Obama Insults Bush To His Face At WH Ceremony

Obama took the oath of office on a Koran - The right wing

They didnt care about Obama's policies then and they dont care now...it's just a convenient excuse
i liked the video of Bush. He is absolutely right on what he said about Osama. Bush was right to focus on the war that was going on, then to focus on a man who was in hiding.
I don't understand anyone not seeing the damage that this Obama is doing to their lives and their kids future. what is wrong with people that can't see it? I see a Democrat congressmen is changing to the Republican party because he disagrees with Obama on policies, and thats a good sign when a Democrat can see the reality of things.
Now that Bush has had his moment in the WH spotlight for the unveiling of his (and Laura's) official WH portrait(s), he can return to private life to spend his time doing what he cares most about now that he has retired from public life. I only have two questions. What is that? Does anyone know?

He's spends a lot of time with wounded vets and wounded-warriors for one.

He likes to ride the 100k bike ride called W100 in Palo Verde Canyon in Texas which is part of the Military Service Initiative of the Bush Presidential Center, created to highlight the bravery and sacrifice of American service members as well as spotlight organizations like the Wounded Warrior Project that aid injured soldiers.


President Bush Joins Wounded Warriors for 100K Mountain-Bike Ride | Bicycling Magazine

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Bush deserves no respect, thus any given would be inappropriate behaviour.

Then maybe you could stop whining when I don't show any to Obama.

I mean.....it's only fair.

Folks like you and Swallow should just stay away, quit your crying......because like Obama......those who want respect should learn how to give respect. This is the primary reason I hammer Obama so much. He's your guy.....so he's just acting the way you want him to.
I'm sure you haven't heard about it yet, but you will. This is why I'm so critical of Obama. This guy has no grace, no class at all.

Obama committed a breech in protocol when he called the former president "George" at a ceremony unveiling his portrait at the White House today. He also took the time to say how terrible the economy was when he took office. He was supposed to mention something nice but that was the best he could do.


Oh, no. Telling someone that they fucked up is such a bad thing.
We need that attitude in this government alot more to condemn what currently goes on.
Now that Bush has had his moment in the WH spotlight for the unveiling of his (and Laura's) official WH portrait(s), he can return to private life to spend his time doing what he cares most about now that he has retired from public life. I only have two questions. What is that? Does anyone know?

He's spends a lot of time with wounded vets and wounded-warriors for one.

He likes to ride the 100k bike ride called W100 in Palo Verde Canyon in Texas which is part of the Military Service Initiative of the Bush Presidential Center, created to highlight the bravery and sacrifice of American service members as well as spotlight organizations like the Wounded Warrior Project that aid injured soldiers.


President Bush Joins Wounded Warriors for 100K Mountain-Bike Ride | Bicycling Magazine

How much time? You said a lot. This is one event on one day with 20 Vets. I recall reading about the one from last year. Based on the attached story, 14 Vet participated in that particular event.

That's one event in an entire year for an activity that Bush by all accounts enjoys doing. In other words, it's a pleasurable activity for him, right? It's a stress reliever for him too since he engaged in this pastime while president. So, the bottom line from what you showed me is that Bush spends one day a year sharing his love of mountain biking with fewer than a couple of dozen Vets. Is that it? What about the other 364 days? More mountain biking?
Now that Bush has had his moment in the WH spotlight for the unveiling of his (and Laura's) official WH portrait(s), he can return to private life to spend his time doing what he cares most about now that he has retired from public life. I only have two questions. What is that? Does anyone know?

He's spends a lot of time with wounded vets and wounded-warriors for one.

He likes to ride the 100k bike ride called W100 in Palo Verde Canyon in Texas which is part of the Military Service Initiative of the Bush Presidential Center, created to highlight the bravery and sacrifice of American service members as well as spotlight organizations like the Wounded Warrior Project that aid injured soldiers.


President Bush Joins Wounded Warriors for 100K Mountain-Bike Ride | Bicycling Magazine

How much time? You said a lot. This is one event on one day with 20 Vets. I recall reading about the one from last year. Based on the attached story, 14 Vet participated in that particular event.

That's one event in an entire year for an activity that Bush by all accounts enjoys doing. In other words, it's a pleasurable activity for him, right? It's a stress reliever for him too since he engaged in this pastime while president. So, the bottom line from what you showed me is that Bush spends one day a year sharing his love of mountain biking with fewer than a couple of dozen Vets. Is that it? What about the other 364 days? More mountain biking?

This one was the second year.

Try clicking on the friggen links if you want to know what he's up to.

Btw, if you think riding 100k in 100 plus degree heat over 3 days enjoyable....have at it.
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Swallow.....former presidents are to be addressed always as "Mr. President".

And you aren't a very good host if you feel you have to bring up what you think your guest did wrong.

But I guess being a Dick is all Obama can do....even though he tried to make it sound inconspicuous.

George HW Bush and Bill Clinton became quite close after Clinton left office. So much so that the Bush family refers to Clinton as Bubba Bush.

Have any of you considered the possibility that Barak and George just might be on a first name basis?

Do they HAVE to hate each other in the crazed partisan fashion your delusional worldview demands? Or maybe...just maybe...they see through all the bullshit and see that when it comes to being President they are in a very very very small club that transends politcal party?
Swallow.....former presidents are to be addressed always as "Mr. President".

And you aren't a very good host if you feel you have to bring up what you think your guest did wrong.

But I guess being a Dick is all Obama can do....even though he tried to make it sound inconspicuous.

George HW Bush and Bill Clinton became quite close after Clinton left office. So much so that the Bush family refers to Clinton as Bubba Bush.

Have any of you considered the possibility that Barak and George just might be on a first name basis?

Do they HAVE to hate each other in the crazed partisan fashion your delusional worldview demands? Or maybe...just maybe...they see through all the bullshit and see that when it comes to being President they are in a very very very small club that transends politcal party?

I never considered it because I know it isn't true. Obama talks about Bush like he's a dog. Why would anyone want to be close to someone who does that?
See had we captured bin Laden and quietly shipped him off to Gitmo Obama would have nothing to campaign on in 2012


Pretty sad when your 0 for $5 TRILLION, what a worthless record, geez how is this guy still in office today...

Amazing, the criminal Bush ran into hiding is all Obummer has to stake his name too, and that wouldn't be possible with out Bush...

What irony
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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