Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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I had the impression that you were a bit more elevated than the whining pussies like LonelyLaughable.

Waaah. He used "FailureTeleprompter" and therefore, EVERY THING he posted is erroneous.

I withdraw my respect for your ability to think on your own. Musta been a mirage.


Indeed, referring to me as "smart" comes with inherent risks. You should talk to my mother in law.

Probably safe to say, however, that opinion pieces by partisan ideologues have roughly zero value.

But run with it, by all means.


You'll have to live with Liability's disrespect. Good luck with that. :D

Yes, it's a burden I will have to bear. I'll find a way, I swear, I will find a way!

This mental masturbation seems so silly to me. Both parties are convinced their guy will win and are quick to provide "evidence". Is all this just to demoralize the other side into not voting, or are we just bored?

Indeed, referring to me as "smart" comes with inherent risks. You should talk to my mother in law.

Probably safe to say, however, that opinion pieces by partisan ideologues have roughly zero value.

But run with it, by all means.


You'll have to live with Liability's disrespect. Good luck with that. :D

Yes, it's a burden I will have to bear. I'll find a way, I swear, I will find a way!

This mental masturbation seems so silly to me. Both parties are convinced their guy will win and are quick to provide "evidence".
I will disagree about that. The only scoreboard that matters is the Electoral Vote tally. Obama has never been behind in electoral votes in any reputable poll in this election season--from June 1 forward lets say. If he has been shown to be behind; it is news to me; let me put it that way.

I have yet to see the "evidence"--borrowing your quote--from the right showing an Obama loss using the only barometer that matters.

Is all this just to demoralize the other side into not voting, or are we just bored?

Boredom pretty much in my case. I do not seek to demoralize the other side; they've done that to themselves really.
I have yet to see the "evidence"--borrowing your quote--from the right showing an Obama loss using the only barometer that matters.

No, I agree with that. That's what I've been asking those who are convinced that Romney is going to win - based on what? It can't be the current polling/electoral college stats.

So I asked one of them how they came to their conclusion, and I was pointed to an opinion piece written by a hardcore right-winger. Ok, fine, but less than satisfying or credible.

I have no freakin' clue who's going to win, but I'd sure like to know how folks can be so sure, especially when there's virtually no empirical evidence.

It's in the air. There is a sense of inevitability of a Romney win and Obama loss. The candidates know it. Obama is spending $1.20 for every dollar he takes in. Romney is spending 80 cents. Obama has been relentlessly negative on Romney since Day 1. You dont go negative unless you are 5 points down in the polls. Romney is talking about expanding his campaign into previously safe Obama states. Obama is talking about giving up FL. All of this is before the conventions and before the debates, with an economy going back into recession and Taxmaggedon looming.
I have never seen people so fired up about getting rid of an incumbent. Even the 1980 election was not this passionate.
It's in the air. There is a sense of inevitability of a Romney win and Obama loss. The candidates know it. Obama is spending $1.20 for every dollar he takes in. Romney is spending 80 cents. Obama has been relentlessly negative on Romney since Day 1. You dont go negative unless you are 5 points down in the polls. Romney is talking about expanding his campaign into previously safe Obama states. Obama is talking about giving up FL. All of this is before the conventions and before the debates, with an economy going back into recession and Taxmaggedon looming.
I have never seen people so fired up about getting rid of an incumbent. Even the 1980 election was not this passionate.

I'm looking for clues, and yes - two I see are the desperate emails for money the Obama campaign are sending out, and the negativity of Mr. Hopenchange. I can understand that, but that's circumstantial evidence. The closest thing we have to real data is polling.

I dunno.

I have yet to see the "evidence"--borrowing your quote--from the right showing an Obama loss using the only barometer that matters.

No, I agree with that. That's what I've been asking those who are convinced that Romney is going to win - based on what? It can't be the current polling/electoral college stats.

So I asked one of them how they came to their conclusion, and I was pointed to an opinion piece written by a hardcore right-winger. Ok, fine, but less than satisfying or credible.

I have no freakin' clue who's going to win, but I'd sure like to know how folks can be so sure, especially when there's virtually no empirical evidence.


The reason I'm sure about Obama is because of 2 things; the electoral advantage he has and the inability of the Governor to cut into that lead effectively--his inability to change minds.

I've seen conservative estimates about Obama's electoral lead...right around 200 is where most have him although I've seen it much higher--in the 300's.

270 to win has the following:

Obama 211, Romney 191 Undecideds 146 except they leave out Obama's lock on PA, WI and MI. WI is less certain, I admit, but Romney will not do well in either PA or MI. So make the it 237/191/110

Electoral-Vote.com has the following:

Obama 297/Romney 212/Florida undecided. That sounds pretty correct to me except I don't think Obama is through in Iowa or Virginia yet.

Rasmussen Reports has the following:

Obama 247, Romney 196, Undecideds, 95...

I would argue that this is evidence of Obama's Supremacy. I don't see where you say there is no reason to be optimistic. Three different sites, all with a minimum of 20 ev advantage for the President although closer to 46 minimum when you add MI and PA to the 270towin.com advantage.
It's in the air. There is a sense of inevitability of a Romney win and Obama loss. The candidates know it. Obama is spending $1.20 for every dollar he takes in. Romney is spending 80 cents. Obama has been relentlessly negative on Romney since Day 1. You dont go negative unless you are 5 points down in the polls. Romney is talking about expanding his campaign into previously safe Obama states. Obama is talking about giving up FL. All of this is before the conventions and before the debates, with an economy going back into recession and Taxmaggedon looming.
I have never seen people so fired up about getting rid of an incumbent. Even the 1980 election was not this passionate.

Romney is still Romney

Dull, unpassionate, no definable vision

Romney is in the pocket of big money. So, of course he will pull in the big bucks from very few donors. Still trying to put lipstick on a pig.....I don't care how expensive the lipstick is

What you call being negative by Obama is defining what a Romney presidency would mean......and it ain't pretty

The reason I'm sure about Obama is because of 2 things; the electoral advantage he has and the inability of the Governor to cut into that lead effectively--his inability to change minds.

I've seen conservative estimates about Obama's electoral lead...right around 200 is where most have him although I've seen it much higher--in the 300's.

270 to win has the following:

Obama 211, Romney 191 Undecideds 146 except they leave out Obama's lock on PA, WI and MI. WI is less certain, I admit, but Romney will not do well in either PA or MI. So make the it 237/191/110

Electoral-Vote.com has the following:

Obama 297/Romney 212/Florida undecided. That sounds pretty correct to me except I don't think Obama is through in Iowa or Virginia yet.

Rasmussen Reports has the following:

Obama 247, Romney 196, Undecideds, 95...

I would argue that this is evidence of Obama's Supremacy. I don't see where you say there is no reason to be optimistic. Three different sites, all with a minimum of 20 ev advantage for the President although closer to 46 minimum when you add MI and PA to the 270towin.com advantage.

Undecideds. How do they work ?
It's in the air. There is a sense of inevitability of a Romney win and Obama loss. The candidates know it. Obama is spending $1.20 for every dollar he takes in. Romney is spending 80 cents. Obama has been relentlessly negative on Romney since Day 1. You dont go negative unless you are 5 points down in the polls. Romney is talking about expanding his campaign into previously safe Obama states. Obama is talking about giving up FL. All of this is before the conventions and before the debates, with an economy going back into recession and Taxmaggedon looming.
I have never seen people so fired up about getting rid of an incumbent. Even the 1980 election was not this passionate.

I'm looking for clues, and yes - two I see are the desperate emails for money the Obama campaign are sending out, and the negativity of Mr. Hopenchange. I can understand that, but that's circumstantial evidence. The closest thing we have to real data is polling.

I dunno.


Yes...it's in the air. :clap2: Much like Ler Du Temps is also in the air....

L'Air du Temps perfume - YouTube

This from the same guy who said Perry would be the President...I think he's picking up his own scent.
I don't see where you say there is no reason to be optimistic. Three different sites, all with a minimum of 20 ev advantage for the President although closer to 46 minimum when you add MI and PA to the 270towin.com advantage.

Where did I say "there's no reason to be optimistic"? My point is that I'm looking at the numbers (such as those you posted) and I don't see where the conservatives are getting empirical evidence to support their confidence.

It's in the air. There is a sense of inevitability of a Romney win and Obama loss. The candidates know it. Obama is spending $1.20 for every dollar he takes in. Romney is spending 80 cents. Obama has been relentlessly negative on Romney since Day 1. You dont go negative unless you are 5 points down in the polls. Romney is talking about expanding his campaign into previously safe Obama states. Obama is talking about giving up FL. All of this is before the conventions and before the debates, with an economy going back into recession and Taxmaggedon looming.
I have never seen people so fired up about getting rid of an incumbent. Even the 1980 election was not this passionate.

Romney is still Romney

Dull, unpassionate, no definable vision

Romney is in the pocket of big money. So, of course he will pull in the big bucks from very few donors. Still trying to put lipstick on a pig.....I don't care how expensive the lipstick is

What you call being negative by Obama is defining what a Romney presidency would mean......and it ain't pretty

Haven't you heard...his charisma is "in the air". You just can't see it.
It's in the air. There is a sense of inevitability of a Romney win and Obama loss. The candidates know it. Obama is spending $1.20 for every dollar he takes in. Romney is spending 80 cents. Obama has been relentlessly negative on Romney since Day 1. You dont go negative unless you are 5 points down in the polls. Romney is talking about expanding his campaign into previously safe Obama states. Obama is talking about giving up FL. All of this is before the conventions and before the debates, with an economy going back into recession and Taxmaggedon looming.
I have never seen people so fired up about getting rid of an incumbent. Even the 1980 election was not this passionate.


Actually, I remember people getting fired up about getting rid of an incumbant in 2004...

It just didn't happen.

Did you all forget how much the left hated Bush?

Hate doesn't win elections.

I mean, Rabbid, I watch you go on all day about how much you hate Obama, but frankly, I rarely see you say all that much about why you are for Romney.

Oh, that's right. About six months ago, you were for Rick Perry.

Come to think of it, when it comes to all this prediction silliness, the only people I'd like to hear from are those who think their guy is gonna lose, and why.


I'm voting for Romney. Do I think he's gonna win? I'm not convinced... because it's far harder to unseat a sitting POTUS than it is to go head to head with the other team. So I think Romney has an uphill battle. Having said that, frankly, Obama should be polling far better than he has - not that I am one to place much value in polls until far closer to the election... but the fact remains, generally the international media has the race at a 'dead heat', and that does not bode well for Obama. And he knows it.

Come to think of it, when it comes to all this prediction silliness, the only people I'd like to hear from are those who think their guy is gonna lose, and why.


I'm voting for Romney. Do I think he's gonna win? I'm not convinced... because it's far harder to unseat a sitting POTUS than it is to go head to head with the other team. So I think Romney has an uphill battle. Having said that, frankly, Obama should be polling far better than he has - not that I am one to place much value in polls until far closer to the election... but the fact remains, generally the international media has the race at a 'dead heat', and that does not bode well for Obama. And he knows it.

See, that's the mixed message I'm getting from the GOP. First they point to the fact (I assume it's a fact, anyway) that no sitting President has ever won re-election with unemployment over 8%. Okay, I'll buy that, that would make me think Romney has a commanding lead. Then they say Obama should have a commanding lead.

Yes, I'm easily confused, but I don't get that one.

It's in the air. There is a sense of inevitability of a Romney win and Obama loss. The candidates know it. Obama is spending $1.20 for every dollar he takes in. Romney is spending 80 cents. Obama has been relentlessly negative on Romney since Day 1. You dont go negative unless you are 5 points down in the polls. Romney is talking about expanding his campaign into previously safe Obama states. Obama is talking about giving up FL. All of this is before the conventions and before the debates, with an economy going back into recession and Taxmaggedon looming.
I have never seen people so fired up about getting rid of an incumbent. Even the 1980 election was not this passionate.

Romney is still Romney

Dull, unpassionate, no definable vision

Romney is in the pocket of big money. So, of course he will pull in the big bucks from very few donors. Still trying to put lipstick on a pig.....I don't care how expensive the lipstick is

What you call being negative by Obama is defining what a Romney presidency would mean......and it ain't pretty

Haven't you heard...his charisma is "in the air". You just can't see it.

I find it very odd that people think 'charisma' is the most important thing. Personally, I'd rather have a smart President than a nice guy. I'd like him to be both, but I'll take smart over popular any day. Romney is smart, he is decent, and he's honest. I like those qualities... those same qualities are sadly lacking in Obama.
You know Obama is losing, him and the misses are begging for monies everyday now blaming them if they end up losing for not GIVING enough.... and his cult followers are getting more insane everyday with the, you are just a racist or a hater because you don't like the poor little dear leader

these polls having them CLOSE is full of shit:lol:
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