Obama is Mad as Hell about 40 Dead Vets Waiting for Medical, and so Nothing Happens


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Veterans Affairs official resigns as White House says there's 'just a suggestion' of scandal | WashingtonExaminer.com

And then, news broke that one of Shinseki's top aides had resigned. “Today, I accepted the resignation of Dr. Robert Petzel, Under Secretary for Health in the Department of Veterans Affairs," Shinseki said in a statement. "As we know from the veteran community, most veterans are satisfied with the quality of their VA health care, but we must do more to improve timely access to that care. I am committed to strengthening veterans' trust and confidence in their VA healthcare system."

By the way, the VA announced in September that Petzel would retire in 2014. And the White House announced May 1 that it intended to nominate Jeffrey Murawsky, director of the VA's Illinois-based Great Lakes Health Care System, as his replacement.

That "timely access" line alludes to the topic of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee hearing Thursday, at which Shinseki and Petzel both testified, following reports that VA staff cooked the books to hide the fact that veterans were waiting for care beyond the time mandated by department regulations, with some patients even dying before receiving treatment.

Asked if such cooking of the books should be a firing offense, Petzel couldn't say. "I don't know whether that's the appropriate level of punishment," he told lawmakers.

Shinseki gave no hint that Petzel was on the way out during the hearing, when he was asked if he would "change [his] management team" in response to the scandal. In fact, he said ousters would be premature.

If this is Obama seriously mad, then Obama is an impotent putz. No wonder Putin pisses all over him and Obama calls it golden rain, and likes it.

IF this is Obama simply dodging the matter, he shows the greatest amount of contempt for our servicemen imaginable. Essentially he is saying 'Kiss my ass, vets, you will vote GOP anyway why the hell should I care?'
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But the VA is making sure Pvt. Bradley Manning gets his sex change thanks to Sec Of Defense Chuck Hagel. How pathetic

VA Fast-Tracks Sex Change for Manning While Vets Die on Waiting Lists

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has formally approved the request of Pvt. Bradley Manning, convicted for leaking classified documents to Wikileaks, to be temporarily transferred out of military custody in order to undergo expensive hormone therapy and surgery to become a woman.

As the medical needs of Manning, convicted in 2013 and sentenced to 35 years in prison for stealing 750,000 classified defense department documents in order to disseminate them to Wikileaks, were being assiduously attended to by America’s defense establishment, untold hundreds of American servicemen and women suffering from genuine life-threatening and acute medical conditions have allegedly been left to die on at least seven waiting lists managed by the US Veterans Administration.
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama is busy buying the illegal vote.
2. Military means shit to him.
3. This black man is pure shit.

I'm sorry, but Obama has done pretty well with the military. Though democrats as a whole are not very pro-military, from what I have seen and heard, Obama has been doing well given the circumstances. He fought so that military members get paid during a REPUBLICAN gov't shutdown, and has tried to mitigate the effects of sequestration.
I'm sorry, but Obama has done pretty well with the military. Though democrats as a whole are not very pro-military, from what I have seen and heard, Obama has been doing well given the circumstances. He fought so that military members get paid during a REPUBLICAN gov't shutdown, and has tried to mitigate the effects of sequestration.

Yeah, getting paid during sequestration is pretty much a given for active duty troops, Sherlock.

Meanwhile he lets them get shot down like rabid dogs in the street and does nothing to ensure that they get their ballots on time.
what did baby bush do when his privatization of the VA didn't work out so well?
Veterans Affairs official resigns as White House says there's 'just a suggestion' of scandal | WashingtonExaminer.com

And then, news broke that one of Shinseki's top aides had resigned. “Today, I accepted the resignation of Dr. Robert Petzel, Under Secretary for Health in the Department of Veterans Affairs," Shinseki said in a statement. "As we know from the veteran community, most veterans are satisfied with the quality of their VA health care, but we must do more to improve timely access to that care. I am committed to strengthening veterans' trust and confidence in their VA healthcare system."

By the way, the VA announced in September that Petzel would retire in 2014. And the White House announced May 1 that it intended to nominate Jeffrey Murawsky, director of the VA's Illinois-based Great Lakes Health Care System, as his replacement.

That "timely access" line alludes to the topic of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee hearing Thursday, at which Shinseki and Petzel both testified, following reports that VA staff cooked the books to hide the fact that veterans were waiting for care beyond the time mandated by department regulations, with some patients even dying before receiving treatment.

Asked if such cooking of the books should be a firing offense, Petzel couldn't say. "I don't know whether that's the appropriate level of punishment," he told lawmakers.

Shinseki gave no hint that Petzel was on the way out during the hearing, when he was asked if he would "change [his] management team" in response to the scandal. In fact, he said ousters would be premature.

If this is Obama seriously mad, then Obama is an impotent putz. No wonder Putin pisses all over him and Obama calls it golden rain, and likes it.

IF this is Obama simply dodging the matter, he shows the greatest amount of contempt for our servicemen imaginable. Essentially he is saying 'Kiss my ass, vets, you will vote GOP anyway why the hell should I care?'
I have a question...is the VA worse now than it have been before?
What do you mean nothing? They fired someone over this, they are looking to hold people accountable.

WH's McDonough: "No Question" VA Official's Departure Was "A Termination" | Video | RealClearPolitics


Fired someone that was retiring anyway


I remember when Obama stepped up to the microphone and told me how mad he was about the IRS targeting conservative groups and that they betrayed Americans' trust.
A couple months later he called it a manufactured scandal.
Veterans Affairs official resigns as White House says there's 'just a suggestion' of scandal | WashingtonExaminer.com

And then, news broke that one of Shinseki's top aides had resigned. “Today, I accepted the resignation of Dr. Robert Petzel, Under Secretary for Health in the Department of Veterans Affairs," Shinseki said in a statement. "As we know from the veteran community, most veterans are satisfied with the quality of their VA health care, but we must do more to improve timely access to that care. I am committed to strengthening veterans' trust and confidence in their VA healthcare system."

By the way, the VA announced in September that Petzel would retire in 2014. And the White House announced May 1 that it intended to nominate Jeffrey Murawsky, director of the VA's Illinois-based Great Lakes Health Care System, as his replacement.

That "timely access" line alludes to the topic of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee hearing Thursday, at which Shinseki and Petzel both testified, following reports that VA staff cooked the books to hide the fact that veterans were waiting for care beyond the time mandated by department regulations, with some patients even dying before receiving treatment.

Asked if such cooking of the books should be a firing offense, Petzel couldn't say. "I don't know whether that's the appropriate level of punishment," he told lawmakers.

Shinseki gave no hint that Petzel was on the way out during the hearing, when he was asked if he would "change [his] management team" in response to the scandal. In fact, he said ousters would be premature.

If this is Obama seriously mad, then Obama is an impotent putz. No wonder Putin pisses all over him and Obama calls it golden rain, and likes it.

IF this is Obama simply dodging the matter, he shows the greatest amount of contempt for our servicemen imaginable. Essentially he is saying 'Kiss my ass, vets, you will vote GOP anyway why the hell should I care?'
I have a question...is the VA worse now than it have been before?


Has the VA deleted 1.5 million records before?
Obama thinks that veterans are "Right-wing extremists"

of course

not only did they think it

they comitted it to paper

when Janet Napolitano penned her -Rightwing Extremism

Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in

Radicalization and Recruitment manifesto

— (U//FOUO) Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are
attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing
extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to
boost their violent capabilities.

(U) Disgruntled Military Veterans

(U//FOUO) DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and
radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from
military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the
capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out
violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist
groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from
the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.

— (U) After Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-1991, some returning military
veterans—including Timothy McVeigh—joined or associated with rightwing
extremist groups.

— (U) A prominent civil rights organization reported in 2006 that “large numbers
of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads, and other white supremacists are now
learning the art of warfare in the [U.S.] armed forces.”

— (U//LES) The FBI noted in a 2008 report on the white supremacist movement
that some returning military veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have
joined extremist groups.

(U//FOUO) DHS/I&A assesses that the combination of environmental factors that echo
the 1990s, including heightened interest in legislation for tighter firearms restrictions and
returning military veterans, as well as several new trends, including an uncertain
economy and a perceived rising influence of other countries, may be invigorating
rightwing extremist activity, specifically the white supremacist and militia movements.
To the extent that these factors persist, rightwing extremism is likely to grow in strength.
What do you mean nothing? They fired someone over this, they are looking to hold people accountable.

WH's McDonough: "No Question" VA Official's Departure Was "A Termination" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Books were cooked and lies were told just so VA employees could get bonuses as veterans sat waiting for help and DIED. That's Fraud, Grand Larceny, Embezzlement, Accomplus to Murder... care to list anything else?

People should be going to JAIL, not letting go of some irrelevant guy that's going to RETIRE.

Shinseki is obama's STOOL, same as Holder, same as Jarret, same as Biden, same as Reid, Pelosi... the list seems endless. The entire fucking lot should be in prison.
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What do you mean nothing? They fired someone over this, they are looking to hold people accountable.

WH's McDonough: "No Question" VA Official's Departure Was "A Termination" | Video | RealClearPolitics

The dude was already going to retire within a few weeks and his replacement had alaredy been named back on May 1.

They didn't fire jack shit.

no but the sheeple bought into it

As the libtard responses here have demonstrated. All we need now is for Pogo, rightwinger and Jake the Fake Starkey to chime in and we will have about all of the idjits well represented.

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