Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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Sorry bout that,

The idea of Obama spending another four years in the White House fills me with dread. I can only hope enough Americans are awake to make the difference in Nov. You'd think anyone with any sense could take a quick look at this weasel's record and it would be a no-brainer. NO WAY do we put this Obamanation back in office. The consequences are too terrible to contemplate.

1. Yeah, its kinda wow, how bat shit crazy people in America, would vote again for Obama, right?
2. But, look around, the DNC is having Muslims in to rub elbows with at their convention, now thats some bat shit crazy shit right there!!!!!
3. Its his idea, Obama's.
4. Because he is a Muslim, and he is going to come out of the Muslim closet during the convention!!!!!!
5. You heard it here first!!!!!!:badgrin:

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Sorry bout that,

The idea of Obama spending another four years in the White House fills me with dread. I can only hope enough Americans are awake to make the difference in Nov. You'd think anyone with any sense could take a quick look at this weasel's record and it would be a no-brainer. NO WAY do we put this Obamanation back in office. The consequences are too terrible to contemplate.

1. Yeah, its kinda wow, how bat shit crazy people in America, would vote again for Obama, right?
2. But, look around, the DNC is having Muslims in to rub elbows with at their convention, now thats some bat shit crazy shit right there!!!!!
3. Its his idea, Obama's.
4. Because he is a Muslim, and he is going to come out of the Muslim closet during the convention!!!!!!
5. You heard it here first!!!!!!:badgrin:


Yup, a two hour Muslim prayer session in conjunction with the DNC.

Kind of spells out how the war on terror is going in the Democrat Party.

They've thrown in with the enemy.
4Yup, a two hour Muslim prayer session in conjunction with the DNC.

Kind of spells out how the war on terror is going in the Democrat Party.

They've thrown in with the enemy.

What about that secularism thingy the Dems have harped on for years now?

Here's a good place to tell me animus towards Obama isn't based on Racism.

Anyone want to make that argument, now would be the time.

When I saw that, race never occurred to me.

It has to do with their obvious difference (skin color) and obvious similarities (both are incompetent).

Maybe I just don't sweat it like I should. :doubt:
Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th President, because he served non-consecutive terms.

Do you want a cookie?

I'm sure they skipped over that in Home SKule, Cleetus.

What's a "skule," racist?

Is it your claim that all white people, whom you hate, were taught in a shack in West Virginia?

What are you trying to convey, racist?

No, just stupid Teabagging morons like you.

The kind that scream "Get your Gummit Hands off my Medicare."
The kind that think dinosaurs are gone because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.
The kind that think Obama was born in Keyna.
The kind that refer to the Civil War as "the War between the States".

I could come up with a full list of the crazy the GOP has felt a need to pander to, instead of mocking and ignoring, but you get the idea...

Here's a good place to tell me animus towards Obama isn't based on Racism.

Anyone want to make that argument, now would be the time.

When I saw that, race never occurred to me.

It has to do with their obvious difference (skin color) and obvious similarities (both are incompetent).

Maybe I just don't sweat it like I should. :doubt:

Coming from a man whose cult's bible says black skin is a curse of Cain, and that didn't allow black folks to become members until 1978... um, yeah....
You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer, they've created their own reality, and are happy to live there.

In your reality, you have an elaborate conspiracy going back to 1961 that thousands of people were involved in the coverup, and even though Hillary Clinton and John McCain couldn't prove the fraud, you can because you read something on the internet somewhere.

Is Barack Obama a Natural-Born Citizen? - Urban Legends

You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer

They make more sense than you do. And even if many of them believe crazy theories; you have a propensity to ignore simple truths.

And of course people are involved in the cover-up. You can't pull off a major scandal without players.

I'm still trying to figure out why there would be a coverup to start with...

I mean, what were Barak Senior and Ann trying to pull, exactly, by having little Barack born in Keyna?

"Ooooh, we're going to have him born in Keyna, then fake his birth in Hawaii by taking out fake birth announcements, so that in 50 years he can be President."

It kind of makes no sense. There really was no good reason to take a very pregnant woman to a third world country for weekend so she could give birth there.
You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer, they've created their own reality, and are happy to live there.

In your reality, you have an elaborate conspiracy going back to 1961 that thousands of people were involved in the coverup, and even though Hillary Clinton and John McCain couldn't prove the fraud, you can because you read something on the internet somewhere.

Is Barack Obama a Natural-Born Citizen? - Urban Legends

You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer

They make more sense than you do. And even if many of them believe crazy theories; you have a propensity to ignore simple truths.

And of course people are involved in the cover-up. You can't pull off a major scandal without players.

I'm still trying to figure out why there would be a coverup to start with...

I mean, what were Barak Senior and Ann trying to pull, exactly, by having little Barack born in Keyna?

"Ooooh, we're going to have him born in Keyna, then fake his birth in Hawaii by taking out fake birth announcements, so that in 50 years he can be President."

It kind of makes no sense. There really was no good reason to take a very pregnant woman to a third world country for weekend so she could give birth there.

Whats really sad is that the same people who reject 9/11 theories based on how unbelievable the scenarios are (fake planes, getting NORAD to stand down, bombs in the Pentagon/WTC, missiles fired at the Pentagon, USAF shoot down of Flight 93--pick em) readily buy into this cockamamie scenario with even less proof.
I'm still trying to figure out why there would be a coverup to start with...

I mean, what were Barak Senior and Ann trying to pull, exactly, by having little Barack born in Keyna?

"Ooooh, we're going to have him born in Keyna, then fake his birth in Hawaii by taking out fake birth announcements, so that in 50 years he can be President."

It kind of makes no sense. There really was no good reason to take a very pregnant woman to a third world country for weekend so she could give birth there.

Of course, Joe, it makes no sense because you are distorting what these people are claiming into making no sense. Do you really think that proves something?

I believe Obama is a natural born US citizen, but thats because I dont believe Obama's claims to having been born in Kenya were true when he was trying to sell his books and get funding to attend college.

But it is plain he is hiding something and the pure hypoicrisy of refusing to give full public access to his birth data and school records while at the same time slamming Romney for not making public his tax records is just beyond normal hypocrisy and approaching schizophrenia. That would make Obama a schizo narcicist President of legendary proportions, far surpassing Nixon or Wilson.
They make more sense than you do. And even if many of them believe crazy theories; you have a propensity to ignore simple truths.

And of course people are involved in the cover-up. You can't pull off a major scandal without players.

I'm still trying to figure out why there would be a coverup to start with...

I mean, what were Barak Senior and Ann trying to pull, exactly, by having little Barack born in Keyna?

"Ooooh, we're going to have him born in Keyna, then fake his birth in Hawaii by taking out fake birth announcements, so that in 50 years he can be President."

It kind of makes no sense. There really was no good reason to take a very pregnant woman to a third world country for weekend so she could give birth there.

Whats really sad is that the same people who reject 9/11 theories based on how unbelievable the scenarios are (fake planes, getting NORAD to stand down, bombs in the Pentagon/WTC, missiles fired at the Pentagon, USAF shoot down of Flight 93--pick em) readily buy into this cockamamie scenario with even less proof.

It is cockamamy because Joe is simply making it up. No one is claiming that Joes Straw man really happened.

REally, some people around here need to take a critical thinking course or two.
Of course, Joe, it makes no sense because you are distorting what these people are claiming into making no sense. Do you really think that proves something?

I believe Obama is a natural born US citizen, but thats because I dont believe Obama's claims to having been born in Kenya were true when he was trying to sell his books and get funding to attend college.

But it is plain he is hiding something and the pure hypoicrisy of refusing to give full public access to his birth data and school records while at the same time slamming Romney for not making public his tax records is just beyond normal hypocrisy and approaching schizophrenia. That would make Obama a schizo narcicist President of legendary proportions, far surpassing Nixon or Wilson.

I'm not seeing how his school records are really relevent to anything.

If you don't think he would have had an easy time in the late 1970's, early 80's getting scholarships by just being a black guy from America, you obviously didn't know what things were like back then. Colleges were bending over backwards to find qualified minority applicants. So the notion he only got into college by claiming he was from Keyna is kind of silly.

Same thing with teh "Well, he was trying to sell books". Really? The only proof of that is a brochure that got it wrong that probably had less than a 100 copies printed. Trust me, the guy was not getting rich as an author back in the day.

Romney's tax records are germaine. His whole claim to the presidency is "I was an awesome b usinessman!" Okay, fine. Then please disclose how awesome.

It's not just his tax records the Weird Mormon Robot is hiding. It's his records from the time he ran the olympics, his records from when he was governor of Massachusetts, his records from when he was an elder in the Mormon Cult.
I'm still trying to figure out why there would be a coverup to start with...

I mean, what were Barak Senior and Ann trying to pull, exactly, by having little Barack born in Keyna?

"Ooooh, we're going to have him born in Keyna, then fake his birth in Hawaii by taking out fake birth announcements, so that in 50 years he can be President."

It kind of makes no sense. There really was no good reason to take a very pregnant woman to a third world country for weekend so she could give birth there.

Whats really sad is that the same people who reject 9/11 theories based on how unbelievable the scenarios are (fake planes, getting NORAD to stand down, bombs in the Pentagon/WTC, missiles fired at the Pentagon, USAF shoot down of Flight 93--pick em) readily buy into this cockamamie scenario with even less proof.

It is cockamamy because Joe is simply making it up. No one is claiming that Joes Straw man really happened.

REally, some people around here need to take a critical thinking course or two.

It's not a straw man at all. I'm just pointing out the silliness of what Gatsby and other Birfers believe.

They honestly believe that Obama was born in Kenya, even though his parents were residing in Hawaii and were documented by school and employment and immigration records as having done so.

But in Birfer-Land, his parents snuck out of the country, without the knowledge of the government. Flew to Keyna. Had their baby there with no record being taken by the Keynan authorities. Then snuck back into the United States, got someone to forge birth certificates for them and placed birth annoucements.

Keeping in mind, this is Hawaii, where the only practical way in or out was by plane.

To give you an idea of how impractical this is... I looked up the cost of a round trip ticket from Honolulu to Nairobi today. It runs about $1800-1900. And that's today. It was probably a lot more expensive in 1961 when air routes weren't as developed and they had layovers and everything else. So it was probably a pretty expensive proposition.

Keep in mind, we are talking about two struggling college students here. Who somehow masterminded a covert trip to a foreign country, gave birth to a child, snuck him back into the US, and then created an elaborate scheme to create a backstory for him because in 50 years, he might be able to run for president.

Even though at the time, being half-black meant he couldn't even get a decent seat in a resturant.
If there is nothing to hide in Obama's transcripts, why is he hiding them?
As for Romney, do you think he's faking it? Maybe he's really on the verge of bankruptcy and all this wealth is an act.
If there is nothing to hide in Obama's transcripts, why is he hiding them?
As for Romney, do you think he's faking it? Maybe he's really on the verge of bankruptcy and all this wealth is an act.

No, actaully, what I think is that Romney's tax returns will show-

1) He was highly involved in Bain and all the bad stuff Bain did after 1999.
2) That he pays a ridiculously low tax rate.
3) That he had a lot of money squirreled away in offshore bank accounts.

All things that will make him look really bad.

As for Obama's transcripts, that's just the kind of crazy talk you expect from the right these days. We know he had a high GPA and earned a J.D.
Of course, Joe, it makes no sense because you are distorting what these people are claiming into making no sense. Do you really think that proves something?

I believe Obama is a natural born US citizen, but thats because I dont believe Obama's claims to having been born in Kenya were true when he was trying to sell his books and get funding to attend college.

But it is plain he is hiding something and the pure hypoicrisy of refusing to give full public access to his birth data and school records while at the same time slamming Romney for not making public his tax records is just beyond normal hypocrisy and approaching schizophrenia. That would make Obama a schizo narcicist President of legendary proportions, far surpassing Nixon or Wilson.

I'm not seeing how his school records are really relevent to anything.

If you don't think he would have had an easy time in the late 1970's, early 80's getting scholarships by just being a black guy from America, you obviously didn't know what things were like back then. Colleges were bending over backwards to find qualified minority applicants. So the notion he only got into college by claiming he was from Keyna is kind of silly.

I didnt say that. He got into some elite schools because, so the claim goes, because he used foreign student slots and funding for such. I think this is a legitimate question so why keep the records sealed?

Same thing with teh "Well, he was trying to sell books". Really? The only proof of that is a brochure that got it wrong that probably had less than a 100 copies printed. Trust me, the guy was not getting rich as an author back in the day.

Say what you want about the brochure, but the publishers dont just make up shit to say about their authors. They may exagerate some, but the authors vverify the accuracy of what the publishers use.

And I dont mind if Obama got rich or didnt, that is immaterial. I am wondering why he signed off on it when it claimed he was from Kenya. Does he have such low regard for honesty that he would make such a fallacious claim?

And what does it matter how many were printed? He only has to sign off once.

Romney's tax records are germaine. His whole claim to the presidency is "I was an awesome b usinessman!" Okay, fine. Then please disclose how awesome.

It's not just his tax records the Weird Mormon Robot is hiding. It's his records from the time he ran the olympics, his records from when he was governor of Massachusetts, his records from when he was an elder in the Mormon Cult.

You know why he doesnt want those records released. To get these things done he had to make a lot of back room deals, and he probably kept some records of what was discussed as men like him tend to do.

What he accomplished, by whatever means, is public. Its how it was accomplished that is not and he doesnt want that publicized, nor should it be IMO. In democracy you cant get anything done without such horse trading sessions being kept private. You know that.

Romney is a liar and there is plenty of proof of that out there. The problem is the public now expects politicians to be liars so it has no traction. So now the Obamites have to go further and show Romney was a tax cheat, and I doubt that is the case.

Romney wouldnt be so obvious, and his refusal to publicize his tax records (that he has no legal obligation to show) is just a way of keeping the Obamites focused on a relatively harmless item and not moving on from that to what might perhaps be far more damaging.
If there is nothing to hide in Obama's transcripts, why is he hiding them?
As for Romney, do you think he's faking it? Maybe he's really on the verge of bankruptcy and all this wealth is an act.

No, actaully, what I think is that Romney's tax returns will show-

1) He was highly involved in Bain and all the bad stuff Bain did after 1999.
2) That he pays a ridiculously low tax rate.
3) That he had a lot of money squirreled away in offshore bank accounts.

All things that will make him look really bad.

Why? Unless he broke the law, he used legal lopholes and deductions. If it isnt what he has been saying were his tax percentages paid, so what? We already know he is a liar and most Americans are OK with that as well.

The Obamites should be attacking Romneys base on the right by show casing his slanderous attacks on previously respected GOP conservative leaders, his very liberal record in Massachhusettes, his reputation for using backroom deals with gay groups that he publicly denied, and some of the slips some of his advisers have made that shows his true intentions once elected.

By reminding conservatives of these things a third of them stay home and dont vote, a third vote but dont do anything more due to lack of enthhusiasm, and the remaining conservatives dont matter because ifthat doesnt give them pause then they are unreachable anyway.

Using a third party Super PAC would just be icing on the cake.

As for Obama's transcripts, that's just the kind of crazy talk you expect from the right these days. We know he had a high GPA and earned a J.D.

I dont think its all about his GPA and a JD. ITs about his claims to be a foreign student and his class attendance.
They honestly believe that Obama was born in Kenya, even though his parents were residing in Hawaii and were documented by school and employment and immigration records as having done so.

But in Birfer-Land, his parents snuck out of the country, without the knowledge of the government. Flew to Keyna. Had their baby there with no record being taken by the Keynan authorities. Then snuck back into the United States, got someone to forge birth certificates for them and placed birth annoucements.

Keeping in mind, this is Hawaii, where the only practical way in or out was by plane.

To give you an idea of how impractical this is... I looked up the cost of a round trip ticket from Honolulu to Nairobi today. It runs about $1800-1900. And that's today. It was probably a lot more expensive in 1961 when air routes weren't as developed and they had layovers and everything else. So it was probably a pretty expensive proposition.

Keep in mind, we are talking about two struggling college students here. Who somehow masterminded a covert trip to a foreign country, gave birth to a child, snuck him back into the US, and then created an elaborate scheme to create a backstory for him because in 50 years, he might be able to run for president.

Even though at the time, being half-black meant he couldn't even get a decent seat in a resturant.

So how is air fare to and from Kenya so costly it is absurd to suggest it happened when we know his father did fly to and from Kenya (unless you claim his father wasnt from Kenya) and flying to and from Indonesia was about as costly.

Obviously, someone was paying their way, probably some leftwing Soros type. But who knows? Tell me who paid for his flights to and from Indonesia and you probably have the same person that hypothetically may have paid for tickets to Kenya.

As to his half-black, half-white status, those were some fucked up times regarding race that defy reason and science. But today we dont subscribe to a one drop rule anymore so why is Obama not just as white as he is black? Because he can get more votes that way? This reinforces concerns about his integrity, one of the few things I used to give him some credit for.
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So much for having faith that Obama is going to lose....can't even risk a friendly wager.....:lol:

The faith is with you demagoguecrats, "Dear Leader has it in the bag." Filthy demagogues like Obama are tossing the most profane libel, maybe they can create enough FUD to make people forget the failed economy and massive joblessness, coupled with staggering debt, that Obama has brought the nation?
Romney is going to get Scott Brown re-elected. It's in the air.

I hope the GOP is ready to govern and put their budget cuts where their mouths are.

Cause it's looking like America is going to give them the chance.

Can we burn Harry Reid at the stake ? Is that allowed ?
Here's a good place to tell me animus towards Obama isn't based on Racism.

Anyone want to make that argument, now would be the time.

When I saw that, race never occurred to me.

It has to do with their obvious difference (skin color) and obvious similarities (both are incompetent).

Maybe I just don't sweat it like I should. :doubt:

Coming from a man whose cult's bible says black skin is a curse of Cain, and that didn't allow black folks to become members until 1978... um, yeah....

I don't recall seeing that anywhere and it has never been taught to me.

But you have admitted to being bitter, so I guess we know where the issue is.

I hope you can get over it someday, for your own sake.
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