murdered and the only people left would be uneducated conservatives living the life of someone from Afghanistan.

We already know the right wing is easy to control if you tell the right lies. Bush did it. Palin is even better.

survival of the fittest....it's human nature....you all will eventually be culled from the heard as the weak always are.
Everyone says Bush is so Stupid, well if he is so Stupid how could he have convinced a Majority of Congress to vote for a War?

Are you saying Bush was smarter than anyone else?

How stupid does make everyone else then?

We cannot have it both ways, now can we, Bush is either Stupid or he isn't

Did Bush personally go out and gather the Intel? Did he Twist anyone's arm to vote for the War? Did he twist anyone's arm to vote him in a second term?

Bush was not the smartest President nor do I think he was the best, but he was not as dumb as many Libs make him out to be.

Your failure to comprehend my post is quite telling. Read it again....then try again. I shouldn't have to break it down into the simplest of concepts for you....look up pre-emptive warfare.

"pre-emptive" warfare? You mean attack because of an "imagined threat"? And what if it turns out that "imagined" threat was only "imagined"?

yeah...and so what if the sun exploded 7 minutes and 59 seconds ago.....
We can play what if all fucken day if you want.......

Here's my problem with blaming the war on Bush. This should be Civics 101 type stuff, but it takes an act of Congress to declare war. The President can't do that all by himself, no matter how big of a majority he has.

Also, it's funny how messaging works. Bush has had major support over the past ten years from the Democrats...more support than Obama's had from Republicans. Yet, every Bush misstep is solely his fault, while Obama's is pawned off on everyone else BUT HIM.

Bush's belief about WMDs wasn't just some cliquey made-up rumor only believed his administration: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSwSDvgw5Uc]YouTube - Democrats, WMD's & The Iraq War[/ame]
Here's my problem with blaming the war on Bush. This should be Civics 101 type stuff, but it takes an act of Congress to declare war. The President can't do that all by himself, no matter how big of a majority he has.

Also, it's funny how messaging works. Bush has had major support over the past ten years from the Democrats...more support than Obama's had from Republicans. Yet, every Bush misstep is solely his fault, while Obama's is pawned off on everyone else BUT HIM.

Bush's belief about WMDs wasn't just some cliquey made-up rumor only believed his administration: YouTube - Democrats, WMD's & The Iraq War

One flaw in your argument, just so you know. We never declared war on Iraq, and doing so is the sole province of the Senate.

We are in a state of undeclared war, but you are correct in that he couldn't have been there more than 90 days without Congressional funding, so they did have to vote to keep our soldiers there.
rdeanieweenie get's his orders from Huffington.....then sets off on the march.
Get Cali Girl :lol: :lol: :lol:
YouTube - N. Korea Celebrates 60th

The funny thing about these totalitarian regimes is they kill all the educated first thing.

That means if there ever were a "takeover", all the liberals would be murdered and the only people left would be uneducated conservatives living the life of someone from Afghanistan.

We already know the right wing is easy to control if you tell the right lies. Bush did it. Palin is even better.

survival of the fittest....it's human nature....you all will eventually be culled from the heard as the weak always are.

Except, it would be the regime that is surviving. They would kill a threat, which, of course, would be the educated. They would keep the weak. Weak in mind. Because they could be controlled with lies. We see that now.

No sane person believes Obama wants til kill your grandmother, wants to start a death panel or is a fascist. Only a weak mind could believe such nonsense.
Here's my problem with blaming the war on Bush. This should be Civics 101 type stuff, but it takes an act of Congress to declare war. The President can't do that all by himself, no matter how big of a majority he has.

Also, it's funny how messaging works. Bush has had major support over the past ten years from the Democrats...more support than Obama's had from Republicans. Yet, every Bush misstep is solely his fault, while Obama's is pawned off on everyone else BUT HIM.

Bush's belief about WMDs wasn't just some cliquey made-up rumor only believed his administration: YouTube - Democrats, WMD's & The Iraq War

The problem with this video is that every person being interviewed after 2001 is going on info supplied by the White House. Who would believe the White House would lie about something this serious?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYI7JXGqd0o]YouTube - WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP[/ame]

Listen to this Press Conference. With the passage of time, we forget how stupid Bush is.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIEvjbABWhk]YouTube - Bush Press Conference May 24, 2007[/ame]
Here's my problem with blaming the war on Bush. This should be Civics 101 type stuff, but it takes an act of Congress to declare war. The President can't do that all by himself, no matter how big of a majority he has.

Also, it's funny how messaging works. Bush has had major support over the past ten years from the Democrats...more support than Obama's had from Republicans. Yet, every Bush misstep is solely his fault, while Obama's is pawned off on everyone else BUT HIM.

Bush's belief about WMDs wasn't just some cliquey made-up rumor only believed his administration: YouTube - Democrats, WMD's & The Iraq War

The problem with this video is that every person being interviewed after 2001 is going on info supplied by the White House. Who would believe the White House would lie about something this serious?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYI7JXGqd0o]YouTube - WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP[/ame]

Listen to this Press Conference. With the passage of time, we forget how stupid Bush is.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIEvjbABWhk]YouTube - Bush Press Conference May 24, 2007[/ame]

I would be willing to bet that BOOSH is orders of magnitude smarter than you.

Disagrees with YOU =/= stupid.
The problem with this video is that every person being interviewed after 2001 is going on info supplied by the White House.

You're a fucking liar!
The problem is we have stupid ass DUPES, such as yourself, who are easily swayed by moronic assholes bent on dividing a Nation for political purposes.
The problem with this video is that every person being interviewed after 2001 is going on info supplied by the White House.

You're a fucking liar!
The problem is we have stupid ass DUPES, such as yourself, who are easily swayed by moronic assholes bent on dividing a Nation for political purposes.

You must be talking about "Filibuster Republicans".

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