Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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Think what you want, people. You really have no idea what will happen to all of us if the GOP wins this election. And the worst part is that you don't want to know. Your hate for the prez is blinding you. But it's okay. He'll win without you all.

They once LOVED Jimmy Carter too.---:eusa_boohoo:

In a polarized nation, on the eve of another divisive contest for the White House, those seeking a unified America are not without hope. For amid the partisan bickering, there remains one principle on which all Americans are agreed: Any comparison to Jimmy Carter is always and everywhere a put-down.

Given Mr. Carter's Democratic affiliation, it's mostly Republicans and conservatives who traffic in Jimmy Carter allusions. That makes for something of a yawn, as Mitt Romney is finding out with his claim that the community organizer from Chicago is worse than the peanut farmer from Georgia. More in the man-bites-dog category is when one of Mr. Obama's own sticks the Carter tag on him.

So it must have stung when the New York Times's Maureen Dowd recently quoted an unnamed Democratic senator moaning that "we are watching him turn into Jimmy Carter right before our eyes."

She was not alone. Eric Alterman earlier this year weighed in with a column in the Daily Beast whose headline declares, "Obama's Awful '70s Show Echoes Jimmy Carter." The unkindest cut of all comes from Zbigniew Brzezinski—Jimmy Carter's national security adviser and one of the first to hop aboard the Obama bandwagon—who on MSNBC last month brought up the word most associated with Mr. Carter, though he never actually said it: "malaise."

Many have noticed this trend. Few appear to appreciate that the record shows an even stronger parallel between Messrs. Obama and Carter. For there was a day—especially after he finished ahead in the 1976 Iowa caucuses—that Mr. Carter was hailed as the intelligent outsider who was going to clean up Washington and forever change American politics.
--more very interesting comparison.
McGurn: They Once Loved Jimmy, Too - WSJ.com


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama
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Yes, because we all want 4 more years of record debt, deficits, low growth, numbers of Americans on assistance and unemployment.


You fuckers are nuts.

Just pointing out the reason the governor is circling the drain. You guys nominated him...he's your problem.

You keep posting these absurd claims. You are the Baghdad Bob of this site with your pro Obama crap.

"He's not conservative"...thats what you said about Romney. Another one of you guys called him a "turd". Grumps calls him a "shitty choice".

If the claims are absurd; they are the ones YOU and YOUR brethern are making. The polls show the Governor circling the drain. Facts are beautiful things. That they totally fuck over your position makes them oh so sweet.

Care to take me up on my wager if you're THAT confident? Didn't think so pussy-boy.
Just pointing out the reason the governor is circling the drain. You guys nominated him...he's your problem.

You keep posting these absurd claims. You are the Baghdad Bob of this site with your pro Obama crap.

"He's not conservative"...thats what you said about Romney. Another one of you guys called him a "turd". Grumps calls him a "shitty choice".

If the claims are absurd; they are the ones YOU and YOUR brethern are making. The polls show the Governor circling the drain. Facts are beautiful things. That they totally fuck over your position makes them oh so sweet.

Care to take me up on my wager if you're THAT confident? Didn't think so pussy-boy.

Cornycane: Stop. You are being sillier than usual.

Go back and find out what Democrat contenders said about each other when THEY had a race going on for the nomination.

At this point, happy you, you get to use the words of the GOP contenders as a "tool" of sorts. And during that contest, the various contending supporters also engaged in political banter.

ho hum.

It hardly matters now. For NOW we are confronted with just two options. We can re-elect The ONE or we can vote in his opponent.

Since our opposition to The ONE is so massive, does it truly surprise you that we are able to come together (well, maybe not all the Ron Paul guys)?

Sorry, corny, but your rhetoric is a fail. It still comes down to dissecting the RECORD of the incumbent. And you KNOW that's not such a super proposition for him. For he refuses to run ON his record. He runs from it. Understandable, but still: he will keep getting reminded. As will the electorate.

You want in on MY bet, corny? :D
What you will see in the last few days before the election will be the acts of a desperate and angry administration. Let no stone go uncovered and watch out for this one and a OCT. surprise.

Regular Democrat fare, has happened many times. Remember the W and the DUI story. No idea why that worked since he'd already said he had drug and alcohol problems in the 70s. Kennedy killed someone in the 60s and that wasn't a big deal, ancient history. I hope Romney gets any skeletons out before October.
See, that's the mixed message I'm getting from the GOP. First they point to the fact (I assume it's a fact, anyway) that no sitting President has ever won re-election with unemployment over 8%.

Except the highest the UE rate has ever been for a re-election was 7.7, that was for Ford, and technically it wasn't a re-election because he had never been elected.

Reagan was re-elected with 7.4% and the was the highest ever rate for a re-election year.
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

Well, I would want to know how Romney would do before making a change...

His governorship of Massachusetts was such a failure that he isn't going to even try to carry his home state.

He put thousands of people out of jobs making money for investors, which tell me his priorities are all kinds of fucked up.

Oh, yeah, and he think he's going to rule his own planet in the afterlife... nothing crazy about that at all, really.

I'd rather have Romney thinking he's going to be ruling his own planet in the afterlife, than the tyrant we have as President thinking he's put here to RULE US
I love it, Romney is not conservative enough for the Left.............well what do ya know.


Remember how they were all through the nominating process pumping for Romney saying how Republicans need a moderate and they'd have a hard time really running against him and what a great candidate he was?

I told them they were full of shit then. OK, it wasn't a hard prediction.
Just put down the newspaper and it had some interesting articles. One was about the presidential challenger's latest speech. In it he said that he would balance the budget in a short span of time, by cutting waste and use of the public money for political purposes. He would eliminate government spending by cutting such things as Social Security. He added that the president had just created 75 new buracracies and they too would be eliminated. We cannot place the burden on our children he said. The unemployment rate was 16.9%. and the polls indicated the challenger would beat the president by a 3 to 2 margin.

The date of the paper was October 10, 1936 and the race was between Landon and FDR. FDR carried 46 of the 48 states.
Think what you want, people. You really have no idea what will happen to all of us if the GOP wins this election. And the worst part is that you don't want to know. Your hate for the prez is blinding you. But it's okay. He'll win without you all.

I have a good idea. End of Obamacare. Lower taxes. More competitive corporations. More jobs at home. Lower inflation. Less regulation. Maybe an end to the TSA.
I know what will happen if Obama gets re-elected.
Given that Romney can't get to 270.....I doubt the Obama camp is too worried
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Can any of you nutters post an example of President Obama running from his record? He discusses it every day.
Of course he does. He doesn't have to account for all the records he doesn't want discussed by closing public access to them. You are not allowed to see his original papers, school records in Indonesia, travel records, college records, papers, speeches, voting records, and presidential papers. He now only speaks through reporters who ask him questions he wishes to be asked and has a rehearsed speech punishing his enemies the Republicans each and every time it relates to the business of his administration. There's nothing to know. He's creating a kingpin presidency and thinks he can get away with it because Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela to consolidate power, rewrite the Constitution to accommodate dictatorial views, and turn a representative democracy into an easy-to-control pyramid scheme with nothing in his way--no budget, no congress, no accounting, just lies and lots of them parroted over and over and over.
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