Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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Come to think of it, when it comes to all this prediction silliness, the only people I'd like to hear from are those who think their guy is gonna lose, and why.


I'm voting for Romney. Do I think he's gonna win? I'm not convinced... because it's far harder to unseat a sitting POTUS than it is to go head to head with the other team. So I think Romney has an uphill battle. Having said that, frankly, Obama should be polling far better than he has - not that I am one to place much value in polls until far closer to the election... but the fact remains, generally the international media has the race at a 'dead heat', and that does not bode well for Obama. And he knows it.

See, that's the mixed message I'm getting from the GOP. First they point to the fact (I assume it's a fact, anyway) that no sitting President has ever won re-election with unemployment over 8%. Okay, I'll buy that, that would make me think Romney has a commanding lead. Then they say Obama should have a commanding lead.

Yes, I'm easily confused, but I don't get that one.


Yep, it's confusing. It's true - as far as I can research (and that is considerable) that no sitting President has kept the WH with unemployment so high. But one does have to factor in the 'black guy' thing, along with the 'nice guy' thing, and a variety of other factors that Obama has going for him. I don't know how this election will play out. I'm hoping for, and working for, a Romney win... this is the first election where I have supported one of the two main candidates... weird!!
Romney is still Romney

Dull, unpassionate, no definable vision

Romney is in the pocket of big money. So, of course he will pull in the big bucks from very few donors. Still trying to put lipstick on a pig.....I don't care how expensive the lipstick is

What you call being negative by Obama is defining what a Romney presidency would mean......and it ain't pretty

Haven't you heard...his charisma is "in the air". You just can't see it.

I find it very odd that people think 'charisma' is the most important thing. Personally, I'd rather have a smart President than a nice guy. I'd like him to be both, but I'll take smart over popular any day. Romney is smart, he is decent, and he's honest. I like those qualities... those same qualities are sadly lacking in Obama.

Yes, in a perfect world, Poindexter should be President. But in the case of politics from the High School level, to local elections all the way to the presidency....Popular wins out

Oddly, I find Obama to be smart, decent and honest.....but I guess that is where politics plays in
I also find Romney to be smart, decent and honest......I just don't like his relatively recent swing to the right
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Come to think of it, when it comes to all this prediction silliness, the only people I'd like to hear from are those who think their guy is gonna lose, and why.


I'm voting for Romney. Do I think he's gonna win? I'm not convinced... because it's far harder to unseat a sitting POTUS than it is to go head to head with the other team. So I think Romney has an uphill battle. Having said that, frankly, Obama should be polling far better than he has - not that I am one to place much value in polls until far closer to the election... but the fact remains, generally the international media has the race at a 'dead heat', and that does not bode well for Obama. And he knows it.

The "international media" is usually profoundly ignorant of the nuances of American politics and was absolutely shocked when George W. Bush won a second term.

I'm actually amazed that Obama is polling as well as he is, given the state of the economy.

I think it shows just how far the Republican Party has drifted out of the mainstream that they can't make any headway even under ideal conditions.

With this economy and so many vacancies being defended in the Senate, they should be steamrollering over the Democrats.

But the Democrats have a good chance of retaining the Senate, and Obama leads Romney in most polls.

Again, this is the week of the Republican Convention. Usually, a party is leading by three points the week of its convention, that is when the electorate is giving the candidate it's closest look. Even Mondale led Reagan by two points the week of his convention.
Oddly, I don't find Obama to be smart (calls our military corpse-men), or decent, and is the most DISHONEST person we have had as our President..

go figure
Haven't you heard...his charisma is "in the air". You just can't see it.

I find it very odd that people think 'charisma' is the most important thing. Personally, I'd rather have a smart President than a nice guy. I'd like him to be both, but I'll take smart over popular any day. Romney is smart, he is decent, and he's honest. I like those qualities... those same qualities are sadly lacking in Obama.

Yes, in a perfect world, Poindexter should be President. But in the case of politics from the High School level, to local elections all the way to the presidency....Popular wins out

Oddly, I find Obama to be smart, decent and honest.....but I guess that is where politics plays in
I also find Romney to be smart, decent and honest......I just don't like his relatively recent swing to the right

I don't think either one of them are honest, they are politicians. The last politician who tried to level with us was Walter Mondale, who admitted taxes would have to go up. He lost 49 states, and Reagan raised taxes, anyway. And then Bush did. And then Clinton did.

I also don't think Romney is "decent". A decent person doesn't put thousands of people out of jobs to make himself richer. Maybe that kind of person is necessary in a capitalist economy, but so is an undertaker. Doesn't mean we have to like them.
I also don't think Romney is "decent". A decent person doesn't put thousands of people out of jobs to make himself richer.

There are 100's of thousands who HAVE jobs because of his efforts.

That is why out of the choices, I think he is the best oppty.
I also don't think Romney is "decent". A decent person doesn't put thousands of people out of jobs to make himself richer.

There are 100's of thousands who HAVE jobs because of his efforts.

That is why out of the choices, I think he is the best oppty.

Nobody has a job because of his efforts...

You live under the delusion that the wealthy create jobs.

They don't. they just profit. They are parasites that have convinced you they are vital organs.

What creates jobs is consumer demand, not wealthy investors.
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

Well, I would want to know how Romney would do before making a change...

His governorship of Massachusetts was such a failure that he isn't going to even try to carry his home state.

He put thousands of people out of jobs making money for investors, which tell me his priorities are all kinds of fucked up.

Oh, yeah, and he thinks he's going to rule his own planet in the afterlife... nothing crazy about that at all, really.
I also don't think Romney is "decent". A decent person doesn't put thousands of people out of jobs to make himself richer.

There are 100's of thousands who HAVE jobs because of his efforts.

That is why out of the choices, I think he is the best oppty.

Nobody has a job because of his efforts...

You live under the delusion that the wealthy create jobs.

They don't. they just profit. They are parasites that have convinced you they are vital organs.

What creates jobs is consumer demand, not wealthy investors.

Demand provided for without masterful management and efficiency does not create the profit that pays the salaries that create the demand.
It's in the air. There is a sense of inevitability of a Romney win and Obama loss. The candidates know it. Obama is spending $1.20 for every dollar he takes in. Romney is spending 80 cents. Obama has been relentlessly negative on Romney since Day 1. You dont go negative unless you are 5 points down in the polls. Romney is talking about expanding his campaign into previously safe Obama states. Obama is talking about giving up FL. All of this is before the conventions and before the debates, with an economy going back into recession and Taxmaggedon looming.
I have never seen people so fired up about getting rid of an incumbent. Even the 1980 election was not this passionate.

Romney is still Romney

Dull, unpassionate, no definable vision

Romney is in the pocket of big money. So, of course he will pull in the big bucks from very few donors. Still trying to put lipstick on a pig.....I don't care how expensive the lipstick is

What you call being negative by Obama is defining what a Romney presidency would mean......and it ain't pretty

You repeat Dem talking points like truth.
The truth is the opposite. Romney has a very definable vision: things have sucked for 3 years and I'm the guy to fix them.
And he's right. And people know things suck. Look at almost any measure of the economy and it is worse today than the day Obama took office. People pay attention to their wallets.
Obama should be touting his signature health care reform, a big fucking deal according to Joe Biden. He should be touting his consumer protection agency under Dodd Frank. He should be telling us how he saved us from the Great Depression and is ushering in an era of consumer empowerment. He is saying none of those things. He is saying Romney is a felon, Romney is a meany, Romney is rich as Croesus.
It's a fail. A giant fail. And you fall for it because you're the biggest sucker in the room.
I also don't think Romney is "decent". A decent person doesn't put thousands of people out of jobs to make himself richer.

There are 100's of thousands who HAVE jobs because of his efforts.

That is why out of the choices, I think he is the best oppty.

Nobody has a job because of his efforts...

You live under the delusion that the wealthy create jobs.

They don't. they just profit. They are parasites that have convinced you they are vital organs.

What creates jobs is consumer demand, not wealthy investors.

Romney created more jobs as CEO of Bain than Obama has created as POTUS. Fact.
Is that the Republican plan now?

It's God's plan, idiot. People die, even with the best insurance obama can provide.

Yes, they do.

But they die a lot faster if they don't get regular checkups and routine treatment and easy access to medication.

Which is why America has the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized world and an infant mortality rate higher than some third world countries.

All of which you seem to be fine with, as long as the wealthy make a profit, I guess.

As I told rightwinger this man had healthcare coverage, had the operation and still died

Forty-four-year-old Billy Via was a qualified participant under a group health plan provided by defendant Humana Insurance Company. On July 9, 1988, Mr. Via experienced chest pains and was admitted to Holy Family Hospital, where he was diagnosed with acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. On July 29, 1988, Mr. Via was transferred, with an intra-aortic balloon in place, to Loyola University Medical Center for coronary artery bypass surgery. Before undergoing the surgery, Mr. Via assigned his benefits under the health plan to Loyola. On August 2, after finding medical necessity, Humana authorized Mr. Via's admission to Loyola and 7 days of care.

Mr. Via underwent the surgery on August 3, but could not be weaned from the cardiac bypass machine. The surgeon, Dr. Henry Sullivan, had two choices: let Mr. Via die on the operating table or insert a Jarvik-7 total artificial heart to prolong his life until a heart donor could be located. The surgeon, of course, implanted the Jarvik-7. On September 5, when a compatible human heart became available, Mr. Via was given a heart transplant. He survived only 2 weeks with the replacement human heart, however, and died on September 19, 1988.

996 F.2d 895
Were you not a rabid Gingrich supporter? And you now expect everyone to take you seriously? I find that hysterically funny.

Again, I consider stopping the Mormon Cult's lust for power more important than any faker than wrestling idealogical considerations... that you are too stupid to understand that is kind of your problem.

I vote for people, not idealogies. I still don't know if we are getting Teabagger Mitt or Gayer-than-Ted Mitt from 1994. They guy is more flexible than Barbie.

Come to think of it, he kind of looks like a Ken Doll. do they make magic underwear for ken and Barbie?

Mormon lust for power? YET YOU WILL SUPPORT SOMEONE WHO HAS ALREADY PROVEN HIMSELF TO BE A TYRANT? Just goes to show you how stupid you can be.

Come to think of it, when it comes to all this prediction silliness, the only people I'd like to hear from are those who think their guy is gonna lose, and why.


I'm voting for Romney. Do I think he's gonna win? I'm not convinced... because it's far harder to unseat a sitting POTUS than it is to go head to head with the other team. So I think Romney has an uphill battle. Having said that, frankly, Obama should be polling far better than he has - not that I am one to place much value in polls until far closer to the election... but the fact remains, generally the international media has the race at a 'dead heat', and that does not bode well for Obama. And he knows it.

The "international media" is usually profoundly ignorant of the nuances of American politics and was absolutely shocked when George W. Bush won a second term.

I'm actually amazed that Obama is polling as well as he is, given the state of the economy.

I think it shows just how far the Republican Party has drifted out of the mainstream that they can't make any headway even under ideal conditions.

With this economy and so many vacancies being defended in the Senate, they should be steamrollering over the Democrats.

But the Democrats have a good chance of retaining the Senate, and Obama leads Romney in most polls.

Again, this is the week of the Republican Convention. Usually, a party is leading by three points the week of its convention, that is when the electorate is giving the candidate it's closest look. Even Mondale led Reagan by two points the week of his convention.

:lol: Every day, you impress me with just how stupid you actually are. The international media employ Americans to write about US Politics, you fucking moron. They absolutely do get the 'nuances'. (I actually doubt you understand the meaning of the word, but that's by the by).

You're so rabidly driven by hatred for Romney that you have completely lost whatever small ability to see reason that you may once have possessed. I look back on your 'rabid conservatism' when Gingrich was in the race and I laugh at your sudden conversion to progressivism. :lol::lol: I stopped taking you seriously at that time.
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

We can look at his record in Mass.... where he worked well with liberals in order to achieve the best outcome for the people of that state. I happen to believe that, in order to achieve our 'more perfect union', we must work together - compromise is not a dirty word. We are all Americans - and we all have a right to be heard... just because one side "wins" does not give that side carte blanche to run riot over the other. If we learn nothing from Bush and Obama, at least let us please learn that.
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

We can look at his record in Mass.... where he worked well with liberals in order to achieve the best outcome for the people of that state. I happen to believe that, in order to achieve our 'more perfect union', we must work together - compromise is not a dirty word. We are all Americans - and we all have a right to be heard... just because one side "wins" does not give that side carte blanche to run riot over the other. If we learn nothing from Bush and Obama, at least let us please learn that.

There are something you do not compromise on.
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