Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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How 'bout a desperate and angry.......

Chris Matthews who went ballistic against Reince Priebus on one of the morning shows, screaming about Romney playing the race card because he made a weak joke about birth certificates while campaigning in MI. Reince couldn't get two words out without Chris screaming at him again.....and again.

While the two dummy hosts acted like they were totally unable to get their show or their "guest" under control.

Sad. Pathetic.
Oh yea, one more thing. Why isn't Obama running on his record??

Where are his accomplishments, the one we're all familiar with, the 716 billion, yep Billion with a B he took from medicare to fund ObamaTax. Why isn't he running campaign ads on that???

That is a lie!!! And when anybody posts his accomplishments, none of you accept it. This IS the truth:

PolitiFact: Is Obama really raiding Medicare?

First, we’re checking whether Obama took $716 billion dollars from Medicare to pay for Obamacare.

Neither Obama nor his health care law literally cut funding from the Medicare program’s budget. Rather, the health care law (Obamacare) instituted a number of changes to try to bring down future health care costs in the program.

What kind of spending reductions are we talking about? They were mainly aimed at insurance companies and hospitals, not beneficiaries. The law made significant reductions to Medicare Advantage, a subset of Medicare plans run by private insurers. Medicare Advantage was started under President George W. Bush, and the idea was that competition among the private insurers would reduce costs. But the plans have actually cost more than traditional Medicare. So the health care law scales back the payments to private insurers.

Hospitals, too, will be paid less if they have too many readmissions, or if they fail to meet other new benchmarks for patient care.


We don't pay them enough now and we are gong to pay them less.

Oh yea, one more thing. Why isn't Obama running on his record??

Where are his accomplishments, the one we're all familiar with, the 716 billion, yep Billion with a B he took from medicare to fund ObamaTax. Why isn't he running campaign ads on that???

That is a lie!!! And when anybody posts his accomplishments, none of you accept it. This IS the truth:

PolitiFact: Is Obama really raiding Medicare?

First, we’re checking whether Obama took $716 billion dollars from Medicare to pay for Obamacare.

Neither Obama nor his health care law literally cut funding from the Medicare program’s budget. Rather, the health care law (Obamacare) instituted a number of changes to try to bring down future health care costs in the program.

What kind of spending reductions are we talking about? They were mainly aimed at insurance companies and hospitals, not beneficiaries. The law made significant reductions to Medicare Advantage, a subset of Medicare plans run by private insurers. Medicare Advantage was started under President George W. Bush, and the idea was that competition among the private insurers would reduce costs. But the plans have actually cost more than traditional Medicare. So the health care law scales back the payments to private insurers.

Hospitals, too, will be paid less if they have too many readmissions, or if they fail to meet other new benchmarks for patient care.


Even Mitt Romney's campaign website doesn't say $716 Bilion. It's a sham job propelled by lazy research that in and of itself is slanted.

Health Care

It says quite a bit. First about the dishonesty of the Romney campaign but more vocally is that Romney's own supporters do not know what their candidate is saying. I can't blame them; at one time or another he's been on both sides of the fence on every issue.

Which is why Obama is winning.
The point was made very clear, having healthcare coverage does not mean you will live any longer with it than without it, just means you will make an CEO a lot richer.

So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year

You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??

Six hundred thirty-three people died in Tennessee in 2010 because they did not have health insurance, according to a new study released Wednesday by health care consumer advocate Families USA.

In the five years from 2005-2010, 3,483 Tennesseans died because they lacked health insurance, the study said.

The number of uninsured Tennesseans rose from 482,353 in 2005 to 604,222 in 2011, according to the University of Tennessee Center for Business and Economic Research.

Across the nation, 26,100 people died in 2010 without access to health insurance, a figure higher than the 20,350 who died without coverage in 2005. From 2005-2010, a total of 134,120 died in the U.S. because they lacked health coverage, the study said.

Two previous studies indicate the number of deaths associated with a lack of insurance has been rising over the years, especially as employees were laid off in the recession and some companies cut back their health plans.

Study shows 633 Tennesseans who lacked health insurance died in 2010 » The Commercial Appeal

I wish I could post all of it.
How 'bout a desperate and angry.......

Chris Matthews who went ballistic against Reince Priebus on one of the morning shows, screaming about Romney playing the race card because he made a weak joke about birth certificates while campaigning in MI. Reince couldn't get two words out without Chris screaming at him again.....and again.

While the two dummy hosts acted like they were totally unable to get their show or their "guest" under control.

Sad. Pathetic.

I would have told Chris Matthews to STFU and take a chill pill.

This was classic Matthews. Ask questions and never allows anyone to answer.

One of these days, someone will walk over and simply lay him out.

And I will be cheering for the next ten minutes.
So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year

You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??

Six hundred thirty-three people died in Tennessee in 2010 because they did not have health insurance, according to a new study released Wednesday by health care consumer advocate Families USA.

In the five years from 2005-2010, 3,483 Tennesseans died because they lacked health insurance, the study said.

The number of uninsured Tennesseans rose from 482,353 in 2005 to 604,222 in 2011, according to the University of Tennessee Center for Business and Economic Research.

Across the nation, 26,100 people died in 2010 without access to health insurance, a figure higher than the 20,350 who died without coverage in 2005. From 2005-2010, a total of 134,120 died in the U.S. because they lacked health coverage, the study said.

Two previous studies indicate the number of deaths associated with a lack of insurance has been rising over the years, especially as employees were laid off in the recession and some companies cut back their health plans.

Study shows 633 Tennesseans who lacked health insurance died in 2010 » The Commercial Appeal

I wish I could post all of it.

You wont mind posting the measurement criteria then....... We all know you wouldnt be just a parrot...........Dont we..............
So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year

You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??

Six hundred thirty-three people died in Tennessee in 2010 because they did not have health insurance, according to a new study released Wednesday by health care consumer advocate Families USA.

In the five years from 2005-2010, 3,483 Tennesseans died because they lacked health insurance, the study said.

The number of uninsured Tennesseans rose from 482,353 in 2005 to 604,222 in 2011, according to the University of Tennessee Center for Business and Economic Research.

Across the nation, 26,100 people died in 2010 without access to health insurance, a figure higher than the 20,350 who died without coverage in 2005. From 2005-2010, a total of 134,120 died in the U.S. because they lacked health coverage, the study said.

Two previous studies indicate the number of deaths associated with a lack of insurance has been rising over the years, especially as employees were laid off in the recession and some companies cut back their health plans.

Study shows 633 Tennesseans who lacked health insurance died in 2010 » The Commercial Appeal

I wish I could post all of it.

People died? I choose to live forever.
obama's medicare plan is to stop paying the doctors. That's his plan. He will use the money that he didn't pay doctors to fund the bureaucracy of obamacare. He calls it streamlining and getting rid of waste. It comes down to the same thing. He's not going to pay doctors or hospitals that are medicare providers.
obama's medicare plan is to stop paying the doctors. That's his plan. He will use the money that he didn't pay doctors to fund the bureaucracy of obamacare. He calls it streamlining and getting rid of waste. It comes down to the same thing. He's not going to pay doctors or hospitals that are medicare providers.

Yep, this is how he intends to "save" money. When the Docs don't get paid, how many are going to take Medicare patients???
So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year

You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??

Six hundred thirty-three people died in Tennessee in 2010 because they did not have health insurance, according to a new study released Wednesday by health care consumer advocate Families USA.

In the five years from 2005-2010, 3,483 Tennesseans died because they lacked health insurance, the study said.

The number of uninsured Tennesseans rose from 482,353 in 2005 to 604,222 in 2011, according to the University of Tennessee Center for Business and Economic Research.

Across the nation, 26,100 people died in 2010 without access to health insurance, a figure higher than the 20,350 who died without coverage in 2005. From 2005-2010, a total of 134,120 died in the U.S. because they lacked health coverage, the study said.

Two previous studies indicate the number of deaths associated with a lack of insurance has been rising over the years, especially as employees were laid off in the recession and some companies cut back their health plans.

Study shows 633 Tennesseans who lacked health insurance died in 2010 » The Commercial Appeal

I wish I could post all of it.

It's all bunk.

It takes the same approach as the Harvard study (which was pure poppycock).

I've asked repeatedly for someone to show me the list of people (actual names) who died due to lack of health insurance. To date, nobody has produced one name.

Whereas, based on the Harvard study you should be able to produce tens of thousands......not one that I have ever seen.

BTW: I believe the population of Tennessee is about milliion. 600 is 0.01% or 0.0001 of the population.

I am not sure how any statistician can, with a straight face, claim to tease that kind of accuracy in terms of all classifications.

If we assume everyone lives to be 80, that would be 75,000 deaths per year. 600 names would be 0.8%....less than 1%. That it still a long stretch for a statistician.
So your point is that because one man died after surgery, that nobody benefits from surgery

New dumbest post of the year

You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??

Six hundred thirty-three people died in Tennessee in 2010 because they did not have health insurance, according to a new study released Wednesday by health care consumer advocate Families USA.

In the five years from 2005-2010, 3,483 Tennesseans died because they lacked health insurance, the study said.

The number of uninsured Tennesseans rose from 482,353 in 2005 to 604,222 in 2011, according to the University of Tennessee Center for Business and Economic Research.

Across the nation, 26,100 people died in 2010 without access to health insurance, a figure higher than the 20,350 who died without coverage in 2005. From 2005-2010, a total of 134,120 died in the U.S. because they lacked health coverage, the study said.

Two previous studies indicate the number of deaths associated with a lack of insurance has been rising over the years, especially as employees were laid off in the recession and some companies cut back their health plans.

Study shows 633 Tennesseans who lacked health insurance died in 2010 » The Commercial Appeal

I wish I could post all of it.

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??
How does a piece of paper keep you alive?

I guess we are too assume these people had healthcare coverage

In Hospital Deaths from Medical Errors at 195,000 per Year USA

In Hospital Deaths from Medical Errors at 195,000 per Year USA
Indeed, referring to me as "smart" comes with inherent risks. You should talk to my mother in law.

Probably safe to say, however, that opinion pieces by partisan ideologues have roughly zero value.

But run with it, by all means.


Just bumping this post. :cool:

It's very hard to see the forest for the trees. :D

I've linked to the same research several times, usually in response to the left wing claiming that 'all the research' points to an Obama win. Interestingly, they keep ignoring it.

Bump. :eusa_whistle:
Ok ok... I think that research is wrong. I'm not sure why I needed to say that. But there you go.
How 'bout a desperate and angry.......

Chris Matthews who went ballistic against Reince Priebus on one of the morning shows, screaming about Romney playing the race card because he made a weak joke about birth certificates while campaigning in MI. Reince couldn't get two words out without Chris screaming at him again.....and again.

While the two dummy hosts acted like they were totally unable to get their show or their "guest" under control.

Sad. Pathetic.

Interesting. You left out the part where the patrons in the Elephant Bar clapped for Chris. Chris kicked Priebus's Republican butt!!! I don't know what you were watching.
Unwittingly to be sure; you just summed up why the Governor will not win. Nobody knows what he is for. They know what he says...this week. But, as some conservatives on here have said, he's a "flip-flopper" and a "wind sock".

Which is why the other guy wins.

Yes, because we all want 4 more years of record debt, deficits, low growth, numbers of Americans on assistance and unemployment.


You fuckers are nuts.

Just pointing out the reason the governor is circling the drain. You guys nominated him...he's your problem.

You keep posting these absurd claims. You are the Baghdad Bob of this site with your pro Obama crap.
You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??

Six hundred thirty-three people died in Tennessee in 2010 because they did not have health insurance, according to a new study released Wednesday by health care consumer advocate Families USA.

In the five years from 2005-2010, 3,483 Tennesseans died because they lacked health insurance, the study said.

The number of uninsured Tennesseans rose from 482,353 in 2005 to 604,222 in 2011, according to the University of Tennessee Center for Business and Economic Research.

Across the nation, 26,100 people died in 2010 without access to health insurance, a figure higher than the 20,350 who died without coverage in 2005. From 2005-2010, a total of 134,120 died in the U.S. because they lacked health coverage, the study said.

Two previous studies indicate the number of deaths associated with a lack of insurance has been rising over the years, especially as employees were laid off in the recession and some companies cut back their health plans.

Study shows 633 Tennesseans who lacked health insurance died in 2010 » The Commercial Appeal

I wish I could post all of it.

People died? I choose to live forever.

I live in TN (pop: 7M people). I know many people who died in the last year. Every one of them had medical insurance.
You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??

Six hundred thirty-three people died in Tennessee in 2010 because they did not have health insurance, according to a new study released Wednesday by health care consumer advocate Families USA.

In the five years from 2005-2010, 3,483 Tennesseans died because they lacked health insurance, the study said.

The number of uninsured Tennesseans rose from 482,353 in 2005 to 604,222 in 2011, according to the University of Tennessee Center for Business and Economic Research.

Across the nation, 26,100 people died in 2010 without access to health insurance, a figure higher than the 20,350 who died without coverage in 2005. From 2005-2010, a total of 134,120 died in the U.S. because they lacked health coverage, the study said.

Two previous studies indicate the number of deaths associated with a lack of insurance has been rising over the years, especially as employees were laid off in the recession and some companies cut back their health plans.

Study shows 633 Tennesseans who lacked health insurance died in 2010 » The Commercial Appeal

I wish I could post all of it.

You wont mind posting the measurement criteria then....... We all know you wouldnt be just a parrot...........Dont we..............

Read it yourself. Truthfully, I really don't care what you all think you know about me. It's never right.
What you will see in the last few days before the election will be the acts of a desperate and angry administration. Let no stone go uncovered and watch out for this one and a OCT. surprise.

Well with disapproval numbers in the 60+% range on his handling of the economy and deficit--it's very difficult to see how Obama wins reelection.

But you must remember that there are millions in this country that really do not care about unemployment stats--deficits--46 million Americans on food stamps or 1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level. Much less about 16 trillion in red ink with another 5 trillion to be added to this tab over the next ten years just to pay the interest on this debt.

Nope--they're the American Idol voters--who have shown us already they will vote for PROM KING over knowledge and experience--as they did when they kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb for a community organizer.

If Romney wasn't running against a "rock star"-community organizer-celebrity President--he would already have a 10 point lead in the polls across this country.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
Think what you want, people. You really have no idea what will happen to all of us if the GOP wins this election. And the worst part is that you don't want to know. Your hate for the prez is blinding you. But it's okay. He'll win without you all.
It's very hard to see the forest for the trees. :D

I've linked to the same research several times, usually in response to the left wing claiming that 'all the research' points to an Obama win. Interestingly, they keep ignoring it.

Bump. :eusa_whistle:
Ok ok... I think that research is wrong. I'm not sure why I needed to say that. But there you go.

It could be... it's been right every election cycle since 1980 but who knows? It's peer reviewed research (that means it's academically sound - just in case you don't know)... it's a solid foundation on which to base an opinion.

But... you carry on thinking that research is wrong. :lol:
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