Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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Were you not a rabid Gingrich supporter? And you now expect everyone to take you seriously? I find that hysterically funny.

Again, I consider stopping the Mormon Cult's lust for power more important than any faker than wrestling idealogical considerations... that you are too stupid to understand that is kind of your problem.

I vote for people, not idealogies. I still don't know if we are getting Teabagger Mitt or Gayer-than-Ted Mitt from 1994. They guy is more flexible than Barbie.

Come to think of it, he kind of looks like a Ken Doll. do they make magic underwear for ken and Barbie?

Mormon lust for power? YET YOU WILL SUPPORT SOMEONE WHO HAS ALREADY PROVEN HIMSELF TO BE A TYRANT? Just goes to show you how stupid you can be.

What it shows is that he is full of lame excuses and lies. I can respect the person that is against Romney for whatever they perceive. But when they try to sell us against him on the shit that Obama is doing then you know you have a full blown candy ass loser.
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

We can look at his record in Mass.... where he worked well with liberals in order to achieve the best outcome for the people of that state. I happen to believe that, in order to achieve our 'more perfect union', we must work together - compromise is not a dirty word. We are all Americans - and we all have a right to be heard... just because one side "wins" does not give that side carte blanche to run riot over the other. If we learn nothing from Bush and Obama, at least let us please learn that.

There are something you do not compromise on.

This is why our political system is broken
Obama's barrage of negative ads are diminishing his "likeability". He's just too self absorbed to notice. That Narcissistic Personality Disorder keeps getting in his way. Stupid is as stupid does.

The only polls I care about are the ones on November 6, 2012. Or in Mooch elle's case, November 2. :lol:
We can look at his record in Mass.... where he worked well with liberals in order to achieve the best outcome for the people of that state. I happen to believe that, in order to achieve our 'more perfect union', we must work together - compromise is not a dirty word. We are all Americans - and we all have a right to be heard... just because one side "wins" does not give that side carte blanche to run riot over the other. If we learn nothing from Bush and Obama, at least let us please learn that.

There are something you do not compromise on.

This is why our political system is broken
Broken or what ever, there are somethings that you don't compromise on
It's God's plan, idiot. People die, even with the best insurance obama can provide.

Yes, they do.

But they die a lot faster if they don't get regular checkups and routine treatment and easy access to medication.

Which is why America has the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized world and an infant mortality rate higher than some third world countries.

All of which you seem to be fine with, as long as the wealthy make a profit, I guess.

As I told rightwinger this man had healthcare coverage, had the operation and still died

Forty-four-year-old Billy Via was a qualified participant under a group health plan provided by defendant Humana Insurance Company. On July 9, 1988, Mr. Via experienced chest pains and was admitted to Holy Family Hospital, where he was diagnosed with acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. On July 29, 1988, Mr. Via was transferred, with an intra-aortic balloon in place, to Loyola University Medical Center for coronary artery bypass surgery. Before undergoing the surgery, Mr. Via assigned his benefits under the health plan to Loyola. On August 2, after finding medical necessity, Humana authorized Mr. Via's admission to Loyola and 7 days of care.

Mr. Via underwent the surgery on August 3, but could not be weaned from the cardiac bypass machine. The surgeon, Dr. Henry Sullivan, had two choices: let Mr. Via die on the operating table or insert a Jarvik-7 total artificial heart to prolong his life until a heart donor could be located. The surgeon, of course, implanted the Jarvik-7. On September 5, when a compatible human heart became available, Mr. Via was given a heart transplant. He survived only 2 weeks with the replacement human heart, however, and died on September 19, 1988.

996 F.2d 895

Do you have a point in there somewhere?

If so, what is it?
Yes, they do.

But they die a lot faster if they don't get regular checkups and routine treatment and easy access to medication.

Which is why America has the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized world and an infant mortality rate higher than some third world countries.

All of which you seem to be fine with, as long as the wealthy make a profit, I guess.

As I told rightwinger this man had healthcare coverage, had the operation and still died

Forty-four-year-old Billy Via was a qualified participant under a group health plan provided by defendant Humana Insurance Company. On July 9, 1988, Mr. Via experienced chest pains and was admitted to Holy Family Hospital, where he was diagnosed with acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. On July 29, 1988, Mr. Via was transferred, with an intra-aortic balloon in place, to Loyola University Medical Center for coronary artery bypass surgery. Before undergoing the surgery, Mr. Via assigned his benefits under the health plan to Loyola. On August 2, after finding medical necessity, Humana authorized Mr. Via's admission to Loyola and 7 days of care.

Mr. Via underwent the surgery on August 3, but could not be weaned from the cardiac bypass machine. The surgeon, Dr. Henry Sullivan, had two choices: let Mr. Via die on the operating table or insert a Jarvik-7 total artificial heart to prolong his life until a heart donor could be located. The surgeon, of course, implanted the Jarvik-7. On September 5, when a compatible human heart became available, Mr. Via was given a heart transplant. He survived only 2 weeks with the replacement human heart, however, and died on September 19, 1988.

996 F.2d 895

Do you have a point in there somewhere?

If so, what is it?

The point was made very clear, having healthcare coverage does not mean you will live any longer with it than without it, just means you will make an CEO a lot richer.
Is that the Republican plan now?

It's God's plan, idiot. People die, even with the best insurance obama can provide.

Yes, they do.

But they die a lot faster if they don't get regular checkups and routine treatment and easy access to medication.

Which is why America has the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized world and an infant mortality rate higher than some third world countries.

All of which you seem to be fine with, as long as the wealthy make a profit, I guess.

Lack of exercise and poor diet is the primary cause of health problems in this country.

In Germany you can always get healthy food. Here in America you have to wade through all of the garbage just to find something healthy and even then it costs so much more than the garbage. Also, ask your friends how many of them could walk 10 miles or would even try. This would give you an idea just how out of shape most people are.
As I told rightwinger this man had healthcare coverage, had the operation and still died

Forty-four-year-old Billy Via was a qualified participant under a group health plan provided by defendant Humana Insurance Company. On July 9, 1988, Mr. Via experienced chest pains and was admitted to Holy Family Hospital, where he was diagnosed with acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. On July 29, 1988, Mr. Via was transferred, with an intra-aortic balloon in place, to Loyola University Medical Center for coronary artery bypass surgery. Before undergoing the surgery, Mr. Via assigned his benefits under the health plan to Loyola. On August 2, after finding medical necessity, Humana authorized Mr. Via's admission to Loyola and 7 days of care.

Mr. Via underwent the surgery on August 3, but could not be weaned from the cardiac bypass machine. The surgeon, Dr. Henry Sullivan, had two choices: let Mr. Via die on the operating table or insert a Jarvik-7 total artificial heart to prolong his life until a heart donor could be located. The surgeon, of course, implanted the Jarvik-7. On September 5, when a compatible human heart became available, Mr. Via was given a heart transplant. He survived only 2 weeks with the replacement human heart, however, and died on September 19, 1988.

996 F.2d 895

Do you have a point in there somewhere?

If so, what is it?

The point was made very clear, having healthcare coverage does not mean you will live any longer with it than without it, just means you will make an CEO a lot richer.

So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year
It's God's plan, idiot. People die, even with the best insurance obama can provide.

Yes, they do.

But they die a lot faster if they don't get regular checkups and routine treatment and easy access to medication.

Which is why America has the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized world and an infant mortality rate higher than some third world countries.

All of which you seem to be fine with, as long as the wealthy make a profit, I guess.

Lack of exercise and poor diet is the primary cause of health problems in this country.

In Germany you can always get healthy food. Here in America you have to wade through all of the garbage just to find something healthy and even then it costs so much more than the garbage. Also, ask your friends how many of them could walk 10 miles or would even try. This would give you an idea just how out of shape most people are.

Yep, hamburgers with all their grease and cholesterol enhancing properties are a dollar, Salads on the other hand cost between $5-$8, at a fast food place. ;)
Do you have a point in there somewhere?

If so, what is it?

The point was made very clear, having healthcare coverage does not mean you will live any longer with it than without it, just means you will make an CEO a lot richer.

So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year

You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while
The point was made very clear, having healthcare coverage does not mean you will live any longer with it than without it, just means you will make an CEO a lot richer.

So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year

You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

If it means the difference between getting help or not...it sure does
So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year

You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

If it means the difference between getting help or not...it sure does

Having coverage isn't nearly as important as having good skilled medical care.

I ran into this problem Friday. I was experiencing numbness in my right little finger. I went to occupational health and the doctor told me to drop everything and get to the emergency room. When I arrived they sent me to admissions and they sent me to get an appointment and they told me to call my doctor in Nashville to make an appointment for testing. Nobody checked my breathing or even listened to my heart other than the doctor at occupational health. I guess I look too healthy for them. The only way they would have treated me is if I had passed out, or dropped fucken dead. I have insurance up the ass but I can't get medical treatment in my town. I have to drive to Nashville to get any decent care.
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It's God's plan, idiot. People die, even with the best insurance obama can provide.

Yes, they do.

But they die a lot faster if they don't get regular checkups and routine treatment and easy access to medication.

Which is why America has the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized world and an infant mortality rate higher than some third world countries.

All of which you seem to be fine with, as long as the wealthy make a profit, I guess.

Lack of exercise and poor diet is the primary cause of health problems in this country.

In Germany you can always get healthy food. Here in America you have to wade through all of the garbage just to find something healthy and even then it costs so much more than the garbage. Also, ask your friends how many of them could walk 10 miles or would even try. This would give you an idea just how out of shape most people are.

Um, Germans eat lots of crap. Helmut Kohl's favorite dish was something like sausage fried in butter. Pommes frittes are common fast food stuffs, along with currywurst, at leaast in Berlin. Lots of salt. Lots of beer. And yet they are generally healthier than we are, I suspect due mostly to their lack of private cars, which are very expensive.
Obama's barrage of negative ads are diminishing his "likeability".

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. The types of ads being run against Romney definitely contradict Obama's hope and change schtick. No doubt the Obama campaign has made the calculation that it's worth it.

Seems to me that this is one of the reasons Romney voters can be hopeful. Obama's off the game that got him into the White House in the first place, and a reasonable person can wonder why he's willing to make such a change.

"Change", no pun intended.

Romney has the momentum. No doubt about it. His crowds are bigger. He's bringing in more money. obama is bucking a trend. He is no longer in control.
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

Unwittingly to be sure; you just summed up why the Governor will not win. Nobody knows what he is for. They know what he says...this week. But, as some conservatives on here have said, he's a "flip-flopper" and a "wind sock".

Which is why the other guy wins.
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

Unwittingly to be sure; you just summed up why the Governor will not win. Nobody knows what he is for. They know what he says...this week. But, as some conservatives on here have said, he's a "flip-flopper" and a "wind sock".

Which is why the other guy wins.

Yes, because we all want 4 more years of record debt, deficits, low growth, numbers of Americans on assistance and unemployment.


You fuckers are nuts.
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