Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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As of tonight it does not apper that President Obama is losing. Check out CNN's forecast of electoral votes. Obama has 247 and Romney has 191. There are 100 tossup states. But I'm sure Obama will get them. I don't see how anyone can say the prez is losing.

A month ago, CNN forecast 302 electoral votes for Obama.

Even in there predictions, he's dropping like a stone..

Please provide a link next time. I did not find any CNN forecast. But I did find a prediction, which is totally different:

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast

With fewer than nine months to go before Election Day, The Signal predicts that Barack Obama will win the presidential contest with 303 electoral votes to the Republican nominee's 235.

How do we know? We don't, of course. Campaigns and candidates evolve, and elections are dynamic events with more variables than can reasonably be distilled in an equation. But the data--based on a prediction engine created by Yahoo! scientists--suggest a second term is likely for the current president. This model does not use polls or prediction markets to directly gauge what voters are thinking. Instead, it forecasts the results of the Electoral College based on past elections, economic indicators, measures of state ideology, presidential approval ratings, incumbency, and a few other politically agnostic factors.

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast | The Signal - Yahoo! News
You think having healthcare coverage will make you live longer, is one of the most stupidest thing I have seen in a while

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??

Six hundred thirty-three people died in Tennessee in 2010 because they did not have health insurance, according to a new study released Wednesday by health care consumer advocate Families USA.

In the five years from 2005-2010, 3,483 Tennesseans died because they lacked health insurance, the study said.

The number of uninsured Tennesseans rose from 482,353 in 2005 to 604,222 in 2011, according to the University of Tennessee Center for Business and Economic Research.

Across the nation, 26,100 people died in 2010 without access to health insurance, a figure higher than the 20,350 who died without coverage in 2005. From 2005-2010, a total of 134,120 died in the U.S. because they lacked health coverage, the study said.

Two previous studies indicate the number of deaths associated with a lack of insurance has been rising over the years, especially as employees were laid off in the recession and some companies cut back their health plans.

Study shows 633 Tennesseans who lacked health insurance died in 2010 » The Commercial Appeal

I wish I could post all of it.

You are so wrong. How can you think that?? What are you basing it on??
How does a piece of paper keep you alive?

I guess we are too assume these people had healthcare coverage

In Hospital Deaths from Medical Errors at 195,000 per Year USA

In Hospital Deaths from Medical Errors at 195,000 per Year USA

(Reuters) - Millions of people die each year from medical errors and infections linked to health care and going into hospital is far riskier than flying, the World Health Organization said on Thursday.

Going into hospital far riskier than flying: WHO | Reuters
Rinata :eusa_whistle:
This link gives several electoral maps from various entities and they all show Obama ahead.

Here is what obama must get past to be reelected
42 straight month of unemployment 8% or higher
46 million Americans on food stamps
Gas has not been below 3.00 a gallon since Feb. 2011
Signing the NDAA 2012
Extending the patriot act
never closing Gitmo
Fast and the Furious executive privilege


Well at least Obama doesn't have to get past a viable Republican challenger. In fact, the best thing Obama has going for him now is Romney and Ryan.
Please provide a link next time. I did not find any CNN forecast. But I did find a prediction, which is totally different:

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast

With fewer than nine months to go before Election Day, The Signal predicts that Barack Obama will win the presidential contest with 303 electoral votes to the Republican nominee's 235.

How do we know? We don't, of course. Campaigns and candidates evolve, and elections are dynamic events with more variables than can reasonably be distilled in an equation. But the data--based on a prediction engine created by Yahoo! scientists--suggest a second term is likely for the current president. This model does not use polls or prediction markets to directly gauge what voters are thinking. Instead, it forecasts the results of the Electoral College based on past elections, economic indicators, measures of state ideology, presidential approval ratings, incumbency, and a few other politically agnostic factors.

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast | The Signal - Yahoo! News

Now it's down to 247.

Obama is dropping like a stone.

Without massive fraud, Obama will lose. I know that your shameful party plans on engaging in massive fraud, but it may still not be enough.
Obamination knows he doesn't have dirt on Romney/Ryan and that is lies are exposed, so his only hope is to play the race card, hispanic card, elderly card, gay card, union card and women card.

He is the 3 ring circus clown reigning in his idiot lemmings in their various kook groups. "Uh blacks over there, uh, uh illegals, grannies over there, uhhh homos over there, uh union goons over there and uh you uh bitch uh lesbos over there."
This link gives several electoral maps from various entities and they all show Obama ahead.

Here is what obama must get past to be reelected
42 straight month of unemployment 8% or higher
46 million Americans on food stamps
Gas has not been below 3.00 a gallon since Feb. 2011
Signing the NDAA 2012
Extending the patriot act
never closing Gitmo
Fast and the Furious executive privilege


Well at least Obama doesn't have to get past a viable Republican challenger. In fact, the best thing Obama has going for him now is Romney and Ryan.

You want four more years of the same obama failure? If this is the best support obama has he';s doomed.
Linky, linky, plz. thx.

Go up, He repeats the racist Birther bullshit.

Birthers are Racists.
I'm sorry... While I'm no fan of Obama... That's an idiotic stance. Questioning where someone is born, even if it's been proven, isn't racist.

See, "racist" doesn't mean hating someone strictly on account of their race. If that were so, the whole Democratic Black Caucus would be racist.
No. Racist means "having views I think are bad."
Please provide a link next time. I did not find any CNN forecast. But I did find a prediction, which is totally different:

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast

With fewer than nine months to go before Election Day, The Signal predicts that Barack Obama will win the presidential contest with 303 electoral votes to the Republican nominee's 235.

How do we know? We don't, of course. Campaigns and candidates evolve, and elections are dynamic events with more variables than can reasonably be distilled in an equation. But the data--based on a prediction engine created by Yahoo! scientists--suggest a second term is likely for the current president. This model does not use polls or prediction markets to directly gauge what voters are thinking. Instead, it forecasts the results of the Electoral College based on past elections, economic indicators, measures of state ideology, presidential approval ratings, incumbency, and a few other politically agnostic factors.

Obama poised to win 2012 election with 303 electoral votes: The Signal Forecast | The Signal - Yahoo! News

Now it's down to 247.

Obama is dropping like a stone.

Without massive fraud, Obama will lose. I know that your shameful party plans on engaging in massive fraud, but it may still not be enough.

My party engaged in fraud??? Hello!!!! It was your party that gave the election to their candidate in 2000 and 2004. The biggest farce I have ever seen.

Obama was ahead this morning in Florida. I'm sure they will try the same tricks this time, but I don't think they will get away with it. And they are trying to suppress the vote all over the country. Bunch of damn cheaters.
My party engaged in fraud??? Hello!!!! It was your party that gave the election to their candidate in 2000 and 2004. The biggest farce I have ever seen.

I don't think the Libertarian arty gave any elections to anyone.

Nonetheless, the demagogues attempted to steal the 2000 election and failed. I still remember the scumbags trying to take the ballots into an upstairs room, away from observers, so that they could magically be for Gore. Then when the crowd objected, peacefully - the demofucks screamed "RIOT."

Obama was ahead this morning in Florida. I'm sure they will try the same tricks this time, but I don't think they will get away with it. And they are trying to suppress the vote all over the country. Bunch of damn cheaters.

Suppress the illegal alien vote? That could hurt you. The demagogue party depends on the dead, illegals, and fictitious voters to win.

^ Pretty much all libs after Pres. Obama gets denied re-election on Election Day.
I think your sorry bigot troll ass will be in for a good cry.

BTW Joeb - It's not 'fair' to confirm that I'm not racist and then respond to one of my quotes by calling me a racist out of the blue. That's total loserdom.

Your racist rhetoric is well documented.
Linky, linky, plz. thx.

Just ask him if he's a birther. He'll answer yes. There is your documentation. For further amusement, feel free to ask him to offer proof of Obama's being born in Kenya, his evidence of a BC forgery on the part of the President, and to explain the whole logistics of being born in Kenya without anyone noticiing a woman flying 3/4 of the way around the globe in her third trimester.

Lotsa fun watching birthers/racists fumble with these important details.
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