Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It

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So-called birtheism isn't racism. But your idiocy is idiocy.

And my standard is that his birth certificate was photoshopped. And there are plenty of people that can prove their births idiot.

And no__ 1961 laws do not simply state that if your mother is a citizen then you are a citizen. We've been over this dipshit.

Anyways__ I'm done arguing with your sorry neanderthal ass. I could give a shit if you think I'm a racist b/c you're a phony.

Ohhh... right. Photoshopped.

And all the witnesses were paid off.

And the contemporary birth announcements in newspapers were all part of the plot.

Just to point out how absolutely batshit insane Birthers are, you have to believe that Obama's Parents snuck out of Hawaii to go to Keyna to give birth, without the INS or whatever it's equivlent was back then, for the purpose of having a baby in a third world country...

I'm sorry, what would be the reasoning for them to do this.

Not to mention the fact that his mother was a citizen, which automatically conferred citizenship upon him, no matter where he was born.

Birthers... are... racists. And Romney has decided to appeal to them.
So-called birtheism isn't racism. But your idiocy is idiocy.

And my standard is that his birth certificate was photoshopped. And there are plenty of people that can prove their births idiot.

And no__ 1961 laws do not simply state that if your mother is a citizen then you are a citizen. We've been over this dipshit.

Anyways__ I'm done arguing with your sorry neanderthal ass. I could give a shit if you think I'm a racist b/c you're a phony.

Ohhh... right. Photoshopped.

And all the witnesses were paid off.

And the contemporary birth announcements in newspapers were all part of the plot.

Just to point out how absolutely batshit insane Birthers are, you have to believe that Obama's Parents snuck out of Hawaii to go to Keyna to give birth, without the INS or whatever it's equivlent was back then, for the purpose of having a baby in a third world country...

I'm sorry, what would be the reasoning for them to do this.

Not to mention the fact that his mother was a citizen, which automatically conferred citizenship upon him, no matter where he was born.

Birthers... are... racists. And Romney has decided to appeal to them.

lol, birthers.................are..................RACIST
got that folks...cause JOE says so
So-called birtheism isn't racism. But your idiocy is idiocy.

And my standard is that his birth certificate was photoshopped. And there are plenty of people that can prove their births idiot.

And no__ 1961 laws do not simply state that if your mother is a citizen then you are a citizen. We've been over this dipshit.

Anyways__ I'm done arguing with your sorry neanderthal ass. I could give a shit if you think I'm a racist b/c you're a phony.

Ohhh... right. Photoshopped.

And all the witnesses were paid off.

And the contemporary birth announcements in newspapers were all part of the plot.

Just to point out how absolutely batshit insane Birthers are, you have to believe that Obama's Parents snuck out of Hawaii to go to Keyna to give birth, without the INS or whatever it's equivlent was back then, for the purpose of having a baby in a third world country...

I'm sorry, what would be the reasoning for them to do this.

Not to mention the fact that his mother was a citizen, which automatically conferred citizenship upon him, no matter where he was born.

Birthers... are... racists. And Romney has decided to appeal to them.

The witnesses? Like the dead doctor and the senile nurse who supposedly remembers a random birth?

Phony birth announcements were common for the sake of conning welfare benefits dude.

And no__ I've been over this with you and others. A parent being a citizen to a foreign child only bestowed citizenship with a green card (in 1961); but you Obamanites can't accept the truth if it's inconvenient. Lies are much better.

Also, even if Obama was born in the states; he was likely registered as a citizen while in Indonesia, and they don't accept dual citizenship.

Also, Obama's own damn literature said he was born in Kenya.

Also, his selective service card has been shown to be a forgery beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Also, there is doubts about his social security number.

And__ Hawaii has not followed their own laws in releasing the short form birth certificate.

And__ the college records which he keeps hidden, likely show that he received aid as a foreign student.

I'm sorry dude__ but you don't have to agree with me. But you calling anyone a racist for not ignoring these matters; is just the height of arrogance and frankly I'm considering putting your ass on ignore b/c you clearly are not intellectually honest at all.
The thing that will be sweet will be watching your racist heads explode when he wins.

oh you true blue Republican you
now you can stop PRETENDING

When the disaster is over, and they figure out they've lost a lot of Republicans because the party has gone so crazy, they'll be asking how to get me back.

And my response is - start giving a fuck about the working man and kick the religious nutbags to the curb.
When the disaster is over, and they figure out they've lost a lot of Republicans because the party has gone so crazy, they'll be asking how to get me back.

We never had you on our side to start with. You are either conservative and anti-slavery, or you never knew what the Republican Party was all about anyway.
And my response is - start giving <porno reference omitted> about the working man and kick the religious <male sexual organ slur omitted> to the curb.

About the working man, we have asked ourselves the question, "In order to have a competitive business, is it better to ask workers to give up a few perks this year to save jobs, or would it be better to shut the plant down and put its three shifts of 1100 workers on the unemployment line? We always try to encourage saving the jobs as the first line of business defense and community relations. Sometimes the workers realize this is not a threat, but a desire to preserve their jobs in a difficult sales year. Sometimes, even a small concession is rejected by the local union hot-shot who uses speech to inflame workers into slowdowns, sick-day call-ins, and writing letters to the local newspaper editor to encourage further fiscal damage by buoycotting the business' union-made products to "teach management a lesson." This is the most egregious form of parasitism the union world has yet engaged in, and it closes factories and even businesses permanently. When the host prosperity dies, the jobs die, too, even though the management-proposed sacrifice of cuts across the board may have only amounted to 5%, which would have saved the business and kept sales going to steady markets. By and large when this happens, it is a sad day in the community and results in business rental vacancies in the small town business district. When the $40 an hour jobs need to be $38 an hour for the business to remain possible in order to convince people to invest in the business' stock is ignored by the union bosses and countered with a demand for $42 an hour instead, you can surely see how that is a doomed enterprise. When the government takes a business over, it first devalues its assets, expropriates the business at its consequently fractional value, costs for the business double or even triple under the weight of expectations and demands of the public, now the business owner but not privy to its financial rerouting of funds into the pockets of congressional committees' choices for overpaid new executives, often relatives of the committee members. This is blatant impropriety, and its two most famous current offenders are a former House Speaker's BIL and a current Senate Majority leader's son to the tune of several billion dollars' of average taxpayers' hard work gone into over-taxation to grant these nepotistic advantages that do not benefit the taxpayers in any way.

Crony Socialism: Obama Gives $737 million to Solar Firm Linked to Pelosi Clan

Green Energy Cronyism: Harry Reid using political power to enrich his son's client

About your desire to kick religious people to the curb using the Democrat Party as your tool, that is against the First Amendment which says:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

You need to make your argument about other things than establishing religion as your personal anathema against the Republican Party, some of whose members who appropriately speak their religious views openly whether or not others in our party agree with them. We defend their right to say their mind, and we will never kick them to the curb so long as they are speaking about it and not hurting someone. If it is unclear, the courts decide. You are grossly in error to paint anybody with a broad brush who tolerates perpetrators of the First Amendment privileges. heheh
You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer, they've created their own reality, and are happy to live there.

In your reality, you have an elaborate conspiracy going back to 1961 that thousands of people were involved in the coverup, and even though Hillary Clinton and John McCain couldn't prove the fraud, you can because you read something on the internet somewhere.

Is Barack Obama a Natural-Born Citizen? - Urban Legends
When the disaster is over, and they figure out they've lost a lot of Republicans because the party has gone so crazy, they'll be asking how to get me back.

We never had you on our side to start with. You are either conservative and anti-slavery, or you never knew what the Republican Party was all about anyway.
And my response is - start giving <porno reference omitted> about the working man and kick the religious <male sexual organ slur omitted> to the curb.

You do realize this is a grownup board and we can use bad words. (Not that nutbag is a bad word... that would be nutsack. A key ingrediate to "teabagging".

About the working man, we have asked ourselves the question, "In order to have a competitive business, is it better to ask workers to give up a few perks this year to save jobs, or would it be better to shut the plant down and put its three shifts of 1100 workers on the unemployment line? We always try to encourage saving the jobs as the first line of business defense and community relations. Sometimes the workers realize this is not a threat, but a desire to preserve their jobs in a difficult sales year.]

Oh, please. The funny thing about it is, when things do get better, the workers never see what they gave up back. Never. They just pay more to the investors and executives. Of course, it's always the people actually DOING the work who have to make the sacrifices...

About your desire to kick religious people to the curb using the Democrat Party as your tool, that is against the First Amendment which says:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

You need to make your argument about other things than establishing religion as your personal anathema against the Republican Party, some of whose members who appropriately speak their religious views openly whether or not others in our party agree with them. We defend their right to say their mind, and we will never kick them to the curb so long as they are speaking about it and not hurting someone. If it is unclear, the courts decide. You are grossly in error to paint anybody with a broad brush who tolerates perpetrators of the First Amendment privileges. heheh

This isn't a first amendment issue. The first Amendment also has an establishment clause that keeps the nutbags from imposing their religion on anyone else.

If you think abortion or gay marriage or whatever is wrong in the eyes of your imaginary friend in the sky, that's fine. I have no issue with that. I might think you are a bit silly, but that's your bag.

It's when you get out there and try to make that the policy for the whole country, I'm going to have an issue with you. And sadly, this is who the GOP has appealed to.

"Well, we took away your great middle class salaries, but we are defending Jay-a-zus against those secularists who refuse to believe in him."

"Dooooy, Okay-doke!"
You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer, they've created their own reality, and are happy to live there

Arguing with you is like arguing with a Klansman
America doesn't tend to accept failure during a midterm presidential elections. Obama knows that and that's why he's hiding from the press (even though they're largely on his side). That's how scared he is. The writing is on the wall. Romney is in a good position. Libs have to cling to their rigged polls. That's fine__ live in denial. That'll only make election night that much sweeter!

Hiding from the press?? The POTUS?? Yeah, okay. :lol:
So-called birtheism isn't racism. But your idiocy is idiocy.

And my standard is that his birth certificate was photoshopped. And there are plenty of people that can prove their births idiot.

And no__ 1961 laws do not simply state that if your mother is a citizen then you are a citizen. We've been over this dipshit.

Anyways__ I'm done arguing with your sorry neanderthal ass. I could give a shit if you think I'm a racist b/c you're a phony.

Ohhh... right. Photoshopped.

And all the witnesses were paid off.

And the contemporary birth announcements in newspapers were all part of the plot.

Just to point out how absolutely batshit insane Birthers are, you have to believe that Obama's Parents snuck out of Hawaii to go to Keyna to give birth, without the INS or whatever it's equivlent was back then, for the purpose of having a baby in a third world country...

I'm sorry, what would be the reasoning for them to do this.

Not to mention the fact that his mother was a citizen, which automatically conferred citizenship upon him, no matter where he was born.

Birthers... are... racists. And Romney has decided to appeal to them.

The witnesses? Like the dead doctor and the senile nurse who supposedly remembers a random birth?

Phony birth announcements were common for the sake of conning welfare benefits dude.

And no__ I've been over this with you and others. A parent being a citizen to a foreign child only bestowed citizenship with a green card (in 1961); but you Obamanites can't accept the truth if it's inconvenient. Lies are much better.

Also, even if Obama was born in the states; he was likely registered as a citizen while in Indonesia, and they don't accept dual citizenship.

Also, Obama's own damn literature said he was born in Kenya.

Also, his selective service card has been shown to be a forgery beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Also, there is doubts about his social security number.

And__ Hawaii has not followed their own laws in releasing the short form birth certificate.

And__ the college records which he keeps hidden, likely show that he received aid as a foreign student.

I'm sorry dude__ but you don't have to agree with me. But you calling anyone a racist for not ignoring these matters; is just the height of arrogance and frankly I'm considering putting your ass on ignore b/c you clearly are not intellectually honest at all.

The nerve of anybody calling you racist!!! :rolleyes:
As of tonight it does not apper that President Obama is losing. Check out CNN's forecast of electoral votes. Obama has 247 and Romney has 191. There are 100 tossup states. But I'm sure Obama will get them. I don't see how anyone can say the prez is losing.

A month ago, CNN forecast 302 electoral votes for Obama.

Even in there predictions, he's dropping like a stone..
Actually, when you say shit like that, all you are doing is showing your racial resentment...

Cause that's what this is all about, really.

Racial resentment? You have just proven hoe desperate you are and how much you fear that obama will lose, sure sign is the last ditch attempt of calling someone a racist.:eusa_whistle:

No, between the "Them Welfare People" commercials and the "he doesn't understand America" and the "no one has ever asked me about my birth certificate", Romney is going all out appeal to racial resentment.

Race and the 2012 election

But click through the “videos” section of Mitt Romney’s Web site and you’ll see something odd: His campaign is running more ads about welfare than just about any other issue. Of the 12 most recent ads posted, five are about welfare. That’s more than the number dedicated to health care (four) or introducing Paul Ryan (one) or the economy (one).

Romney’s ad warns that, “under Obama’s plan, you wouldn’t have to work and you wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you a check and welfare to work goes back to being plain old welfare.”

Political scientist Michael Tesler partnered with the YouGov online polling service to test the question on 1,000 respondents. All the participants answered a standard set of questions that researchers use to identify levels of racial resentment. Half were then shown Romney’s ad. The others weren’t. Then both groups were asked whether Obama and Romney’s policies would help or hurt the poor, the middle class, the wealthy, African Americans and white Americans.

“Among those who saw it,” reports Tesler, “racial resentment affected whether people thought Romney will help the poor, the middle class and African Americans. Moreover, seeing the ad did not activate other attitudes, such as party or ideological self-identification. It only primed racial resentment.”

Romney knows who his audience is.

You're looney fucking toon:cuckoo:s

Not really. I was touting the polls showing them ahead in 2008 and I actually went to a rally that Palin had.


Were you planing to incite violence? Throw pig blood at her?

What would a partisan hack like you do at a Palin rally?

The crowds were enormous. It was really exciting AND I actually voted for McCain Palin in 2008.

Yeah, like most of the KOS Kiddies - I believe you, I mean, far left partisan hacks have such integrity...

I was pissed at what Obama did to Hillary (and the dems) and I thought that Palin was at that time less conservative than she seems to have become lwith her tea party speeches and support. But overall, I still like her in many respects.

But Obama is god, and it's your duty to promote god, through any and all means, ameyerite?
You know, arguing with a birther is like arguing with a Mormon or a 9-11 Truther or a UFO believer, they've created their own reality, and are happy to live there.

In your reality, you have an elaborate conspiracy going back to 1961 that thousands of people were involved in the coverup, and even though Hillary Clinton and John McCain couldn't prove the fraud, you can because you read something on the internet somewhere.

Is Barack Obama a Natural-Born Citizen? - Urban Legends

It's pretty clear you're off you rocker.

You're like a male version of truthmatters.

This link gives several electoral maps from various entities and they all show Obama ahead.

Here is what obama must get past to be reelected
42 straight month of unemployment 8% or higher
46 million Americans on food stamps
Gas has not been below 3.00 a gallon since Feb. 2011
Signing the NDAA 2012
Extending the patriot act
never closing Gitmo
Fast and the Furious executive privilege

When the disaster is over, and they figure out they've lost a lot of Republicans because the party has gone so crazy, they'll be asking how to get me back.

And my response is - start giving a fuck about the working man and kick the religious nutbags to the curb.

In other words, you'll support the Republicans when they become Bolsheviks, like you.
Guy, you proved your racism by embracing Birtherism.

Even after it was proven once and for all he was born in Hawaii.

You're a fucknut moron, a partisan hack. You're in a panic because you see your little tin Messiah® crashing and burning. You scream "racist" in blind hope that it will coerce others to vote for your ruler.

Joe, go fuck yourself, you scumbag demagogue.
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