Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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So-called birtheism isn't racism. But your idiocy is idiocy.

And my standard is that his birth certificate was photoshopped. And there are plenty of people that can prove their births idiot.

And no__ 1961 laws do not simply state that if your mother is a citizen then you are a citizen. We've been over this dipshit.

Anyways__ I'm done arguing with your sorry neanderthal ass. I could give a shit if you think I'm a racist b/c you're a phony.

Ohhh... right. Photoshopped.

And all the witnesses were paid off.

And the contemporary birth announcements in newspapers were all part of the plot.

40+ years in advance too...
So-called birtheism isn't racism. But your idiocy is idiocy.

And my standard is that his birth certificate was photoshopped. And there are plenty of people that can prove their births idiot.

And no__ 1961 laws do not simply state that if your mother is a citizen then you are a citizen. We've been over this dipshit.

Anyways__ I'm done arguing with your sorry neanderthal ass. I could give a shit if you think I'm a racist b/c you're a phony.

Ohhh... right. Photoshopped.

And all the witnesses were paid off.

And the contemporary birth announcements in newspapers were all part of the plot.

Just to point out how absolutely batshit insane Birthers are, you have to believe that Obama's Parents snuck out of Hawaii to go to Keyna to give birth, without the INS or whatever it's equivlent was back then, for the purpose of having a baby in a third world country...

I'm sorry, what would be the reasoning for them to do this.

Not to mention the fact that his mother was a citizen, which automatically conferred citizenship upon him, no matter where he was born.

Birthers... are... racists. And Romney has decided to appeal to them.

lol, birthers.................are..................RACIST
got that folks...cause JOE says so

No it's because you're asking different questions of the President based only on his skin color and his funny sounding name. "Nobody has ever asked to see my birth certificate." Willard M. Romney--August 2012. This is proof of racism in birtherland.
No it's because you're asking different questions of the President based only on his skin color and his funny sounding name. "Nobody has ever asked to see my birth certificate." Willard M. Romney--August 2012. This is proof of racism in birtherland.

Look, you're a fucknut. You're irrational and filled with hate.

Still, it probably has a hell of a lot more to do with his father being a foreign national, doncha think?

Yeah, you spew shit because you're a leftist demagogue and you have no integrity, but don't you think there is small chance people question your little tin god's birth because his father was from Kenya?
No it's because you're asking different questions of the President based only on his skin color and his funny sounding name. "Nobody has ever asked to see my birth certificate." Willard M. Romney--August 2012. This is proof of racism in birtherland.

Look, you're a fucknut. You're irrational and filled with hate.

Still, it probably has a hell of a lot more to do with his father being a foreign national, doncha think?

Yeah, you spew shit because you're a leftist demagogue and you have no integrity, but don't you think there is small chance people question your little tin god's birth because his father was from Kenya?

cornycane knows better. She just doesn't care.

Birthers may be a bit delusional, but there's nothing at all inherently racist in asking their questions under the circumstances.

And there was absolutely nothing racist in Mitt's lame little quip.

The claims made by nutters like cornycane are just intentionally dishonest propaganda efforts.
I hope so. Here's his plan to reverse overspending: Romney's Spending Plan

I hope you agree it is better than any of us had hoped, and at least it will stop the printing presses. :)

Eliminating the title funding is frankly stupid. People know this. This is why Obama will win in November.

He will not get any votes from the thousands of drillers in the Gulf of Mexico when he unilaterally cancelled all drilling there giving up our rights to drill for minerals to 3 countries that moved right in--China and Russia with Cubans collecting the rent.
Electorally Texas, LA, MS, and AL were all red anyway. No loss there politically speaking.

You think 3 communist countries are gonna play fair with this country? If you do, your screen is out of focus. Look at the differences in trade with China. Are you getting a better picture now? Last year, the Sino/American chart shows that we imported $399.362 billion from them, but they only took 103,939 billion in our exports.

Also, the next time he gets a bee up his butt to give away Alaskan territorial waters to Russia, he needs to contact the sovereign state of Alaska before he does that.

Is he still withholding Homeland Security information from Arizona law enforcement by being cute with his enemy state of Arizona? I'm here to tell you Arizona people paid their federal income taxes. If he has a beef with the leadership of Arizona, he needs to man up and not make life less for people already beleaguered from the human flood that came into their state with the clothes on their backs and needed housing, food, transportation, and jobs. Now all of these people were threatened by having Homeland security information access denied.
Not sure about this "witholding"; I do know that the county folks get plenty of DHS briefings about threats and such. Not sure about immigration issues though.

I hate that. I just hate it. And I'm not even anywhere near Arizona. I hate it because Americans are being discriminated against over political differences.

If you think Obama is going to have an easy time of getting re-elected, you should review how he treats his political opponents worse than he treats stated American enemies.

Some people don't believe his garbage dump concealment with flowery feel good speech.

If the country was going to consider Mitt Romney for President; he would be well ahead at this point. He isn't. He isn't gaining much in the way of momentum. The Ryan pick did nothing except add more baggage and muddle his message on Medicare which apparently he wants to convert to a voucher system--if you voucher doesn't cover your procedure.....the plan is still being drawn up but if it is as ruthless as the rest of his budget, you're pretty much shit out of luck it seems.

Anyway, eliminating the Title X Funding is just another salvo in the war on women and their reproductive choice. Hasn't he pandered to the mouth-breathers and knuckle draggers enough?
Honestly I really don't know his position on abortion. And it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. We are going to have legal abortion in this country until the Supreme Court overturns it. And I'm not holding my breath on that.
But you agree that Obama changes positions for political benefit, right? So accusing Romney of that is just blowing smoke.

Most people are not in favor of gay marriage--are you? Dumbass. I mean really; if you think believing that supporting of SSM would be a bump in the polls with most Americans; you're dumber than I tell people. It didn't get him one vote that he didn't already have idiot.

As for your research of your candidate--laughable to say the least. Lets see; you're a conservative and he is not. Yet you support him. You say you don't know his position on abortion (a lie obviously but hey, we've lost count of the number of fibs you've told so it doesn't really matter now does it).

Anyway, here is your candidate flip flopping on all sorts of "principles" in addition to the policy flip flops you overlook wilfully for some reason.

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

Here he is saying he'll keep part of the ACA:

Watch Full Romney Response to Health Care Ruling: "I Will Act to Repeal Obamacare" - YouTube

Do you think Perry would have been a better President than Romney will never be?

Wow, you're getting more shrill with every post. Relax. President Romney will make this country better. He will heal it from the terrible rifts of the Obama years. Things are never as bad as you imagine.

You left skid marks retreating so fast there Lucy.

People who don't think Ryan had an impact are whoring just as bad as Cutter/Shultz.

Real Clear saw the average drop from 4.3 in Obama's favor to 1.0 in Obama's favor. The swing states have tightened up.

Talk about delusional.
No it's because you're asking different questions of the President based only on his skin color and his funny sounding name. "Nobody has ever asked to see my birth certificate." Willard M. Romney--August 2012. This is proof of racism in birtherland.

Look, you're a fucknut. You're irrational and filled with hate.

Still, it probably has a hell of a lot more to do with his father being a foreign national, doncha think?

Yeah, you spew shit because you're a leftist demagogue and you have no integrity, but don't you think there is small chance people question your little tin god's birth because his father was from Kenya?

cornycane knows better. She just doesn't care.

Birthers may be a bit delusional, but there's nothing at all inherently racist in asking their questions under the circumstances.

And there was absolutely nothing racist in Mitt's lame little quip.

The claims made by nutters like cornycane are just intentionally dishonest propaganda efforts.

The President produced his birth certificate. Any questions that remain are based on racism or simply out of abject stupidity.
People who don't think Ryan had an impact are whoring just as bad as Cutter/Shultz.

Real Clear saw the average drop from 4.3 in Obama's favor to 1.0 in Obama's favor. The swing states have tightened up.

Talk about delusional.

Yeah, Romney was ahead in Florida before the Ryan appointment. Now it's a dead heat although the President hasn't been there in about a month.

Obama has it in the bag!
The President produced his birth certificate. Any questions that remain are based on racism or simply out of abject stupidity.

Any accusations or "racism" are based on fucknuttery or abject stupidity.

You demagogues are scum, screaming "RACIST" at everyone who has political differences demeans the concept or racism and reveals you as irrational and dishonest.
The President produced his birth certificate. Any questions that remain are based on racism or simply out of abject stupidity.

Any accusations or "racism" are based on fucknuttery or abject stupidity.

You demagogues are scum, screaming "RACIST" at everyone who has political differences demeans the concept or racism and reveals you as irrational and dishonest.

It's all they've got at this point. That will be the excuse for when Obama loses. It was racist America coming out insuring he failed.
Look, you're a fucknut. You're irrational and filled with hate.

Still, it probably has a hell of a lot more to do with his father being a foreign national, doncha think?

Yeah, you spew shit because you're a leftist demagogue and you have no integrity, but don't you think there is small chance people question your little tin god's birth because his father was from Kenya?

cornycane knows better. She just doesn't care.

Birthers may be a bit delusional, but there's nothing at all inherently racist in asking their questions under the circumstances.

And there was absolutely nothing racist in Mitt's lame little quip.

The claims made by nutters like cornycane are just intentionally dishonest propaganda efforts.

The President produced his birth certificate. Any questions that remain are based on racism or simply out of abject stupidity.

Wrong, nutbar. He did, however, provide the certification of live birth.

Also, the questions that remain are his own fault.

Plus, his own website SUGGESTED it's ok to joke about the topic:

Barack Obama, there is a store where a person can buy a range of products to advertise that they are an Obama supporter. Looking through the store, I was surprised to find three offerings that explicitly referenced the so-called ‘birther’ controversy:

There’s really no way to make the conspiracy about President Obama’s birth certificate completely go away, so we might as well laugh at it — and make sure as many people as possible are in on the joke. Get your Obama birth certificate Made in the USA mug today. $22.50
-- President Obama's Website Suggests Telling Jokes About 'Birther' Controversy? | Opinion - Conservative NOTE: IT appears the thin skinned President took down those comical references.

Maybe the President is the racist, then?
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You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer, they've created their own reality, and are happy to live there

Arguing with you is like arguing with a Klansman

Well, probably seems like that to you, since you never seem to win an argument with anyone...
You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer, they've created their own reality, and are happy to live there.

In your reality, you have an elaborate conspiracy going back to 1961 that thousands of people were involved in the coverup, and even though Hillary Clinton and John McCain couldn't prove the fraud, you can because you read something on the internet somewhere.

Is Barack Obama a Natural-Born Citizen? - Urban Legends

It's pretty clear you're off you rocker.

You're like a male version of truthmatters.


Why don't you try answering the point?

If Obama was really born in Kenya, how is it that Hillary Clinton or John McCain, who had MILLIONS to spend on oppossition research, were unable to prove this, but gosh darn, you and Gatsby and a hundred other racist losers are able to prove this vast (and largely illogical) conspiracy to be true.

I'm still trying to figure out what plan Obama folks had in mind when they snuck him into Keyna.
When the disaster is over, and they figure out they've lost a lot of Republicans because the party has gone so crazy, they'll be asking how to get me back.

And my response is - start giving a fuck about the working man and kick the religious nutbags to the curb.

In other words, you'll support the Republicans when they become Bolsheviks, like you.

Well, my word would be "Americans"....

Most of whom work for a living and don't think you should impose your religion on other people.
Guy, you proved your racism by embracing Birtherism.

Even after it was proven once and for all he was born in Hawaii.

You're a fucknut moron, a partisan hack. You're in a panic because you see your little tin Messiah® crashing and burning. You scream "racist" in blind hope that it will coerce others to vote for your ruler.

Joe, go fuck yourself, you scumbag demagogue.

I'm pointing out that Romney is blowing the racist dogwhistles of "Birth Certificate" and "Welfare"... which he is.

Except the media is calling him on it. ANd good for them.

The sad thing is, the GOP has regressed. George W. Bush moved away from this kind of nonsense, to his credit. He worked for a humane resolution to immigration, appointed the first black Secretary of State and the first Hispanic Attorney General. And to his credit, it was starting to pay off. In 2004, he got 11% f the black vote (best performance for the GOP since 1984) and 44% of the Hispanic vote.

But Romney figures he's not going to get anywhere near that, so he's trying to stoke white anger, figuring the economy is just bad enough for him to get away with it.
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Well, my word would be "Americans"....

Most of whom work for a living and don't think you should impose your religion on other people.

Admit it, you hate Mitt Romney because he's white.

You hold your Bolshevik views because you're a racist.

You support Obama because of your racism.
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