Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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They aren't principles. They are policies. And policies change with circumstances.
For someone absolutely convinced Obama is going to win you sure like you're trying to convince yourself more than anyone else.

He was for a woman's right to choose now he's against it. Right?

Obama was against gay marriage, and now he's for it. Right?

Millions of Americans have made the discovery that homosexual marriage isn't any more or less sacred than hetero marriage. No hay to be made there.

So Obama is your standard now?

Answer the question or avoid it and complete your already advanced degree in pussification bitch...Romney was for a woman's right to reproductive choice and now he's against it, correct? I'm guessing you're already looking for shoes to match your handbag.
"He's not conservative"...thats what you said about Romney. Another one of you guys called him a "turd". Grumps calls him a "shitty choice".

If the claims are absurd; they are the ones YOU and YOUR brethern are making. The polls show the Governor circling the drain. Facts are beautiful things. That they totally fuck over your position makes them oh so sweet.

Care to take me up on my wager if you're THAT confident? Didn't think so pussy-boy.

Yup. Romney is not conservative. No question about it. Never thought he was, still don't. Don't expect him to govern like a conservative.
But even as an Eastern/Nixon/Rockefeller Republican he will be 100 times more conservative than Obama. Not that it will take much.
I hope so. Here's his plan to reverse overspending: Romney's Spending Plan

I hope you agree it is better than any of us had hoped, and at least it will stop the printing presses. :)

Eliminating the title funding is frankly stupid. People know this. This is why Obama will win in November.
He was for a woman's right to choose now he's against it. Right?

Obama was against gay marriage, and now he's for it. Right?

Millions of Americans have made the discovery that homosexual marriage isn't any more or less sacred than hetero marriage. No hay to be made there.

So Obama is your standard now?

Answer the question or avoid it and complete your already advanced degree in pussification bitch...Romney was for a woman's right to reproductive choice and now he's against it, correct? I'm guessing you're already looking for shoes to match your handbag.

Honestly I really don't know his position on abortion. And it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. We are going to have legal abortion in this country until the Supreme Court overturns it. And I'm not holding my breath on that.
But you agree that Obama changes positions for political benefit, right? So accusing Romney of that is just blowing smoke.
Obama was against gay marriage, and now he's for it. Right?

Millions of Americans have made the discovery that homosexual marriage isn't any more or less sacred than hetero marriage. No hay to be made there.

So Obama is your standard now?

Answer the question or avoid it and complete your already advanced degree in pussification bitch...Romney was for a woman's right to reproductive choice and now he's against it, correct? I'm guessing you're already looking for shoes to match your handbag.

Honestly I really don't know his position on abortion. And it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. We are going to have legal abortion in this country until the Supreme Court overturns it. And I'm not holding my breath on that.
But you agree that Obama changes positions for political benefit, right? So accusing Romney of that is just blowing smoke.

What you talking about??? Obama evolves, it's acceptable for a Messiah. :D
Listen up people, we don't know how Romney will do as President, BUT we have seen how Obama HAS DONE...and he's been HORRIBLE

now is time for some change and hope

vote Obama OUT

Unwittingly to be sure; you just summed up why the Governor will not win. Nobody knows what he is for. They know what he says...this week. But, as some conservatives on here have said, he's a "flip-flopper" and a "wind sock".

Which is why the other guy wins.

Substitute the word Senator and you have said exactly what I thought 4 years ago.
Obama was against gay marriage, and now he's for it. Right?

Millions of Americans have made the discovery that homosexual marriage isn't any more or less sacred than hetero marriage. No hay to be made there.

So Obama is your standard now?

Answer the question or avoid it and complete your already advanced degree in pussification bitch...Romney was for a woman's right to reproductive choice and now he's against it, correct? I'm guessing you're already looking for shoes to match your handbag.

Honestly I really don't know his position on abortion. And it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. We are going to have legal abortion in this country until the Supreme Court overturns it. And I'm not holding my breath on that.
But you agree that Obama changes positions for political benefit, right? So accusing Romney of that is just blowing smoke.

Most people are not in favor of gay marriage--are you? Dumbass. I mean really; if you think believing that supporting of SSM would be a bump in the polls with most Americans; you're dumber than I tell people. It didn't get him one vote that he didn't already have idiot.

As for your research of your candidate--laughable to say the least. Lets see; you're a conservative and he is not. Yet you support him. You say you don't know his position on abortion (a lie obviously but hey, we've lost count of the number of fibs you've told so it doesn't really matter now does it).

Anyway, here is your candidate flip flopping on all sorts of "principles" in addition to the policy flip flops you overlook wilfully for some reason.

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

Here he is saying he'll keep part of the ACA:

Watch Full Romney Response to Health Care Ruling: "I Will Act to Repeal Obamacare" - YouTube

Do you think Perry would have been a better President than Romney will never be?
Yup. Romney is not conservative. No question about it. Never thought he was, still don't. Don't expect him to govern like a conservative.
But even as an Eastern/Nixon/Rockefeller Republican he will be 100 times more conservative than Obama. Not that it will take much.
I hope so. Here's his plan to reverse overspending: Romney's Spending Plan

I hope you agree it is better than any of us had hoped, and at least it will stop the printing presses. :)

Eliminating the title funding is frankly stupid. People know this. This is why Obama will win in November.
He will not get any votes from the thousands of drillers in the Gulf of Mexico when he unilaterally cancelled all drilling there giving up our rights to drill for minerals to 3 countries that moved right in--China and Russia with Cubans collecting the rent.

You think 3 communist countries are gonna play fair with this country? If you do, your screen is out of focus. Look at the differences in trade with China. Are you getting a better picture now? Last year, the Sino/American chart shows that we imported $399.362 billion from them, but they only took 103,939 billion in our exports.

Also, the next time he gets a bee up his butt to give away Alaskan territorial waters to Russia, he needs to contact the sovereign state of Alaska before he does that.

Is he still withholding Homeland Security information from Arizona law enforcement by being cute with his enemy state of Arizona? I'm here to tell you Arizona people paid their federal income taxes. If he has a beef with the leadership of Arizona, he needs to man up and not make life less for people already beleaguered from the human flood that came into their state with the clothes on their backs and needed housing, food, transportation, and jobs. Now all of these people were threatened by having Homeland security information access denied.

I hate that. I just hate it. And I'm not even anywhere near Arizona. I hate it because Americans are being discriminated against over political differences.

If you think Obama is going to have an easy time of getting re-elected, you should review how he treats his political opponents worse than he treats stated American enemies.

Some people don't believe his garbage dump concealment with flowery feel good speech.
Millions of Americans have made the discovery that homosexual marriage isn't any more or less sacred than hetero marriage. No hay to be made there.

So Obama is your standard now?

Answer the question or avoid it and complete your already advanced degree in pussification bitch...Romney was for a woman's right to reproductive choice and now he's against it, correct? I'm guessing you're already looking for shoes to match your handbag.

Honestly I really don't know his position on abortion. And it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. We are going to have legal abortion in this country until the Supreme Court overturns it. And I'm not holding my breath on that.
But you agree that Obama changes positions for political benefit, right? So accusing Romney of that is just blowing smoke.

Most people are not in favor of gay marriage--are you? Dumbass. I mean really; if you think believing that supporting of SSM would be a bump in the polls with most Americans; you're dumber than I tell people. It didn't get him one vote that he didn't already have idiot.

As for your research of your candidate--laughable to say the least. Lets see; you're a conservative and he is not. Yet you support him. You say you don't know his position on abortion (a lie obviously but hey, we've lost count of the number of fibs you've told so it doesn't really matter now does it).

Anyway, here is your candidate flip flopping on all sorts of "principles" in addition to the policy flip flops you overlook wilfully for some reason.

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

Here he is saying he'll keep part of the ACA:

Watch Full Romney Response to Health Care Ruling: "I Will Act to Repeal Obamacare" - YouTube

Do you think Perry would have been a better President than Romney will never be?

Wow, you're getting more shrill with every post. Relax. President Romney will make this country better. He will heal it from the terrible rifts of the Obama years. Things are never as bad as you imagine.
Mormon lust for power? YET YOU WILL SUPPORT SOMEONE WHO HAS ALREADY PROVEN HIMSELF TO BE A TYRANT? Just goes to show you how stupid you can be.

Actually, when you say shit like that, all you are doing is showing your racial resentment...

Cause that's what this is all about, really.

Racial resentment? You have just proven hoe desperate you are and how much you fear that obama will lose, sure sign is the last ditch attempt of calling someone a racist.:eusa_whistle:
Yup. Romney is not conservative. No question about it. Never thought he was, still don't. Don't expect him to govern like a conservative.
But even as an Eastern/Nixon/Rockefeller Republican he will be 100 times more conservative than Obama. Not that it will take much.
I hope so. Here's his plan to reverse overspending: Romney's Spending Plan

I hope you agree it is better than any of us had hoped, and at least it will stop the printing presses. :)

Eliminating the title funding is frankly stupid. People know this. This is why Obama will win in November.

Obama winning in November => Wet Dream

Keep dreaming.
Can any of you nutters post an example of President Obama running from his record? He discusses it every day.

Unemployment....not supposed to go above 8% if there is a stimulus.

There was a stimulus.

"We didn't know how bad it was....."

How the hell did you know we needed a stimulus if you didn't know how bad it was ?

"WaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh...it's not my fault."
As of tonight it does not apper that President Obama is losing. Check out CNN's forecast of electoral votes. Obama has 247 and Romney has 191. There are 100 tossup states. But I'm sure Obama will get them. I don't see how anyone can say the prez is losing.
Can any of you nutters post an example of President Obama running from his record? He discusses it every day.

Who the fuck you calling a nutter you dipshit troll. Yea, I'm sure Obama will be discussing anything he didn't cover during his call to the New Mexico pop radio station (like who has the best chili), in the upcoming issue of Glamour magazine. Personally, I would have went with Allure because it's more alluring and we know how sexy his record of failure is.
As of tonight it does not apper that President Obama is losing. Check out CNN's forecast of electoral votes. Obama has 247 and Romney has 191. There are 100 tossup states. But I'm sure Obama will get them. I don't see how anyone can say the prez is losing.

You're sure Obama will get them ?

Wow....aren't you special. Maybe you should call Obama and tell him to reign it in. He's in the bag. Those toss ups include Florida and Va. which Romney will take along with almost all the rest.

But you keep pulling your predictions out of your oversized ass. They are worth a laugh.
As of tonight it does not apper that President Obama is losing. Check out CNN's forecast of electoral votes. Obama has 247 and Romney has 191. There are 100 tossup states. But I'm sure Obama will get them. I don't see how anyone can say the prez is losing.

You're sure Obama will get them ?

Wow....aren't you special. Maybe you should call Obama and tell him to reign it in. He's in the bag. Those toss ups include Florida and Va. which Romney will take along with almost all the rest.

But you keep pulling your predictions out of your oversized ass. They are worth a laugh.

Why don't you grow up??
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!
At this point in the 2008 election and for weeks after, McCain/Palin were ahead. They lost in case anyone doesn't remember.:D:tongue:
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