Obama is Leaving America Worse off than Under Bush


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.

No its not. And Wall Street agrees with me. The economy is NOT as good as Obama, you and the Fed think it is.

Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.

In other related news.

How are blacks doing under Obama?


Like the rest of America, Black America, in the aggregate, is better off now than it was when I came into office,” said President Obama on December 19, in response to a question by Urban Radio Networks White House Correspondent April Ryan.

What planet African Americans are doing “better off” on is unknown. What is known is that President Obama is about to leave office with African Americans in their worst economic situation since Ronald Reagan.

A look at every key stat as President Obama starts his sixth year in office illustrates that. Unemployment. The average Black unemployment under President Bush was 10 percent. The average under President Obama after six years is 14 percent. Black unemployment, “has always been double” [that of Whites] but it hasn’t always been 14 percent. The administration was silent when Black unemployment hit 16 percent – a 27-year high – in late 2011. Poverty. The percentage of Blacks in poverty in 2009 was 25 percent; it is now 27 percent. The issue of poverty is rarely mentioned by the president or any members of his cabinet. Currently, more than 45 million people – 1 in 7 Americans – live below the poverty line. The Black/White Wealth Gap. The wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America is at a 24-year high. A December study by PEW Research Center revealed the average White household is worth $141,900, and the average Black household is worth $11,000. From 2010 to 2013, the median income for Black households plunged 9 percent. -

See more at: Is Black America Better Off Under Obama?
Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.
Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"
Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.
Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"

Obama is a failure because he instills that terrible characteristic in the losers that support him. Failure now is average, median, words like that.

Obama is a 'failure enabler'

Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.
Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"
Ever heard of George Gipp?

If you are trying to claim Bo's record debt is somehow analogous to Ronnie's, you need your head examined.
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.

In other related news.

How are blacks doing under Obama?


Like the rest of America, Black America, in the aggregate, is better off now than it was when I came into office,” said President Obama on December 19, in response to a question by Urban Radio Networks White House Correspondent April Ryan.

What planet African Americans are doing “better off” on is unknown. What is known is that President Obama is about to leave office with African Americans in their worst economic situation since Ronald Reagan.

A look at every key stat as President Obama starts his sixth year in office illustrates that. Unemployment. The average Black unemployment under President Bush was 10 percent. The average under President Obama after six years is 14 percent. Black unemployment, “has always been double” [that of Whites] but it hasn’t always been 14 percent. The administration was silent when Black unemployment hit 16 percent – a 27-year high – in late 2011. Poverty. The percentage of Blacks in poverty in 2009 was 25 percent; it is now 27 percent. The issue of poverty is rarely mentioned by the president or any members of his cabinet. Currently, more than 45 million people – 1 in 7 Americans – live below the poverty line. The Black/White Wealth Gap. The wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America is at a 24-year high. A December study by PEW Research Center revealed the average White household is worth $141,900, and the average Black household is worth $11,000. From 2010 to 2013, the median income for Black households plunged 9 percent. -

See more at: Is Black America Better Off Under Obama?

Blacks haven't been doing well under any president. They have done better thanks to certain politicians who are most likely on the left than the right. However in 8 years you're hardly likely to see much of an improvement when the economy is so bad anyway.

Also, the president isn't the guy who makes these changes, it's Congress, the legislature that has the biggest impact, and no, the Democrats aren't doing much to help, but that's more than the right.
Oh, but it has to be worse. After all, it is under a black man in the white house.

Were we to arrive at 20Jan17 with a market at 20,000, and 3% unemployment, these yokels would still be howling about how bad it is.
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.

No its not. And Wall Street agrees with me. The economy is NOT as good as Obama, you and the Fed think it is.


Economics is a fuzzy science, sort of. It used to be that Europe and the United States were not in lockstep as we were not really under the same economic system.

That being said, Obama (and in all fairness, others) have moved us towards the model of Europe by creating a much larger welfare state; thus increasing debt with very little economic, or foreign policy gain. Therefore----------> If Europe has trouble, the odds are much higher now, that we too will experience it.

I also agree with the mantra, that with the worlds economic condition, if the fed does not get creative, the United States will enter another recession; and possibly even with its intervention.

Normally, with arm twisting from the party in power on the fed, they can push the downturn past the election. In this case, I am skeptical of that outcome though, because the Fed has used most of its bullets up already combating the Obama phony, non-recovery. Instead of having a whole "clip of bullets" they can use to prop up the economy, they are left with one or two.

Not only that, but with only a few "bullets" to actually use; if the Fed employs them, Americans will instantly see that the economy is softening as everyone with any sense knows what those "bullets" are, and the aura and narrative of how wonderfully the Democrats have handled the economy will disperse like smoke in a very, high, wind!
Oh, but it has to be worse. After all, it is under a black man in the white house.

Were we to arrive at 20Jan17 with a market at 20,000, and 3% unemployment, these yokels would still be howling about how bad it is.

And if pigs flew, we “yokels” would be calling them birds.

But pigs don't fly, the economy is in terrible shape, due in very large part to Obama's policies, and there's no point in playing “what if…” games about imaginary scenarios in which his disastrous policies had produced anything but disastrous results.

And playing the Race Card only emphasizes just how vapid and worthless your entire argument is.
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.

No its not. And Wall Street agrees with me. The economy is NOT as good as Obama, you and the Fed think it is.


Economics is a fuzzy science, sort of. It used to be that Europe and the United States were not in lockstep as we were not really under the same economic system.

That being said, Obama (and in all fairness, others) have moved us towards the model of Europe by creating a much larger welfare state; thus increasing debt with very little economic, or foreign policy gain. Therefore----------> If Europe has trouble, the odds are much higher now, that we too will experience it.

I also agree with the mantra, that with the worlds economic condition, if the fed does not get creative, the United States will enter another recession; and possibly even with its intervention.

Normally, with arm twisting from the party in power on the fed, they can push the downturn past the election. In this case, I am skeptical of that outcome though, because the Fed has used most of its bullets up already combating the Obama phony, non-recovery. Instead of having a whole "clip of bullets" they can use to prop up the economy, they are left with one or two.

Not only that, but with only a few "bullets" to actually use; if the Fed employs them, Americans will instantly see that the economy is softening as everyone with any sense knows what those "bullets" are, and the aura and narrative of how wonderfully the Democrats have handled the economy will disperse like smoke in a very, high, wind!

Its setting up just like 1979/80. I can't wait for the Rep/Dem debate

Not only that, but with only a few "bullets" to actually use; if the Fed employs them, Americans will instantly see that the economy is softening as everyone with any sense knows what those "bullets" are, and the aura and narrative of how wonderfully the Democrats have handled the economy will disperse like smoke in a very, high, wind!
The Fed talked itself into a corner, constantly signalling that it was going to increase rates - to the point where, if it didn't, the market would have panicked.

Now, if they have to lower rates, the market will panic.

Great job, folks.
How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery..
We've doubled the cumulative operating deficits (aka "The National Debt"), structurally government has become larger, more expensive and more intrusive on the economy, he's done nothing to address long term unfunded liabilities except add to them (Obamacare). Borrowing nearly $10 TRILLION and throwing it the economy doesn't "fix" anything nor does historically loose monetary policy, it just papers it over so that the next time things go south it will be FAR worse than the last time.

The economy isn't on the "road to recovery" it's on a fiscal & monetary policy sugar high, when the punch bowl is taken away the last recession is going to look tame by comparison.

If you want to put the economy on a structurally sound footing then the federal government MUST get it's fiscal house in order (from both an operating standpoint and a long term liabilities standpoint), the private sector MUST be allowed to work off all the Mal-investment that's been built up over the last decade, monetary policy MUST reflect actual market conditions and the regulatory regime MUST be brought to heel.

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