Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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No, just stupid Teabagging morons like you.

I'll tell you racist, I haven't noticed you communists as being particularly bright. Some concepts, such as that wealth must be created before moochers can loot it, are lost on you.

The kind that scream "Get your Gummit Hands off my Medicare."

A straw man, how clever.

The kind that think dinosaurs are gone because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

Or the kind that think soda pop and other "carbon sins" make Gaea angry, causing the "oceans to rise and hurricanes to blow."

When it comes to absurd religious beliefs, no one compares to the Bolsheviks and their idiotic global warming cult.

The kind that think Obama was born in Keyna.

Is that like the kind who claim Romney murdered a man's wife, Comrade Stalin?

The kind that refer to the Civil War as "the War between the States".


You're a retard, but this makes no sense, even for you.

Maybe what you meant to say was "war of Northern Aggression," fucktard?

I could come up with a full list of the crazy the GOP has felt a need to pander to, instead of mocking and ignoring, but you get the idea...

Yes, you're a leftist fucktard spewing hating points from KOS, lacking even rudimentary intellectual or rhetorical skills. Believe me, we ALL get it.
No, just stupid Teabagging morons like you.

I'll tell you racist, I haven't noticed you communists as being particularly bright. Some concepts, such as that wealth must be created before moochers can loot it, are lost on you.

The kind that scream "Get your Gummit Hands off my Medicare."

A straw man, how clever.

Or the kind that think soda pop and other "carbon sins" make Gaea angry, causing the "oceans to rise and hurricanes to blow."

When it comes to absurd religious beliefs, no one compares to the Bolsheviks and their idiotic global warming cult.

Is that like the kind who claim Romney murdered a man's wife, Comrade Stalin?

The kind that refer to the Civil War as "the War between the States".


You're a retard, but this makes no sense, even for you.

Maybe what you meant to say was "war of Northern Aggression," fucktard?

I could come up with a full list of the crazy the GOP has felt a need to pander to, instead of mocking and ignoring, but you get the idea...

Yes, you're a leftist fucktard spewing hating points from KOS, lacking even rudimentary intellectual or rhetorical skills. Believe me, we ALL get it.

Both sides have their crazies...for sure.

What is so funny is that the left is focused on them as they attempt to come up with some story to give the dems a reason to vote for Obama.....and are failing.

So they go into witchhunt mode.

It is really a sign of desperation.

Defeating Akin isn't going to help our fiscal crisis. It's going to screw up our economy when Clair goes to D.C. and keeps voting goodies out the door. Speaking of which....it looks like the gap is closing there. I just hope Mr. Stupid has learned something from his latest gaffe.
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No, just stupid Teabagging morons like you.

I'll tell you racist, I haven't noticed you communists as being particularly bright. Some concepts, such as that wealth must be created before moochers can loot it, are lost on you.

A straw man, how clever.

Or the kind that think soda pop and other "carbon sins" make Gaea angry, causing the "oceans to rise and hurricanes to blow."

When it comes to absurd religious beliefs, no one compares to the Bolsheviks and their idiotic global warming cult.

Is that like the kind who claim Romney murdered a man's wife, Comrade Stalin?


You're a retard, but this makes no sense, even for you.

Maybe what you meant to say was "war of Northern Aggression," fucktard?

I could come up with a full list of the crazy the GOP has felt a need to pander to, instead of mocking and ignoring, but you get the idea...

Yes, you're a leftist fucktard spewing hating points from KOS, lacking even rudimentary intellectual or rhetorical skills. Believe me, we ALL get it.

Both sides have their crazies...for sure.

What is so funny is that the left is focused on them as they attempt to come up with some story to give the dems a reason to vote for Obama.....and are failing.

So they go into witchhunt mode.

It is really a sign of desperation.

Defeating Akin isn't going to help our fiscal crisis. It's going to screw up our economy when Clair goes to D.C. and keeps voting goodies out the door. Speaking of which....it looks like the gap is closing there. I just hope Mr. Stupid has learned something from his latest gaffe.

The entire country knows who he is.. If he's Brilliant he can turn the tides in his favor.
I'd rather see him drop out. We can't afford to lose to a woman no one likes. She was easy pickins.
I'm not seeing how his school records are really relevent to anything.

Of course you don't - but then you're a leftist sycophant with zero integrity.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude. It's on my degree behind my desk where EVERYONE can see it - should someone miss it, I might just point it out. Why? Because I worked damned hard to achieve it. I spent nights and weekends researching, writing papers, doing projects, going above and beyond, while friends partied and played.

Those who achieve are proud, they don't hide it.

The fact that Obama hides his records reveals that he has something to be ashamed of. Probably inflated grades based on affirmative action. Probably lower than average test scores and grades. The Mythos of a "brilliant scholar" is a fraud, and the academic records reveal it.

If you don't think he would have had an easy time in the late 1970's, early 80's getting scholarships by just being a black guy from America, you obviously didn't know what things were like back then.


You are full of shit. Things in the 80's were much worse than now. Grades for skin color were all the rage.

Colleges were bending over backwards to find qualified minority applicants. So the notion he only got into college by claiming he was from Keyna is kind of silly.

Then what was his purpose?

Same thing with teh "Well, he was trying to sell books". Really? The only proof of that is a brochure that got it wrong that probably had less than a 100 copies printed. Trust me, the guy was not getting rich as an author back in the day.

A few million here, a few million there - it's hardly "rich." Now a guy making $118,000 a year, "THAT'S rich," according to your little tin Messiah®.

Romney's tax records are germaine. His whole claim to the presidency is "I was an awesome b usinessman!" Okay, fine. Then please disclose how awesome.

In other words, Obama is a demagogue and you need more fodder for slander and libel.

It's not just his tax records the Weird Mormon Robot is hiding. It's his records from the time he ran the olympics, his records from when he was governor of Massachusetts, his records from when he was an elder in the Mormon Cult.

You're an idiot, and a liar - but mostly an idiot.

Stupid leftist is stupid.
Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th President, because he served non-consecutive terms.

Do you want a cookie?

I'm sure they skipped over that in Home SKule, Cleetus.

What's a "skule," racist?

Is it your claim that all white people, whom you hate, were taught in a shack in West Virginia?

What are you trying to convey, racist?

No, just stupid Teabagging morons like you.

The kind that scream "Get your Gummit Hands off my Medicare."
The kind that think dinosaurs are gone because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.
The kind that think Obama was born in Keyna.
The kind that refer to the Civil War as "the War between the States".

I could come up with a full list of the crazy the GOP has felt a need to pander to, instead of mocking and ignoring, but you get the idea...

Oh boy, you missed that Civil War thing by a mile............it was "The War of Northern Aggression". :D
Romney is going to get Scott Brown re-elected. It's in the air.

I hope the GOP is ready to govern and put their budget cuts where their mouths are.

Cause it's looking like America is going to give them the chance.

Can we burn Harry Reid at the stake ? Is that allowed ?

Well two out of three isnt all that bad, is it?
Romney is going to get Scott Brown re-elected. It's in the air.

I hope the GOP is ready to govern and put their budget cuts where their mouths are.

Cause it's looking like America is going to give them the chance.

Can we burn Harry Reid at the stake ? Is that allowed ?

Ah, the Republican plan.

You think that a plan?

Its obviously a summary.

No wonder you Dems cant get anything right.

Defeating Akin isn't going to help our fiscal crisis. It's going to screw up our economy when Clair goes to D.C. and keeps voting goodies out the door. Speaking of which....it looks like the gap is closing there. I just hope Mr. Stupid has learned something from his latest gaffe.

I think he learned three things:

1. Watch what you say because his enemies within the GOPe will crucify them for anything they can.

2. The press is full of lying POS who could not care if they slandered an innocent man or not. Its all about selling copy and advertising.

3. He learned where is real friends are, and that is priceless.
Romney is going to get Scott Brown re-elected. It's in the air.

I hope the GOP is ready to govern and put their budget cuts where their mouths are.

Cause it's looking like America is going to give them the chance.

Can we burn Harry Reid at the stake ? Is that allowed ?

Ah, the Republican plan.

Just a recycled Democrat plan. Oh, and you failed to see the sarcasm.
Romney is going to get Scott Brown re-elected. It's in the air.

I hope the GOP is ready to govern and put their budget cuts where their mouths are.

Cause it's looking like America is going to give them the chance.

Can we burn Harry Reid at the stake ? Is that allowed ?

Ah, the Republican plan.

Just a recycled Democrat plan. Oh, and you failed to see the sarcasm.

With some of you loonies, it's hard to see the sarcasm.

For example....you'd think it would be obvious Sarcasm to state that Obama's parents went to all the trouble to go to Kenya for Barrack's birth, then come back to Hawaii. But, lo and behold....it isn't Sarcasm, it's a tightly held delusion for the Birthers.
Ah, the Republican plan.

Just a recycled Democrat plan. Oh, and you failed to see the sarcasm.

With some of you loonies, it's hard to see the sarcasm.

For example....you'd think it would be obvious Sarcasm to state that Obama's parents went to all the trouble to go to Kenya for Barrack's birth, then come back to Hawaii. But, lo and behold....it isn't Sarcasm, it's a tightly held delusion for the Birthers.

That is because so much crazy shit comes from leftists that no one has time to sort the nonsense from the more reasonable nonsense.
I didnt say that. He got into some elite schools because, so the claim goes, because he used foreign student slots and funding for such. I think this is a legitimate question so why keep the records sealed?

That would work on the assumption that these colleges did absolutely no research on who was applying, or anything like that.

Say what you want about the brochure, but the publishers dont just make up shit to say about their authors. They may exagerate some, but the authors vverify the accuracy of what the publishers use. .

Really? Did you hear about the guy who wrote the book "A Million Little Pieces". He made up all sorts of shit - in his book. And nobody cared or noticed until it got recommended by Oprah's book club.

And I dont mind if Obama got rich or didnt, that is immaterial. I am wondering why he signed off on it when it claimed he was from Kenya. Does he have such low regard for honesty that he would make such a fallacious claim?.

Or that as a first time writer, he really didn't have any say. Again, you have to know how Publishing works. Unless you are Steven King or James Patterson, you are pretty much the Publisher's bitch.

You know why he doesnt want those records released. To get these things done he had to make a lot of back room deals, and he probably kept some records of what was discussed as men like him tend to do.

What he accomplished, by whatever means, is public. Its how it was accomplished that is not and he doesnt want that publicized, nor should it be IMO. In democracy you cant get anything done without such horse trading sessions being kept private. You know that.

Romney is a liar and there is plenty of proof of that out there. The problem is the public now expects politicians to be liars so it has no traction. So now the Obamites have to go further and show Romney was a tax cheat, and I doubt that is the case.

Romney wouldnt be so obvious, and his refusal to publicize his tax records (that he has no legal obligation to show) is just a way of keeping the Obamites focused on a relatively harmless item and not moving on from that to what might perhaps be far more damaging.

That sounds like a bit of excuse making. Romney got where he is at because he was born wealthy. If his deals make him look bad, that's his own problem. He knew years ago he'd be running for President, that was always the plan.

The fact he thinks he can hide this stuff is kind of frightening. What's he going to do when he has the IRS, CIA and FBI at his beck and call?
When I saw that, race never occurred to me.

It has to do with their obvious difference (skin color) and obvious similarities (both are incompetent).

Maybe I just don't sweat it like I should. :doubt:

Coming from a man whose cult's bible says black skin is a curse of Cain, and that didn't allow black folks to become members until 1978... um, yeah....

I don't recall seeing that anywhere and it has never been taught to me.

But you have admitted to being bitter, so I guess we know where the issue is.

I hope you can get over it someday, for your own sake.

There's probably a lot of things the leaders of your cult don't tell you.

I can't begin to tell you of all the LDS who had no idea Joseph Smith was a Polygamist.
Obama happens to be doing almost exactly as well as Bush was doing at this point in 2004.

Probably a little better. During Kerry's Convention, he managed to pull two points ahead of Bush in the RCP Average. Some polls had him out by 5 points.

Romney is behind Obama by a point in the RCP average, and his best polls only have him up by one.

During his convention.
Coming from a man whose cult's bible says black skin is a curse of Cain, and that didn't allow black folks to become members until 1978... um, yeah....

I don't recall seeing that anywhere and it has never been taught to me.

But you have admitted to being bitter, so I guess we know where the issue is.

I hope you can get over it someday, for your own sake.

There's probably a lot of things the leaders of your cult don't tell you.

I can't begin to tell you of all the LDS who had no idea Joseph Smith was a Polygamist.

And I can't begin to tell you the LDS who don't care.

When people get up at the front of Sunday School and start telling us that someone is inferior....I'll be real interested to see if it stands. To date, I only know of things Like Ballard's "Doctrine Of Inclusion".
I can't begin to tell you of all the LDS who had no idea Joseph Smith was a Polygamist.

And I can't begin to tell you the LDS who don't care.

When people get up at the front of Sunday School and start telling us that someone is inferior....I'll be real interested to see if it stands. To date, I only know of things Like Ballard's "Doctrine Of Inclusion".

You don't think that's fairly important, that the "Prophet" of your church had this thing for teenage girls, and used his position as leader to bed a bunch of them.

"Honestly, Jebadiah, I have to marry your daughter to make sure she gets into heaven".

The scary thing is, people fell for that. People fall for that kind of stuff today.

Religion is evil.
You don't think that's fairly important, that the "Prophet" of your church had this thing for teenage girls, and used his position as leader to bed a bunch of them.

"Honestly, Jebadiah, I have to marry your daughter to make sure she gets into heaven".

The scary thing is, people fell for that. People fall for that kind of stuff today.

Religion is evil.

Except Islam, which you totally support, because you have a common enemy. (The USA and DA JOOOOOOOZZZZZ)
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