Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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Well, my word would be "Americans"....

Most of whom work for a living and don't think you should impose your religion on other people.

Admit it, you hate Mitt Romney because he's white.

You hold your Bolshevik views because you're a racist.

You support Obama because of your racism.

Once again, Uncensored spends his posts telling other people what they think and feel....regardless of what they really think and feel.
Linky, linky, plz. thx.

Go up, He repeats the racist Birther bullshit.

Birthers are Racists.
I'm sorry... While I'm no fan of Obama... That's an idiotic stance. Questioning where someone is born, even if it's been proven, isn't racist.

No, actually, it is.

How many other presidents have had the place of their birth questioned? Ever? None.

How many of them were white males. All 42 of them*.

(*While Obama is the 44th president, only 42 men have held the office.)
Well, my word would be "Americans"....

Most of whom work for a living and don't think you should impose your religion on other people.

Admit it, you hate Mitt Romney because he's white.

You hold your Bolshevik views because you're a racist.

You support Obama because of your racism.

Nah, I hate Romney because he's a Mormon. And a douchebag. And a liar. And a flip-flopper, and now, apparently a racist, too.
No, actually, it is.

You only support Obama because you're a racist and hate white people.

How many other presidents have had the place of their birth questioned? Ever? None.

How many other had parents who were not American citizens?

So your question is stupid, and you only ask it because you're a racist.

How many of them were white males. All 42 of them*.

And you hate whites, racist.

(*While Obama is the 44th president, only 42 men have held the office.)


Good to know that only two presidents have held office for more than one term.......
(*While Obama is the 44th president, only 42 men have held the office.)


Good to know that only two presidents have held office for more than one term.......

Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th President, because he served non-consecutive terms.

I'm sure they skipped over that in Home SKule, Cleetus.
Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th President, because he served non-consecutive terms.

Do you want a cookie?

I'm sure they skipped over that in Home SKule, Cleetus.

What's a "skule," racist?

Is it your claim that all white people, whom you hate, were taught in a shack in West Virginia?

What are you trying to convey, racist?
You mean the meme you say we all believe. :lol::lol:

I'm just going by the shit that mindless fucks like JoeB, Rinita, TruthMatters, and the rest of the USMB leftist brain trust are spewing.

I don't believe Obama is going to lose. Would you like a friendly wager on it?

At this point, it's a tight race, with the demagogues playing as dirty as possible. I suspect that Romney will win, but it's too close to call. No doubt Obama will follow up his claim that Romney murdered a women by some claim that he raped women and kept them from sacred abortion, or some shit. So who knows the effect of the libel and slander your shameful party, and fucktard Obama are spewing, will have.
You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer, they've created their own reality, and are happy to live there.

In your reality, you have an elaborate conspiracy going back to 1961 that thousands of people were involved in the coverup, and even though Hillary Clinton and John McCain couldn't prove the fraud, you can because you read something on the internet somewhere.

Is Barack Obama a Natural-Born Citizen? - Urban Legends

You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer

They make more sense than you do. And even if many of them believe crazy theories; you have a propensity to ignore simple truths.

And of course people are involved in the cover-up. You can't pull off a major scandal without players.
Well, my word would be "Americans"....

Most of whom work for a living and don't think you should impose your religion on other people.

Admit it, you hate Mitt Romney because he's white.

You hold your Bolshevik views because you're a racist.

You support Obama because of your racism.

Once again, Uncensored spends his posts telling other people what they think and feel....regardless of what they really think and feel.

He gives the world a superiority complex.
Ohhh... right. Photoshopped.

And all the witnesses were paid off.

And the contemporary birth announcements in newspapers were all part of the plot.

Just to point out how absolutely batshit insane Birthers are, you have to believe that Obama's Parents snuck out of Hawaii to go to Keyna to give birth, without the INS or whatever it's equivlent was back then, for the purpose of having a baby in a third world country...

I'm sorry, what would be the reasoning for them to do this.

Not to mention the fact that his mother was a citizen, which automatically conferred citizenship upon him, no matter where he was born.

Birthers... are... racists. And Romney has decided to appeal to them.

The witnesses? Like the dead doctor and the senile nurse who supposedly remembers a random birth?

Phony birth announcements were common for the sake of conning welfare benefits dude.

And no__ I've been over this with you and others. A parent being a citizen to a foreign child only bestowed citizenship with a green card (in 1961); but you Obamanites can't accept the truth if it's inconvenient. Lies are much better.

Also, even if Obama was born in the states; he was likely registered as a citizen while in Indonesia, and they don't accept dual citizenship.

Also, Obama's own damn literature said he was born in Kenya.

Also, his selective service card has been shown to be a forgery beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Also, there is doubts about his social security number.

And__ Hawaii has not followed their own laws in releasing the short form birth certificate.

And__ the college records which he keeps hidden, likely show that he received aid as a foreign student.

I'm sorry dude__ but you don't have to agree with me. But you calling anyone a racist for not ignoring these matters; is just the height of arrogance and frankly I'm considering putting your ass on ignore b/c you clearly are not intellectually honest at all.

The nerve of anybody calling you racist!!! :rolleyes:

Rinata tried to pick-up joeb's loser ball and failed miserably.
You mean the meme you say we all believe. :lol::lol:

I'm just going by the shit that mindless fucks like JoeB, Rinita, TruthMatters, and the rest of the USMB leftist brain trust are spewing.

I don't believe Obama is going to lose. Would you like a friendly wager on it?

At this point, it's a tight race, with the demagogues playing as dirty as possible. I suspect that Romney will win, but it's too close to call. No doubt Obama will follow up his claim that Romney murdered a women by some claim that he raped women and kept them from sacred abortion, or some shit. So who knows the effect of the libel and slander your shameful party, and fucktard Obama are spewing, will have.

So much for having faith that Obama is going to lose....can't even risk a friendly wager.....:lol:
You mean the meme you say we all believe. :lol::lol:

I'm just going by the shit that mindless fucks like JoeB, Rinita, TruthMatters, and the rest of the USMB leftist brain trust are spewing.

I don't believe Obama is going to lose. Would you like a friendly wager on it?

At this point, it's a tight race, with the demagogues playing as dirty as possible. I suspect that Romney will win, but it's too close to call. No doubt Obama will follow up his claim that Romney murdered a women by some claim that he raped women and kept them from sacred abortion, or some shit. So who knows the effect of the libel and slander your shameful party, and fucktard Obama are spewing, will have.

So much for having faith that Obama is going to lose....can't even risk a friendly wager.....:lol:
You mis-spelled "juvenile".
The idea of Obama spending another four years in the White House fills me with dread. I can only hope enough Americans are awake to make the difference in Nov. You'd think anyone with any sense could take a quick look at this weasel's record and it would be a no-brainer. NO WAY do we put this Obamanation back in office. The consequences are too terrible to contemplate.
The idea of Obama spending another four years in the White House fills me with dread. I can only hope enough Americans are awake to make the difference in Nov. You'd think anyone with any sense could take a quick look at this weasel's record and it would be a no-brainer. NO WAY do we put this Obamanation back in office. The consequences are too terrible to contemplate.

I know what you mean but the attempt by Romn-bots to change the rules process at this convention confirms what fascists those ass-hats are. They want a top-down flow of power that starts inside the Washington DC Beltway and fuck all the fly-over rubes anyway.

I am thinking I will write in 'Ron Paul'.
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