Obama is Crazy


So someone puts their sweat and tears into building a business, but somehow within Obama's mind they didn't do anything? What a slap in the face.

True that the government makes for the stable environment, but to say this is bull shit.

No, that is not what he said, are you illiterate?
I'm convinced this fraud is mentally ill. What in the hell have you all done?

PICKET:(VIDEO) Obama - 'If you

about a hundred times more than you have done. try accomplishing something before you always put down someone who that is trying, comparred to the effort you are not exerting.

Obamaturd is good at this, not accomplishing anything himself and putting down successful people. He is nothing more that a puppet.

same with you then. At least he like many before put themselves in the line of fire doing a job for ungrateful people that are to busy cutting of their noses to spite their faces.
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I'm convinced this fraud is mentally ill. What in the hell have you all done?

PICKET:(VIDEO) Obama - 'If you

about a hundred times more than you have done. try accomplishing something before you always put down someone who that is trying, comparred to the effort you are not exerting.

Obamaturd is good at this, not accomplishing anything himself and putting down successful people. He is nothing more that a puppet.

What great accomplishments have you done for the US of A?
about a hundred times more than you have done. try accomplishing something before you always put down someone who that is trying, comparred to the effort you are not exerting.

Obamaturd is good at this, not accomplishing anything himself and putting down successful people. He is nothing more that a puppet.

What great accomplishments have you done for the US of A?
I served in the Military, worked for the Dept. of Justice and actually pay my taxes without looking to the Government for hand outs. Unlike what obamturd and his ilk believe. I am probably more qualified than the imposter in chief. But I would piss a lot of people off, especially socialists.
I'm convinced this fraud is mentally ill. What in the hell have you all done?

PICKET:(VIDEO) Obama - 'If you

about a hundred times more than you have done. try accomplishing something before you always put down someone who that is trying, comparred to the effort you are not exerting.

Obamaturd is good at this, not accomplishing anything himself and putting down successful people. He is nothing more that a puppet.

Oh, he's got a few things accomplished under his belt. They're just not things wingnut idiots like yourself appreciate. Others do, though, and they're part of what's helped his poll numbers stay stable despite unemployment still being high.
Sociopath...a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood, a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience...about sums up that nut case in the White House......:eusa_clap:



I'm convinced this fraud is mentally ill. What in the hell have you all done?

PICKET:(VIDEO) Obama - 'If you

about a hundred times more than you have done. try accomplishing something before you always put down someone who that is trying, comparred to the effort you are not exerting.

Obamaturd is good at this, not accomplishing anything himself and putting down successful people. He is nothing more that a puppet.

Look, deaf, dumb,blind and stupid Master Bate,

For those who ignorantly claim The President " hasn't done anything "...just hit them with this incredible list....which PROVES that he's done more in 20 months than most have in 2 terms.
Fight Lies with TRUTH !....GOTV...and share this everywhere !!!
Daily Kos: The 244 ACCOMPLISHMENTS of President Obama ! (new list)
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So someone puts their sweet and tears into building a business, but somehow within Obama's mind they didn't do anything? What a slap in the face.

True that the government makes for the stable environment, but to say this is bull shit.

He didn't say they didn't do anything.

Did the businesses pay taxes? Federal,state/local property taxes?
Where did that money go?

Evidently YOU have NO idea how a business works !
Did you know (I bet you didn't" !) that every time a payroll is met by your employer, that YOUR employer MATCHES your Social security and Medicare payments?? Didn't know that did you! Did YOU know that your employer also PAYS Federal Unemployment Taxes that is used to pay the unemployment checks? Or like Obama totally surprised that FUTA funds the unemployment checks by TAXES on the employer!

No.. you like Obama just think your neighbors, that maybe business owners are EVIL! Profiteers! Despicable! Just one more reason Obama will be gone this fall!
Obama didn't get elected to "try". Obama got elected to do a job and he failed.
I agree.

Of course... Obama will get elected again because the Republican party isn't aware that it's morbidly loyal voting base isn't large enough to overcome the morbidly loyal democrat voting base without the independents in force. Notice I used a small "i" in independents as they really aren't a party... Perhaps I should say "voting base without a party affiliation" to be more correct and succinct.

Point is that those people without a party affiliation (actual independents) generally aren't religious. Generally don't own big businesses. Generally don't really do much but go to work and watch TV. Exceptions of course... But general rule.

Now the ads on TV by both parties are pretty damn smart. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Which one should they believe will actually get them? Seems like a wash really, given that they both say the same thing against each other. Now it wasn't that long ago I saw a thread that said something to the effect that financial experts a Mitt victory would improve the market. Well... that's about laughable considering that Ron Paul has predicted all this crap happening now a decade ago. I mean who here hasn't seen those videos? There is no reason, rightly so, to trust those guys again. So.... Just a wash really.

Not being religious most independents wouldn't give two squirts if Gay people could get married. Seems like the right thing to do though if you don't care... Let them marry... Who cares? Won't hurt them a bit and it just seems fair.

I myself can't figure out why the federal government gives two shits if you are married or not. It shouldn't have anything to do with it.

But just that... Just that one little thing of marriage... That's enough to lose the presidential race for Mitt unless he can somehow absolutely sell that he would be better for the economy job market. He would actually have to spell out his plan, not say he had one. Because... Well... those people who aren't party affiliated generally aren't religious and just having faith isn't one of their strong points. He needs to put out that plan.

Now in my opinion Obama has been a pretty shit president... But boy... Those republicans really FUBAR'd when they backed Mitt as their man. This is akin to ... Oh hell... What's his name? That horse faced guy that ran against Bush. Hey... It SHOULD have been an easy win... *shrugs*

It's almost like the republican leaders want to lose. o.0
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So someone puts their sweet and tears into building a business, but somehow within Obama's mind they didn't do anything? What a slap in the face.

True that the government makes for the stable environment, but to say this is bull shit.

He didn't say they didn't do anything.

Did the businesses pay taxes? Federal,state/local property taxes?
Where did that money go?

Evidently YOU have NO idea how a business works !
Did you know (I bet you didn't" !) that every time a payroll is met by your employer, that YOUR employer MATCHES your Social security and Medicare payments?? Didn't know that did you! Did YOU know that your employer also PAYS Federal Unemployment Taxes that is used to pay the unemployment checks? Or like Obama totally surprised that FUTA funds the unemployment checks by TAXES on the employer!

No.. you like Obama just think your neighbors, that maybe business owners are EVIL! Profiteers! Despicable! Just one more reason Obama will be gone this fall!

God, you're so given to hysterics it's quite amusing...in a sad kind of way. You didn't even actually refute the point you directly quoted.
about a hundred times more than you have done. try accomplishing something before you always put down someone who that is trying, comparred to the effort you are not exerting.

Obamaturd is good at this, not accomplishing anything himself and putting down successful people. He is nothing more that a puppet.

Look, deaf, dumb,blind and stupid Master Bate,

For those who ignorantly claim The President " hasn't done anything "...just hit them with this incredible list....which PROVES that he's done more in 20 months than most have in 2 terms.
Fight Lies with TRUTH !....GOTV...and share this everywhere !!!
Daily Kos: The 244 ACCOMPLISHMENTS of President Obama ! (new list)

Fucking liar.........

I'm convinced this fraud is mentally ill. What in the hell have you all done?

PICKET:(VIDEO) Obama - 'If you

This is what you get when you elect a president that in 40+ years of life, worked at a job in the private sector for all of 18 months. He truly believes that government is the center of everything. Sad yet true.

I had more private sector work experience at age 18 than this guy did at 47. That my friends is PATHETIC.
I'm convinced this fraud is mentally ill. What in the hell have you all done?

PICKET:(VIDEO) Obama - 'If you

This is what you get when you elect a president that in 40+ years of life, worked at a job in the private sector for all of 18 months. He truly believes that government is the center of everything. Sad yet true.

I had more private sector work experience at age 18 than this guy did at 47. That my friends is PATHETIC.


What Does Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Really Believe?

He believes that Jesus Christ is Satan's brother.
He believes that God lives near a planet called "Kolob."
He believes in baptizing dead people.
He believes that Jesus is married to a goddess wife.
He believes that The Garden of Eden was in Missouri.
He believes that it was impossible for Negroes to go to Heaven before 1978.
He believes that Jesus has children from his wife or wives.
He believes that he is going to become a god.
He believes he will own his own personal planet after he dies.
He believes the real Christian God is not eternal but rather that He was once a man on some other planet besides Earth!
He believes he needs to wear magical underwear created by Mormons and he is never to take it off unless he is bathing.
He believes it is a sin to drink anything containing caffeine. And that even includes True American™ drinks like Coca-Cola!
He believes children between the ages of 18-21 should wear name badges, ride bicycles and always smile.​

More: Mitt Romney's Hilarious Religious Beliefs

Not sure where you dug this shit up, but my understanding of mormonism includes nothing of this. But then, my perception is not colored by my slavish worship of a fraud.
about a hundred times more than you have done. try accomplishing something before you always put down someone who that is trying, comparred to the effort you are not exerting.

Obamaturd is good at this, not accomplishing anything himself and putting down successful people. He is nothing more that a puppet.

Look, deaf, dumb,blind and stupid Master Bate,

For those who ignorantly claim The President " hasn't done anything "...just hit them with this incredible list....which PROVES that he's done more in 20 months than most have in 2 terms.
Fight Lies with TRUTH !....GOTV...and share this everywhere !!!
Daily Kos: The 244 ACCOMPLISHMENTS of President Obama ! (new list)

And every single "accomplishment" is either fantastically destructive to this nation or absolutely intended to get him a second term. With VERY few exceptions, every single "accomplishment" is a lie or totally bogus. He's so full of shit, he's....well, you get it.

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