Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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At this point in the 2008 election and for weeks after, McCain/Palin were ahead. They lost in case anyone doesn't remember.:D:tongue:

At this point in 08, you were undoubtedly denying that McCain/Palin were ahead. You use polls for your own whims.

Palin/McCain were ahead in some polls; but we know that 08 is so different than 12 in so many ways that only a nimrod would be using those polls for the sake of prognostications. Of course, you are a nimrod, so___
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!

What do you mean, 'hiding from the press?':

Obama gives one-on-one to Glamour - POLITICO.com

Yet another push in President Barack Obama's soft-media strategy, unearthed this morning by WWD's Erik Maza:

Editor-in-Chief Cindi Leive flew to Portland, Ore., last month to sit down with the president for an interview that will appear in the magazine’s November issue. It is not the first time Obama has sat down with Glamour — he did so in 2008, along with John McCain — but it is his first time as a sitting president. ...

Glamour pitched them on a big audience, said Washington editor Linda Kramer Jenning. “There’s a lot of attention being paid to young, women voters,” Jenning said. “That’s the calling card that opens the door.” It took five months to lock down some face time.

Jenning said Leive asked the president about women’s health care, among other topics, even though the interview took place before the recent uproar over the antediluvian comments about rape by Missouri Rep. Todd Akin.
At this point in the 2008 election and for weeks after, McCain/Palin were ahead. They lost in case anyone doesn't remember.:D:tongue:

At this point in 08, you were undoubtedly denying that McCain/Palin were ahead. You use polls for your own whims.

Palin/McCain were ahead in some polls; but we know that 08 is so different than 12 in so many ways that only a nimrod would be using those polls for the sake of prognostications. Of course, you are a nimrod, so___

Not really. I was touting the polls showing them ahead in 2008 and I actually went to a rally that Palin had. The crowds were enormous. It was really exciting AND I actually voted for McCain Palin in 2008. I was pissed at what Obama did to Hillary (and the dems) and I thought that Palin was at that time less conservative than she seems to have become lwith her tea party speeches and support. But overall, I still like her in many respects.
At this point in the 2008 election and for weeks after, McCain/Palin were ahead. They lost in case anyone doesn't remember.:D:tongue:

At this point in 08, you were undoubtedly denying that McCain/Palin were ahead. You use polls for your own whims.

Palin/McCain were ahead in some polls; but we know that 08 is so different than 12 in so many ways that only a nimrod would be using those polls for the sake of prognostications. Of course, you are a nimrod, so___

Not really. I was touting the polls showing them ahead in 2008 and I actually went to a rally that Palin had. The crowds were enormous. It was really exciting AND I actually voted for McCain Palin in 2008. I was pissed at what Obama did to Hillary (and the dems) and I thought that Palin was at that time less conservative than she seems to have become lwith her tea party speeches and support. But overall, I still like her in many respects.

I buy none of that. You're a transcient bs'er who will make-up any argument to fit your whims. You have plenty of tells__
At this point in 08, you were undoubtedly denying that McCain/Palin were ahead. You use polls for your own whims.

Palin/McCain were ahead in some polls; but we know that 08 is so different than 12 in so many ways that only a nimrod would be using those polls for the sake of prognostications. Of course, you are a nimrod, so___

Not really. I was touting the polls showing them ahead in 2008 and I actually went to a rally that Palin had. The crowds were enormous. It was really exciting AND I actually voted for McCain Palin in 2008. I was pissed at what Obama did to Hillary (and the dems) and I thought that Palin was at that time less conservative than she seems to have become lwith her tea party speeches and support. But overall, I still like her in many respects.

I buy none of that. You're a transcient bs'er who will make-up any argument to fit your whims. You have plenty of tells__

I have my own Palin forum which is still accessible (although there are no posts lately). So, if you like I can give you the link and you can join and then I can ban you to prove I'm telling the truth. Not that I should have to prove anything to some anonymous troll on an internet forum who for all we know is some loonely posting from the state hospital. Prove that you're not. I don't buy anything you say either!
Not really. I was touting the polls showing them ahead in 2008 and I actually went to a rally that Palin had. The crowds were enormous. It was really exciting AND I actually voted for McCain Palin in 2008. I was pissed at what Obama did to Hillary (and the dems) and I thought that Palin was at that time less conservative than she seems to have become lwith her tea party speeches and support. But overall, I still like her in many respects.

I buy none of that. You're a transcient bs'er who will make-up any argument to fit your whims. You have plenty of tells__

I have my own Palin forum which is still accessible (although there are no posts lately). So, if you like I can give you the link and you can join and then I can ban you to prove I'm telling the truth. Not that I should have to prove anything to some anonymous troll on an internet forum who for all we know is some loonely posting from the state hospital. Prove that you're not. I don't buy anything you say either!

No__ you don't have your own Palin forum. Nice bluff though.
Mormon lust for power? YET YOU WILL SUPPORT SOMEONE WHO HAS ALREADY PROVEN HIMSELF TO BE A TYRANT? Just goes to show you how stupid you can be.

Actually, when you say shit like that, all you are doing is showing your racial resentment...

Cause that's what this is all about, really.

Racial resentment? You have just proven hoe desperate you are and how much you fear that obama will lose, sure sign is the last ditch attempt of calling someone a racist.:eusa_whistle:

No, between the "Them Welfare People" commercials and the "he doesn't understand America" and the "no one has ever asked me about my birth certificate", Romney is going all out appeal to racial resentment.

Race and the 2012 election

But click through the “videos” section of Mitt Romney’s Web site and you’ll see something odd: His campaign is running more ads about welfare than just about any other issue. Of the 12 most recent ads posted, five are about welfare. That’s more than the number dedicated to health care (four) or introducing Paul Ryan (one) or the economy (one).

Romney’s ad warns that, “under Obama’s plan, you wouldn’t have to work and you wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you a check and welfare to work goes back to being plain old welfare.”

Political scientist Michael Tesler partnered with the YouGov online polling service to test the question on 1,000 respondents. All the participants answered a standard set of questions that researchers use to identify levels of racial resentment. Half were then shown Romney’s ad. The others weren’t. Then both groups were asked whether Obama and Romney’s policies would help or hurt the poor, the middle class, the wealthy, African Americans and white Americans.

“Among those who saw it,” reports Tesler, “racial resentment affected whether people thought Romney will help the poor, the middle class and African Americans. Moreover, seeing the ad did not activate other attitudes, such as party or ideological self-identification. It only primed racial resentment.”

Romney knows who his audience is.
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!

The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!

The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.

oh you true blue Republican you
now you can stop PRETENDING
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!

The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.

oh you true blue Republican you
now you can stop PRETENDING

When the disaster is over, and they figure out they've lost a lot of Republicans because the party has gone so crazy, they'll be asking how to get me back.

And my response is - start giving a fuck about the working man and kick the religious nutbags to the curb.
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!

The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.

I think your sorry bigot troll ass will be in for a good cry.

BTW Joeb - It's not 'fair' to confirm that I'm not racist and then respond to one of my quotes by calling me a racist out of the blue. That's total loserdom.
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!

The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.

I think your sorry bigot troll ass will be in for a good cry.

BTW Joeb - It's not 'fair' to confirm that I'm not racist and then respond to one of my quotes by calling me a racist out of the blue. That's total loserdom.

Guy, you proved your racism by embracing Birtherism.

Even after it was proven once and for all he was born in Hawaii.
The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.

I think your sorry bigot troll ass will be in for a good cry.

BTW Joeb - It's not 'fair' to confirm that I'm not racist and then respond to one of my quotes by calling me a racist out of the blue. That's total loserdom.

Guy, you proved your racism by embracing Birtherism.

Even after it was proven once and for all he was born in Hawaii.

Dude__ Even if your theory is correct that it's an absolute that Obama's birth certificate is real (and it's not), then that is still not grounds for calling someone a racist. I don't have to hate him for the color of his skin to believe that he is not a citizen. I shouldn't even have to explain something so elementary to you.
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!

The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.

I think your sorry bigot troll ass will be in for a good cry.

BTW Joeb - It's not 'fair' to confirm that I'm not racist and then respond to one of my quotes by calling me a racist out of the blue. That's total loserdom.

Your racist rhetoric is well documented.
The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.

I think your sorry bigot troll ass will be in for a good cry.

BTW Joeb - It's not 'fair' to confirm that I'm not racist and then respond to one of my quotes by calling me a racist out of the blue. That's total loserdom.

Guy, you proved your racism by embracing Birtherism.

Even after it was proven once and for all he was born in Hawaii.

omg, you people are becoming hysterical and pathetic with your accusations of people being a racist
I'll be glad when Obama's gone so we don't have to hear this shit anymore
I think your sorry bigot troll ass will be in for a good cry.

BTW Joeb - It's not 'fair' to confirm that I'm not racist and then respond to one of my quotes by calling me a racist out of the blue. That's total loserdom.

Guy, you proved your racism by embracing Birtherism.

Even after it was proven once and for all he was born in Hawaii.

Dude__ Even if your theory is correct that it's an absolute that Obama's birth certificate is real (and it's not), then that is still not grounds for calling someone a racist. I don't have to hate him for the color of his skin to believe that he is not a citizen. I shouldn't even have to explain something so elementary to you.

Guy, Birtherism is racism. Period.

Seriously, by your standard, we can't really prove ANYONE was born in this country. If you say documents can be faked, anyone can fake a document. How do we know Romney was born in this country? How do we know George and Eunice didn't return to that Polygamist Mormon Colony in Mexico to give birth to him there?

But the only reason why you feel comfortable in your 'doubt' is because he's black.

Even though his mother was white, a citizen AND that would resolve the issue no matter where he was born.
Guy, you proved your racism by embracing Birtherism.

Even after it was proven once and for all he was born in Hawaii.

Dude__ Even if your theory is correct that it's an absolute that Obama's birth certificate is real (and it's not), then that is still not grounds for calling someone a racist. I don't have to hate him for the color of his skin to believe that he is not a citizen. I shouldn't even have to explain something so elementary to you.

Guy, Birtherism is racism. Period.

Seriously, by your standard, we can't really prove ANYONE was born in this country. If you say documents can be faked, anyone can fake a document. How do we know Romney was born in this country? How do we know George and Eunice didn't return to that Polygamist Mormon Colony in Mexico to give birth to him there?

But the only reason why you feel comfortable in your 'doubt' is because he's black.

Even though his mother was white, a citizen AND that would resolve the issue no matter where he was born.

So-called birtheism isn't racism. But your idiocy is idiocy.

And my standard is that his birth certificate was photoshopped. And there are plenty of people that can prove their births idiot.

And no__ 1961 laws do not simply state that if your mother is a citizen then you are a citizen. We've been over this dipshit.

Anyways__ I'm done arguing with your sorry neanderthal ass. I could give a shit if you think I'm a racist b/c you're a phony.
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