Obama is NOT a Good President. So Why Is He Winning With Independents?

Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.
I agree Zander, the election will be about the economy as it was in 1992.
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Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.

I hate to inform you but Romney cannot beat obama.
Who then can beat Obama?

Romney. Easily. He's a successful businessman. Obama is a loser who smokes cigarettes, hangs around racists, and looks up to terrorists. It will not be close.
Actualy he's a very good president who was handed the biggest bag of shytte EVER, and Pubs are "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) bought off scum bags. Pub dupes!! a disappearing breed...
Actualy he's a very good president who was handed the biggest bag of shytte EVER, and Pubs are "no compromise, un-American" (TIME) bought off scum bags. Pub dupes!! a disappearing breed...

America will do better when people like you are gone.
Who then can beat Obama?

Romney. Easily. He's a successful businessman. Obama is a loser who smokes cigarettes, hangs around racists, and looks up to terrorists. It will not be close.

I dont have your confidence sir.

The avg IQ amongst the populace is 95 and 115 for college graduates.

It doesn't take a high IQ to realize that we can't tax, spend, and borrow our way to prosperity. Even libtards can figure that out....
I'd essentially agree with the idea that he's winning independents because independents simply don't like Romney, Santorum, or Gingrich, but there was no mention of how Ron Paul often does better with independents than Obama.

Those "independents" who support ObiRon are just embarresed republicans.
Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.
if the economy is truly the issue, which economy are you referring to then. the actual numbers put forth in terms of GDP or how people perceive the economy to be performing.

econominc growth was near -3% a yeah when he took office. growth is currently close to 3% annually. not a great number but a 6% improvement is huge considering where the economy was going when he came into office.

on the other hand, unemployment has not been significantly lowered. this leads people to have the perception that things are not getting better. with unemployment still around 8% this is a problem for Obama.

the major problem i see with the GOP is that offer no real new solutions to solve the major problems of the country. Newt says he can guarantee $2.50 gas simply by drilling. Romney's, Santorum's and Newts budgets all add to the deficit and debt in large numbers. Paul is the only one who cuts the deficit immediately, but he does so by closing a large amount of US bases abroad and cutting the size of the military in the process. this will lead to a spike in unemployment as all these soldiers transition into the workforce that is already struggling to create jobs.
they produce the same idea of less regulation and lower taxes. the regulations they claim are killing jobs are Dodd Frank, which was a direct result of the financial collapse and put regulations in place to help prevent that, and the Health Care law, which still hasnt even gone into full effect and wont for 2 more years. the most hilarious thing about the ACA is how the GOP wants to replace it. they want to replace it with part of the actual health care law. making high risk pools, allowing insurance to be sold across state lines. they only thing they are against is the Mandate, but when Hillary was trying to pass universal HC in the 90's they were for the mandate. so its a bit hard to take them seriously when they want something, and when they get it, they are now against it. on the issue of taxes, taxes are at the lowest rates since the 50's. how much lower would the GOP like to see taxes go? all the way to 0?
if the GOP has real world solutions the current problems facing the country, such as the education gap between the US and the world. getting rid of our dependance on fossil fuels and moving towards cheap renewable energies, stopping the US from being the world police, the people in the middle would start to listen again. but when the GOP starts to drive out good people like Olympia Snowe, they have much larger problems on their hands.
Because the general election campaign hasnt begun yet? Because the media is complicite in Obama's incompetence? Because most people wont start paying attention until Sept-Oct, like they usually do because people are generally apathetic and uninvolved in politics? Because Obama's poor leadership has caused Independents to join the Republican party and thus they can no long be counted as Independents?

There could be tons of reasons. It's freaking March. Until October or so this is totally irrelevant.
Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.

That is the X-Factor I mentioned in my blog. Barring a sudden reversal of trends in unemployment, manufacturing etc... Obama gets re-elected. The economy does not have to jump upward, it simply needs to continue the mild recovery that has been the trend lately.

So you are an advocate of Obama...Admit it.:eusa_hand:

This year? Absolutely! And as every single poll out there indicates, there are more of us who are voting for Obama this year, than for anyone the GOP has to offer.
You may now continue posting about me instead of the actual topics contained in the thread. :lol:
Ol' Fitz was very wise in the advice he offered on my signature, eh?

That wasn't written by an Independent. It had too many right wing talking points. Letting the entire auto industry and all the thousands of businesses that support that industry fail would have left this country in a depression so deep, it would take decades to recover. How can anyone not understand this? Is a depression the goal? Perhaps that's why right wing policies have been such a failure. Maybe the perspective is wrong. Maybe bringing down the economy was the goal after all and we just couldn't believe any American would have such an odious goal.
Thanks for your opinion. I disagree.

When push comes to shove, voters will choose Romney over Obama. It will come down to the one issue that always decides elections - the economy.
if the economy is truly the issue, which economy are you referring to then. the actual numbers put forth in terms of GDP or how people perceive the economy to be performing.

econominc growth was near -3% a yeah when he took office. growth is currently close to 3% annually. not a great number but a 6% improvement is huge considering where the economy was going when he came into office.

on the other hand, unemployment has not been significantly lowered. this leads people to have the perception that things are not getting better. with unemployment still around 8% this is a problem for Obama.

the major problem i see with the GOP is that offer no real new solutions to solve the major problems of the country. Newt says he can guarantee $2.50 gas simply by drilling. Romney's, Santorum's and Newts budgets all add to the deficit and debt in large numbers. Paul is the only one who cuts the deficit immediately, but he does so by closing a large amount of US bases abroad and cutting the size of the military in the process. this will lead to a spike in unemployment as all these soldiers transition into the workforce that is already struggling to create jobs.
they produce the same idea of less regulation and lower taxes. the regulations they claim are killing jobs are Dodd Frank, which was a direct result of the financial collapse and put regulations in place to help prevent that, and the Health Care law, which still hasnt even gone into full effect and wont for 2 more years. the most hilarious thing about the ACA is how the GOP wants to replace it. they want to replace it with part of the actual health care law. making high risk pools, allowing insurance to be sold across state lines. they only thing they are against is the Mandate, but when Hillary was trying to pass universal HC in the 90's they were for the mandate. so its a bit hard to take them seriously when they want something, and when they get it, they are now against it. on the issue of taxes, taxes are at the lowest rates since the 50's. how much lower would the GOP like to see taxes go? all the way to 0?
if the GOP has real world solutions the current problems facing the country, such as the education gap between the US and the world. getting rid of our dependance on fossil fuels and moving towards cheap renewable energies, stopping the US from being the world police, the people in the middle would start to listen again. but when the GOP starts to drive out good people like Olympia Snowe, they have much larger problems on their hands.
Thanks for your post.

Personally, I believe Obama will sink or swim based upon the REAL economy. The one where 1 in 4 people are out of work. The one where your neighbors are struggling. The one where Obama is "helping" the working man by cutting the payroll tax, yet allowing gasoline prices to double under his watch....dah!

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. We have one of the most progressive taxation system in existence. We have too many people not paying anything and too many people collecting money for doing nada.... Reality has to set in at some point.

Republicans need to do four things to win:

1) Repeal Obamacare- we can't afford this clusterfuck
2) Cut Corporate tax rate- we have the highest rate in the world
3) Cut spending
4) Pass a balanced budget amendment

Romney says he is going to do all of those things...
Because the general election campaign hasnt begun yet? Because the media is complicite in Obama's incompetence? Because most people wont start paying attention until Sept-Oct, like they usually do because people are generally apathetic and uninvolved in politics? Because Obama's poor leadership has caused Independents to join the Republican party and thus they can no long be counted as Independents?

There could be tons of reasons. It's freaking March. Until October or so this is totally irrelevant.

That wasn't written by an Independent. It had too many right wing talking points. Letting the entire auto industry and all the thousands of businesses that support that industry fail would have left this country in a depression so deep, it would take decades to recover. How can anyone not understand this? Is a depression the goal? Perhaps that's why right wing policies have been such a failure. Maybe the perspective is wrong. Maybe bringing down the economy was the goal after all and we just couldn't believe any American would have such an odious goal.

LOL! I assure you I'm not a "Right Winger" but rest assured I am labeled often. I think you misunderstood the point made: The AutoBailout was the correct thing to do. But in order to eliminate the "Too BIg To Fail" factor, Obama should have broken them up. For example, If GM, Cadillac, Buick, Chevy etc... were all seperate companies and one of them was on the verge of closing, that would be much less significant than ALL of GM collapsing. So then, if Buick builds nothing but crappy gas guzzlers that no one wants to buy, they go under - which they should.
In the meantime, the Bail Out is accomplished and the executives are now handed real accountability.

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