Obama Is A Sociopathic Liar......Something Is Very Wrong Here!

Limbaugh unleashed and is on to Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka/Barry Soetoro.

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Limbaugh unleashed Obama is a 8216 sociopathic 8217 liar

I have a comment even though I don't listen to Limbaugh. Frankly, it's because he comes across as a buffoon as far as I'm concerned. But that's not my primary point.

I think it's no secret that people can and do lie when money is involved. It often motivates people to 'color the truth,' so to speak. I guess that's why it's so easy to get 'experts' in court who will testify to just about anything for what? Maybe $10,000? Last time I heard, Rush was making something like $50 Million a year.

At any rate, skipping past this subject for just a minute, while I don't listen to Rush, I DO listen to Mark Levin. The guy makes me laugh. While screaming into his microphone and sounding like a man who's unhinged, Levin routinely calls Obama a tyrant, or irrational, or unbalanced in some way. It's funny listening to a man like Levin when he's ranting and raving and accusing another man like Obama of being some kind of lunatic when Obama actually always seems calm, and reasonable, and rational in both the sound of his voice and the content of his speech. What that should show everyone is that you often need to look a little deeper to get at the truth. Sometimes you don't need to look too deep. You just need to look, period!

Back to Rush. He makes a lot of money. He also isn't responsible for governance, or results, and he isn't accountable for anything other than ratings as far as I can see. And because Rush is not a journalist, he's perfectly free to say things that aren't factually true, or at least aren't factually verified or that aren't anything other than his opinion. Nice gig. He can say anything he wants, and he's not constrained by the usual limitations of journalistic integrity and/or accountability. And since these people are public figures, he can pretty much say anything he wants to. This is even more true since he bills himself as an entertainer, which is, after all, all he really is, regardless of whether some people take him more seriously or not.

Back to the BIG paycheck. Rush makes about a million dollars a week. That's probably more money than a lot of his listeners make in twenty years. And he damn sure knows what they want to hear. Since his continued popularity is to quote 'give the people what they want,' and because he has no legal constraints or occupational limitations on what he can say, and because he's essentially accountable to no one but his affiliates and his advertisers for anything other than his ratings numbers, what's stopping him from saying pretty much anything if it feathers his nest and furthers his goals? Anything? What's stopping him from lying through his teeth? Nothing as far as I can see.

So, just as I laugh at Levin for casting aspersions on Obama's emotional stability or his motives, I laugh at Limbaugh (AND the people who take him seriously) when he calls ANYONE a 'sociopathic' liar simply because I think that Limbaugh is FEIGNING a lot of his outrage. You see, Limbaugh, by his OWN admission is an entertainer. He's like a magician doing a magic show, and the conservatives sitting in the audience are like children who think the magic is real.
You see my fellow Americans, the constitutionally ineligible Obama fits the textbook definition of a sociopath.

And you base this on your years of clinical psychiatric experience and your deep personal relationship with the President?

Or did you just pull the claim sideways out of your ass?
He's not the president. He's a usurper!

The people said otherwise. Twice.

Get used to the idea.
As Gruber stated many times and documented, the democrat voters are stupid.

And by 'democrat voters' you mean a clear majority of the popular vote? Twice.

Its a feat that a republican has only managed once in the last generation.
Limbaugh unleashed and is on to Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka/Barry Soetoro.

Love the comments!
Limbaugh unleashed Obama is a 8216 sociopathic 8217 liar

I have a comment even though I don't listen to Limbaugh. Frankly, it's because he comes across as a buffoon as far as I'm concerned. But that's not my primary point.

I think it's no secret that people can and do lie when money is involved. It often motivates people to 'color the truth,' so to speak. I guess that's why it's so easy to get 'experts' in court who will testify to just about anything for what? Maybe $10,000? Last time I heard, Rush was making something like $50 Million a year.

At any rate, skipping past this subject for just a minute, while I don't listen to Rush, I DO listen to Mark Levin. The guy makes me laugh. While screaming into his microphone and sounding like a man who's unhinged, Levin routinely calls Obama a tyrant, or irrational, or unbalanced in some way. It's funny listening to a man like Levin when he's ranting and raving and accusing another man like Obama of being some kind of lunatic when Obama actually always seems calm, and reasonable, and rational in both the sound of his voice and the content of his speech. What that should show everyone is that you often need to look a little deeper to get at the truth. Sometimes you don't need to look too deep. You just need to look, period!

Back to Rush. He makes a lot of money. He also isn't responsible for governance, or results, and he isn't accountable for anything other than ratings as far as I can see. And because Rush is not a journalist, he's perfectly free to say things that aren't factually true, or at least aren't factually verified or that aren't anything other than his opinion. Nice gig. He can say anything he wants, and he's not constrained by the usual limitations of journalistic integrity and/or accountability. And since these people are public figures, he can pretty much say anything he wants to. This is even more true since he bills himself as an entertainer, which is, after all, all he really is, regardless of whether some people take him more seriously or not.

Back to the BIG paycheck. Rush makes about a million dollars a week. That's probably more money than a lot of his listeners make in twenty years. And he damn sure knows what they want to hear. Since his continued popularity is to quote 'give the people what they want,' and because he has no legal constraints or occupational limitations on what he can say, and because he's essentially accountable to no one but his affiliates and his advertisers for anything other than his ratings numbers, what's stopping him from saying pretty much anything if it feathers his nest and furthers his goals? Anything? What's stopping him from lying through his teeth? Nothing as far as I can see.

So, just as I laugh at Levin for casting aspersions on Obama's emotional stability or his motives, I laugh at Limbaugh (AND the people who take him seriously) when he calls ANYONE a 'sociopathic' liar simply because I think that Limbaugh is FEIGNING a lot of his outrage. You see, Limbaugh, by his OWN admission is an entertainer. He's like a magician doing a magic show, and the conservatives sitting in the audience are like children who think the magic is real.
You can say Obama is a entertainer too, acting as if he's a Constitutionally qualified president, and a bad one at that.
Limbaugh unleashed and is on to Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka/Barry Soetoro.

Limbaugh unleashed Obama is a 8216 sociopathic 8217 liar

Who cares what an entertainer has to say. You might as well quote Bono. Or Mr. Snuffalofogous.
Rush is a well-respected and influential member of the news media. Obama is a lying piece of shit who deserves to be impeached.


When and where has Lush Limpblob ever done news?
Limbaugh unleashed and is on to Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka/Barry Soetoro.

Love the comments!
Limbaugh unleashed Obama is a 8216 sociopathic 8217 liar

Apparently it's not enough that Lush Rimjob doesn't know his nouns from his adjectives ("Democrat Party" [sic]) --- he's equally clue-free about what the word "sociopathic" means.

Limbaugh unleashed and is on to Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka/Barry Soetoro.

Love the comments!
Limbaugh unleashed Obama is a 8216 sociopathic 8217 liar

I have a comment even though I don't listen to Limbaugh. Frankly, it's because he comes across as a buffoon as far as I'm concerned. But that's not my primary point.

I think it's no secret that people can and do lie when money is involved. It often motivates people to 'color the truth,' so to speak. I guess that's why it's so easy to get 'experts' in court who will testify to just about anything for what? Maybe $10,000? Last time I heard, Rush was making something like $50 Million a year.

At any rate, skipping past this subject for just a minute, while I don't listen to Rush, I DO listen to Mark Levin. The guy makes me laugh. While screaming into his microphone and sounding like a man who's unhinged, Levin routinely calls Obama a tyrant, or irrational, or unbalanced in some way. It's funny listening to a man like Levin when he's ranting and raving and accusing another man like Obama of being some kind of lunatic when Obama actually always seems calm, and reasonable, and rational in both the sound of his voice and the content of his speech. What that should show everyone is that you often need to look a little deeper to get at the truth. Sometimes you don't need to look too deep. You just need to look, period!

Back to Rush. He makes a lot of money. He also isn't responsible for governance, or results, and he isn't accountable for anything other than ratings as far as I can see. And because Rush is not a journalist, he's perfectly free to say things that aren't factually true, or at least aren't factually verified or that aren't anything other than his opinion. Nice gig. He can say anything he wants, and he's not constrained by the usual limitations of journalistic integrity and/or accountability. And since these people are public figures, he can pretty much say anything he wants to. This is even more true since he bills himself as an entertainer, which is, after all, all he really is, regardless of whether some people take him more seriously or not.

Back to the BIG paycheck. Rush makes about a million dollars a week. That's probably more money than a lot of his listeners make in twenty years. And he damn sure knows what they want to hear. Since his continued popularity is to quote 'give the people what they want,' and because he has no legal constraints or occupational limitations on what he can say, and because he's essentially accountable to no one but his affiliates and his advertisers for anything other than his ratings numbers, what's stopping him from saying pretty much anything if it feathers his nest and furthers his goals? Anything? What's stopping him from lying through his teeth? Nothing as far as I can see.

So, just as I laugh at Levin for casting aspersions on Obama's emotional stability or his motives, I laugh at Limbaugh (AND the people who take him seriously) when he calls ANYONE a 'sociopathic' liar simply because I think that Limbaugh is FEIGNING a lot of his outrage. You see, Limbaugh, by his OWN admission is an entertainer. He's like a magician doing a magic show, and the conservatives sitting in the audience are like children who think the magic is real.
You can say Obama is a entertainer too, acting as if he's a Constitutionally qualified president, and a bad one at that.

You see my fellow Americans, the constitutionally ineligible Obama fits the textbook definition of a sociopath. Sociopathic behavior is manifested as conniving and deceitful, despite an outward appearance of trustworthiness or sincerity. Sociopaths are often pathological liars. They are manipulative and lack the ability to judge the morality of a situation, but not because they lack a moral compass; rather, their existing moral compass is greatly (yet not always dangerously) skewed as Obama's is. Pemment, for one, says this could point to both a social and neurological component.

Oh very good, McRacist. You've moved up to direct plagiarization of quotes that actually DO exist.

Unlike those bogus quotes in your sigline.

Still won't fess up to those huh? Which site did you lift this text from? Because I already know.
You see my fellow Americans, the constitutionally ineligible Obama fits the textbook definition of a sociopath.
And you base this on your years of clinical psychiatric experience and your deep personal relationship with the President?

Or did you just pull the claim sideways out of your ass?

He bases that on plagiarizing the internet. He's not even capable of constructing a complete sentence on his own.
Limbaugh unleashed and is on to Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka/Barry Soetoro.

Limbaugh unleashed Obama is a 8216 sociopathic 8217 liar

Who cares what an entertainer has to say. You might as well quote Bono. Or Mr. Snuffalofogous.
Rush is a well-respected and influential member of the news media. Obama is a lying piece of shit who deserves to be impeached.


When and where has Lush Limpblob ever done news?

McRacist McBigot wouldn't know a real news clipping if one slapped him in the face.
When are Americans going to realize that most of their political class are sociopaths? That said, Obama is an extraordinary sociopath, like BJ Bubba Clinton...and libs, progs, and Ds are incapable of seeing it.
Limbaugh unleashed and is on to Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka/Barry Soetoro.

Limbaugh unleashed Obama is a 8216 sociopathic 8217 liar

Who cares what an entertainer has to say. You might as well quote Bono. Or Mr. Snuffalofogous.

Say the far left 9/11 truther that believes every far left drone blog site without question or hesitation..

Another far left irony impaired post rolling along!

Limbaugh unleashed and is on to Barack Hussein Obama Soebarka/Barry Soetoro.

Limbaugh unleashed Obama is a 8216 sociopathic 8217 liar

Who cares what an entertainer has to say. You might as well quote Bono. Or Mr. Snuffalofogous.

Say the far left 9/11 truther that believes every far left drone blog site without question or hesitation..

Another far left irony impaired post rolling along!


Hussein said, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
The man is a liar.
I rest my case.
that's actually an issue between you and your insurer. but you're right, the president shouldn't have promised that. he should have just promised that the aca won't require doctor changes.

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