Obama is gonna take your guns!!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.
Don't ruin it for the nra, they are using this to get more contributions from the likes of PaleRider/007 & BigRebnc1775. Nothing animates rw's better than fear. Mushroom clouds anyone?
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I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.

Agreed. Democrats can't go against the will of the people on this one.
We can't take their guns. Then all they'll have to cling to is their bibles.

Let's take their bibles too. Then all they'll have is NASCAR.

Good one.

But, no matter how the gun nuts twist and turn, they cannot make a good case for the US being a police state.
That is because that is not what is being argued. Governments turn into police states with very little effort. All that is needed is a little government worship from the insane.

The case is being made for keeping the US from becoming a police state.
I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.
have you seen the price of guns lately ??maybe Obama,and Joe own stock in the firearms industry !!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's take their bibles too. Then all they'll have is NASCAR.

Good one.

But, no matter how the gun nuts twist and turn, they cannot make a good case for the US being a police state.

You keep smoking that bong.....:lol:

A police state exists when the citizenry is disarmed. That will NEVER happen in the US.

which President signed-off on DHS & who mans those facilities? I'll tell you one thing, it aint ponytail sportin' Progressives like me. :cool: Its big gov't flattop sportin' conservatives that man those facilities. Makes em feel powerful I guess :dunno: at the expense of the rest of our civil liberties.
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Because I always equate protecting the country from foreign incursion with disarming the citizenry.
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Santa's sled is packed full of guns, and his little elves are working on assault weapons for next year right now :happy-1::dance::beer::iagree::woohoo::D:clap2: - no worries!
First, the gun confiscation. Next stop, the FEMA camps.

But there's some good news. They'll be a crafts building. And Rush Limbaugh will spin the vinyl as the designated DJ.

And for the more politically-minded? They'll be a self-governing board, and you'll be allowed to nominate and support the most conservative representatives you want.
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First, the gun confiscation. Next stop, the FEMA camps.

But there's some good news. They'll be crafts building. And Rush Limbaugh will spin the vinyl as the designated DJ.

And for the more politically-minded? They'll be a self-governing board, and you'll be allowed to nominate and support the most conservative representatives you want.

And their economy will grow to a point that the rest of the US will be living off of them.
First, the gun confiscation. Next stop, the FEMA camps.

But there's some good news. They'll be crafts building. And Rush Limbaugh will spin the vinyl as the designated DJ.

And for the more politically-minded? They'll be a self-governing board, and you'll be allowed to nominate and support the most conservative representatives you want.

And their economy will grow to a point that the rest of the US will be living off of them.

They'll be fighting with one another in short order about who is and isn't a REAL conservative.

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