Obama is spending $200 million PER DAY on his little jaunt to India

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You are the one challenging it. You have to prove its a lie.

Not really. I just have to read your link:

"The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit," a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.

So who is the "top official of the Maharashtra Government"?

You claimed you knew.
It's 1.6 trillion dollars ....half of that goes to George Soros to provide the catering..
Aren't you happy there's so much extra cash in the Treasury that Obama can afford to take 3,000 of his closest friends and relatives to India on your dime?


Roll the (money printing) presses, Obama needs to replenish his Debit card.

“The unprecedented amount of around $200 million/day would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit,” a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.

US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit

I do question the daily amount, if the number of his entourage is true at 3,000, that would extrapolate to $66,666 per person per day, something doesn't make a lot of sense with this math, I would love to know the whole story here, maybe he is trying to subsidies the Indian economy.....

If you think about the large number of ships (I believe the number was 34) it is not an unbelievable figure. There were also a large number of aircraft being sent to the area.
President Bush made several trips into Iraq to show the Troops appreciation. Those weren't cheap. But I didn't see the same type of bellyaching about those from "Liberal" or "Mainstream" outlets.

And it my opinion..it was money well spent.

that was trips FOR OUR TROOPS.
and unemployment was at 5% AND the economy was good.
gawd you people are friggen PATHETIC.
the Obama's are THE MOST extravagant classless people I have every seen.
I can't see ANY GOOD REASON for this BOYKING to take this trip at THIS TIME.
It's sickening.


Economy was good?

No..it wasn't.

We'd already had multiple huge corporations failing and lots of people losing their jobs. They just didn't go on unemployment.

Add in..we had a huge tax cut that blew a hole in the budget along with 2 wars. 2. And completely unfunded.

Only a dumb liberal would consider "GIVING the people their money back" as Blowing a hole in the Guberments budget.
good gawd.:eusa_hand:
that was trips FOR OUR TROOPS.
and unemployment was at 5% AND the economy was good.
gawd you people are friggen PATHETIC.
the Obama's are THE MOST extravagant classless people I have every seen.
I can't see ANY GOOD REASON for this BOYKING to take this trip at THIS TIME.
It's sickening.


Economy was good?

No..it wasn't.

We'd already had multiple huge corporations failing and lots of people losing their jobs. They just didn't go on unemployment.

Add in..we had a huge tax cut that blew a hole in the budget along with 2 wars. 2. And completely unfunded.

Only a dumb liberal would consider "GIVING the people their money back" as Blowing a hole in the Guberments budget.
good gawd.:eusa_hand:

Only a dumb conservative thinks that living in this wonderful country with all it's benefits should be free. Spoken like a true commie.:lol:

Economy was good?

No..it wasn't.

We'd already had multiple huge corporations failing and lots of people losing their jobs. They just didn't go on unemployment.

Add in..we had a huge tax cut that blew a hole in the budget along with 2 wars. 2. And completely unfunded.

Only a dumb liberal would consider "GIVING the people their money back" as Blowing a hole in the Guberments budget.
good gawd.:eusa_hand:

Only a dumb conservative thinks that living in this wonderful country with all it's benefits should be free. Spoken like a true commie.:lol:

that i friggen worked all MY LIFE to give to myself..you speak like A TRUE COMMIE.
and it's scary. you should move to a communist country, write back and tell us how WONDERFUL it is.
Oh lookie, they are building an above ground, bomb proof, air conditioned tunnel for Odumbo to ride in so he doesn't have to look at the peasants.


No matter how this thing is spun... the Obama-zombies are'nt going to care.

They'll just defend him at any cost :cuckoo:

And why not? It is absolutely ludicrous to carry on like the right loonies are doing here. LOL!!:lol: What a bunch of whiners. We are in the middle of a terrorist war, and the president needs to be protected.

Wait... didnt our dear leader say that there was no war on terror?
Its an "overseas contigency effort" :lol:

Its laughable the ends you guys are going to in order to spin this your way... bottom line is, we cant afford for him to go there NO MATTER WHAT THE COST! (At least not with all the planes trains and automobiles our gov't owns)

Its like he is going into exhile... or we are invading India.

I'd be offended if I were Indian.

President Bush made several trips into Iraq to show the Troops appreciation. Those weren't cheap. But I didn't see the same type of bellyaching about those from "Liberal" or "Mainstream" outlets.

And it my opinion..it was money well spent.

that was trips FOR OUR TROOPS.
and unemployment was at 5% AND the economy was good.
gawd you people are friggen PATHETIC.
the Obama's are THE MOST extravagant classless people I have every seen.
I can't see ANY GOOD REASON for this BOYKING to take this trip at THIS TIME.
It's sickening.


Economy was good?

No..it wasn't.

We'd already had multiple huge corporations failing and lots of people losing their jobs. They just didn't go on unemployment.

Add in..we had a huge tax cut that blew a hole in the budget along with 2 wars. 2. And completely unfunded.

Cool... at least I know you are sticking to your liberal playbook.

Oh, and the economy was great for me... and corporations fail every day... nothing new.
They are just dropping like flies right now, and that is a bit worrisome to me.
Bad thing is that even on the fact check, they are not denying the trip...just saying the cost is exaggerated. I get from that it is still costing a LOT.

The number came from the Indian government. Why would they lie?

Exactly. I was just going by what was in the fact check that was given. It was evasive. So, we know it is going to be extremely expensive.

You honestly think a presidential entourage can spend as much as we spent to quarter, arm, and feed several hundred thousands troops in Iraq?

You guys are pumping gas on Mars.
that was trips FOR OUR TROOPS.
and unemployment was at 5% AND the economy was good.
gawd you people are friggen PATHETIC.
the Obama's are THE MOST extravagant classless people I have every seen.
I can't see ANY GOOD REASON for this BOYKING to take this trip at THIS TIME.
It's sickening.


Economy was good?

No..it wasn't.

We'd already had multiple huge corporations failing and lots of people losing their jobs. They just didn't go on unemployment.

Add in..we had a huge tax cut that blew a hole in the budget along with 2 wars. 2. And completely unfunded.

Cool... at least I know you are sticking to your liberal playbook.

Oh, and the economy was great for me... and corporations fail every day... nothing new.
They are just dropping like flies right now, and that is a bit worrisome to me.

Corporations like Arthur Anderson? Really? Every day?
Bad thing is that even on the factcheck, they are not denying the trip...just saying the cost is exaggerated. I get from that it is still costing a LOT.

Perhaps you're reading what you want to into the Factcheck page? All it states is that there is no credible evidence to support the claim that this trip is costing $200 mil. per day. In fact, it's nearly impossible that it is.

Are people honestly so blinded by their dislike of Obama that they're willing to believe even this innane garbage?
Bad thing is that even on the factcheck, they are not denying the trip...just saying the cost is exaggerated. I get from that it is still costing a LOT.

Perhaps you're reading what you want to into the Factcheck page? All it states is that there is no credible evidence to support the claim that this trip is costing $200 mil. per day. In fact, it's nearly impossible that it is.

Are people honestly so blinded by their dislike of Obama that they're willing to believe even this innane garbage?

The answer is: "Yes".
Only a dumb liberal would consider "GIVING the people their money back" as Blowing a hole in the Guberments budget.
good gawd.:eusa_hand:

Only a dumb conservative thinks that living in this wonderful country with all it's benefits should be free. Spoken like a true commie.:lol:

that i friggen worked all MY LIFE to give to myself..you speak like A TRUE COMMIE.
and it's scary. you should move to a communist country, write back and tell us how WONDERFUL it is.

Commies don't pay taxes.

I do.

It's the price of a civil society..along with clean water, safe food and drugs, firemen, policemen, courts, streets, streetlights, bridges, tunnels, subways, buses, airports, trains, electrical grids, sewage, sanitation, highways, etc...
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