Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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I don't see where you say there is no reason to be optimistic. Three different sites, all with a minimum of 20 ev advantage for the President although closer to 46 minimum when you add MI and PA to the 270towin.com advantage.

Where did I say "there's no reason to be optimistic"? My point is that I'm looking at the numbers (such as those you posted) and I don't see where the conservatives are getting empirical evidence to support their confidence.


I thought you meant the Obama supporters. My bad.:redface:
Oh yea, one more thing. Why isn't Obama running on his record??

Where are his accomplishments, the one we're all familiar with, the 716 billion, yep Billion with a B he took from medicare to fund ObamaTax. Why isn't he running campaign ads on that???
Romney is still Romney

Dull, unpassionate, no definable vision

Romney is in the pocket of big money. So, of course he will pull in the big bucks from very few donors. Still trying to put lipstick on a pig.....I don't care how expensive the lipstick is

What you call being negative by Obama is defining what a Romney presidency would mean......and it ain't pretty

Haven't you heard...his charisma is "in the air". You just can't see it.

I find it very odd that people think 'charisma' is the most important thing. Personally, I'd rather have a smart President than a nice guy. I'd like him to be both, but I'll take smart over popular any day. Romney is smart, he is decent, and he's honest. I like those qualities... those same qualities are sadly lacking in Obama.

I'd take issue with Romney's honesty--given the volumes of independely verified and well documented flip-flops on policy, principle, and frankly, ideology. The videos sum them up perfectly--the ones that the Paul campaign produced without any help from Obama. If you think he's honest; you are turning a blind eye to the mountains of evidence.

Where are the Tax Records...obviously there is something there that he's not comfortable about revealing.

No doubt the Governor is a decent faithful man though.

Likability is generally the only reason people vote for someone. Gore was incrediby unlikable and ran away from 8 years of peace and prosperity to "be his own man." GWB was likable. I remember on Election day in 2000, he was in Ohio and he answered a phone in his phone bank. The elderly lady on the other end of the phone didn't believe it was him. He assured her it was and she started gushing. When he hung up the phone at the end of the call, he quipped to the reporters, "It's one to nothing." Incredibly engaging as a candidate he was, Then equally as abysmal as a President.
You know Obama is losing, him and the misses are begging for monies everyday now blaming them if they end up losing for not GIVING enough.... and his cult followers are getting more insane everyday with the, you are just a racist or a hater because you don't like the poor little dear leader

these polls having them CLOSE is full of shit:lol:

No, you're a racist when you bring up the birth certificate. Why? Because you're not asking the same questions of the other candidates; only the black one.
Oh yea, one more thing. Why isn't Obama running on his record??

Where are his accomplishments, the one we're all familiar with, the 716 billion, yep Billion with a B he took from medicare to fund ObamaTax. Why isn't he running campaign ads on that???

The governor says it is 500B. Perhaps you should look into your candidate's stances--if you can find them.
You know Obama is losing, him and the misses are begging for monies everyday now blaming them if they end up losing for not GIVING enough.... and his cult followers are getting more insane everyday with the, you are just a racist or a hater because you don't like the poor little dear leader

these polls having them CLOSE is full of shit:lol:

No, you're a racist when you bring up the birth certificate. Why? Because you're not asking the same questions of the other candidates; only the black one.

Awwww heck, I thought it was because Obama claimed he was born in Kenya for his book deal. Shoot, well, why would I even think that??? :eusa_hand:
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

Unwittingly to be sure; you just summed up why the Governor will not win. Nobody knows what he is for. They know what he says...this week. But, as some conservatives on here have said, he's a "flip-flopper" and a "wind sock".

Which is why the other guy wins.

Yes, because we all want 4 more years of record debt, deficits, low growth, numbers of Americans on assistance and unemployment.


You fuckers are nuts.

Just pointing out the reason the governor is circling the drain. You guys nominated him...he's your problem.
The nice thing about a Romney victory would be that Obama supporters (and non-rightwing extremists) could stop defending Obama. We can then dedicate our next 4 years to destroying Romney and his right wing scoundrels! That's more fun than being on the defensive.

And Romney will be such a horribly easy target.
I don't see where you say there is no reason to be optimistic. Three different sites, all with a minimum of 20 ev advantage for the President although closer to 46 minimum when you add MI and PA to the 270towin.com advantage.

Where did I say "there's no reason to be optimistic"? My point is that I'm looking at the numbers (such as those you posted) and I don't see where the conservatives are getting empirical evidence to support their confidence.


I thought you meant the Obama supporters. My bad.:redface:


Now you owe me a bottle of SCOTCH!

The funny thing about so many of the Obamanuts is that they valiantly TRY to "defend" the hideously inept record of The ONE.

Pres. 0bama is a fail. That's truly the long and short of it, and the 0bamanuts simply cannot face that fact.
It's God's plan, idiot. People die, even with the best insurance obama can provide.

Yes, they do.

But they die a lot faster if they don't get regular checkups and routine treatment and easy access to medication.

Which is why America has the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized world and an infant mortality rate higher than some third world countries.

All of which you seem to be fine with, as long as the wealthy make a profit, I guess.

Lack of exercise and poor diet is the primary cause of health problems in this country.

In Germany you can always get healthy food. Here in America you have to wade through all of the garbage just to find something healthy and even then it costs so much more than the garbage. Also, ask your friends how many of them could walk 10 miles or would even try. This would give you an idea just how out of shape most people are.

Says the guy with the fast food restaurant logo in his signature.
The funny thing about so many of the Obamanuts is that they valiantly TRY to "defend" the hideously inept record of The ONE.

Pres. 0bama is a fail. That's truly the long and short of it, and the 0bamanuts simply cannot face that fact.

It could also be that American business is an obvious fail, but Republicans cannot bear to admit it, so they blame politicians.

In fact, that seems fairly obviously true.
The funny thing about so many of the Obamanuts is that they valiantly TRY to "defend" the hideously inept record of The ONE.

Pres. 0bama is a fail. That's truly the long and short of it, and the 0bamanuts simply cannot face that fact.

It could also be that American business is an obvious fail, but Republicans cannot bear to admit it, so they blame politicians.

In fact, that seems fairly obviously true.

It does not seem obviously true. Indeed, what you posted isn't even especially coherent.

WTF does "American business is an obvious fail" even mean?
The funny thing about so many of the Obamanuts is that they valiantly TRY to "defend" the hideously inept record of The ONE.

Pres. 0bama is a fail. That's truly the long and short of it, and the 0bamanuts simply cannot face that fact.

It could also be that American business is an obvious fail, but Republicans cannot bear to admit it, so they blame politicians.

In fact, that seems fairly obviously true.

It does not seem obviously true. Indeed, what you posted isn't even especially coherent.

WTF does "American business is an obvious fail" even mean?

The American business economic model elevates capital above labor, and advances cronyism over productivity. Also, this business model encourages complete corruption of government and causes extreme poverty and class stratification.

Did that clear it up for ya, porkchop?
It could also be that American business is an obvious fail, but Republicans cannot bear to admit it, so they blame politicians.

In fact, that seems fairly obviously true.

It does not seem obviously true. Indeed, what you posted isn't even especially coherent.

WTF does "American business is an obvious fail" even mean?

The American business economic model elevates capital above labor, and advances cronyism over productivity. Also, this business model encourages complete corruption of government and causes extreme poverty and class stratification.

Did that clear it up for ya, porkchop?

A bit. I see now that you were attempting to talk about the American capitalist system rather than talking about the state of American business generally.

I also see that you talk in platitudes and prattle, cupcake.

And, of course, you are entirely wrong.

While it is true that the American capitalist system (and the economy in general) does go through cycles, it is a dishonest contention you make about the American capitalist system, overall.

And there is zero reason to believe that the American capitalist system "causes" political corruption. It does not cause extreme poverty, either; nor does it cause "class" stratification.
Yep, it's confusing. It's true - as far as I can research (and that is considerable) that no sitting President has kept the WH with unemployment so high. But one does have to factor in the 'black guy' thing, along with the 'nice guy' thing, and a variety of other factors that Obama has going for him. I don't know how this election will play out. I'm hoping for, and working for, a Romney win... this is the first election where I have supported one of the two main candidates... weird!!

Actually, it is 100% FACT that no president in US history has ever been re-elected with the unemployment rate above 7%. Under Obama, the unemployment rate has never been below 8%. It's catastrophic for him (just like his entire presidency has been for the US).
Obama is now leading by more among likely voters than among registered voters.

Excellent use of links, you twit.

Let me guess:
3 days ago
CNN Poll: Obama 49%-Romney 47% among likely voters
Posted by
CNN Political Editor Paul Steinhauser

Washington (CNN) - With three days to go until the start of the Republican convention, President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney remain deadlocked in the race for the White House, according to a new national survey.

A CNN/ORC International poll released Friday also indicates Romney's favorable rating among those likely to vote in the presidential election is in the same ballpark as the president's, and the survey also points to a slightly higher level of enthusiasm for Republicans than Democrats.

According to the poll, 49% of likely voters say they're backing Obama, with 47% supporting Romney. The two point margin is within the survey's sampling error, meaning the race is a statistical tie.

Among the larger pool of registered voters, some of whom will stay at home on Election Day, the survey indicates the president holds a 52%-43% lead. That number is little changed from CNN's previous poll, conducted in early August, before Romney named House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan as his running mate.

"Likely voters have traditionally been a more Republican group in past elections because they tend to turn out in higher numbers than Democrats, and 2012 looks like it is no exception. This explains why the margin between President Obama and Mitt Romney is smaller among likely voters," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "But it is a mistake to say that the race has tightened in the past few weeks, given the lack of movement in the results for registered voters."

* * * *

In the horserace, 48% of likely voters who are independents say they support Romney, with 45% backing Obama
. The gender gap and generational divides seen in polling so far this cycle continue, with the president holding a 54%-42% lead among female likely votes and Romney holding a 53%-43% lead among male likely voters. Obama has a 55%-43% advantage among those under 50, with Romney holding a 50%-45% margin among likely voters 50 and older.

"The two candidates are in a dead heat in the national horserace, tied among likely voters who call themselves independents and tied in the suburbs," says Chief National Correspondent John King.

"Which means the conventions are their best chance to nudge the numbers a bit before we get to what is likely to be a decisive series of debates. The race could break near the end, but heading into the conventions it is as close as can be."

* * * *

* * * *

According to the poll, two-thirds of likely voters say if elected, Romney will work hard to implement GOP polices on the economy, and six in ten say he would make a real effort to enact Republican proposals on health care. But only 43% feel he will work hard to implement the Republican party's position on abortion.

The social issue has dominated news coverage this week, * * * *

* * * *

The CNN poll was conducted by ORC International Wednesday and Thursday (August 22-23), with 1,055 adult Americans, including 924 registered voters and 719 likely voters, questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points, with a sampling error of plus or minus 3.5% points for likely voters.
-- CNN Poll: Obama 49%-Romney 47% among likely voters – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

I can see why you didn't want to tout the actual article or results, you hack.
Oh yea, one more thing. Why isn't Obama running on his record??

Where are his accomplishments, the one we're all familiar with, the 716 billion, yep Billion with a B he took from medicare to fund ObamaTax. Why isn't he running campaign ads on that???

That is a lie!!! And when anybody posts his accomplishments, none of you accept it. This IS the truth:

PolitiFact: Is Obama really raiding Medicare?

First, we’re checking whether Obama took $716 billion dollars from Medicare to pay for Obamacare.

Neither Obama nor his health care law literally cut funding from the Medicare program’s budget. Rather, the health care law (Obamacare) instituted a number of changes to try to bring down future health care costs in the program.

What kind of spending reductions are we talking about? They were mainly aimed at insurance companies and hospitals, not beneficiaries. The law made significant reductions to Medicare Advantage, a subset of Medicare plans run by private insurers. Medicare Advantage was started under President George W. Bush, and the idea was that competition among the private insurers would reduce costs. But the plans have actually cost more than traditional Medicare. So the health care law scales back the payments to private insurers.

Hospitals, too, will be paid less if they have too many readmissions, or if they fail to meet other new benchmarks for patient care.

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